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Area of a Square Formula

Area of a Square Formula In mathematics, various types of geometry rules play an important role in our daily routine life. It provides various methods, tools and several type of concept to solve the problem related to our daily routine life. Maths provides several types of measurement rule to measure the various things that are related to real life. It provides various types of calculative concept and formulas to find out the area of the any field or circle. The calculative part of any field is considered in the geometry. The geometry as a name describe that it is a collection of different types of shapes and figures. In the simple mean we can say that geometry is an important tool which is used to perform the measurement of the geographical area of earth. The different types of figures are given below: ( A) Square, b) Quadrilateral, c) Circle, d) Parallelogram 5) Rectangle and so on. From one of them square can be considered as a geometrical shape that is formed by the straight lines on two dimensional planes.

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In the mathematical term we can say that a square is a closed geometrical shape that are formed by the four straight lines are contains the four right angles. In geometrical mathematics, a square is a shape in which all the sides are interconnected to each other to form a closed figure. These four straight lines are interconnected to each other at four different points. Due to the formation of square by the straight lines, the shape of square formed four right angles at each point of the square. In the below we show you the some of the properties that helps in understanding the concept about the geometrical shape square. Properties of Square: ( a) All the sides of the square are straight lines. ( b) In the shape of square, all the sides are equal to each other. ( c) Square contains the four right angles. ( d) All the sides of the square are interconnected to each other, through which it forms a closed figure. When we want to measure the size of the sides of the square by using the scale, then we found that all the sides of the square having a equal length. So we can say that square is a geometrical shape, which have all the sides of equal length. In geometrical mathematics, all the shapes in the geometry contain or occupy any type of surface area. It means to say that square also has there surface area. In mathematics, for calculating the area of the square, the Formula for Area of a Square is defined, which is given below:

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Area of square: side * side In the above formula, side refers to the any value of the side of the square. For calculating the area of the square, we need the value of any side of the square. After that performing the calculation process, we need to multiply the single sides value of the square by itself. Lets show you the formula of square by example: Example: Suppose Rubi has the house in the field. The remaining field is in the shape of square, which has the side of 5 meter. She wants to develop the field by the gardener, who charges the fees of $3 @ m2. Find the cost of developing the field? Solution: Given that ruby has square shaped field, whose side is = 5 meter Area of the square field = side * side = 5m * 5m = 25m2 Cost of developing the garden = $3 @ m2 So, total cost of developing the garden = $3 * 25m2 = $75

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