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A : Why do you look so upset?

B : It's Agung. He promised to come at seven. I have waited for one hour, but he hasn't shown up. I can't stand it.

A : Did he call? There might be something wrong.

B : No, not a single word. I can't bear it any longer. I'm really annoyed with it.

A : Hey? Look! there he is. What's wrong his car?

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A : You know George didn't come last Saturday night

B : Really? I saw him with a girl in Lembayung cafe. I thought they were dating there.

A : But he said that he accompanied his mother to hospital

B : You were lied by him.

A : Yes, I know. I am annoyed. I can't bear it any longer. It's over.


Mother : God.....What is this? What did you do with my skirt, Bi Ijah??

Bi Ijah : Sorry, Ma'am, I burned it.

Mother : Again! It has been four times you did it. You are such pain in the neck.

Bi Ijah : I said sorry, Ma' am. But your son, Indra, Exhauted me. He runs here and there.

Mother : Don't blame it on my son. I am really upset now. Don't do it again or I will send you back home.

Bi Ijah : No, Ma'am. I promise I will not do it again.

Taken from: Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris by Tanti Dwi Suryaningrum, S.Pd. Dkk

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A : Today is my bad day

B : Why? What's wrong?

A : I feel down from motorcycle in front of Campus

B : Really? Are you Ok?

A : I am fine, but I feel so embarrassed because my shoes were flying over me and my skirt was torn

B : You must be very ashamed

A : You bet. I felt so ashamed to know that. I don't feel convenient because there were some boys hanging out.

Taken from: Bank Soal Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA Kelas X, XI, dan XII Tanti Dwi Suryaningrum,S.Pd. Dkk

Read More.. 0 comments Expressing ANGER

There are expressions of ANGER:

You are such a pain in the neck

I am really upset now

Don't do it again or I will

You are too much

You are pathetic

You really make me angry

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There are expressing annoyance:

I'm annoyed

I had enough with it

I can't stand it

I can't bear it any longer

I'm fed up with it

You made me annoyed

You are such pain in the neck

You made me sick


There are kinds of expression of embarrassment:

I am embarrassed

I feel ashamed

Oh, My God

Shame on me

I don't feel comfortable

I feel awkward

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