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Ideas and actions can cause a shift in thinking and change the course of history.

Where we are in place and time Exhibition Assessment Rubric 2012

Beginning Understandings I can: identify a spark share my spark in a simple way Beginning to Meet Expectations I can: connect my spark to my life to this point describe details about my spark to others Meeting Expectations I can: connect my spark to my life to this point, the way things are today and my ideas for the future use my research to explain why I believe a shift of thinking is important I conveyed a sense of energy that made my work obvious to others I chose strategies carefully and chose to use the most effective ones Exceeding Expectations I can: make deep connections between my spark and my life to this point, the way things are today and my ideas for the future use my research to justify why I believe a shift of thinking is important I conveyed a strong sense of energy that inspired others I continuously evaluated and refined the strategies I chose to make them more effective I can: justify the shift I want to see in the future provide evidence for my predictions about the consequences of this shift from multiple perspectives


I am passionate about this issue and I am motivated to bring about change.


I create excitement about my passions and express it in a way that inspires others.

I demonstrated limited energy I chose a strategy to create energy

I started to convey a sense of energy that raised awareness of what I was doing I chose strategies that I thought would work best


I know what shift I want to see happen and I know what the future will look like when it happens.

I can: identify the shift I want to see in the future make a guess about the consequences of this shift

I can: describe the shift I want to see in the future make predictions about the consequences of this shift

I can: explain the shift I want to see in the future provide evidence for my predictions about the consequences of this shift

My effort throughout the Exhibition

No effort The shifts created by my work

High effort

No shift Student Comment:

Significant shift

I think my exhibition was very successful because we shifted many peoples thinking and we visited and participated in many events and we managed to make people think smoking is bad in the NIST community. This was possible because of Ms . Siew because she helped us organized the van and she has been super supportive and helpful and of course if we didnt have Ms. Siew we wouldnt have been this successful and Mr. Sam also made this possible with his outstanding advice and ideas. Another thing that was very successful in our exhibition was ASH JR we entered all the events as ASH JR and now we are known all around the anti-smoking community and we also managed to shift some peoples thinking in the public events and we were really successful and we got a lot of new experience when we were working with ASH and now I hope I could continue this very successful exhibition. Teacher Comment:

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