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bar<oded party_boy truly is. Evenin competition with ,Hooker,,, whichis still running boffobiz, ,,Hi',was a definite *;.".r, ;;;; ,i. revetersin the crowdweredefiniteiydoingtheir-part-i" -*a, ."*f, partyt theme. The crowdsarriverlearlv and_boogied in the streits as lhey app.oactred "rTrne the club. The throngof dance-ha'aeb"utanies;;;il;*"nkied with famil_

Sat.,Oct. 10
Shanti,sannual GuessWho,sComing to Dinner parties appeared be a success year. to this fu.l y"u".aorr"io.-."*"t rnuir_ ed to a surpriselocationt"" trr"-"J ji""J;;;;; *.r. " I was privy studio r k";;. i,;;;i.1"i,,". 54. *j1lenough dish to? uu nad l"* 54 to last voua lifetime_I tno* Ui.u,.* ,u"" h3s-byt it was sucha slowweek, I *rrt. "r"d"d;;;;;;;;;tl DeanJones, Scott Wiliams, Dan Golden (who *:::.:::]. rs oneneluva cook)and Dominic Middono recreatbd Studio l-close enough-in a lovely tornu. qu"en ofil;;,;_" LeMay, showedup ancllent a tinge of sophistication the to Todd Binkley ptayedthe role ,rii," i.".r*" *il, :::i:l:' apromb,even when a strange, blonde boy wltl a ialo of methamphetamine aggressively utt._pt"Jio **, ."rr** O, sayinghe wasinvited by someone t e met l. tne-luif*"ri'rrrfr" Probe. "Did you make a donation to Shanti?,,Todd graciousiy "lJh," replied the youngparty crasher :::1"d. with an acJ#

s"y;, ;,t"i,,*'."_.,. STlT^ln::, Bobineck, 1meto .o-. bufor.orn.?;;'fil*3lffirrlr"or, totd

frozen daiquiri,4i*"

his merry litfle way,just in time to Rudd, who was weanng a tiara she must have snatched sr..; C*.ri"" frori u a"fo*"a Ul.s America. Her escort,Robert, showed in a pair of form-fitting' tlouble knit bell bottom.. r au.ia.a t"ofll:-f:Yit Unfortunately, I was relegated to a table of gibberingguppies who spokeof the atrocitiesof circuit boys.I declined to apologize my wild cir_ for cuit days,but I did shut them up when I offered them eachdiscountticketsto the Holly,rvood Spa. Still, it was better than the table of sycophants
fattening) cuisine was gu.lped down bv all_

faces ls:1i'"?:*ii1,Y:y-A"ic""";i;;;;;oi"ii*,n"u,nekidaside and promisingnewcomers.Brdankept the surprisescomingall r offered aMyoplex and disd,,t.r"jr" him bL a night, with funky freaks in boas ilrnrr"ir#rl1"s;l,i."T and .,Showgjil,kli; ing him on



.a wca:n.;ilffi trtirffilTif T,:::*H: o,t ,[fi [i.;

headdresses, gold popping rp_ partiers,Uai.., on *Ja" distribution of :t:li l1:t.r","sly smiley I'ace glow pendants..Not IGn Kesey.s Merry pranksters has there beensucha headydisprayof psych.a.ri. -since *"'a""* Beingableto wear the pendantsaroundyour neck afnight t"pt v"". llras free for groping yo'_r^neighbor fumblingthrougi, or l,i, lockets fo;lslOne of the eveningis 0rggestsurpriseswas DJ Monty Eckart, thu to;;l ol.Fi." I.l*d, ,ho playeda flawlessset of tunesand mixes. F";c;iil;;; ;adful dirgemusic favoredby New york clubbies,.he pruy"a i"uppi, uib#r ru".. that were bt everybody, haven,tbeenplayed-to yet 9:e death. He hit high notes with the appropriately nam"ar"et_gooa Ima:l ""d{; LighthouseFamily and his seamless segue from the manic,,Feel It,,ioio tfr. songfrom which it
gets its original musical inspiration_ the Jacksons, *Can you Feel It., Several scenesters made the cleeision to keep an eye out for when this talented spinner will be back in the area. Then, for the other big surprise ofthe evening, the vinyl stopped spinning for Bnan to lead the unannounced diva darling Robin S., on to the stage. The boys received her live presentation of her muchloved "Midnight" and her classic "Show Me Love,, with wild enthusiasm and gratitude. Her perfor_ mance was sweet and ofjust the right rength so that rhe energy of the


T-shirt. MarkBrackman, *: fi::1l"""::Ti: Ilan;h ln lli:jT:j:':*9x::.]|l.,'l.pi;;;;;;.'#:,;:lilili"ff;; ;;:ilil,jill_:Jfjifll ;f.*.;*:::*:r:*'"l;ilffi#;fi y;l"T:?,::,:::1"j:3ddtilrJil;;###";il:li*:lJ,lli,,1t treacly, iacoherent often
Bitl Brieker offered to .rr""i fr"", irii



| .T"li"*.

Ellis and Lou Simeone. That samenight, the publishers ofBiftjnj relaunched their magazine at Mike Ruiz'sMiau Haus srudio,and ,hrt;-_;;;;ril, *"r. At e o,ctock there weremorethan 600anxi-ous people *arti"g;;;;_side, and as usual the door gorillas fanned rh" fi"-i ;il"; ; ;ff;;"ryone rike streer urchins. Helicoptersdarred overhead H"li,;;";l d;;i b-.r. *u. performing "Othello'

$:;;::3":.JlTFr:dy"."n"-ic.{.",!H;iir#::Hr"j il:11,,:*il:i; ff3;Tn:*:,",::T,,111"**.,nriffi"efi il'"'fl?: f#-Y:lt::-:""'r"t'r$ci'""i"'i;"1""rilil":J3,"a,i'f irr'' nrri", *;"#;fi,T#,* ;;; ffHL.I:::-."I fi- R

ti"o"iua n"t hpfnroany ^r tiptoed out before o-_ of



in thenude. fr"

Diaz, Marilyn Mansoaand R.r" M;c;; from geuing any_ wnere -".*::ll near the soiree. KieA however,made it inside. Has anyone .Ud9 noticed that he looks exactly the sameas when he starred in Andy W"rfrrft-;i.""tenstein,, and 'Dracula'? What,shis secret? Th, ro_.irruiiii. irrr*" and a flurry of "".t guzzled up all of.the vorjka whjls U"ft}""a-""t loan {ars blasted their tunesbetween punk-roc.s cacophonous DJ mixes. MarSaret Cho and ."pp"r'Corti"

F" a.pu.t_"j ffJJiffi it. ,t .ut, blockins

:::*:::"1t:^"*1iTr:***approachedht;;;;;;;r#"tl'#'#; congratulations,our host wore the look of u p*"a i"ifr"r. Start passing out the cigars, Brian! ".i" OT..tnt *e night awaywere;Drew Judge, __ . JasonAnderson, tfames Iflein, Brian o'Connor. ttiichael p;;;;, ;;;i"vrns, curistopher Horde, Michael Delmont-

"; ;;t#;; "ffi 1.:* re#ffi; ilff ; H:fr'; $,fr;:::::l1r i*. sro,,ryir,ao.u ;;;]"dil_ililt? ",':i-*#'i":":: :*l?*

:'n.'*,r'i,1ffi :::""'I^:i1*Tll*"fr t, e""t',Hl-*li'"ffi:l'''rtTHt you not is going y."t"[iial"nrr,;"il".,llfi

The dancefloor was still packeil

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