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Valcin, Dajah

What is Bullying? Define bullying Identify examples of bullying Name of the characteristics of bully and define What is Bullying? Identify the roles students play in the Bullying Circle. Identify rules against bullying What is Cyber Bullying? Define cyber bullying Identify the technologies used in cyber bullying What is Cyber Bullying? Identify cyber bullying situations Describes how cyber bullying make others feel How Does Cyber Bullying Affect People? Identify the effects of cyber bullying on the child who is bullied Identify the effects of cyber bullying on the bystanders How Does Cyber Bullying Affect People? Identify the effects of cyber bullying on the child(ren) who bully Identify how to use technology in a positive way Why Do People Cyber Bully Others? Identify reasons why people think they can get away with cyber bullying others State why they think cyber bullying is unacceptable Creating a Positive Cyber Site Describe how some social networking sites began Explain what social networking sites do to curb abuse Creating a Positive Cyber Site Describe the steps in planning a social networking site Describe the components of an effective presentation Creating a Positive Cyber Site Identify how they personally will commit themselves to stop (how to make the stop cyber bullying) Identify how they personally will commit themselves to prevent cyber bullying(how to prevent them from cyber)

2. Simon, Fregner 3. Portes, Ronald

4. Pierre, Sherline

5. Pierre, Doumervil

6. Oliva, Alejandra

7. Martinez, Lourdes

8. Luc, Stephene

9. Latour, Sabrina

10. Jones, Darnell

11. Jean-Louis, Woody

12. Jean, Rodell

Creating a Positive Cyber Site Make a public commitment to preventing cyber bullying Identify positive way to use social networking Web sites. How to work with your school to stop bullying Ways to stand up to a bully What We Know About Bullying Prevention
Ways parents can help to stop bullying

13. Ingham, Crystal 14. Chery, Cassendra 15. Brown, Khambrel 16. Silva, Fermin

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