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WOMAN IN BLACK The woman in black opens with a series of close ups to present the importance of these objects

in the film, the dolls present the innocence and purity of the children, this on top of the creepy soundtrack in the background builds tension and suspense upon the audience viewing this. The props used in this part of the opening contrast with the soundtrack as the props present innocence but the soundtrack presents the tension building and makes the audience feel the fear of the unknown.

The thriller then goes on to present the setting and the characters by using a mid-shot. From this the audience can see the eerie and plain attic with children dressed in light colours to present purity. This continues to make the audience wonder what is about to happen as that is the aim of a thriller film. Throughout this opening scene there is no dialogue which builds further suspense. The lighting is neutral but the use of shadows and dark objects creates a sense of fear and darkness for the audience.

In this part of the opening the children all face the camera as the soundtrack strengthens in tone and pace to create suspense. The mid- shot allows the audience to see more of the setting and the further use of shadows in the room. The non- verbal communication used by the children changes dramatically from happy to frightened, which will also create a sense of fear for the audience. The cinematography used doesnt allow the audience to see what the children are looking at which creates masses of tension as the audience are unaware of what has caused this or what is going to happen next.

The scenes then goes on to show an eye line match of the children together looking at the window followed by a point of view shot from the children of the window, still no dialogue being used the audience are still unaware of what importance the window has to this part of the film. The soundtrack is still playing and is creating more tension as it continues and gets stronger as it builds up to a climax. The use of zoom is used to zoom into the window to exaggerate the importance of this prop in this scene and suggests to the audience that something dramatic is going to happen due to the build-up of tension. The use of this window contrasts the light from outside with the darkness and shadows in the room.

This is where the scene climaxes but the lack of dialogue still leaves the audience unknown of why this has just happened. The soundtrack that has been continuously playing throughout this scene comes to a dramatic end. After the children jump out the window, the first bit of dialogue is used of the whole film, a scream followed by a distressed woman shouting my babies! the lack of dialogue up to this point brought tension onto the opening scene of this thriller.

In this part of the scene it goes on to show a close up of a creepy looking doll, this prop is used to emphasise how the storyline has changed into a spooky twist. This is shown with a scary soundtrack in the background when the doll comes on screen. The doll prop was once used to represent the innocence of the children but is now used to portray fear and horror.

The opening then goes on to zoom out of the window, this continues to show the room the children were once in which is now empty, this suggests to the audience that they should feel sympathy yet horror to what has just happened. A vital prop is presented in this part of the scene, the woman in blacks veil, which gives a sense of suspense to the audience as they discover what the children were looking at, but are unaware of why or how it happened, which leaves the audience wanting to see more, as they are unaware of what will happen.

The opening scene then ends with the use of fade, to bring darkness onto the scene as the audience are now aware of the girls fate. Continuity editing was used throughout this scene along with chiaroscuro lighting due to the arrangement of light and dark areas in a Composition. All these factors I have commented on are what have made this film an effective thriller from the opening.

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