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DK MASTER AFFIRMATIONS September 2000 May I live my life this day in such a way as to be worthy of all the blessings

I receive. May I become this day an agent of Divine Grace for all with whom I have interaction. I have come from Goodness and Wisdom, and my thoughts, words and actions generate goodness and wisdom in every moment of the day. I am an agent of the Fire of Transformation. My thoughts, words and actions blaze with truth and understanding. With pure thoughts, speech and actions, I am continually lifting my own vibration and that of my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual environment. My life, in all its experiential richness, is a gift. May I live it in a manner befitting one so gifted! I bring forth the Fire of Transformation this day to burn away all unholy, degraded, and ignoble elements in my thoughts, words and actions. I submit myself this day to the ever burning Cosmic Flame that I may be fully purified physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I dedicate my creative flow this day to pure thoughts, pure speech and pure actions, that by my thoughts, words and deeds I may bless those with whom I have contact. I am a burning spark of Divine Mind which seeks its own enlightenment. In so doing, I bring light into this world. May the Fire of Transformation burn from me this day all levels of greed and deceit, no matter how subtle or how hidden from myself. I commit to live this day ablaze with loving kindness. May it cleanse and heal myself and all others with whom I come in contact. Today I fully open my heart to the purification of the Cosmic Flame. May all old heart wounds and griefs be burned away. May Infinite Wisdom and Kindness flow through me this day, acknowledging Itself in all others with whom I have contact. Today I fully open my mind to the purification of the Cosmic Flame. May all assessments of negativity and judgmental harshness be completely cleansed away. May the ever expanding power of Divine Intent create within me this day a generous heart, and open hand, and a soft step. Today I choose to let love guide every thought, word and deed. Today I dedicate my life to the cleansing and healing of Earth. May the Divine Presence create within me this day fresh eyes, that I may see afresh It's holy creation. May the Divine Presence create within me this day fresh ears, that I may hear afresh It's song of love. May the Divine Presence create within me this day a pure heart, that my loving may be whole and without conditions for others. May the Divine Presence dwell richly in me as I seek to do It's bidding this day. May the fire that burns in my heart reach forth with healing and wholing through my arms, my hands and my fingers, blessing all whom I touch. Creation is perfect; we are all loved; all is well within me; I remember my holiness. I am One with the Fire that continually purifies my heart and mind. I relinquish all resistance, stubbornness, laziness, and boredom to the Cosmic Flame. I rejoice in my own purification. Just like gold, I am refined by the Fire of Transformation. Let all my cravings and aversions be quickly burned away. I offer myself to the Fire of Transformation that I may truly learn unencumbered joy. I accept my full responsibility for creating a purified self. May my thoughts, words and actions be dedicated to the purification of Earth. October 2000 Today I choose to live as an agent of divine grace. May all whom I meet today receive abundant grace in their lives. Today I choose to walk in peace and love, demonstrating both in all my interactions. Today I seek wisdom and profound gratitude in all my thoughts, words and actions today. May I mindfully share them with all beings. I am the Light of the World. May all my thoughts, words and actions reveal this truth and demonstrate my mastery of this truth. I open myself this day to the full manifestation of wisdom and truth in my life. May it seek for me as strongly as I seek for it. I allow myself to demonstrate in wisdom and kindness all that has been revealed to me. May this life be shared as a gift for all. Today I am wakeful in all matters. I dedicate my wakefulness to the liberation of all sentient beings. Today I am diligent in all matters. I offer my diligence to all who can learn from it.

Today I am truthful in all matters. I dedicate my truthfulness to the healing of all who have been wounded from untruthfulness. Today I am loving in all matters. I look with love upon all who enter my field of experiencing. Today I am gentle in all matters. I offer my gentleness as a teacher of compassion for all beings. May hardness be healed. Today I am discerning in all matters. I dedicate my discernment to clearer seeing for all sentient beings. Today I am open-hearted in all matters. I dedicate my results to the healing of all forms of stinginess/withholding: physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. Today I am filled with love and kindness. May it pour forth from my being to fill and heal all beings everywhere. Today I present myself as an offering for the liberation of humanity. May I be a worthy giver of the gift I seek to offer. May I become One with the Power of Divine Presence and radiate sincerity and compassion to all I meet this day. I will empower myself to live this day in a manner fitting a spiritual leader. Today I release myself into a rarefied field of blessing. May all I meet share it. May the Divine Presence create within me this day fresh eyes, that I may see afresh all my loved ones. May the Divine Presence create within me this day a fresh mind, that I may be released from all old and unhealthy patterns of relating to others and myself. May the Divine Presence move within me this day to ease and heal the oppressed levels of experiencing in all sentient beings. May the Divine Presence richly bless others through me today. May all I meet recognize It s abundance through me. May the Peace that marks the Divine Presence be evident in all my thoughts, words and actions this day. May kindness pour forth from me today in every thought, word and action I initiate. In a kindly manner, I offer my talents and resources as a source of empowerment for all who may need to draw upon it this day. I am becoming this day the kind of person I have always wanted to be. Today, I am happy and full of joy to share with all I meet. May purity and peace descend upon me and flow through me as my gift of love to all meet this day. I pronounce a blessing of healing and wholeness upon all with whom I interact today. May the Earth be freed of pain and sickness. May the Presence of the Divine indwell me richly this day, pouring forth love and protection for all those lost in distortions and afflictions of mind. May grace abound this day and throughout this night, restoring the astral veils to full cohesion for this Planet of love and beauty. November 2000 I open myself to the wisdom and grace that is available to me this day. Today my eyes are fresh; I see with wonder and discernment what is before me. I walk this day in truth and wisdom, discerning what is appropriately mine to handle and releasing whatever is not. I pledge my eyes to clearer seeing, my ears to clearer hearing, my hands to clearer service, and my mind to wiser decisions. Today I release all fear of seeing clearly. I open myself to the full operation of clarity and insight in all matters before me this day. Today I rejoice in the manifestation of clarity and discernment as it opens me to greater wakefulness. May all my blindfolds be removed in the living of this day. May my consciousness be elevated in all matters, and may I see clearly what is now before me. May the fire of indwelling Spirit burn away all cloudy thinking, all perverse ideation, all negative fixations, all unholy feelings that may arise this day. Today I am wise in all matters. I look with clarity upon all who enter my field of experiencing. Today I seek the sound advice of those who are wise and I offer only sound advice to those who seek wisdom from me. I commit my focus today toward healing the negativity in my thoughts, words and actions. Today I am open-minded in all matters. I dedicate my efforts to the healing rigid thinking and fearful preoccupation. Today I am filled with discerning mind. I will be clear in my decisions and gracious in my offering of support and wisdom to others. Today I present myself as a living offering for the liberation of humanity. May I cherish the privilege of giving this gift. Today I invoke clarity in all areas of my life. I accept the challenges that come to me as I open to the wisdom it brings. I will empower myself with full wisdom and clarity today; I choose to live from my fullest potential. I release all obstacles to wisdom and clarity. I free myself to walk in the world with healed mind and heart. My mind is open and available to receive the full manifestation of indwelling Spirit today. My heart if open and selects to hold compassionate wisdom, kindness and clarity in all my interactions from this day forward. My eyes and ears are dedicated to the discerning flow of the Divine within me this day. May all beings I meet experience clarity and non judgment from my presence on Earth today.

I am thankful for all of life and living today. My gratitude leads me to fuller appreciation of the spiritual gifts I both receive and pour forth. May this day be filled with profound humility and learning. May kindness pour forth from me today in every discerning thought, word and action I initiate. I am Wisdom; I am Love; I am Truth. May my light so shine as to bless all who seek these attributes. I am becoming this day the person I have it within me to become. Today, I actively invoke discernment in all matters/situations I meet. May the living of my life this day be wise, kind, compassionate and full of aliveness. I pronounce a blessing of healing and wholeness upon all with whom I interact today. May the Earth be freed of pain, sickness, negativity, degraded choices and disharmony. May the Presence of the Divine indwell me richly this day, pouring forth discerning wisdom to all those who seek and recognize it. December 2000 I allow myself to be fully appreciative of all that I have and am. I am a child of wonder; I see with wonder; I feel with wonder; I acknowledge wonder in all things. I am fresh with the wonder and magnificence of this new day. I celebrate both in all Creation. I open my heart to healing and appreciation that my past stories may melt away in a celebration of awe and wonder. Today is a new day. In all I do, I will seek to fully understand the miracle of renewal. With every thought, word and action of today, I will dedicate myself to being renewed. I am more than the sum total of my history, my perceptions and my beliefs. Today I invoke and allow the full manifestation of the Indwelling Divine Presence in my thoughts, words and actions. May goodness, wisdom, mercy and fairness permeate every thought, word and deed I put forth today. Today I am kind, gentle and filled with awe and wonder at the miracle of Spirit indwelling matter. Today is both a miracle and a gift. I will use it wisely and consciously. I invoke the full measure of Christ Consciousness as I prepare for the inner Christmas. May I today actualize the inner Radiance of the Star that welcomed the Christ child. Today I am filled with Pure Light. May I shine love and compassion on all I meet. Today I will be instructed, guided and protected by the radiant Star of Compassion. Today I invoke the birth of the Christ Consciousness within me. I promise to cherish It's presence within me. I will look through the eyes of the Christ this day, cherishing His precious vision. I release all obstacles to full embodiment of the Divine. I recognize and acknowledge that I have come to facilitate the liberation of all sentient beings from their suffering. My mind is open and available to receive the full manifestation of Christ Consciousness today. I am becoming one with the full expression of Christ Consciousness moving in the world today. I welcome the new Radiance that is coming to me and I responsibly make it available to all within my field of experiencing. I am preparing the way for the Christ to come. I live today as the embodiment of Peace on Earth. I arise today with full awareness that I am invoking the Christ to live, move and bless through me. May this new Consciousness come to dwell richly in my heart and mind. On this Christmas Eve, I prepare myself to become the Star, the stable, the Child and the guardians of the holy child. On this glorious Christmas, welcome the magnificent inner experience of the birth of the Christ. I sit in awesome contemplation of the miraculous gift that has come to me. Today, I actively rejoice in the profound knowledge of the indwelling of the Christ. May the Christ live through me this day, creating a life that is wise, kind, loving and compassionate to all who enter my sphere of experiencing. Acknowledging this New Consciousness which indwells me, I greet the opportunity of a New Year. May Earth be freed of pain, sickness, negativity, degraded choices and disharmony in this New Year. Come Divine Radiance, shine through me as a beacon on the sea of experiencing, that all sentient beings may know Radiance in all aspects of being. Bless this New Year with profound Light. I live this day in full surrender, allowing my past to die away that I may be reborn whole, without old patterns of resistance, to the New Millennium. January 2001 I allow myself to become fully alive in this New Year. I dwell in peace today, pondering gently the meaning of this New Year. I acknowledge my fresh start and I celebrate fresh mind, fresh ideas, fresh compassion and love. I open my heart to receive the full measure of wonder available to me in this New Year. I celebrate the destiny of love unfolding and expanding through me. With every thought, word and action of today, I open myself to greater freshness and fuller living I am the embodiment of truth and wisdom and I live each moment alive in this truth.

Today I release all old paradigms of constriction and restriction, and I expand the flow of creative magnificence to all I encounter on my path. May I be filled with goodness and kindness in every moment of this day. May I seek to fill others as much as I seek to be filled with these qualities. Today I am fully alive, fully awake, fully imbued with Divine Essence. I am both a miracle and a gift. Without arrogance, I offer these qualities freely to all sentient beings, in the true aspiration of their liberation from suffering. I resolve within myself to live this day fully conscious of my responsibilities and my privileges. May all that is good, wise and charitable flow through me this day, awakening the same in all I meet. Today is a gift. I resolve to live it well and be considerate of all beings with whom I interact. Today I will be instructed, guided and protected by the Wisdom of my Spiritual Teachers. I resolve to live this day without uttering a single complaint, or remark of dissatisfaction. I accept myself in humility and gentleness. I respect the paths and choices of others. I will restrain my ego today from all thoughts, feelings and demonstrations of self indulgence. I will love myself today by requiring myself to arise from all sleepiness and put away all restlessness. I will be attentive and calm for this space of 24 hours. My mind is clear, open and available to receive the transmissions from my Spiritual Teachers. I am the full embodiment of peace and loving kindness moving thoughtfully in the world today. On behalf of the Earth, I release all notions of oppression and domination. I am the holder of peace and loving kindness for all sentient beings on Earth today. I arise today with total awareness of my desire for liberation from suffering for all beings everywhere. Open and clear, awake and attentive, I invoke by my living of today the full manifestation of Spirit expanding in and through Earth. Releasing all need to be seen for my contributions and accomplishments, I designate today to be a day of liberation from the tyranny of distortional thinking. I offer whatever merit I accrue this day to the healing and wholing of Earth. I rejoice this day in the profound knowledge of the indwelling Source of all Being. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. As I open my mind to infinite possibilities, may I be vast enough to hold the knowledge that Earth may be freed of pain, sickness, negativity, degraded choices and disharmony in this New Year. Come, Teacher of Compassion, and speak both to me and through me to others, that all sentient beings may know the One Who indwells me in all aspects of my being. I live this day in full connection to all that is; I release my ego's need to assert itself, and I fall into Divine Essence with blissful abandon. February 2001 I am the child of Goodness and Wisdom and I honor my cosmic parents in all that I think, say and do. Father Goodness and Mother Wisdom are alive within me, blessing and honoring all with whom I meet today. Goodness and Wisdom guide my thoughts, words and actions in all areas of my life. Goodness and Wisdom are abundant and free flowing, coming to me from all I meet. The flow of Goodness and Wisdom is the spiritual lineage which has brought me forth and is the lineage I pass along. Today I will demonstrate my Royal Lineage in all my interactions with other sentient beings. May I be filled with Grace today, that I may pour it forth to others. May Joy enter my entire being and fill my every empty space: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. May Goodness and Wisdom lead me into ever deeper expressions of Cosmic Joy. May I become this day a causative factor for the positive reinforcement of all that is good and kind. May I be kind in my application of Wisdom and wise in my application of Kindness. My presence in the lives of others be like a soft and gentle rain of blessing for them. May they come to flower and bloom with my loving support. May my mind be as serene as a quiet lake, reflecting the light of Sun (Goodness) and Moon (Wisdom). May my heart be full of loving devotion for all that is Wise, Good and Pure. May I this day be fully empowered to carry out the work I came to do on Earth. May I live this day in harmony with my self and all others. Today, I surrender all levels of internal greed and possessiveness to the Fire of Transformation, that Earth may be cleansed of these perversions. Today, I surrender all levels of chaotic energy, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, that the Earth may go free of chaos, confusion and ineffective efforting. Today, I surrender all form of disempowered behavior, whether manifesting as over worthiness or unworthiness, that the Earth may experience liberation and freedom in all Her beings. Today I release the blocks and impediments which obscure my realization of total tranquility.

Today I release the blocks and impediments which obscure my becoming completely loving. Today I release the blocks and impediments which obscure my becoming fully empowered. Today I surrender all my resistance to the Divine. Today I consecrate my life to the full Expression of Truth and Purity. Today I open my heart to Dedicated Service to all sentient beings. I am becoming the full manifestation of the Divine incarnate. I am enough; I experience enough; I have enough; I am generous with all that I have. Before Earth began, after Earth shall disappear, I Am. March 2001 I am actively engaged in spreading compassion in all my activities and interactions today. Compassion goes beforem, behind me, above me and beneath me as I move through this day. Today I am walk as the living embodiment of gentle compassion. All who meet me will benefit from my commitment of this embodiment. I am the compassionate extension of the Source of All Being. My thoughts, words and actions are gifts of compassion to all within my scope of experiencing. Holding profound compassion in my soft heart, I will understand the imperfections I see around me. Today I will demonstate my True Nature by completely releasing myself into infinite compassion. Today is the day of grace and compassion. I will remember to celebrate it in all things. May Compassion enter my entire being, filling every empty space, healing my doubts and fears completely. May Compassion lead me this day into all appropriate areas of spiritual service. May I become this day a causitive factor for the compassion, einforcing all that is good and kind. Today I seek only to do what is the highest good for all sentient beings. My my presence in the lives of others be completely compassionate and loving. May they come to recognize the Beauty that is waiting to fully shing through them. May my mind be a quiet pool of alive and aware compassion, seeking only to encourage what is good and wise in all I meet. May all who are unhappy find happiness today; may all who are sick find healing today; may all who are tortured with internal demons know peace and forgiveness today. May I be fully empowered today to live my life in complete accordance with the spiritual values I profess. May I live this day in active compassion with myself and all others. Today, I surrender all elements within that are not truly compassionate. May they be fuel for the Fire of Transformation now seeking to cleanse Earth. Today, I surrender all my inner spaces of chaotic energy, physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, that the Earth may be released from destructive chaos, confusion and ill will. Today, I surrender all inner resistance to impeccability. I dedicate my efforts to the liberation of all sentient beings of this Earth. Today I release the blocks and impedements which obscure my full realization of infinite compassion. Today I release all ignorance, carelessness, negligence and slothfulness toward my full realization of infinite compassion. Today I release all negative, careless, negligent or slothful thoughts, words and actions. I actively seek happiness and peace for all sentient beings. Today I all release all resistance to living fully aligned with my Higher Self. I am open and attentive to It's instructions to, and wishes for, my thought, words and actions today. Today I consecrate my life to the full Expression of Compassion, Peace and Oneness with my Source. Today I extend my heart to dedicated and compassionate service to all sentient beings. I give myself full permission today to reach for the Stars of Truth, Wisdom and Joy. I allow all who come to me today to look through me into the Divine. Let there be Peace on Earth, and let it begin in and through me -- TODAY. I know Peace, I love Peace, I speak Peace, I share Peace, I am Peace. I am the Pagoda of Compassion sent to contain and dissolve chaos on Earth. I am a calming, soothing and healing comfort to all I meet today. April 2001 I open myself today to the fullness of my potential self. On the basis of the Power that brought forth this Universe, I now actively bring forth my True Self. I acknowledge my indebtedness to Life and joyfully give of myself to Life in return. I experience the blessedness of the gift of Life today in all areas of my creation. Today I am profoundly grateful for all the blessings of Life. May I share them with all I meet. Today I will demonstrate my True Nature by sharing my blessings with all who would partake in them. Today I acknowledge the flow of Grace at work in all areas of my Life.

May fully comprehend this day how rich and blessed I am. May my abundant gratitude stimulate the flow of abundance in the lives of all I meet today. May I facilitate the abundant flow of joy and resourcefulness in all with whom I interact today. Acknowledging my abundance, I offer both Life and death what I rightly owe. Through my living of this day, may all sentient beings find some level of new blessing in my thoughts, my words and my actions. May my mind generate a stream of living blessing with its creative thought process. May the world be a better place for my mental efforts today. May my feelings generate a stream of living blessing as it seeks new and harmonious levels of active compassion today for all sentient beings. I acknowledge today to be a day of assessing what is "owed" and I accomplish the dissolution of my debt to my government. Today I cheerfully pay all debts to my government, acknowledging all privileges afforded to me by my citizenship. Today, I surrender all elements within that lack compassion and blessedness to the Fire of Transfor-mation. I surrender my ego to my Higher Self completely, releasing the baggage of any and all forms of degraded thinking, speaking and living. Today, I order my life completely with my values. Should death come to me this night, I will be complete in all things. Today, I give myself permission to die graciously, should soon death be required of me. I release all clinging and all aversion to the forms of living and dying. I graciously present myself to Creation in a manner that is free of my past and completely open to whatever may be required of me in the endeavor of unselfish service. Today I release all impediments to my recognition of the Presence as It seeks to love and express Itself through me. Today I will be completely honest with myself, avoiding tendencies to either judge or indulge me ego. Today I the full measure of Truth in all my thoughts, words and actions. I dedicate this outpouring of Truth to the experience of Liberation to all sentient beings. Today I consecrate my life to the full Expression of Truth, however It may choose to manifest to me. I extend only Truth to all sentient beings today in their own searchings for Truth. Today I will openly and honestly know myself. I will see through all my ego's crafty projections and I celebrate the paying of all my debts to people, institutions, ideas, and Life. I am at Peace with myself and all others as I create my journey today. I know Truth, I love Truth, I speak Truth, I share Truth, I am Truth. I acknowledge both my fate and my destiny as active forces in my life today. I will not try to avoid, bargain away or ignore my date of reckoning with either. I accept and honor my debts for all the Life Force I have been loaned. May 2001 I joyfully arise to meet the challenges of this new day. I am attuned this day to the solutions Life asks me to bring. I am responsible for all I create in all areas of my life. I cheerfully accept resonsibility for what I set in motion, and I rejoice when I see others do the same. I will responsibly, graciously accept the liberation that comes to me this day. I joyfully accept my responsibilites and obligations to others who depend on me. I actively see the privileges provided/bestowed in all levels of my responsibility. I arise this day in full determination to live my life with responsibile creativity. I am an expression of the Creator sent forth in glory to responsibly experience my own creations. Goodness and Wisdom abide within me, and I celebrate grounded, responsible creative force in my life and the lives of others. I bring forth the Light of Creation responsibly with all I meet and share It's abundant presence in all areas of my life. I am the Intent of Divine Mind, sent forth a million (more or less) times, bringing beauty and responsible creativity to all who can accept/receive it. I enter Wholeness now, joyfull seeking to engender it in others with the sobriety of High Witness. I will arise and do my duty this day. I will not abandon those whom I have agreed to responsibly support upon their paths. I will arise and do the work of the Source Who sent me forth. I take full responsibility for the gift of Life I have been given. I will seek those for/with whom I have a duty to love. I am one with the Will of Creation, and I responsibly carry out my duties in celebration of Truth expanding. I offer myself as an instrument of Divine Will, seeking to love and instruct all Whom it is my duty to serve. I joyfully accept my responsibilities to the Divine Plan unfolding for Earth at this time. I walk my spiritual path with the sobriety befitting an Agent of the Divine. I will arise this day with full appreciation for, and application of, responsible creative endeavor. I am continually creating my life in a clean and sober way, refraining from all toxic substances, behavior and thoughts.

I decidate my path this day to the fulfilling of Divine Plan, and I open my creative awakening to active aliveness and profound joy. In sobriety and groundedness, I choose Life. I will rise to whatever occassion Life presents, and will carry out my duties with unfailing courage and wisdom. I seek the Divine in all things, people and situations, and I celebrate It's abundant presence. It is my duty to pursue full enlightenment on behalf of those unable to attain it, and I celebrate this responsibility fully. I rejoice in the opportunity to create enlightenment, and I wisely apply myself to the tasks and duties such implies. I am becoming more alive with Spirit each and every day. I celebrate the responsibilities of living a spirit-filled life. June 2001 I am awake and joyfully seeking my enlightenment. I am becoming this day a beautiful representation of lovingkindness. I am awake, alive, and alert to all Life brings me this day. I celebrate the movement of all sentient beings into greater expressions of wisdom and vastness. I actively look for opportunities to share grace and goodness with all I meet this day. I rejoice in the opportunities afforded to me this day, and those afforded all sentient beings. I release all old patterns of negativity today, spreading active joy to all I meet. I am becoming the full embodiment of the Bhodisatva. I celebrate this opportunity. I am wise and fair in every relational aspect today holds. I readily transcend any/all selfishness. I will look for beauty all around me this day, and will celebrate it as an active force for my enlightenment. I will free myself today from the bondage of sloppy living. I will be fully awake to all opportunities to improve myself. I give free rein to my Higher Self today; may I be guided in all the appropriate directions at all the appropriate times, to all the appropriate beings. I will continually listen within today, seeking my fullest measure of Higher Awareness. I rejoice with the full measure of Spiritual Essence that comes to me today. I will not deny It's Presence. I walk this day surrounded by goodness, kindness, healing love and profound wisdom. I take full responsibility for creating my enlightenment today. I fully and completely resist all diversionary influences that would draw me off my path today. I will seek those for/with whom I have a opportunity to practice love. I invoke the protection and help of all Beings who, before me, have attained enlightenment. I offer myself as a vehicle of enlightenment to all who are seeking such today. I dedicate this day a day of celebration for all those who, before me, have attained enlightenment. I call upon all enlightened Beings everywhere to, with me, create a standing blessing for Earth. I make myself fully available this day to do the work of enlightening this planet. I invite all enlightened Being everywhere to speak through me this day to give comfort, support, encouragement and healing to those in need along the way. I am the Source of, and Path to, my own Enlightenment. Today, I am full of hope and divine knowing. I share my enlightened self with all I meet. I will meet this day full of wisdom, joy, hope and blessing. I will live with courage and practice patience in all my experiences. I see the Divine in all things, people and situations, and I celebrate It's abundant Presence. I will abide this day in the knowledge that I am Whole. I will demonstrate that knowledge in all my thoughts, words and actions. I will reflect all day upon my specific opportunities to create enlightenment. I will wisely apply myself to the tasks and duties such implies. July 2001 I am open to the invitation of Liberation today. I dedicate my efforts this day to the Liberation of all beings everywhere from suffering. I rejoice in the possibilities for awakening that come to me today. Today I celebrate Liberation at all levels of being, and unselfishly seek to share the fruits of liberation with all I meet, know and love. I give thanks this day for the contributions of all beings everywhere who have died for the cause of Liberation. I will live this day with a song in my heart and kind thoughts toward all others. Today I release all negative thoughts about myself and others, sending out only waves of love. I am open to the songs and good wishes of all others with whom I have contact this day. I am free to live this day in happy wonder at the miracles of love all around me. Today I will look for perfection and beauty. I will dwell on kindness and its flow from my heart. Today I will liberate my mind from chronic negative emotions, beliefs and mind chatter. Today I will liberate myself from the manipulative patterns of my ego. May I be continually aware of its divisive machinations.

I will live today in harmony with myself and all other sentient beings. I am alive with the wonder of Creation. Today I appreciate the profound gift of life! I am rewriting the script of my life. I release all my old stories of, and fixations on, pain and lack. I move gratefully and responsibly into appreciation for all that has been afforded me. I take full responsibility for actualizing my Liberation today. May boundless joy and infinite wisdom liberate my thoughts, my words and my actions today. May goodness, wisdom and mercy accompany my every thought, word and activity this day. May boundless peace flow through me this day, blessing all who come in contact with me. In all ways, may I demonstrate my Spiritual Essence in the living of today. I dedicate this day to fulfilling of my commitment to live honestly and simply, demonstrating harmony at all levels of my being. In conflict, I am calm; in antagonism, I am peaceful; in sorrow, I am compassionate. I make myself fully available this day to do the work of Liberation. May I be a vehicle of happiness for all I meet this day. I empower myself to rise above all moments of negligence in which I might bring harm to myself or any other being. Today, I open my heart fully, that I may love even the unlovely places within myself. I will demonstrate serenity to all I meet this day. May I bless each one through my serenity. I experience deep appreciation for the hard places in my life, knowing they have opened me to emotional abundance and compassion. Today I will celebrate the knowledge that I am Whole. I release the need/tendency to experience life through chaos and confusion. May Wisdom's light shine brightly in the darkened corners of Earth, bringing peace, healing courage and strength. August 2001 Every moment is a peaceful link between myself and God; may I become fully aware of it today. Today I will find peace in the remembrance of mountains painted on the ever-changing azure canvas of sky. Today I will discover peace and contentment in contemplating the mysterious mechanism of the human body. Today I will know peace from experiencing the beauty of a blooming rose. I discover peace this day through the contemplation of the magnanimity of souls. Today I will experience peace through elevating my mind to hold noble thoughts. Today I will know peace through contemplation on the depth of love and all things that remind me of the beauty and nobility of God. I know peace today through acknowledging there is One Link, One Life eternal, which unites everything in the Universe. I experience serenity as I learn to be evenminded, regardless of the conditions that may arise this day. Everything works in mutual harmony with the Divine Plan. Today I will open eyes of calmness and see the beauty and peace at work in the world. Today I open to profound calmness, which is clarity of perception, intuition itself. The Infinite is working in everything; I am calmed by this realization. Through the orifice of my silent mind, the whole geyser of Peace perpetually shoots up and flows over my soul. Today I will not worry, knowing Life unfolds its wealth and beauty as I choose to see Divine Essence at work and play in this world. Just as life was given that I might find Eternal Life, so peace was given that I might find Eternal Peace. Today I achieve harmony with nature and all sentient beings as I live in tune with the force of Love. I become serene at the recognition that every force and object in this Universe is a product of Divine Mind. Through cultivating peace and truth, I find the Unity that leads to the Infinite. Today I will inwardly sparkle with peace, joy and Light. Today I will know contentment through plain living and high thinking. Today I will bless others by giving away something of my immortal self: love, kindness, serenity, encouragement and divine inspiration. Today I will remember to hold my serenity by leaving spaces for silence. With a quiet mind and gentle heart, today I will gather nectar from blossoms of the sweet qualities that grow in the garden of human souls. Serenity is mine today as I remember I am a little wave, tossing on an ocean of Light. Today, I will not be afraid. I will wrap myself in the thought of God. Profound peace comes with the knowledge that I live under the canopy of Truth. As I hold a calm mind-mirror, I can see reflected in it the true quality of others. Today I experience serenity by realizing my Real Self is not a body of flesh, but Light and Consciousness. This body is simply a projection of that invisible self within. I find peace this day in the recognition that my trials did not come to punish me, but to awaken me. I am Spirit. Behind the spark of my life is the Flame of Infinity.

September 2001 I enfold myself this day in The Miraculous. Humility comes to me today comes from The Miraculous surrounding me, supporting me, indwelling me. The Miraculous is peeking out from everywhere, seeking only to discover Itself. May It use my eyes. May I today see the miraculous astral blueprint of colored light that indwells every material object. May I today see The Miraculous demonstrating life and motion in everything. The Miraculous within me keeps me inwardly ever newly joyous. The Miraculous is continually laughing within me, like ever-fresh waters of a gurgling brook. I offer myself today as the dwelling place of the Numinous. Today I am the Host for the Numinous Guest. I will fully attend to It's presence within me. I am bringing into play the almighty power that is within me. Today I responsibly commit to fulfill my destined role in a manner befitting the divine. Today I allow The Miraculous to resurrect my Essence from dreams of frailties into the light of eternal wisdom. My spiritual success today comes by understanding and embodying the Mystery of Life. Today I will look on all things cheerfully and courageously, knowing The Miraculous is at work in all events and circumstances. My soul forever abides within The Miraculous, never changing, always luminous. My soul accompanies The Numinous through the grottos of change, remaining ever steadfast and immovable. My soul continually seeks the Numinous, and dreams of nothing but eternity. The short season of this life is the vehicle of awakening to my soul's immortality. Today I learn to relax outwardly that the spotlight of my vitality shine inwardly to reveal the presence of The Miraculous. Today I allow The Miraculous to carry me into the realm of pure thought, speech and action. Today is but a thought of God, a moment in eternity. In my creative living of this day, I will express the divine thoughts that arise within me. Today I will allow The Miraculous to show me the wave of Light which flows through all Creation. Today I will be led to discover the mutual harmony working in everything through Divine Plan. The Miraculous is moving through me this day, calmly clarifying my perception, honing my intuition. The Miraculous leads me this day from the tyranny of chaos to the palace of Eternal Peace. This new day is a work of art that awaits design through the living of my life. I open today to full clarity so that The Miraculous may show me Itself through others. The love that flows through me today is boundless, encompassing the whole Earth. Today I am willing to fully experience the unfathomable Love which supports the entire Universe. October 2001 I open myself this day to the experience of Magic all around me. I bring magic to the lives of others today with my smile, my kindness and my healing outlook. I celebrate Magic and Miracles in the healing that will happen on the Planet today. I am a creative projection of Divine Mind seeking to discover Itself in the brilliance of Creation. May the Magic of the Cosmos unfolding enter my mind fully this day, bringing forth wisdom and perfection in all areas of my life. Serenity if the lens through which my mind sees Magic today. My calm and open mind transforms me into the Wave of Life, which begets, sustains and celebrates It's flow through everything. The Magic of my link with the Divine is known today in the beauty of a rainbow. In the transient and small moment I call this life, may I discover the Magic of Immortality. Today, I recognize and celebrate the Magic that flows from the mirror of introspection. Today I dance the connection of the visible manifestation to the Invisible Cause for being. Just as smoke rises from burning incense, so I will rise through the Magic of Essence to behold the splendor of Life Eternal. By the power of will aligned with Truth, I allow the Light of Creation to pour forth in my life. By the Magic and Power of indwelling Spirit, I open my eyes to a new Consciousness. May all beings everywhere receive this day a blessing of Light from the Love that orchestrates my Being. I am the Flame of Infinity, condensed into a Divine Spark, sent forth to awaken and ignite Truth. My Soul comes from the Origin of Truth and dreams of nothing but Eternal Truth. Truth is unshakable; as It flows through me, it awakens Faith in all who experience It. By the power of my thoughts and meditations, I create a canopy of Truth which protects me from the illusions of the masses. Today I will wrap myself in the cape of Truth and use it to magically deflect any energy that would disturb my tranquil mind. Today I acknowledge the Magic at work in the illusions that weave the tapestry of life.

Today I invite the Magic of Silence to show me It's eternal secrets. Today I hold the Magic of Immortality. May It create in me a wise and loving heart. I am a source of Magic and divine inspiration. My gift of love to all sentient beings rides forth on these.. I am the wondrous child of Magic, the purveyor of the extraordinary. The eyes of Magic are alive within me, allowing me to see beyond confusion, distortion and chaos. I present myself fully for the initiation of Magic that comes to me as my Initiation into the Great Mysteries. I open myself this day to receive my cloak of power and Truths. I live this day in complete balance and harmony with all the forces that surround me. Today I will accept the full empowerment bestowed upon me by the Master Magician of Life. Through the power bestowed upon me, I will rise today and every succeeding day fully balanced, holding the tension of the opposites within my field of Consciousness. November 2001 Today I embrace life fully, with all its potential threatening situations. I know if I face them I will become fortified in my own Divine Essence. I am made free by a strong mind and a pure heart. These are my gifts of love to the world. I am alive and vibrating with the cosmic rhythm of an eternal Universe. There is no force greater that Love. Today I am filled with Love. Love is God's quality of unity that is manifest in all beings everywhere. May I come to know and experience that unitive quality in all I see today. Silence is what the whole world needs. Today I will honor my silence consciously. May the Earth today be quieted from the bombs of the unknowing. May I be still and serene within. Today I will celebrate the peace flowing from the fountain of silence within me. I take up residence today in the hermit's cell of my own deep thoughts. May they hold well the peace and safety of Earth. Today, I arise from the dreams of limiting mortal boundaries. Today I will begin the dance of joy on the very spot where I now am. I will see with the eyes of faith, the silent rivers of divine joy which eludes physical perception. Today I will become one with the Divine Sculptor that my destiny may be a holy work of art. In the inner garden of Consciousness, I will nurture flowers whose fragrant joy never fades. The more I seek, the more I will find. The divine's realms are infinite and rise up to greet my seeking soul. Today I will engender equanimity in others by being true and sincere. Today I will walk in the glow of the mystic light, which silently spreads throughout the world. Today I will be awake enough to behold the Universe as Light. Today I will respect the temporal nature of all things in Creation. I appreciate beauty in all of its magnificent forms. Today I will hold a calm mind, that without distortion, it may mirror the Divine. All things are living, all things are dancing in the rhythm of eternal harmony. Today I open myself the powerful force of Divine Gravitation, which constantly pulls me toward God. Today I will know God as the center of everything. As I witness the changing seasons, I will see the mother aspect of God, full of beauty, gentleness, tenderness and kindness. I am the witness for the unfolding of the Divine in all Its permutations on Earth. May my eyes be fully opened to see the perfection that seeks to arise in every moment. Today I open fully to the presence of my True, Essential Self. I cherish the Divinity that resides in my body/mind. Today I shall become aware of the profound joy which arises in the discovery of the True Self. May all that is pure, and spiritually refined within me come forth today as a blessing for others. Today I will open to life's marvelous kaleidoscope of infinite variety. May I never take beauty for granted! May all that is pure, and spiritually refined within me come forth today as a blessing for others. Today I will open to life's marvelous kaleidoscope of infinite variety. May I never take beauty for granted! December 2001 Today I fully embrace magnificence. I drink fully from the fountain of magnificence that flows from God through all of Creation to me. Resting in magnificence, I remain calm, serene, always in command of my ego. Today I am filled with the remembrance of Earth's magnificent beauty. Today I am filled with the magnificence of Spirit, which shows me how easy it is to cherish all sentient beings. Today I will focus my visual powers to see the world as it truly is - magnificent. Today I will see, feel, experience, know the hidden waters of Spirit trickling through all material life. I see the individuality in all I meet today as a part of the unfathomable magnificence of Consciousness. Today, I will allow peace to crystallize within me, radiating serenity throughout my Field of Being Today, I will fully acknowledge that Love is the light that dissolves all walls between souls, families, and nations. God the Beautiful is smiling at me this day through the synchronized harmony of nature.


Today, I will seek understanding with my highest intelligence, wisdom, love and vision. Today, I will dissolve the obstacles that arise before me through the knowledge that I have more power than problems. I draw forth my creative power this day to obliterate difficulties. Today I will establish my peace on the indestructible inner peace of God. The magnificent power of divine peace is at work stabilizing me within Divine Plan. Today I will hold myself safe in the fortress of wisdom. Today I will achieve harmony with nature and all sentient beings by living in tune with the attractive force of love. Today I will effort to do little things in an extraordinary way. Today I will demonstrate magnificence by focusing my mind on good things. Today I will remain inwardly undisturbed regardless of any commotion around me. As I honor this Solstice, I will begin afresh my journey into the Light. Today I will harvest the seeds of magnificence within me awaiting development. This day I invoke the magnificence of the Christ Consciousness to come forth fully and revivify my desire to be spiritually whole. Today I celebrate the birth of the Christ Consciousness as I awaken more fully to It's Presence within me. May my eyes be fully opened to the magnificence of What is awakening within me. Today I will cultivate a pure heart through reflection upon pure thoughts. May the magnificence of profound purity and innocence grace my path this day. I open myself this day to the embodiment of peace and all-satisfying happiness by living simply. In magnificence and splendor, I release all blockages and impediments to my own full awakening. As I approach the dawn of a New Year, I will forget the failure and trials of buried yesterdays, and frown not at the unborn fears of tomorrow. Rather, I will abide in the magnificence of Creation, supplying each new day with my best efforts and serene composure. January 2002 Today I am filled with gratitude for this new beginning. Filled with the freshness of a New Year, I will cheerfully attend to my tasks this day. I am continually refreshed, revived and re-enlivened by the newness of this fresh year. I will both give and elicit smiles from all I meet this day. Today I am filled with the awareness that there is no difficulty that cannot be solved. I was created to express God, which I will do today through my enlightened joy. As with the wings of birds, my spirit joyfully soars above countless moments of beauty and blessings. Today my joy and kindness will melt the all icy boundaries of exclusiveness hidden within my mind. May I fully express the warmth of my soul this day through radiant kindness and joy. I will step outside myself today enough to experience the beauty, gentleness, kindness and happiness of God, which come to me through all parts of Nature. Create in me this day, a kind and joyful heart, beloved Source of my being. In joy and openness, I will move with the cosmic rhythm alive and dancing in this universe. With joy and gratitude, I will face whatever lesson comes to me today. I will not flee from the difficult parts of my life. I offer joy to all I meet today, realizing that I will attract whatever I give. Today I will unselfishly share the joy and goodness with which Life greets me. Today I will celebrate the good fortune of others, envying none, cherishing all. I am the source of my own inspiration; I take joy in being fully responsible for it. My happiness, when genuine, can withstand the challenge of all outer experiences. I am established in happiness, the force that dissolves egoic boundaries. May joy crystallize within me, becoming substantive and foundational in my core. The hidden fountains of joy are spewing forth from my very core, blessing all I meet this day. Today I will open my capacity for joy, that I may feel it coursing through me like an unseen river. Today I will witness the eternal dance of joy, which comes from the whirlpools of solar systems and eddies of cosmic forces. I am the joyous representation of the Source Who sent me forth. Happiness resides within me, springing up as if beckoned from the Source of my being. I am in love with Creation, and the fruits and joys of love flow through me continually. May all sentient beings know happiness today. I am held safe within the blessed heart-field of the Source Who brought me forth. Today, complete confidence in my Source will usher me to the point where nothing can hurt me. Today I empower myself by the knowledge of Who/What happily indwells me. My heart becomes radiant and richly enlivened by the wellspring of conscious happiness I evoke in myself and all beings I meet this day. February 2002


Today I am whole. Filled with the wholeness, I cheerfully seek to serve humanity today. I am refreshed, revived and renewed as I facilitate wholeness in all I meet today. May all sentient beings discover wholeness this day. Today I am filled profound compassion for the suffering that hides the wholeness seeking to be revealed. As I express the Divine this day, I will flow with enlightened, wholesome joy. As I seek completion with the Divine, so It seeks completion with me. May the wholeness arising in me this day dissolve all egoic forms of exclusiveness held within my mind. Today I shall become the embodiment of wholesome kindness and compassion. I will step outside my little self today, bestowing elegance and wisdom as a gift of this selfless heart. A kind and joyful heart brings healing to myself and others this day. I have come from the Infinite and will draw It forth from those I meet today. As I release the Infinite to others through love, compassion and joy, I am the healing force of the Cosmos. I dedicate my effort for establishing Wholeness on Earth for the liberation of all sentient beings. Today I will embrace my own suffering, knowing it will lead me into Wholeness. The wellspring of Love is vaster than the pit of suffering. I am the wellspring of Love. I am the source of both my suffering and my liberation from suffering. May loving wisdom bar the door of unkind thoughts, words and actions in my life today. I am alive with wisdom, happiness, and kindness. May all that is otherwise within me be dissolved. May wholeness crystallize within me, bringing power, substance and definition to my core. The hidden fountains of peace, joy, wisdom and Light are spewing forth from my Essence, blessing all I meet this day. Today I will heal myself of the mental afflictions which cause suffering for myself and others. Today I am alive with the pure brilliance of the Profound Light which goes before me, beside me, behind me, below me and above me. I celebrate the Wholeness which rises up to greet me in all that is today. I delight in the magnificence of Creation which calls me to become one with Itself today. I am the River of Peace which seeks to flood the dessert of conflict, allowing once again fragrant blossoms of compassion and serenity to arise. May all sentient beings know peace today. I am a source of Light in the world and I dedicate all my efforts to the expansion of Source Light on Earth. March 2002 I am alive with happiness and joy today. I dedicate the virtues of my right living to freeing myself and all others from sorrow and grief. My choices this day are brought forth in goodness and wisdom. Through goodness and wisdom, I bless others and contribute positively to their respective lives. In the wealth of virtuous abundance, I rejoice and share my joy. Through virtuous thoughts, words and actions I will benefit all others today. I dedicate all virtuous thoughts, words and actions which flow forth from me today to the liberation of all sentient beings. Today I will celebrate the release of all living beings from whatever pain constricts them. I open my heart to virtuous compassion on behalf of all sentient beings. I am the source of inspiration for the attitude of heart I express. May my heart open this day to the vast forces of oceanic love for all Creation. May the virtuous love which flows from my heart bring happiness to all beings everywhere. I take profound delight in the success and joy of others. I rejoice in the good qualities and positive actions of all I meet this day. With conscientious intention, I open my heart to those who grope bewildered in the gloom of sorrow. May all the pain of every living being be scattered and destroyed this day. For the benefit of all beings everywhere, I will generate a calm and positive attitude of mind. I take courage in the knowledge that others, before me, have walked the path of love. With every fiber of my being, I promise to accomplish the path to enlightenment. May I be a guard for those who are protectorless. I dedicate the work of my path as a guide for those who take up a spiritual journey. May I, this day, be a lamp for all who long for light. May I, this day, be the rain of blessing which nourished the parched ground of experiencing. May I endure for as long as the sky endures to aid all beings in their journey to liberation. For the boundless multitude of living beings, may I be the ground to support their life's journey. May I be the sustenance and nourishment for every single thing that lives. In all that I think, speak and do, may I support beings as numerous as the sky is vast. Until all beings everywhere attain enlightenment, I dedicate myself entirely to their happiness and spiritual progress.


May I never give up my heartfelt desire to attain enlightenment for the benefit of all beings everywhere. May the Teachers, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who have gone before me aid me in my efforts to become enlightened for the benefit of all beings everywhere. I dedicate my full efforts to generating the same attitudes of heart and mind as have the Teachers, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who precede me in Consciousness. April 2002 May I live this day as a good example of all the precious teachings I have been fortunate enough to receive. I am fortunate beyond my knowing for all the precious moments in my life. I choose to be thankful for all the goodness shown me this day. I am alive today to the rare and rich beauty of all aspects of life. I give thanks today for my most difficult relationships, knowing they will open my heart if I let them. I will remain aware, awake and alive today to experience the preciousness of each moment. May I hold dear today all attention (negative or positive) that another chooses to expend on me. Because I have been blessed with goodness all around me today, I will share goodness with others. Today, I open my heart to goodness and all expressions of goodness, regardless of the source. I am inspired today by the goodness I see in others. May Goodness and Wisdom descend from above today, like gentle rains in springtime. May the clouds of selfishness be dissolved from my eyes this day, allowing me to see and practice precious goodness. Today I will take no act of kindness for granted. I rejoice in the kind acts and gentle words I encounter today. Today I will experience all hearts, minds and bodies as precious. May the precious light of Consciousness unfolding guide my thoughts, words and actions today. I will begin this day with kindness, fill this day with kindness and end this day with kindness. May all beings everywhere know they are precious in someone's eyes. May the precious joy of unfettered loving be available to all beings today. May precious jewels of wisdom fall from my lips today. May the preciousness of the Teachings I have received dawn fully upon me today. May a precious act of beauty guide me through the stress I experience today. May all beings everywhere know the precious gift of unconditional love. I will acknowledge the preciousness of the food that nurtures me today, and I will live in such a was as to be worthy of what I consume. I will acknowledge the preciousness of health and well being in my thoughts, words and actions today. Today I will reflect upon the precious memories of those I can no longer meet in physical form. Today I will count as precious all the ways I know I am loved. Today I will acknowledge my precious relations with members of the animal kingdom. Today I will acknowledge the precious gifts of the plant kingdom of Earth. May lovingkindness dwell preciously in the hearts and minds of all sentient beings. May 2002 I open myself fully to the precious gifts of Spirit as I walk this day in kindness toward all. I dedicate myself this day to the actualization of a kind and generous heart. I offer kindness to all I meet this day, knowing their goodness is real. I open myself today to see goodness in all I meet, even those whom I encounter in my thoughts. I will give thanks all day for the goodness others show to me. I recognize the good or evil I see today is a product of my own projections. May I hold dear today all who challenge my thoughts and beliefs, knowing they are my teachers. I give thanks today for all who make my life miserable, knowing they are my teachers. Today, I rejoice in the successes of my enemies, seeking only their good outcomes. Today, I offer forgiveness to all I have judged or for whom I have carried negative feelings. Today I will live my life as the Angel of Forgiveness. May kindness in my thoughts, words and actions ease the suffering of all I meet this day. Today I will transform every jealous thought into a wish for blessings. My life this day is a celebration of generosity and kindness. Today I will recognize goodness in all beings with whom I have interactions, whether in person on only in my thoughts. Today I will be generous with others, complimenting them openly whenever I have opportunity. May my efforts this day create a wellspring of kindness and generosity through my thoughts, words and actions. May my thoughts, words and actions today be free of all greediness. I dedicate this day to freeing all beings from the filth of greed, beginning with myself. Today I will stretch beyond my ego's paltry desire to satisfy itself first in all matters. Today I will replace all greedy thoughts with thoughts of loving kindness.


Today I will see through my own greedy nature and witness my True Nature. May all beings everywhere know freedom from greed, anger and hatred. Today I will flee the very appearance of greed, deceit and a selfish ego. I will believe in the power of goodness today, and will exchange all thoughts of suspicion for thoughts of kindness and patience. I will reflect upon goodness and its gifts today, returning kindness even when met with harshness. Today I will show compassion when I see greed manifest in the lives of others. Today I will generate compassion for all the suffering that has resulted from greed in this world. Today I will establish contentment in my life, replacing all old levels of greed. May generosity flow forth in my life, blessing all with whom I have contact today. I dedicate myself this day to fully manifesting of a generous spirit alive in the world. June 2002 May kindness, generosity and abundance mark my interactions with all sentient beings this day. I am alive, awake and aware, determined to see through my own egoic projections. Today I will see the spiritual teachings present in all my activities and interactions. I open myself today to full acceptance of my responsibility to cut through my egoic projections. Today I will rejoice in the wisdom offered to me through the teachings of Nature. Today I will appreciate all gifts of wisdom that come to me, no matter the source. Today I will reflect before speaking, to ensure a flow of wisdom in my words. Today I will seek the Dharma that manifests in all my interactions. Today I rejoice in the wisdom of others, knowing the Source from which it comes. Today I will rise above my own points of ignorance and unseeing or uncaring feelings. Today I will dedicate my life to cutting through all ignorance and aberrant or distorted thinking. May wisdom flow freely throughout all my thoughts, words and actions today. Today I will release the ignorance of clinging to and believing in my egoic self. My life this day is a celebration of gracious wisdom. Today I will recognize the wisdom indwelling in all beings with whom I have interactions, whether in person or only in my thoughts. Today I will sow the seeds of wisdom, grace and benevolence. I dedicate the energies of this day to seeing through all my egoic whims. May my thoughts, words and actions today be divinely inspired, granting wisdom and gentleness to all. I open myself this day to the flow of divine wisdom, releasing completely my complaining ego. Today I will become one with the Teachings, demonstrating the presence of indwelling Wisdom. May all beings everywhere come to delight in Wisdom's teachings. May I see my Teacher's presence today in with whom I interact. Today I surrender all negative emotions and critical judgments to be dissolved in divine wisdom. Today I will rise to my own highest potential of goodness and wisdom. I will believe in my ability to be good and wise today, rejecting as immature the protestations of my ego. I will reflect upon the gifts of wisdom today, seeing through my own delusions and illusions. Today I will release the ego's stranglehold on my Essence, letting the small self dissolve away. May I generate full compassion for all who have not yet seen through the ego's facade. I dedicate today to walking the path of Wisdom, as have the Buddhas, Bhodisattvas, Teachers and enlightened beings before me. May the fruits of wisdom be manifest in my life this day, as I consciously push through my own ignorance and resistance. July 2002 I offer myself this day as a vehicle of liberation for all who would become wise. Today I will manifest my true nature through my devotion to the Divine. I am alive with the calmness which arises from the devotion to my spiritual path. May the abundant grace of infinite wisdom inspire and protect my devotion this day. I open myself today to the power of the Profound as it opens my heart. Today I will dwell in Divine Essence as I create my sacred life. May the goodness of infinite Life cleanse and heal my heart today. Today I will recognize the Presence of the Divine moving through my heart, gifting all sentient beings. Today I will generate spiritual freedom through a pure heart. May the strength of devotion in my heart today be a healing force for all who seek love. The power of my pure heart triumphs over any negative mind that arises today. May the sun of my heart burn away the fog of deception that obscures mental clarity. The music of my devoted heart resounds through my thoughts, words and actions this day.


Today I will honor the intrinsic power of love to cleanse and heal my heart. I dedicate my efforts today to establishing a pillar of love within my frame of being. The power of Divine unity is alive within my heart this day, and becomes fully manifest in each of my thoughts, words and actions. Today I will demonstrate profound gratitude for the gift of infinite love in my life. I dedicate my energies this day to sharing unity and peace with all I meet. May my thoughts, words and actions today be divinely inspired, flowing forth from an internal fountain of devotion. I allow my devotion to lead me into greater levels of generosity and mindfulness today. Today I will love others in equal measure to the love I have received from all Spiritual Teachers since beginingless time. May my devotion to the spiritual plane be made manifest this day as I demonstrate tireless patience in my thoughts, words and actions. May I feel my Teacher's presence today ripening in my devoted heart. The silent force of my devotion pushes through every obscuration in my mind today. Today I will rise to meet the silent power of my devotion with an open heart and mind. I will arise from my fog of limitation today, realizing the vast ocean of my devotion. I will explore the silent rivers of devotion flowing forth from the Heart of Creation to me. Today I will become one with the infinite flow of Divine Intelligence working in the small corners of my heart. Today I will cherish the exquisite flowers growing in my heart's garden of devotion. The power of devotion, alive in my heart, teaches me truth and sincerity in all my thoughts, words and actions today. Today I will gather bouquets of the Heart, treasuring the brilliant petals of devotion that grace my life. August 2002 May I today both see and share the blossoms of devotion: beauty, gentleness, tenderness and kindness. May I rest this day in the Heart of Creation, cherishing the privilege of being Human. Today I open myself to Infinite Essence, surrendering all previous notions of myself. The Infinite dwells richly in my heart today, smiling compassionately on all I meet. Today I will awake to the call of the Infinite, releasing all resistance to It's pristine presence. May I fully accept the mental clarity and peaceful flowering of the Infinite indwelling my heart. Today I acknowledge the Infinite Presence moving through my heart, dissolving all resistance and stubbornness. Today I dedicate my efforts toward Transcendent Freedom to the liberation of all beings everywhere. May the power of the Infinite indwelling my heart be manifest in my every thought, word and action. May I live this day free from the destructive power of self-centeredness. May I see through the manipulative projections of my mind for the sake of all with whom I interact. May Infinite Wisdom replace all seeds of self-centeredness as I move through my mental projections. Today I will see through my mind's controlling projections and rejoice in that freedom. Today, I release all need to see the world and my experiences in it from a selfish prospective. May the richness of ever expanding compassion guide me through all egoic projection traps. Today I will demonstrate profound gratitude for the gift of Infinite Wisdom in my life. I open my eyes to see the unseen today. I open my mind to encounter the unknown this day, with eager enthusiasm for what I might learn. Today I will transcend all egoic projections about myself, whether positive or negative. I give thanks this day for all the influences which lead me to Enlightenment, whether positive or negative. May all good things come to those who have taught me, whether the lessons were pleasant or unpleasant. May I fully recognize and appreciate my spiritual indebtedness to all who have loved me enough to puncture my protective walls. Today I will dedicate my energy to seeing through my previously held notions of a self. Today I will rise to a higher standard of spiritual practice than I have previously required of myself. Today I release all reluctance and resistance to my spiritual practice. I open myself fully this day to the Infinite Presence, that It may move freely through my thoughts, words and actions. Today I will empty my heart and mind of all divisive thoughts, words and activities. Today I will challenge my mind's fixations, obsessions and compulsions with the full force of my spiritual discipline. I release my mind to completely dissolve into the Infinite. Today I release all notions of myself to the full blossoming of the Infinite seeking expression in the finite. May all beings everywhere come to know the infinite bliss of divine emptiness. September 2002 May myriad radiant beings from the realms of Light adorn the Earth this day with Peace, Clarity, Wisdom and Clear Light. I open my eyes today to the full radiance of Clear Light. I seek wisdom and clarity in all areas of my life today. I will generate the will to cut through the illusions that greet me on my path today.


I arise joyfully, thankful for the opportunities of another day. I will use the gratitude of my heart to heal the doubtfulness in my mind today. Today I will keep my mind pure by actively invoking Divine Mind as my constant companion. Today I will activate the filter of clarity before engaging the flow of my thoughts, words and deeds. May the power of the Infinite Clarity arise in my mind today, freely flowing into my every thought, word and action. Today I will see through my mind's self-slanted projections, and celebrate the presence of the clear light. May I free myself this day from the sleep-provoking power of self-delusions. Today I will walk in clarity, seeing Life with fresh eyes. Today I will hold my mind free from the collective projections of my society. Today I will be radiant in all my exchanges with other sentient beings, calling forth their own light. Today I will become the voice of Tolerance for all sentient beings with whom I have contact. For the next 24 hours, I will remain at peace with myself and all others. Today, I will concentrate of giving and receiving peace with all sentient beings. I release myself today from all judgmental thoughts, words and actions, knowing they are my own projections, which offer no clarity. Today I offer up the functions of my mind to the full force of the clear light. I release myself today from all forms of anger, knowing it to be my own projection, void of clarity. I give thanks this day for the liberating force of Emptiness, which frees my mind from projections. I release myself today from the destructive force of resentment, knowing such to be my own projection. I open myself today in full receptivity to the cleansing, clarifying power of the clear light. Today I release myself from worrying about the future, knowing such to be my own mental projections. Today I allow myself to be completely rejuvenated by the flow of clear light through my thoughts and feelings, manifesting outwardly to the world around me. Today I release myself from the agony of wishing others would change, knowing this too comes from my mental projections. Today I will engage my heart and mind fully in all my interactions with others. I release myself today from the bondage of my own stubbornness, recognizing it, too, is the product of my mental projections. Today I will look upon the experiences of myself and all others with compassionate curiosity, allowing my mind to be open to seeing the world in a new way. I release myself today from the tyranny of the many forms of mental resistance, knowing all are but my own mental projections pushing me from the Divine. October 2002 Today I open myself to fully receiving the abundant fruits of transformation. Today I will share the abundant harvest of kindness which is before me. I dedicate my energies this day to transforming the areas in my life that are coarse or strident. May all mental clouds that arise today transform into gentle rain to nourish the parched dessert of experiencing. I arise this day with gratitude for the healing possibilities that are present for me and all sentient beings. May my dark areas of self indulgence be transformed today into true compassion for all sentient beings. Today I will give thanks for every point of irresolution I experience, knowing it is my teacher. Today I will transform my own self indulgence into thoughts, words and acts of kindness for others. Today I will transform all critical, negative and judgmental thoughts into genuine acts of kindness. Today I will transform my mind's self-slanted projections into genuine compassion for others. May the kindness that comes to me this day ignite the fires of transformation within me, dissolving all egoic sediment into radiant, flowing kindness. May I walk this day in the clear light, transforming my own mind and supporting others with my encouragement and kind words. May I walk in gentleness today, forgetting the demands of my own ego while taking genuine pleasure in the successes of others. Today I will actively promote good will among all with whom I interact or even think. Today I will transform the self indulgent levels of my ego, demonstrating respect and humility in all my interactions and activities. Today I will wholeheartedly and enthusiastically "live the Teachings," transforming my fixated mind. Today I will transform my prejudices by seeking the beauty in all spiritual traditions - particularly those with which I am unfamiliar. Today I will be content with whatever the day brings, relinquishing the ego's desire to judge situations as "good" or "bad." Today I will transform judging mind by simply practicing goodness, with no thought of notice or reward. Today I will dissolve all egoic preoccupation by simply dissolving them in the fires of transformation. May the fires of transformation burn strongly in my heart today, cauterizing my open wounds so they may heal.


May the burning fire of the heart purify my thoughts, words and actions, allowing my full spiritual flowering to be manifest. May the fires of purification warm and cleanse me as I acknowledge transformation in my life today. May my hard places be made soft, my rigid places pliable, as I welcome transformation in my most defended areas. May the transformation I now undergo bring wisdom, clarity and profound peace. I offer myself as an agent of transformation and cleansing to Earth at this time of initiation. May the ugliness of my self-serving ego be transformed into a magnificent blossom of Essence. Today I offer my own life, in the living thereof, as an answer to the chaotic manifestations now playing out in the realm of human dynamics. Today I offer my own life, in the living thereof, as a propitiation for all wounded by greed and hatred . Today I offer my own life, in the living thereof, as medicine for the wounded hearts and minds of all sentient beings. I offer my self as a living manifestation of transformation. May my dedication inspire others and ignite the fire of transformation in their own hearts and minds. November 2002 Today I will cherish the beauty blossoming before me as I behold Creation. Today I seek beauty, and hope to discover all the places in which it hides. Today I will develop kind hearted inspiration and share it with all I meet. May I see the goodness in all with whom I interact this day. I will rest my mind in joyous celebration of the spiritual opportunities before me today. Today I will reflect on the power of goodness in my own life. Today I will reflect on the power of love in my own life. Today I will cultivate gratitude for the kindness of others. Today I will give a gift of love to someone who has hurt me. Today I will open my heart to someone I have pushed away from me. May I see the radiant manifestation of the Divine smiling upon me in all the faces I see today. Today I will surround myself and all others with clarity, wisdom and grace. May I walk in clarity and kindness this day, seeking to grant blessings of healing to all who will receive them. May wisdom and clarity grace my path this day, that it may be shared abundantly with others. May the transformation of my doubts and insecurities come forth this day, bringing freedom from old patterns, rigid points, and self-centeredness. May grace abound on Earth this day, bestowing compassionate understanding to all sentient beings. Today I open myself to the cleansing fires of purification on behalf of all beings everywhere. Today I give the gift of respect to those I have not previously respected. Today I will rest my mind in appreciation for the gifts my Teacher has made available to me. Today I will rest my mind in pure thoughts, and will offer others kind thoughts and deeds. Today I will rest my mind in serenity, offering others a calm refuge from the chaos in their lives. Today I will rest my mind in the confidence that, like others before me, I shall reach enlightenment for the sake of all sentient beings. Today I will rest my mind upon my Teacher's face, holding dear the gifts of those who have walked the path before me. Today I will rest my mind on the bud of sincerity, allowing it to flower fully in my thoughts, words and actions. Today I will rest my mind in natural great peace, recalling I am a child of Peace. Today I will open the palace of my heart to all who have need of it. May I be filled this day with the magnificence of a gracious heart. Today I offer my profound appreciation for life and all it's blessings. May I use this life well. May the richness of a life well lived be with me through out this day, accompany the closing of my eyes this night. I give thanks this day for the presence of life in my body, recognizing it is a profound gift. December 2002 Today my heart is alive with appreciation for the wonder of Life. Today I open my heart to the radiance of Creation. Today I will extend my heart wisdom as a gift from the divine for the entire Earth. May I hold goodness and wisdom within the depths of my heart this day. I will awaken the eyes of my heart to see the gifts of Love at work in this world. Today I offer the gifts of my heart to all who can receive them. Today I will expand my heart flow to encompass all who are suffering. Today I will deepen my heart connection with those in authority over me. Today I will deepen my heart connection with those who wish me ill. Today I will deepen my heart connection with those I have hurt or pushed away. May all I meet this day receive a special blessing from my heart to theirs. Today I will look inward, to discover new dimensions of loving in my own heart.


May I open myself fully to the kindness of my gentle heart as it seeks to arise with healing and love. May goodness manifest in every thought, word and action that flows from me today. May my heart devour the illusions of my mind, replacing them with clarity, purity and wisdom. Today I offer my heart as a vessel for grace and kindness, pouring forth these blessings abundantly. Today I open my heart's deepest places and fearlessly dare to love in the midst of strife. I dedicate this day to the ceaseless giving of love, compassion and understanding. I will arise this day, holding within my heart the vision of Peace on Earth. I will live this day serenely, drawing upon the never ending flow of peace and love within my heart. I will invoke this day a full measure of my Teacher's wisdom heart, that I may freely share it with all I meet. I am alive this day with the brilliance of a loving, knowing wisdom heart. I will generate kindness and compassion in the face of hatred today. I will rest my mind on the dawning of Christ Consciousness, and make my heart open to the gifts of the Spirit this day. I will celebrate today the encoding of the heart that the mystery of Christmas brings. Today I will open my eyes to see and fully appreciate the love that surrounds me. May I be gifted with the profound Presence of the divine manifesting through me. Today I allow all that is good, all that is wise, to touch my heart deeply. May goodness and wisdom flow richly from the fountain of my heart, gracing others with the gifts of sincere kindness and compassion. I give thanks for the year that is now ending, appreciating all the opportunities for growth and healing that were available to me. As I approach a New Year, I dedicate my life energies to perpetual purification for myself and all others. January 2003 I arise this day to walk in newness of life, freshness of consciousness. Today I reflect upon that which has just past, opening to that which is coming to me. Today I open my mind to see in a new way, recognizing my old patterns have blinded me. May I see all that is good and pure as I mindfully create this day. I will walk in kindness and purity this day, knowing this to be my gift to all sentient beings. Today I open my heart and mind to the fires of purification and transformation. Today I will generate Peace in all my thoughts, words, deeds and ways of seeing. Today I will seek purification in all my relationships. Today I will train my mind to see goodness in every situation. May the purification of Earth begin this day, and may it begin in my own life. I release myself from all forms of self-consciousness today, and resolve to truly see others. May the radiance of divine purity shine through me this day, blessings all I meet. May the purl light of Conscious flow through me this day, illuminating my own path and the paths of others. I will live this day as if it is my last, maintaining pure connections with all I meet. Today I will love unboundedly, as if it were my last opportunity to do so. Today I will study Creation as if this were my last chance to see with these eyes. Today I will heal my mind of all negative projections, just in case it is my last day to live. Today I will know myself as heir to the Pure Land, and will live my life accordingly. I will arise this day, beholding the Sun of my heart ablaze with grace, purity and wisdom. May all sentient beings awaken this day to the reality of a Pure World. Today I release all impediments to clearly seeing the Pure World at work in the midst of the false world that greets me with its delusions. May I bring the reality of the Pure World to all I meet today. I will arise in kindness, offering compassion and insight to all who cannot see it this day. Today I will effort to see all I meet as Buddhas sent to me to teach me some important lesson. Today I will become a Buddha of compassion, seeing through the murky projections of mind. Today I will see the Teachings coming to me in every experience that unfolds. Today I accept the teachings of Earth, reminding me to be grounded and present in all my experiences. Today I accept the teachings of Water, reminding me to purify all my thoughts, words and deeds. Today I accept the teachings of Fire, reminding me to transform my old mind with the newness of Buddha mind. Today I accept the teaching of Air, reminding me to take my full inspiration, and hold it generously, nurturing body, mind and spirit. Today I will become the embodiment of the Teachings I have been so fortunate to receive. February 2003 Today I will fully observe the activity of my mind, challenging all negativity, judgment and complaining. Today I will open to the possibility that my mind is not Real. Today I will release all stubbornness as it arises in my mind.


Today I will release my obsessive tendencies, replacing them with the thought of my name as a sacred name. Today I will resist my mind's fixations rather than my spiritual growth. I dedicate my energies this day to knowing clarity. I release myself this day from the tyranny of mind, and the suffering it creates. Today I will see some form of kindness behind every experience I have. Today I will show my mind the Buddha field around me, rather than the chaos and distortion it sees. May the Buddha I am becoming look through my eyes this day, beholding compassionately the world before me. I release myself from all forms of negative thinking, toward myself and all others. May the Light of Clarity guide me through this day, illuminating for me the thoughts and feelings that need elevating. May the Light of Clarity shine through me this day, awakening in me new levels of selfless compassion. May I begin this day with love, fill this day with love, and end this day with love. May all within me that is wise, pure and clear arise in joy as I celebrate the Buddha field that is Earth. May the Clear Light guide me into forgiveness and compassion this day, as I release the demands of the small self. May Earth arise in clarity and healing this day, and may She know clarity and healing among all her sentient beings. As pilgrim to the Pure Land, may I this day see clearly beyond the mask of appearances. May I arise today in the full awareness of the preciousness of live, and may I convey that preciousness to all I meet. I dedicated my energies this day to releasing all my blocks to seeing the Pure World opening before me. Today I will look for the Buddha hiding within all I meet. Today I acknowledge the gift of the Buddha field before me, even in moments when I cannot see it. I will arise this day and walk in gentleness, kindness and softness, offering the fruits of the Buddha field to all I meet. May goodness pour through my heart this day, arising as a gentle fountain of pure water in the parched dessert of human experiencing. Today I will become a Buddha of compassion, releasing both my own projections and those of others who project on to me. Today I will become a Buddha of healing, releasing my own wounded places, and not reacting to the wounded places in other. Today I will become a Buddha of insight, releasing my mind from it's old repeating patterns, and refraining from reacting to the patterns of others. Today I accept my own Buddha nature, and ardently desire to see/know/become Emptiness. March 2003 Today there is only time to love. Everything I meet along my path today is but part of myself. Today I will consider which is more appropriate: to close my eyes or my lips. I am the seed of eternity, holding within me forms and worlds yet to germinate. I will sanctify my life by being quietly present to all that arises today. Today I will open to the power of the unseen Presence that seeks entrance into the physical world through me. Today I will sever the bindings that tie me to my past. I release myself into freshness this day, seeing with unjaded, unclouded eyes. Today I will not turn away from the Great Heart, but will examine my own heart to make ready It's Palace. Today I will open to the pain of others by releasing my own pain. Today I will discover my fearlessness through the practice of tenderness. I open my heart this day to let my Enlightenment shine through. I am a spectrum of fluid light, blessing and healing all I meet. Today I will acknowledge the Unseen Guest, Who blesses all beings through me. Today I will release all arrogance, allowing it to dissolve in my Enlightenment. Today I release my emotions to the Great Heart, and awaken to my own enlightenment. I release my mental judgments to the Great Heart this day, allowing the full spectrum of love to cleanse my mind. Today I will carefully observe my thoughts, speech and actions, as I endeavor to glimpse my Enlightenment. I consecrate this day by celebrating the field of compassion emanating to all beings from the Great Heart through my heart. I release my heart completely to dissolve into the Great Heart of Creation. I step forth boldly into the Buddha field before me, knowing I am completely supported by the Great Heart. I release my identity with my past, recognizing it is the barrier that precludes entrance into the Great Heart. I am the child of the fluid peace that passes understanding. I am fluid Consciousness, which gently open to each moment like a new flower. I am joy in the midst of sorrow, hope in the midst of darkness, peace in the midst of turmoil. I am a child of the Universe who has come to Earth to plant seeds of transformation and regeneration. I have come to awaken all who can to the discovery of their own enlightenment. I will see all with whom I interact this day in the light of their potential Buddhahood. I will treat all potential Buddhas with respect, holding full recognition of their divine potential.


I dedicate this day to the full expansion of Enlightenment upon Earth. I open myself fully to the complete outpouring of Love and Beauty from the Great Rainbow of Liberation seeking full manifestation in me. April 2003 Today I will set at peace all warring factions in my mind. Today I will open my heart to dissident levels of conflict within my own mind. Today I will release all resistance to fulfilling in my spiritual potential. Today I will release my obsessive tendencies, opening to the purifying flow of my own healing. Today I will live in peace with all sentient beings, including myself. Today I will carefully observe my thoughts, words and actions, seeking the power holds of ego. I release myself this day from the tyranny of ego mind, and the suffering it creates for me and others. Today I will observe my inner egoic cravings for approval. Today I will observe my inner aversions to my cravings for approval. Today I will free my mind from all cravings and aversions arising from my perceived need for approval. Today I will replace all arising notions of approval with genuine compassion. Today I will observe my inner egoic cravings for power. Today I will observe my inner aversions to my cravings for power. Today I will free my mind from all cravings and aversions arising from my notions of power. Today I will replace all arising notions of power with genuine compassion. Today I will observe my inner cravings for security. Today I will observe my inner aversions to my cravings for security. Today I will free my mind from all cravings and aversions arising from my notions of security. Today I will replace all arising notions of security with genuine compassion. Today I will generate thought of generosity and kindness toward all sentient beings. Today I will forgive others should they falter in their generosity and kindness. Today I will actively engage in thoughts, words and actions that benefit all sentient beings. Today I will open my heart to greater and deeper expressions of genuine compassion. Today I will see the needs of others as more pressing than my own needs. Today my expressions of generosity , kindness and compassion will demonstrate new levels of inner peace. Today I will seek and apply the greatest level of wisdom available to me in all my thoughts, words and actions. May the profound light of wisdom guide my thoughts, words and actions this day, creating a refuge of peace in a world of chaos. May all beings everywhere know comfort and peace this day.. May the Peace that passes understanding descend on Earth today with blessing and healing for all. May compassion, kindness and wisdom flow through me completely, dissolving all remnants of ego, that I may truly fulfill my birth. May 2003 I arise this day to walk in newness of life, freshness of consciousness. May I live my life this day in such a way as to be worthy of all the blessings I receive. Today, I open my heart fully, that I may love even the unlovely places within myself. With conscientious intention, I open my heart to those who grope bewildered in the gloom of sorrow. Today I reflect upon that which has just past, opening to that which is coming to me. Today I dedicate my life to the cleansing and healing of Earth. May Compassion enter my entire being, filling every empty space, healing my doubts and fears completely. May my heart open this day to the vast forces of oceanic love for all Creation. Today I open my mind to see in a new way, recognizing my old patterns have blinded me. I relinquish all resistance, stubbornness, laziness, and boredom to the Cosmic Flame. Today, I surrender all my inner spaces of chaotic energy, physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, that the Earth may be released from destructive chaos, confusion and ill will. With every fiber of my being, I promise to accomplish the path to enlightenment. May I see all that is good and pure as I mindfully create this day. Today I am filled with love and kindness. May it pour forth from my being to fill and heal all beings everywhere. I know Peace, I love Peace, I speak Peace, I share Peace, I am Peace. I open myself fully to the complete outpouring of Love and Beauty from the Great Rainbow of Liberation seeking full manifestation in me. I will walk in kindness and purity this day, knowing this to be my gift to all sentient beings. May all beings I meet experience clarity and nonjudgment from my presence on Earth today. Let there be Peace on Earth, and let it begin in and through me -- TODAY. I release my heart completely to dissolve into the Great Heart of Creation.


Today I open my heart and mind to the fires of purification and transformation. Today is both a miracle and a gift. I will use it wisely and consciously. I accept my full responsibility for creating a purified self. May my thoughts, words and actions be dedicated to the purification of Earth. I step forth boldly into the Buddha field before me, knowing I am completely supported by the Great Heart. Today I will generate Peace in all my thoughts, words, deeds and ways of seeing. May all that is good, wise and charitable flow through me this day, awakening the same in all I meet. Today I choose to walk in peace and love, demonstrating both in all my interactions. I release my identity with my past, recognizing it is the barrier that precludes entrance into the Great Heart. Today I will seek purification in all my relationships. Today I surrender all my resistance to the Divine. I open myself this day to the full manifestation of wisdom and truth in my life. May it seek for me as strongly as I seek for it. June 2003 No Message Today. No Message Today. No Message Today. May the spark of my Buddha nature reveal it's light this day, pouring rainbow light on all I meet. The softness of Essence expanding flows through my today, dissolving all my hard edges. Today I will mindfully share softness with all sentient beings who cross my path. I open my ego fully this day to receive a full measure of divine softness and tranquillity. Today I will know myself deeply, compassionately, and truthfully. Today I will receive myself, and share myself, as a Buddha of compassion. Today I will receive myself, and share myself, as a Buddha of healing. Today I will receive myself, and share myself, as a Buddha of Joy. Today I will open my heart and my eyes, to see the Buddha in every sentient being I meet. Today I will open my heart and my arms, to receive the Buddha arising in the hearts of others. Today I will celebrate the arising Buddha Nature in all its manifest natural forms. Today I will celebrate mercy and joy in all areas of my live, sharing these gifts with whomever will receive them. Today I will celebrate the opening of my heart to the beauty and preciousness of my spiritual teacher. Today I will celebrate the profound gift of joy, by offering my personal joy to the transcendental power of healing for the planet. May the wisdom I put forth this day come from a full, and a fully healed, heart. May my heart be calm this day, knowing it is vast enough to hold the entire Universe within its center. As I open this day my vast heart, my mind responds with tranquillity and depth. Today I will forgive others who have not discovered the vast enormity of their own hearts. Today I will forgive myself and others for all thoughts, words and actions devoid of generosity. Today I will forgive myself and others for thoughts, words and actions devoid of love. Today I will see the Buddha within with the eye of divine certainty. May all my expressions this day be rooted and grounded in a generous heart. Today I will see the Buddha's gentleness extended toward me through all sentient beings. May the chaos of the world be dissolved magnificently in the heart of Creation. May all beings everywhere know freedom from chaos, discord and struggle this day. May gentleness and peace flow form my heart to the hearts of sentient beings I am blessed to see today. May my quiet, skillful heart both guide and guard all my thoughts, words and actions this day, allowing my Buddha nature to be fully born within. July 2003 Today I will trust myself to handle well all Life offers me. I will walk my path this day in the openness of a trusting heart. Today I will experience the freedom of approaching my life with a trusting heart. I fully celebrate this day the liberation of my heart from the tyranny of judging mind. I will arise in confidence, accepting the responsibility of my karma, and setting forth on the path of liberation for all sentient beings. I allow myself to hold confidence in all the goodness that arises in small ways among the throngs of sentient beings. I will open my thoughts, words and actions to greater levels of goodness this day, and will take confidence in my ability to do so. Should someone show faith in me today by asking my aid, I will show enough faith in myself to try. Today I will demonstrate my faith by expanding the goodness of which I am capable. Today I allow myself to hold confidence in my peaceful heart by offering peace to others in all situations.


I will arise taking confidence that I will appropriately harvest the spiritual lessons coming to me today. I allow myself to hold confidence that I am capable of rightly discerning my path this day. I open the scared places of my heart this day, exposing them to the sunshine of grace and confidence. Today I can completely trust the process of my ever-growing wholeness. Today I will hold confidence in the power of my thoughts, speech and actions to generate goodness. I allow myself to celebrate with confidence and appreciation the marriage of my heart and head this day. I allow myself to approach my Teacher this day with confidence in the path we, together, create. I open my heart this day with confidence and joy to a deeper, fuller relationship with my Teacher. I allow myself the confidence to hold the Teacher's love and wisdom. The spiritual path I walk will give me strength and wisdom, as it has so many before me. The Teacher's presence in my heart is an eternal fountain of love and wisdom, which will never run dry. Because my Teacher has confidence in me to achieve my realization, I will have confidence in myself, my path and my Teacher. I am confident the Wisdom of the Ages which has awakened before me saints, rishis, buddhas and bodhisattvas, will awaken me as well. With confidence and reverence, I open my heart to the ever-present and evolving flow of healing grace and wisdom. I am One with all Creation, and that knowledge inspires me with confidence and kindness. I allow my heart to hold confidence today in all the ways Creations seeks to love me. With trust in the goodness of my own heart, I arise this day with the confidence to inspire all with whom I have contact. I release all tendency to doubt, and all wounds of my previous doubting, into the infinite creative flow of wisdom and grace. May the goodness of my confident heart be expanded this day through my willingness to see the presence of the Divine in all situations. May the expansive ocean of generosity that flows through my heart this day, dissolve the smallness of my doubting ego. I arise this day, full of grace, wisdom and confidence that the opportunities I most need will generously be given to me. August 2003 May I fully experience the cosmic flow of kindness greeting me in all my interactions today. May I hold this day the precious of Creation in my joyful heart of blessings. I will walk my path this day in softness and compassion, extending the same to all I meet. May the flower of my divinity reveal it's full blossoming this day, filling my life with its fragrance. The grace of Essence flows through me today, dissolving all judgment and fear my mind projects. Today I will consciously reflect the grace I receive to all other sentient beings I meet. I will study my ego this day, offering patience instead of judgment to its manipulating ways. Today I will examine my ego deeply, compassionately, and truthfully. Today I will raise my ego into the flow of divine wisdom, softening its stubborn edges. Today I will raise my ego into the ocean of healing that awaits its entrance. Today I will shower my ego and all its little flaws with the infinite rain of Joy and Blessing. Today I will open my egoic realm to the full indwelling manifestation of my Higher Self. Today I will dissolve my ego's petty demands in the deep and infinite wisdom of my Higher Self. Today I will celebrate the homecoming of my True Nature. Today my Higher Self will become a fountain of mercy and joy in all areas of my life, sharing these gifts with all sentient beings. Today is the day of my spiritual anointing. I will arise in celebratory joy to greet my Higher Self in beauty and radiance. I will walk this day in the flow of transcendent healing wisdom, touching all who would open to their own potential. I walk this day in the light of healing and truth, for myself and all sentient beings. May my ego be quiet this day, allowing the presents of Essence to guide me. May pure tranquillity and living peace exude from every fiber of my being this day. May the pain of ego dissolve into the rich flow my awakened heart, blessing all others I meet this day. I will greet with joy the events which dissolve my ego this day, as I open to the spaciousness that results. As my ego further dissolves today, my heart further heals, creating the profound wholeness I seek. Today I will open myself to pain, knowing it will bring the healing of my heart. May my thoughts, words and actions today express the clarity and openness of my dissolved ego. May I be gentle with all sentient beings this day, knowing their pain and suffering. May I demonstrate patience, wisdom and a pure heart in all my interactions this day. May the healing I am accomplishing be a blessing for all beings everywhere, and may they come to know their own healing as well. May gentleness and peace accompany my every thought, word and activity this day. May the infinite peace of cosmic unfolding be with me as I interact with other sentient beings this day. May I see clearly this day the healing process now at work awaking all sentient beings on this planet to joy and wonder.


September 2003 I offer up this day the control ego exerts on my emotional body. I open myself this day to the blessings awaiting my calm and serene emotional body. I will open this day to the potential of complete emotional transformation. May my emotional body flower fully this day, spilling divine fragrance in all areas of my life. I release the internal two-year-old to its beautiful maturity. Today I free my mind from all emotional struggles. I fully release myself this day from the art of struggling. I completely release my mind from all patterns of struggle I have learned in this life. Today I am free of struggle and will allow all emotional charges to dissipate naturally. Today I will watch my emotional energies, marveling at their creative powers, but giving in to none. Today I open my awareness to the beauty and peace of a tamed ego. Today I will allow my ego and emotions to be completely secured in my Higher Self. I will present my emotional body pure and holy this day, awaiting spiritual initiation Today I will celebrate the awakening of a serene and loving emotional body. Today I will hold sacred the emotional energies expended by all sentient beings. I release myself from any and all emotional tyranny that may arise from within. Today I offer my emotional wounds for purification and healing. I release my emotional being this day to the light of healing, for myself and all sentient beings. May my emotional body be serene this day, allowing the presence of Essence to indwell me. May tranquillity and wise peace permeate my emotional being this day, offering no resistance to my spiritual path. May the pain of old emotional wounds dissolve into the healing grace this day. I will open my emotional depth this day, not turning away from the suffering of others. I allow my emotional body to be saturated this day with profound levels of healing light. Today I give myself permission to walk in the world without defending my emotions. I rejoice in the richness of emotional expression, taking none of it personally. Today I allow my emotional body to experience fully my yearning for spiritual completion. May the cleansing of my emotional body this day open me to freshness, vigor and abundant love. I open my emotional being to the abundance of Essence wishing to bless me. May great peace abide with the vulnerability of my cleansed emotional being. Today I acknowledge my freedom from the throes of emotional tyranny. October 2003 May the Vajra Light enter my being this day, bestowing It's gifts of purified body, purified speech and purified mind. May the fire of transformation burn away the karmic imprints in my mind this day. I open the gates of my heart to receive the flow of infinite compassion that heals and blesses. May kindness and gentle acceptance seal the purification of body, speech and mind this day, that I may walk in profound goodness. I open my mind to the full operation of Divine Consciousness this day. Today I release my mind from the power of my habituated patterns, knowing that freedom is at hand, and I am ready to accept it. May this mind become a sturdy vessel, ready to receive the purification force that will transform it from darkness into light. May the words that fall from my lips this day be the sanctified utterances of Vajra speech. Today I will eat only foods that purify and fortify my Vajra body. May my body become the Teacher's body today, joyfully doing the work the Master would have me to do. May the words that I utter this day come not from my ego mind, but from the Teachers Vajra mind. I offer my body, speech and mind this day to do the bidding of my Spiritual Teacher. May my mind be free from all karmic projections today. May my speech be free from all karmic projections today. May I experience my body this day as a reflection of eternal goodness and wisdom. Today I will honor the gift of speech by listening to the words of others with the heart of a Buddha. Today I will honor the gift of mind by celebrating creative accomplishments that others have attained. Today I will celebrate the gift of the Teacher's Vajra body within my own physical body, counting the ways I demonstrate the Teacher's presence. May I demonstrate purified body, speech and mind this day as I allow the Teacher's wisdom to be reflected into the world around me. May tranquillity indwell all aspects of my body, speech and mind this day, that I may see the Pure Land. May joy issue forth from my being this day, like a fountain spewing healing waters for all to drink. May the gifts of purified body, speech and mind abide with me this day, facilitating deep compassion to arise in all my interactions.


I will walk this day in the light of goodness, enabling goodness to arise all around me. I will walk this day in the light of peace, deepening into the full expression of compassionate understanding. May the goodness that arises from limitless joy flow freely from my heart this day, awakening all whom I meet to its presence in them. I dedicate the fruits of my body this day to enlightened activity in all areas of my life. I dedicate the fruits of my speech this day to kindness and gentle goodness. I dedicate the fruits of my mind this day to the expansion of holy thoughts, words and action. I open the deep chambers of my heart to the full purification of all habituated thoughts, speech and action. Today I will walk with holy mindfulness as my guide and teacher, learning the lessons life puts before me in a gracious and willing manner. I rejoice this day in the in the goodness all around me, and I celebrate all the levels of conscious which arise seeking purification this day. November 2003 Today I open my mind to the radical light of Consciousness free from history. I dedicate my energy and focus this day to seeing beyond the limitations of my habituated patterns. I open myself this day to the possibility of seeing without my old projections. I release from my creative path today all levels of victimization that arise, recognizing that all arising forms and beliefs have root in my own mental projections. With each breath I breathe today, I invoke clear seeing, clear knowing, and clear expressing of my perceptions. Today I release my mind from the trappings of my previous seeing habits, knowing I am greater than the beliefs I have projected on myself and others. May this mind open to the goodness and wisdom of my ability to see beyond the projections of mind, whether coming from myself or others. I open this day to the full expression of mind empty of personal agenda, perceived needs to control or seek approval, and the burden of fear. Should negative emotions arise within me today, I will instantly release myself from their hold on my mind. May the goodness of divine mind expanding take hold of my mind, generating true peace within and without. May the thoughts and feelings that arise within my mind today be set free from my creative process, and may I realize that I am vaster that my thoughts or my feelings. May the all the goodness of Creation reveal itself to me this day, guiding my steps and blessing my efforts. I claim my freedom from the chattering of my mind, opening to the peace of perfect awakened consciousness. Today, I will release all frustration in the moment of its arising, seeing beyond the control of this mind. Today, I will release all anger and jealousy in the moment of its arising, seeing beyond the limitations of this busy mind. Today, I will release all grief and guilt in the moment of its arising, seeing beyond this punishing mind. Today, I will release all obsessive and compulsive thinking, realizing I do not have to believe everything my mind projects. As I work to liberate all sentient beings today, may my mind be freed from the tyranny and suffering of all negative thought and belief patterns. I allow myself to go free this day of all mental perturbations which arise from my projected beliefs of the world around me. I release my creative mind this day from the turbid waters of habituated thinking/projecting. I open my thoughts and feelings to the infinite flow of joy, allowing release of habituated mental patterns. Today I acknowledge the freedom I seek is right before me, and I open myself fully to its presence in my life. May gratitude and delight abide with me this day, freeing my mind from habituated projections. Today I dedicate my energy and focus to the establishment of peace within this lovely world. I am at peace this day with all that is, realizing there is no force that can compromise my peace unless I so authorize. I allow the expressions of joy and gratitude to shine fully upon my creative path this day, blessing all with whom I have contact. May a rich flow of gratitude pulse through me this day, and may I see the goodness and beauty that is all around me with a heart full of appreciation. I dedicate the energy of my mind this day to anchoring appreciation and gratitude into all my personal interactions. May I recognize this day, the goodness of this precious life, releasing all levels of negativity and complaining from my interactions with others. May what I Know supersede what I think and what I feel today, freeing me from my mind's controlling influence on all my thoughts, words and actions. December 2003 Today I open my mind to see some goodness in every trying situation I face. Today I will challenge my mind on all its impressions of good and bad. Today I will release all notions of "good" and "bad," and awaken only to see what is.


Today I will allow all notions of "good" and "bad" to merge into a single mental mystery. I will allow myself to walk in the world this day free of mental constraint and judgments. Today I will watch my mind, being alert to where it takes me into suffering. May my mind be at rest this day, experiencing only gentleness for all other sentient beings. I open this day to the full realization of the mental constraints I carry into all situations. Today I allow my mind to go free of all habituated ways of seeing, thinking and creating. May freshness of mind be available to me this day, freeing me from mental prisons of my past. May gratitude permeate my thoughts and feelings this day, opening doors of wisdom and kindness. May I see and recognize this day past patterns my mind superimposes on my genuine experiences. In gentle kindness today, my mind offers forgiveness and healing to all with whom I have contact. Today I will release my mind from frustrational thinking, doing and creating. Today I allow my mind to see afresh dropping the eyes of suffering from my creative presence. Today I acknowledge the emptiness of my mental gyrations. Today I will address the things I can affect, and release all fixation on the things I cannot affect. May my peaceful wisdom shine through this mind today, dissolving all inappropriate forms of thought. Today I open my mind to the power of the seasonal energy, which bursts forth with budding potential. Today I release my mind from all moodiness or self-absorbed thinking. Today I open my mind to the wonder of the giving season, and cherish its creative power in my own mind. May the Earth be filled with palpable goodness this day, blessing all who will open to goodness. May gratitude and profound softness nurture me this day, blessings all with whom I have contact. May I see the beauty of selflessness today, knowing my ego is no more real than that which serves it. May profound, generative peace permeate all levels of body, speech and mind this day, stimulating the flow of infinite wisdom and wonder for all sentient beings. May I see all around me the gifts of Creation, and may I recognize with gratitude the opportunities life affords me. I release this day all veins of patterned suffering I have created in my past, giving thanks for the opportunity to create anew my future. May all beings everywhere be freed from the tyranny of mental suffering this day. May Father Goodness and Mother Wisdom celebrate the flow of evolving consciousness through my interactions in the world this day. May all beings everywhere know peace within and without their body-minds this day. As the New approaches, may the old die in decency, holding respect and honor for all beings in all places on all paths. January 2004 Today I open myself to the freshness of a New Year, celebrating this point of renewal. Today I will seek a fresh point of view in everything I consider. Today I will release my habituated patterns of seeing and believing, seeking a fresh approach to my life. May I fully awaken to the positive power of a New Year, releasing the negative remnants of last year. I will allow my mind to take in freshness this day, as I seek to renew my spiritual awakening process. Today I am thankful for all the goodness life has afforded me, and I generously seek to share these gifts. May I awaken this day to my full potential for goodness. May I open my eyes this day to profound gratitude for the blessings I have received. May the wisdom of my Source be manifest this day in my gracious acceptance of what it. May I begin this day in love; may I fill this day with love; may I end this day in love. May my mind be blessed with wisdom this day, rending the veils of confusion and delusion. May my mind be awake this day, celebrating freedom from my old patterns of thought. May I have fresh eyes and ears this day, allowing genuine authenticity to guide my thoughts, speech and actions. Today I will dissolve all negative or limited thoughts the very moment they arise. May I marvel at everything I experience this day, recognizing the miracle of consciousness at work. I approach this day openly, invoking the truth to come forth, releasing my mind from any delusions. May I experience the familiar with freshness today, free from mental projections of my past. May I be fully present for the experiences with which Life graces me today. May I create today in a state of basic sanity, observing the projections of mind, but not accepting them as real. May I be fully alive with a radiant and peaceful heart this day, shining gratitude on all my experiences. Today I will imbue all my relationships with grace, forgiveness and appreciation. I will walk this day with full awareness of all the small kindnesses that come my way. May my eyes and ears be opened fully this day, that I may appreciate all the energies at work to allow my gracious successes. May the realms of glory be known in my heart this day, permeating my thoughts, speech and actions with kind generosity. May I see beyond the obvious in all my interactions this day, appreciating fully the interplay of all levels of consciousness.


As I have been gifted this day, so may I gift the lives of those around me, that they, too, may find wholeness. May I never take for granted the good things and the good people who come my way, allowing me an opportunity to be better for having encountered them. As I have been loved this day, may I love all others who cross my path. I am the Fortunate One who sees beyond the veil of suffering and ignorance. I am the Fortunate One who holds the vision of healing and wholing for all beings of Earth. I am the Fortunate One who is blessed beyond comprehension and who has come to bring blessing to all sentient beings. February 2004 Today I open my perception to a vaster perspective, one not limited to my small self. I am One with all Creation, and I celebrate the union of all opposites within this thing I call a self. May the Oneness of all that expresses through life be seen and recognized by me this day, no matter how small or vast its representative form. May the goodness that joins all sentient beings arise in all my thoughts, speech and actions today. May all sentient beings experience peace in the infinite connection resonating through each one. May I experience this day the love of the Cosmos shining through each and every being I encounter. I will see myself this day a representation of the goodness which is available to every sentient being. Today I offer the fruits of my knowledge and wisdom to liberating all sentient beings from the source of their suffering. Today I will focus on the shared likeness common to sentient beings, releasing any/all concern for the differences that may be obvious. May kindness shine through all my thoughts, words and actions today, encouraging kindness to arise in others, as well. I will be gentle this day with all parts of Creation, allowing the glow of kindness to gently light my path. I will rest this day in the knowledge of Oneness, no matter how disparate may be the objects of my mind. May the knowledge of shared existence support me this day, allowing release of all fear and defensiveness that may assault my mind. May all beings experience the infectious love of Creation joyously enfolding them this day. May my sense of self be expanded by the flow of love that greets me in every sentient being I meet. May my heart be filled with lovingkindness this day, spilling forth through all my thoughts, speech and activities. May lovingkindness enfold the Earth today, blessing all beings everywhere. As I have been freely loved by the Source of my being, so will I freely love all others. I will walk in gentle stillness today, contemplating the beauty in my relationships. May I know and show radiant beauty and unmotivated kindness to all I meet this day. I will challenge myself this day to explore new dimensions of kindness, recognizing I am not separate from any being that I encounter. May I see fully the goodness that arises from my deep connection with all that is. May my eyes see beyond the obvious this day, opening new and deeper applications of lovingkindness in my thoughts, words and activities. I will walk this day in the knowledge that I am a reflection of my mind's projections, and I will project images of unity, peace, joy and harmony through my thoughts, speech and activities. Today, may I create a rich flow of lovingkindness, offering neutrality in place of insanity, gentleness in the place of harshness, and hope in the place of depression. I am One with all the goodness in Creation, blessing all beings with the potential for their own goodness. In the flow of lovingkindness, I will generate harmony with all I experience this day. I am a part of all I meet today, and they a part of me. I am the Fortunate One who sees beyond the illusion of separation and "otherness." March 2004 Today I will manifest clarity in the way I see my relationships. As I look into my relational mirror this day, I will see the goodness and softness I generate to those with whom I share relationship. May I know myself One with all I meet this day, and may I cherish that shared identity. I will look through open and honest eyes at each relationship I experience today. Today I will notice what my relationships are teaching me about the Divine. This day I will hold dear all relationships that are not yet clear, knowing they will instruct me in some vital and precious way. I am One with all the beautiful flowers of Earth, and I will experience that beauty in all my relationships this day. I am One with the great mountains of Earth, and I will show that knowing in all my relationships today. I am One with the vast oceans of Earth, and like the ocean, I will enfold each person I greet this day in Love and Light. I am One with the glorious seasons of Earth, and I will show constancy and flowing movement in my relationships this day, reflecting the flowing seasons that grace all sentient beings on Earth. I am One with the Earth's great generosity, and I will generously share the kindness Life has offered me.


I am One with the fresh air and the sunshine that grace Earth, and knowing this, I open my generous heart to bless all sentient beings the way these gifts have blessed me. I am One with the great stars, and like they, I will offer light and warmth to all my relationships today. I am One with the Source of All Being, and will continue to focus Source-shine on all I meet today. May the goodness of pure and uncomplicated relationship grace all with whom I interact this day. May my relationships make me wise and soft, continually chipping away at my rough edges. Today I will open my mind and my heart fully to the consequences of love. I acknowledge the arrival of Spring within my heart this day, as I expose the buds of relationship to the warmth of Source-shine. I open this day to a new and deeper relationship between my heart and my mind. Exploring deeply the force and power of relationship, I open myself to deep transformation by the same. I am free, at ease, present and loving in my relationships this day, releasing all tendency to complicate my own feelings or those of another. May the energy of good will and honesty be manifest in all my relationships today. I release the complications of comparing mind from all my interactions with others this day, allowing all shared experiences to simply be what they are. I will avail myself this day to the greater flow of lovingkindness, realizing I am but a molecule within its own deep vastness. I will focus on what is good and holy in my relationships today, releasing all fear, pettiness and any tendency to judge myself or others. I am at peace today, knowing I am becoming whole through the precious experiences of my relationships. Today is the day of reconciliation for all troubled or unresolved relationships of my past. Today I will walk in forgiveness for both myself and all others with whom I have experienced difficult relationships. Because I have seen through the manipulations of my mind, I offer my energy this day to easing conflict, restoring trust and building relationship with others which transcends judging mind. Today, I open myself to the full experience of wholeness in all my relationships. Today my heart and mind are one, dwelling in the infinite flow of grace and peace. April 2004 Today I will acknowledge the fool within who masquerades as a wise adviser. Today I will release the fool within, and honor the wisdom of Essence residing in the palace of my heart. I open my path this day to the full outpouring of Grace. I receive this day the grace, beauty and preciousness of this human life. As I go about this day, I will silently ask myself where my real future lies. This day I will hold precious the myriad expressions of small good deeds. Today I will be sensitively aware of all the expressions of Essence in my life. Today I will discover peace of mind through my kindness, affection and compassion. Today I will speak to others with a calm and gentle voice, offering clarity and kindness to all I meet. May the words of my mouth usher kindness and warmth to all I meet this day. I will be mindful this day, replacing all arising painful emotions with kindness and compassion. Today I will celebrate the inherent unity at play in the diversity of Creation. Today I will listen for the voice of the Divine speaking through all my thoughts, words and actions. I am a droplet of Infinity, cradling the omnipresent Spirit within this little nest of a heart. Today I release the desire to control my life, letting everything fall apart, if it wills, and open to the greater healing. I will direct my mindfulness this day into some closed area of my life. Today I will carry calmness and equanimity into all my activity. I will be awake with abundant life this day, noticing when divine perceptions appear, and tending to them with great devotional care. I open this day to Divine Joy, knowing it will outlast everything in its enduring abundance. Today I am refreshed by the deep knowing that when all else melts away, Divine Joy remains. By seeking goodness this day, by affirming goodness and by opening myself to goodness, I will awaken to the flowering garden of profound beauty. I open myself to the power in the presence of happiness, knowing it is the supreme test of my spiritual path. Today I honor life in all its inherent fragility, recognizing how easily it can be dissolved - like a dewdrop in the morning sun. Today I will be fulfilled by wanting what I have and not wanting what I do not have. Today I will listen with a still and concentrated mind, allowing myself the freedom to respond from my heart to what is actually said. I will hone my spiritual confidence today through the expression of love and courage for others. Today I will bring open and respectful attention to my physical sensations, my emotional feelings and my mental thoughts.


Today I will celebrate the knowledge that every act of generosity is an expression of my true nature. Today I will rest in the center of all things, the great seat that rests in the palace of my heart. Today I will actually look at those who enter my experiential field, sincerely wishing them to be free of whatever causes them to suffer. May 2004 Today I will cherish those with whom I contact as if they have been dear to me my whole life. Today I will encourage the sprouts of divine perception to grow, tending them with devotion and love. I open myself this day to the mystery of creation, seeking to perceive the Divine influence behind it all. As I draw closer to the Divine within life today, I open my seeing to the wonders of Creation. As I play my part in life today, I will remember that "part" is only a role I have accepted for now. Today I will float serenely on the waters of life in the world, and will keep my intent focused on the Divine. Today I will become the beauty that is in a flower, and the preciousness that shines in pure consciousness. Today I will open myself as a willing vessel to receive the rain of blessing that is freely offered. Today I am grateful for the abundant blessings life affords me. May the soft drops of kindness and gentleness rain on all I meet this day, blessing them with goodness. May the tears of my eyes fall this day on the parched ground of my heart, awakening a new blossoming cycle. Today I will become a dewdrop of the Infinite, bringing freshness and vitality to everything I encounter. May I see the omnipresence of Spirit in all facets of this day, awakening the sleepy projections of my mind. May that which is nestled in my heart be awakened to the full presence of Spirit rising. I will exude peace and goodness this day in all my activities and interactions. The presence of the divine within my heart today amplifies the peace and goodness I put forth. I will greet each person I meet today with complete freshness, fully releasing any and all past history. I will be reflect the love of Creation to each and every being I meet today. I will live this day simply, recognizing all the goodness that arises in the small things in life. Today I will unselfishly offer love and kindness in every situation. Today I will turn toward the Power that lights my way to health, happiness, peace and success. I open myself this day to the Power that knows and acknowledges my health, happiness, peace and success in all matters. Today I live as if it were impossible to make a mistake. Today I will become the Power that supports my health, happiness, peace and success in all matters. The Light of Goodness shines through me this day, bringing health, happiness, peace and success to all I meet. Today I will acknowledge Love as the silent exchange between my heart and the Heart of Creation. I will carry serenity and calmness into all my activities this day, knowing that productive action begins in a calm, quiet center. Today I will take appreciative notice of majestic mountains painted on the brilliant canvas of the sky; of velvety green grass carpeting my steps; of radiant sunsets and luminous sky - all pointing to the presence of the Divine at work in this world. Today I will rest in the center of the Great Heart, being sealed in the power of great and wondrous love. I arise this day, searching for the flower of liberation in all I meet. May the perfume of Divine Love spread through me this day, spreading among all with whom I have contact. June 2004 May the lessons of my past instruct me wisely as I create this day. As I observe karmic seeds ripening in my life, I will give thanks for the opportunity to observe the creative process silently at work in these matters. As I view the flow of karma creatively re-enacting old perceptual patterns, I will awaken to their repetitive nature and release myself from their tyranny. Today I will open my eyes and my awareness to the powerful role of karma in my relationships. Today I will review with honesty all the areas wherein I have "gone to sleep" in my relationships. I accept with sincere honesty, the realization that I have hurt people for whom I care deeply. I accept full responsibility for the karmic patterns I have repeatedly played out, knowing I can heal only the areas wherein I acknowledge I am not whole. Today I will open myself fully to the possibility of transformation in all areas where my relationships are not whole. May I deal gently this day with myself and all others I have wounded in relationship. I open myself this day to receive and contain the gentle raindrops of lovingkindness on behalf of all who have ever been wounded in relationship. May the soft presence of Enlightenment shine through the dark clouds of my karma, awaking myself and all others I meet this day. Today I forgive myself for all past karmic indiscretions and shortcomings. Today I will step out of my fixations on the past, and walk in freshness and wonder, accepting the grace I am offered. Today I release the past to its own dissolution, knowing I have my hands full with the present moment.


I release my mind this day from the bondage of my past mistakes, opening it to a fresh way of seeing. May the karmic seeds that ripen this day be instructive to my fresh mind. I will look upon all I meet this day as if I have no history with them. I will speak and act this day from outside the boundaries and limitations of my habituated responses. I will love all with whom I have contact this day, regardless of previous perceptions and inferences I have held. Today I will allow the past to remain the past. I am the product of personal, familial, societal and cultural karmic influences, and I open to the possibility of transformation in each of these areas I have allowed to define me. Today I release all attachment to the karmic patterns I have used to support my ego, knowing I cannot find Truth clinging to these patterns. Today I behold the wonder of karma dissolving into Emptiness. I will arise from this path of suffering, becoming awake and alive with the potential for total transformation. Let the power of Holy Transformation arise for Earth, beginning its work in my own hidden area of karmic entrenchment. Let Truth come forth, opening my eyes to the areas of my own karmic blindness. As I observe the seeds of karma ripening this day, I will move toward all sentient beings with profound compassion, understanding their pain. I will see this day through the enlightened eyes of the Bodhisattva, allowing deep compassion to form my thoughts, words and actions. May I cherish all acts of wisdom and compassion that arise this day, the delicate, blooming flowers of grace and peace. I will hold this day the profound awareness that I must be the lovingkindness I wish for all beings everywhere. July 2004 I acknowledge the profound blessings of life that support me this day. I accept and acknowledge the abundant flow of life force as it bestows its rich blessings in all areas of my life. May the goodness of the abundant flow that supports me reach all living beings through my interactions of love and kindness. I am whole in the abundant flow that carries me gently through the activities and relationships of this day. May the wise goodness of the all-abundant Source of my being be manifest this day in my every thought, word and action. I am one with the River of Creation, which supports, nurtures and blesses me in infinite ways. My grateful heart sings with the abundant flow of blessings that come to me this day. I am alive, awake and aware because of the Abundant Presence of my Source, which flow through me in every moment, with every breath I take. May the beauty of the abundance that cradles my life ever be seen and appreciated by this ego mind. I am alive with abundant grace this day, and I readily share it with all whom I encounter in whatever way. I will remain awake to the abundant beauty of the Earth today, appreciating the power of beauty in my life and creative force. I give thanks this day for the flow of wonder that supports and sustains all sentient beings. I am in alignment with the flow of Divine will this day, and I accept full responsibility for directing that flow into peaceful and loving interactions will all sentient beings. I am one with all that is good, all that is kind, in this Universe, and I give thanks for the profound gift of goodness and kindness in my life. May I be granted abundant wisdom this day, that I may break through the clouds of illusion that arise before me. I will share the gift of my abundance with everyone I meet today, recognizing we are one within this great flow. The Giver of All Life dwells within me, and today I accept the healing gift offered me. I open my mind this day to receive the gems of wisdom so abundantly scattered before me. May my thoughts, words and actions descend to the ground of my habituated experiencing - like the gentle, abundant rains - softening my heart in the process. Today I will open to the abundant gift of genuine happiness. I acknowledge this day the richness that surrounds me in all areas of my life by refusing to give in to negative mental patterns. Today I will hold my mind above all thoughts of impoverishment, recognizing the River of Abundance is flowing right through me. Because I am One with my Source, abundant healing relationships come to me easily. Because I am One with my Source, abundant holy work greets me daily. Because I am One with my Source, abundant health is always available to me. Because I am One with my Source, all that I need is continually supplied to me. Because I am One with my Source, my financial flow is always abundant. Because I am One with my Source, I sincerely want to return a blessing for every one I receive.


Because I am One with my Source, I am a part of the flow of abundance for every sentient being, and I celebrate my opportunities to share in their ongoing abundant lives. Because I am One with my Source, I celebrate the presence of abundance in the lives of all other beings around me even my enemies. Because I am One with my Source, I am the source of my own abundance. August 2004 Today I open my mind to the radical light of Consciousness, receiving the gifts and insights it brings. I open my eyes to the light of Consciousness this day, awakening to the sun of my soul. I am an agent of the Infinite, and as such I release my hold on all transient "truths." I open my creative areas to the operation of the Infinite in Its own unquestionable wisdom. May the moments of today abound with infinite opportunities to share love and attention with others. Because I understand the pains of suffering mind, I am filled only with love and kindness for all others I see suffering. May this mind open only to the goodness and wisdom arising in the world around me, forgiving all incidents of those suffering in painful conflict with their own minds. I open this day to the full expression of the Infinite seeking Its expression in the world through me. I forgive all negative emotions in others that appear to complicate my life this day, knowing they teach me patience and genuine love. I open myself to the reality of Emptiness this day, awaiting the unraveling of the illusions of my mind. I release all notions of suffering I have inflicted upon my mind this day, realizing I am one with the infinite flow of kindness and forgiveness. May the goodness of Creation reveal itself this day to my open, pliable mind. I release my creative mind from the shackles of habituated thinking this day, opening to the flow of divine wisdom, gentleness, and infinite possibilities. Today I release all frustration and exercises in bad temperament the instant they arise, knowing the Infinite is seeking connection with the world through me, not my patterns of limitation. Today I am constantly renewed by the sweet presence of the Infinite within me, seeking what is best for all sentient beings. May I experience the oneness this day with all that is, releasing all manner of negative judgement that may arise in my mind toward any sentient being or group of sentient beings. Today I am one with the Infinite in all Its expressions - even the ones my ego does not like. May all sentient beings experience this day the power of the Infinite seeking through them divine connection with all other beings. I allow my mind to completely lose itself within the infinite flow of Creation this day, awakening to the profound Light of Being in all Its many aspects. Today, I allow my creative mind to fly free from the turbid waters of habituated reactions. I open my thoughts and feelings to the full operation of the Infinite seeking expression through me this day. Today I acknowledge my connection to all sentient beings as reflections of myself - particularly those that challenge my egoic thoughts. May profound gratitude arise from this joyful heart, as I celebrate the healing of all my hardened places. Today I offer my wisdom and generosity as a focus for the liberation of all sentient beings, particularly those with whom I disagree. I will love and cherish the Infinite hidden within all the mundane experiences that today grace my path. I will follow the lead of the Infinite this day as I create multiple opportunities for engagement, encouragement and support of all other sentient beings. I open my heart in grateful celebration of the presence of the Infinite within me this day, knowing my celebration allows Its beautiful expression to manifest to all levels of consciousness. This Infinite Presence within me is holy, and I shall ever respect and appreciate this holy influence in my creative application of consciousness. I am one this day with the Infinite Presence of the Divine seeking expression through all my thoughts, words and actions. This day I will be ever mindful of the possibilities available through my thoughts, words and deeds, knowing those three levels of creation can have profound impact on the Infinite Presence. Today I will celebrate the goodness that arises all around me (particularly in the places I tend to take for granted or ignore), greeting it on behalf of the Infinite. September 2004 I walk this day in grace, lovingly supported by the Source of my Being. May the Presence of the Divine within me open my heart to the fullest expression of love I may offer this day to all parts of Creation. I open myself in this very moment to the fullness of love and grace with which the Divine surrounds me. I am whole in the effulgence of the Divine Presence which shines through my thoughts, words and actions this day.


I will walk this day in grace and peace, recalling at every moment that I am one with the Source that brought me forth. I will live this day as if I am the only piece of God that someone (perhaps a stranger) will see. My grateful heart opens to the flow of love and devotion seeking release into the world today. My joyous heart spills forth unimaginable waves of loving essence as I move through the world this day. I am overflowing with love this day because I am loved so completely by the Divine Presence that sustains me. This little heart of mine rejoices as I fall into the ocean of love, losing myself in its infinite flow. As I look at the Earth today, I see only the Presence of Love, infinite with possibilities for discovery. The Heart of God spills blessings on all with whom I make contact this day, whether in physical meeting or in the secret meeting places of my mind. I will begin this day with love, I will fill this day with love, and I will end this day with love. I am the promise of Love for which the world is yearning this day, and I offer my open, brilliant heart to all who can receive it. I have fallen into the Heart of God, and am forever changed by the magnificent love that caresses me. I am the Fire of the Divine, seeking all who are ready for their spiritual kindling. Resting in the Heart of God, I am fully known, fully healed. I am the Essence of Peace, sent forth by Divine Plan, dissolving the suffering of those who will let it go. I am the Ocean of Love, sent forth from God to dissolve all resistance to the Plan of Love. That which lifts my soul, searches all creation for whom it may love through me. I am the Song of Love, echoing through the ageless process of spirit becoming matter. I am held this day in God's grace and love, and no force nor factor can disturb my sea of tranquility. My devoted heart sings with laughter as I lose myself in infinite fields of joyous wonder. I am the Emanation of God who knows utter boundlessness in loving. I live in the heart of Creation, and I open the doors of my home to all beings everywhere. I have come to offer abundant love and life to all who will receive it this day. God's love is in my heart, and I will nurture it well, that all beings I meet may know God's love. I am Infinite Love, and I draw all to me who would lose themselves in the healing flow of the Divine. Because I have been healed by Divine Love, I am healer and lover of all. I look through the eyes of Love; I hear through the ears of Love; I move in the heart of Love, that all who encounter me are infinitely loved. October 2004 Today I will allocate time to love. I have sprung from the God-spark, and will demonstrate the roots of my true being today. Today I will seek the silence behind all words, knowing the language of the Divine is silence. I am a spark of the Infinite, igniting inspiration and manifestation of forms and worlds yet to burn with love. I will validate the Infinite within, quietly bearing witness to Creation as it arises before me today. Today I acknowledge the divine power of an unseen Presence that enters the physical world through me. Today I will release my limitations, knowing the Infinite cannot be contained within them. I open myself in infinite freshness this day, accepting the wonder of the Divine seeing through my eyes. Today I will enter the Palace of the Heart, acknowledging the Divine there indwelling, and loving outwardly in a manner demonstrative of Its vastness. Today I will enter the Heart of God, taking up residence therein. May I love this day as fully as I am loved. Today I will observe the presence of the Divine observing my thoughts, words and actions. Today I invite the Divine Observer to instruct me in all matters, small and great. I acknowledge the presence of the Divine Observer at work within my Consciousness this day. The Knower of All Creation looks through my eyes this day, observing the movements of all influences, no matter how small or inconsequential such may be in the eyes of humans. The Divine Observer sees me this day in the nakedness of my Essence. I open my field of experiencing to the Divine Observer, that I may learn to see in the way It sees. Today I will carefully observe my thoughts, speech and actions, endeavoring to observe as the Divine Observer. May I feel the presence of the Divine Observer witnessing my creative process this day. May I know the workings of the Divine Observer this day, as It views the play of emptiness and karma arising in infinite forms and relationships before me. I will look through the eyes of the Divine Observer today, acknowledging the infinite possibilities that greet me in every moment. Today I open my heart fully to the Divine Observer, learning to love deeply Its presence within this Consciousness I call my own. I allow my Consciousness to be expanded this day by the One Who observes beingness through my awareness, and loves beingness through my openness.


I allow my Consciousness to be completely fluid this day, flowing freely with the Divine Consciousness which the Observer manifests. I can see the Divine in all things, because the Divine dwells in the Consciousness of seeing. That which is Infinitely Conscious floods and fills the small container of this little "self." Today I accept the divine neutrality of the Observer within as my model of Consciousness. Using divine neutrality in my experiences this day, I am highly engaged with infinite compassion. The heightened awareness of divine neutrality fills me with bliss and emptiness, and I am One with the Observer. In deep compassion and heightened wisdom, I will remain neutral to all that arises this day. In love, wisdom and divine neutrality, I see beyond the artificial boundaries of separation this day, rising to the holy work of high witness for all that is. November 2004 I abide this day in calmness, knowing I am whole. When stress arises in my life this day, I have the power to calm myself and remain at rest within the calm. I will watch with curiosity the rising and falling of emotional energy within myself and others today. I will replace all personal emotional reactivity with curiosity today. I release my heart this day from the emotional control of my ego. I will open my mind with neutral curiosity to all that I encounter this day. Because I am more powerful than the emotions that arise from ego mind, today I will go free from all reactivity. In joy and reverence I honor the creative waves of emotional arising, knowing they represent some manifestation of my enlightenment. Today I release essence mind from the control of ego mind, allowing the sense of "myself" to simply dissolve into light. As I observe the changing of the seasons, I will practice neutrality and compassion. As I observe the changes in my life, I will practice neutrality and compassion. Today I will watch the reactions of my mind to all situations arising before me, yet I will remain calm and open to the moment. Today I will open my mind to experience joy in the presence of difficulty, calm in the presence of chaos. May deep compassion be awakened in me this day, opening me to authentic engagement without a personal agenda. I will see this day with the clarity of engaged neutrality, offering kindness and sanity in all my interactions. May the presence of the Divine surround me this day, dissolving the painful points of separation my ego cherishes. Today I release my ego from its self-centered preoccupation, opening my heart in true compassion to all I meet this day. Today is the day my ego dissolves into the full spectrum of enlightenment. Today I am watcher of emotions, protector of enlightenment, rainbow of neutrality and equanimity. The cool rains of compassionate neutrality fall on the parched desert of experiencing. I open myself this day to the full expression of compassionate neutrality in all my interactions. Today I will spread the fragrance of divine neutrality to all with whom I have contact. In compassionate neutrality, I expand myself into the omnipresent Spirit, which needs no turbulent emotional reactivity. I open to the full presence of the Divine within, seeking to reflect Its true nature through my compassionate heart and neutral mind. Today I will look at Creation with fresh eyes, allowing divine curiosity to replace my old patterned and jaded ways of seeing. Today I will see the light of compassion and wonder which indwells all sentient beings. Today I will cherish the preciousness of every living thing, and I will acknowledge the stillness of Spirit indwelling and inspiring all. I open to the flood of neutrality this day, allowing the boundaries of my mind to be carried away in infinite directions. Compassionate neutrality keeps my mind positive and strong this day, and opens me to yet unknown possibilities. Today I will acknowledge the ocean of neutrality that rolls beneath the little waves of my emotions. December 2004 Today I will begin the conscious journey into the Heart of all Being. Today I will arise in the confidence of my path, and take heart in the journey. I will open my heart this day to all the beauty and grace that surrounds me. I acknowledge the Great Heart moving among all sentient beings this day, seeking to bless all who will open to It. I will be restored this day with the wonder and goodness that seeks me out, opening my heart with love and appreciation. I will release all pride and woundedness from my heart this day, that it may find liberation in love. The goodness of all Creation reaches out to touch my heart, stretching through the veils of my wounds, doubts and stubbornness, that I might find wholeness. In joy and reverence I acknowledge the power of the Great Heart, ever seeking those who will let It own them. I am reborn this day in the freshness of divine love and support. The goodness of all Creation extends itself to me, awakening my stale heart to fresh love. As I observe the world before me, I will awaken daily with new vigor to complete the work of love.


Today I will relinquish the hold my head has upon my actions and motivations, giving myself over completely to the Heart of Creation. Today I will not confuse passion with love, but will transcend my old ways of loving by being reborn of Infinite Love. I will examine my motivations today, making sure they arise from my profound space of love and not from my judgements. My open heart rejoices this day in the preciousness of abundant life as it kindles warmth in the depth of my heart. My heart is alive with kindness and wonder, celebrating all the precious moments life offers today. My heart guides me this day into the regions of the Divine I have not yet experienced. My heart opens wide this day, seeing the wounds others carry in their journey to enlightenment. Today my heart is not separate from the Heart of Creation, and I open to receive the pain of all sentient beings. There is great wisdom in my heart, and I celebrate the opportunities life offers me to bring it forth. I open my heart to the full expression of compassionate neutrality, celebrating the wisdom of my heart. Today I will be the agent of the Great Heart that loves and appreciates all sentient beings. Today the ego mind of the head is offered up as a sacrifice to the empowered heart. I allow the ego mind to fall away this day, preparing within my heart the palace for the Divine One. I take rebirth this day, filling my heart with the love of the Christ, and acknowledging my profound connection with all that loves and heals. I will walk this day in grace and wonder, knowing I am filled with lovingkindness and the splendor of indestructible Love. My heart opens fully this day, receiving and dissolving the judgements and limitations of my head, allowing my mind to take up residence in the Heart of Creation. My heart opens to vastness this day, stretching beyond the boundaries of a personal self, becoming One with the Infinite Lover of Life. I will see all that arises before me this day with the vision of loving eyes. Today, I will be the eyes through which the Christ sees and loves. Today, I offer these eyes for all great beings of all times, that their loving awareness may spread to all sentient beings who struggle for freedom and liberation on planet Earth. January 2005 Today is the first day of all that I create this New Year. I open my eyes this day in freshness, that I may view all of creation anew, relishing in its beauty. The old parts of my life have passed away, and I bask in the newness of fresh grace. I open my heart and my mind to the fresh aliveness arising all around me, cherishing the preciousness of all that manifests to these new eyes. Today I release myself from all old patterns of suffering, so that these new eyes may see beyond my old pain. I will awake with vigor from the stupor of suffering, realizing I need not be limited by habituated ways of seeing, and believing in, my old pain My eyes have been awakened this day with the light of goodness, and I open to the power of happiness in each area of my life. Today I will search with gratitude the many experiences I encounter, seeking to know the goodness that arises in the most unsuspecting places. Today is the day of ego death and soul rebirth, and I open myself fully to this experience again and again. The richness of creation remaking itself on a daily basis touches my heart this day, and fills me with hope and joy. I will view creation and all my experiences this day through the eyes of an awakened one, and will know directly this impeccably pristine way of seeing. Today I will bring forth my true nature, recognizing the rising buddha in self and all others. Today I will see the transformative power of Infinite Love streaming its profound rays to all sentient beings. Today I will know the transformative power of Infinite Love extending Itself through me to love and heal all sentient beings. I will stay awake this day, searching all the miracles of Infinite Love among all sentient beings. I will look carefully at all sentient beings I encounter this day, knowing in my deepest core none are strangers to me. I open my eyes, my heart and my mind to the infinite flow of grace caressing each and every sentient being I am blessed to encounter. The light of pure wisdom greets me today in each and every sentient being I have the privilege to behold. The Lover of All that Is looks through my eyes this day, seeing only opportunities for loving expression. The Knower of All Wisdom celebrates through me the miracle of creation this day. My heart is open, awake and alive with the beautiful song of grace and compassion, and I joyfully share it with all I meet this day. Today, where there is sadness, I will offer peace and gentle joy. Today, where there is anger, I will offer understanding and kindness. Today, where there is jealousy, I will offer tranquil acceptance.


Today, where there is hopelessness, I will offer comfort and strength. I will life this day in the full confidence and understanding that pure love is indestructible. All that I create this day will flow from the infinite spring of love and grace that rises up within me as I open to the poignant experiences of other sentient beings. My heart is alive with fresh love and wonder as I celebrate the expansion of the Divine moving and loving this planet through me. I am vast enough this day to be awed by the presence of the Divine extending itself through all conscious beings, celebrating the power of Life and Love. May this day begin, end and be filled with goodness for all sentient beings. May the power of the Divine experiencing and loving Itself through the exchange of consciousness in all sentient beings be available this day to these eyes of wonder. February 2005 I give thanks this day for the opportunities I am afforded to rectify past mistakes. May the mistakes of my past arise with creative power to bless any whom they have previously hurt. I give thanks this day for the opportunities I am afforded to see clearly into old patterns of pain. I allow the pain of my past to instruct me this day, and I accept its gifts of clarity and wisdom. Today I release myself from all old patterns of guilt, shame, carelessness, neglect and laziness, realizing I am free to create my life without their influence. I acknowledge this day my power to step beyond the prison of my past. In all areas where I have previously been blind to the goodness of others, I now open my eyes with joy and wonder at the goodness that surrounds me. I give thanks this day for my ability to step beyond the borders of my ego and experience the world through the eyes of another who sees it differently from me. I will live my life today as if it is the one chance I have to make amends for thoughts, words and actions that may have hurt any other sentient being. I am filled with hope this day, as I remake myself in the likeness of the Divine. I allow my experiences this day to open my eyes in ways wherein they have previously not seen clearly. I will see all that comes to me this day as some kind of blessing. The beautiful vision of a world in the freshness of Spring dwells in my heart today, inspiring my every thought, word and action. Each day I create myself anew, marveling at the infinite power of Life Force to restore what is natural, beautiful and loving. I celebrate the fact that I awoke this morning, and I will fill this day with rich beauty and gratitude. I will create within me a fresh heart this day, allowing the hurts and wounds of the past to dissolve in loving kindness. The kindness of Creation smiles on me this day, healing the scar tissue of my heart, opening me to greater acts of kindness. Today is the special day wherein all my bitterness, hatred, anger and laziness are dissolved into the flow of kindness and liberation. I have waited lifetimes for this day, and I accept my liberation from all suffering with profound appreciation. This grateful heart awakens to the song of love which all creation sings this day. Today my mind is clear and sees itself dissolving into the Great Heart of Creation. The Great Heart of Love dissolves the fixations of my mind, freeing me for greater wholeness. I stretch my little heart this day, offering its boundaries and rigid points to gentle restoration by the Great Heart which brought it forth. I awake this day with profound joy at the preciousness of life and the rich opportunities it affords for my expanding heart. Today there will be no boundaries to the loving of this heart. I am reminded this day of the goodness and wisdom which brought forth the little heart and mind I call my own, and I give thanks for the opportunity to experience them. I awaken fully this day, taking in the wonders of love and joy that I have previously not seen. The bud of my heart opens this day to the warming rays of the Great Heart which holds my little heart so gently within Its own safe shelter. March 2005 Today I acknowledge both my privilege and my responsibility for creating a life worth living. The ocean of abundance flows through me this day, generously blessing all whose path I cross. I will gratefully and generously apply the profound wealth of all my learning to my thoughts, words and actions this day. I allow the power of my appropriate choices and decisions to increase the wealth of my wisdom and compassion this day, opening me to vaster waters of abundance. Today I will apply my abundant intelligence to increasing both my financial and spiritual wealth.


Today I responsibly acknowledge that I am the master of my own fate, both financially and spiritually. I open my heart this day with profound gratitude for the generosity Life has bestowed upon me, and I freely share the fruits of abundance that I enjoy. Today I open myself fully to abundant spiritual wealth, and I allow my work in the world to become easier and easier as I establish myself within the infinite flow of grace. By the power of the Divine within me, I dissolve this day all my blocks to living an abundant life. The rising sun blesses me this day, and I am secure in the knowledge of infinite abundance. Since there is no lack in the One, I dissolve all the little areas of lack hiding within my hungry ego. Today I am rich in the knowledge that my financial flow is a reflection of the service I give to others. What I receive from the world today is a reflection of the openness of my heart. I allow my little heart to find its place within the Great Heart, which provides the flow of abundant wealth and beauty in my life this day. I open myself this day to fully receive the infinite wealth that comes to me, both financially and spiritually, knowing that each level supports the other. Today I will apply all the knowledge I have gained regarding spiritual wealth to open my eyes to see the abundant physical wealth that supports me. Today I will apply my knowledge of financial wealth to lead me deeper into the creation of my spiritual wealth. I release all notions of duality between financial wealth and spiritual wealth today, as I completely open to the ocean of abundance that wants to fill me. As of today, I no longer work for money - I employ my money to work for me that I may attend to greater service in the world. Today I release myself from the compulsive spending of my earnings that afflicts my mind and stops the flow of my spiritual prosperity. Today I take great satisfaction in what I have, knowing it is enough for today. Today I will employ my spiritual assets, letting them work for me in the gaining of greater spiritual wealth. I free myself this day from the old patterns of confusion and doubt regarding both financial and spiritual wealth building. Today I will apply my intelligence, creative skills, experience and education to raising my knowledge of both financial and spiritual wealth. Today I free myself from my mind's tendency to separate abundance into categories, simply acknowledging the presence of the abundant flow in my life. I will apply my efforts and energy this day to using both my spiritual and financial wealth to ease the suffering of all sentient beings. I release myself this day from the prison of doubt and confusion which have deluded me into believing in my perceptions of lack. I dedicate my efforts this day to managing well both my financial and spiritual assets. Today I release myself from squandering either financial or spiritual resources, thus liberating myself from the belief in lack. The notions of lack arising from this little mind are readily dissolved this day in the infinite Heart of Ever Flowing Grace and Abundance. My life is an abundant work of art, which inspires all who see it and imbues them with vast potentiality. April 2005 Today I release myself from all small ways of thinking, knowing my true nature is vast and abundant. Today is the day I manifest my new wealth identity. I am alive and well in the abundant flow of my life, glowing and growing with potentiality. All that is good, all that is wise, all that is profound arises to greet me this day as I celebrate the abundance of Creation. Today I acknowledge all the marvelous forces of Creation that collude to support me so well in this life. I will apply my intelligence and my focus to creating both my financial wealth plan and my spiritual wealth plan. I open myself to receive all the wondrous gifts this Universe holds for my financial wealth and my spiritual wealth. Today I accept the gracious support of Creation by placing myself in the abundant flow of life. Today I open myself fully to the abundant flow of grace that surrounds me, protects me and generates perfect wealth in all areas of my life. The profound grace in my life dissolves all my blocks to realizing perfect abundance and frees me to see the spiritual wealth that opens before me. I release all levels of insecurity, knowing I am richly supported by the One Who is the Author and Giver of life, love and all wealth. The perceptions of lack in my previous experiences are but shadows of a voracious ego, and have no reality in the One. The wealth I allow myself to experience reflects the depth of the service I seek to give. I open my heart to the flow of infinite love, which engenders profound wealth in all whose paths I cross. As I observe the manifestation of wealth in the rich experiences I have, I connect deeply with the divine Source Who sustains me with infinite expressions of love and wonder.


As I open myself to spiritual wealth, I allow my financial wealth to expand in like proportion. Today I release all tendencies toward neediness, knowing I am an extension of the Infinite. Today I renounce the needy gropings of my physical, emotional and mental bodies, freeing them to experience the wealth of the Infinite. I renounce the voracious tendencies of my emotional body that would extort my spiritual wealth by wallowing in neediness and the perception of lack. I release my Essence from the needy preoccupations of my small self, allowing it to blossom in the infinite flow of abundant love. In the wisdom of my abundance, I renounce all the notions of lack, doubt, fear and craving that have previously afflicted me with meaningless suffering. May the mental afflictions of all beings everywhere dissolve completely in the ocean of abundance. The wealth of my true nature shines forth this day, elevating my thoughts, words and actions. The wealth of the precious teachings I have received guide me into ever deeper realms of spiritual richness. The miracle of life graces me with wonder this day, enriching my journey and imbuing my thoughts, words and actions with profound wealth. The wealth plan I am now living generates precious abundance in the lives of all I touch upon my path. My wealth plan is modeled upon the infinite plan of abundance which so richly supports the life force at play in this Universe. There is nothing lacking in the One, of which I am an abundant extension. The sense of lack I have heretofore perceived is but a vapid egoic illusion, which can no longer exert any creative power in my life I honor both the spiritual and financial resources I experience, knowing each is reflective of the penetrating abundance of the Divine. May 2005 I release myself this day from all patterns of lack that may arise in my thoughts, speech and actions, knowing I Am the flow of abundant grace that blesses all sentient beings. The Springtime of my heart is as abundant and life-giving this day as the Springtime of the awakening season. As the Autumn draws nigh, I will harvest the abundance of my heart and life. My financial wealth is but a reflection of my inner spiritual abundance. Today I am surrounded with goodness, and I pick the fresh fruits that goodness has grown. I offer a portion of the goodness I now gather back to the Source of the gift. I open myself to the flow of abundant living, both in receiving and giving.


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