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The SONA Problem She is now very underwhelming for a support because other supports can do her job

much better than she can. SUSTAIN -> Soraka, Taric, Alistar (Possibly?) Reliable CC -> Alistar, Janna, Taric, Leona, Blitzcrank Harass -> Lulu, Lux Buffing -> Soraka 100 AR, Janna 50 AD, Taric a bunch, Lulu 60 AP Sona can do all of these things, but to a much lesser extent than the above stated. I have a few minor changes that will probably help her much more viable in lane and in her role as a support *BASE STATS Sona is a harass-sustain type champion that has to risk getting hit when trying to proc power chord or cast hymn of valor. At the moment she is incredibly squishy, and a FEW attacks send her to oblivion. She deserves a small increase to her health and health per level. (Perhaps the same as lulus) *Power Chord (Passive) - Change the damage to 10 + (10 per level) from 8 +(10 per level) to give her previous harass back at level 3 rather than level 6 to help make her competitive again pre lv 6. - Dimuendo damage reduction should be increased to 30% from 20% to make it more impactful. -Tempo slow duration increased to 3 seconds from 2 seconds to give it more impact. (Janna's slow lasts 4 seconds and is more spammable than tempo because Sona needs to CHARGE her passive!) - The power chord should NOT proc on wards. Note: the PC doesnt even damage the ward so it is COMPLETELY wasted. *Hymn of Valor (Q) - The champion prioritization is seriously messed up and needs some fixing. We dont like it when our bolts go backwards and hit minions when were chasing the enemy champion, or when it pushes the lane because it doesnt properly target the enemy. *Aria of Perseverence (W) - the heal costs way too much for its mana cost and should be fixed either by either 1. Increasing the heal to 50/70/90/110/130 (+.3 per AP) from 40/60/80/100/120 (+.25 per AP) OR 2. rescaling the mana costs to 50/55/60/65/70 from 60/65/70/75/80 so that it's actually worth is to use the heal without making it a vacuum of mana. * Song of Celerity (E) - USELESS AS HELL AT THE FIRST FEW LEVELS. The movement speed aura should be reverted back to its old values, no one complained about it. 8/11/14/17/20 from 4/8/12/16/20

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