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Help from love
Je to pre ma tak psychoterapia, tvrd naa zamestnankya z motorrne, Anna Kianikov, ktor sa vo svojom vonom ase pravidelne star o zvierat v ilinskom tulku.
edy vo Vs po prvkrt skrsla mylienka s pomc do tulku? U ako diea som mala zvierat vemi rada. Mama ma vdy hreila za to, e len o sa na chvku otoila, hne som hladkala cudzieho psa. Ke som zistila, e v iline otvorili tulok a zaal sa nbor dobrovonkov, nevhala som a dohodla si stretnutie.

Ako asto tam chodievate dobrovoni? Do tulku chodm tak asto, ako mi to moje povinnosti dovolia. Niekedy idem raz raz do tda, inokedy aj tyrikrt. Ctim sa tam vemi dobre i ke asto prdem domov poriadne unaven, no vdy asne uvonen a dobre naladen. Je to pre ma tak psychoterapia. Akmi rznymi spsobmi mu udia zvieratm pomc? Pomoc ud je pre tulok nevyhnutn. D sa pomc viacermi spsobmi naprklad darovanm granl, misiek, obojkov, vdziek, dek i psch makt, a pod. Tie mete hocikedy prinies do tulku a necha na vrtnici. Ak chcete pskom veci odovzda a zrove sa s nimi stretn, je to mon kad sobotu poas nvtevnch hodn. alou formou pomoci je finann prspevok, ktor mete posla na et tulku. V neposlednom rade m pre tulok vek vznam pomoc dobrovonkov, ktorch nikdy nie je dos. Zapjate sa do dobrovonckych aktivt organizovanch naou spolonosou? Zatia som sa nezapojila do dobrovonenia, ktor organizuje Kia Motors Slovakia. Pravdupovediac o tchto dobrovonckych aktivitch som sa dozvedela len nedvno na kolen. Pevne verm, e sa zapojm i do tchto prc. Ve preo nie? Odkaz kolegom Chcela by som odkza len toko, aby sa konene prestali vyhovra a hada dvody, preo nedobrovoni. Nech prdu a pomu. Nestoj ich to ni, len trochu ochoty pomc a odmena ich neminie. Ten krsny

pocit z dobre odvedenej prce, vanos tch, ktorm ste pomohli. i u det, ktor sa zahraj na novom krsnom ihrisku, kde ste pracovali aj Vy. Deduka s babkou, ktor si sadn na laviku v parku, kde ste i Vy pomhali pozbiera smeti, i vanos pska za to, e ste mu ukzali, e dotyk nie je len kopanec, ale me nm by i pohladenie.

W an animal shelter?

hen did you decide to help in

I love animals since I was little. My mom used to tell me off for playing with other dogs while she was not looking. Once I found out that an animal shelter in Zilina was established, I immediately arranged meeting there. How often do you go volunteering there? As often as I can, it depends on my duties. Sometimes I go once a week, or four times a week. I feel well in that place. Even though I often come home very tired, I am always relaxed and in good mood. It is a kind of psychotherapy for me. How can people help animals? Peoples help is necessary for the animal shelter. There are various ways how to help such as donating granules, bowls, dog-collars, blankets or dog dishes, etc.

Have you ever been involved into the volunteering activities organized by our company? I havent yet. Being honest I have been informed about it only recently during the training. I believe I will join it one day, why not? Message for others I would like to tell only that do not make excuses and look for reasons why not to join the volunteering activities. Just come and help. It doesnt cost you anything, only a little bit of willingness to help and a reward is guaranteed. A nice feeling from good work and thankfulness of people to whom

It is a kind of psychotherapy for me, says Anna Kianickova, our employee from Engine shop, who regularly takes care of animals in Zilina animal shelter in her free time.
You can bring them to the animal shelter or leave them at the main gate. You can visit the shelter during opening hours every Saturday. Another form is a financial support which can be sent directly to the shelters account. Furthermore, work of volunteers is also very important for the animal shelter. There are never enough of them. you helped. For instance children playing at a beautiful new playground which you helped to build; elderly people sitting on a bench in the park, where you helped to clean it; or the dogs gratitude for showing him that a touch is not just a kick but it can be even a caress.



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