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News for God’s people at Peace With Christ Lutheran Church

July 2009

God Bless America

Pastor Patrick’s Pen ……………………………………………… Page 3

Deaconess Claire’s Note…………………………………………… .Page 5
LWML/TAG….…………………………………………………….. Page 7
Marilyn’s Letter …………………………………………………….Page 8
Youth News………… ..…………………………………………… Page 9
South Africa Update………..……………………………………… Page 10
Missions & Ministry……………………………………………….. Page 12
Young Families……………………………………………………...Page 13
“Know Your Leadership”………………………………………….. Page 14
Book of Concord/Catechism Connection…………………………...Page 17
Children’s Ministry……………………………………………….. Page 18
“Writing”……………………………………………………………Page 19
“Financial Check-up”……………………………………………….Page 21
Financial Update ……………… …………………………………. Page 22
Anniversaries …………………… ……………………………….. Page 22
Birthdays. .…………………………..………………………………Page 23

Members are invited to sign up to place flowers on our altar

for special occasions: in memory or honor of a loved one or
a special event. Please sign up on the flower chart located
in the Sunshine Hall and see posted guidelines for flowers.


1412 West Swallow Road Pastor: Ralph Patrick
Fort Collins, CO 80526 Ministers: All Members
Phone: (970) 226-4721 Editor: Marcy Petago
Fax: (970) 204-1570 Youth Coordinator: Marilyn Lasich Prayer Chain Coordinator: Cheryl Harsen
On the
Prayer Chain: 229-1459

Radio Broadcast: KCOL (600 AM), at 9:00 AM Sundays

Church Elders:
Wes Nierman, Head Elder.. ……………………………………..………….….226-5936
Ray Kaiser, Worship Elder…………………………………….….…………....223-0987
Dan Krueckeberg, Staff Elder…………………………………….….…….… ..482-9545
Art Pforr, Elder……………………………………………………………… . .223-8533
Dan Prevedel, Elder...…………………………………………………………..204-4008
Michael Rohlfs, Elder………………………...…………….….…….…………482-2663

Church Council:
President, Chad Hamilton
Vice President, Larry Siegfried
Secretary, Ernestine Munsey
Treasurer, Lisa Bernhardt
Education Chairman, Eric Petago
Education Co-Chair, Jane Pennington
Evangelism Chairman, Rhonda Kaiser
Fellowship Co-Chairman, Kerri Fagan/Linda Siegfried
Youth Ministry Chairman, Amy Hoy
Missions & Ministry Chairman, Jerry Buchleiter
Head Trustee, Fred Kropp
Hands in Harmony Chairman, Betty Keeney
Preschool Chairman, Kim Molzer

Next month’s articles are due Sunday, July 19!

Pastor Patrick’s Pen

“I give thanks to my god always for you because of the grace of

God that was given you in Christ Jesus, that in every way you
were enriched in him in all speech and all knowledge.” 1 Cor.

Dear Children of God,

One of my many “Sunday Pleasures” is joining the Greeters at the

front doors. What a joy it is to see God’s people streaming in, eager
to hear His Word and receive His forgiveness. Greeting one another,
as well as those who are guests, is a VERY important activity at
Peace with Christ. It was also very important for St. Paul, as we see
in his epistles. It’s interesting to compare the way he greets the saints
in the various churches.

The example above is significant, for he is greeting a congregation in

Corinth that has had many problems. Quite frankly, they were a
pretty poorly behaved bunch of Christians. And yet the grace of God
and the love of St. Paul overflows to them, just as it does to us! What
a difference there is between the greeting Paul writes in the first letter
to the Corinthians, and in the second. There we read, “Blessed be the
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and
God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we
may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the com-
fort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” (2 Cor. 1:3-4)

Continued on page 4

Continued from page 3

In this greeting St. Paul is reassuring this congregation, which ob-

viously had been through many challenges, of the comfort of God.
Have you ever thought of your greeting doing the same? Provid-
ing comfort and encouragement to those who may be sad or suffer-
ing? What a difference a kind word from the Lord, a loving Chris-
tian gesture, or even a simple smile can make!

In 1 Timothy we find quite a different greeting. In it, St. Paul is

reminding Timothy of the importance of teaching sound doctrine,
and avoiding foolish ideas and speculations of men. He also em-
phasizes the importance of “love that comes from a pure heart, a
good conscience, and a sincere faith.” (1 Timothy 1:5) How im-
portant are these to us?

Take time to read over the various greetings in the NT epistles.

They really are quite inspirational. They also provide a wonderful
example of how we in turn can greet others in the Name of the
Lord Jesus Christ!

Peace be with you,


Deaconess Claire’s Note

Dear Servants of God,

It seems like the year is finally come to a close. I would like to

share with you a poem I wrote back in September. Forgive me if
the rhythm and rhyme aren’t exact.

This is my way of saying thank you. But in case it’s unclear:

Thank you for your hospitality & making room for me.
Thank you for you dedication to the call to service we all receive
in baptism.
Thank you for your generosity of spirit & willingness to share
both joys and heart aches.
Thank you for your music.
Thank you for your kindness (elephants, fish, cakes, laughter,
biker gear, foot washing gear, ant killing gear, accoutrements,
But most of all,
Thank you for your prayers & I thank God for His faithfulness.

Matthew 18

Who is the greatest,

At the kings right hand?
Who has the honor,
Who knows the master’s plan?

Turn expectations upside down

Remember the poor and lame
The humble, little, least and small
The greatest – they’re the same

Continued on page 6

Continued from page 5
For this must be true because
God came as a little babe
And in a place for animals
He cried where he was laid

But honor came from all who saw

The Almighty born of Theotokus
A smelly shepherd or foreign seer
Knew their knees to bow like us

Then to the wretched and the meek

The Savior touched and taught
Showing us how normal
Is just not what we thought

Our brother Pharisees and Scribes

Knew the books oh so well
But they forgot that Kyrie Eleizon
Is what keeps us all from hell

Mercy to the humble child

Who knows she is yet young
Much to learn and much to grow
How like her we should turn

In love begin to see who we truly are

Saints and Sinners everyone
Beloved in the Lord
And baptized, grafted to the Son

Then humbled by the cross of Calvary

We know the shame and the glory
Christ died to set us all free
To serve, love, and be the least of these

May the Good Lord continue to bless the ministries He has in

store for you. May the Good Lord keep each of you tenderly
in the palm of His hand.
I miss you all already, Deaconess Claire


♦ A Summer Craft Workshop will be offered Saturday, August

1st at 10am to work on projects for this year’s Holiday Craft
Fair. All supplies and instructions will be provided. A vari-
ety of simple crafts can be completed with your help! For
those looking for crafting opportunities sooner than August
1st, Kay’s Angels continue to meet almost every Monday, 1:30
-3:30pm, all summer long.

♦ Throughout the months of July and August, Missions & Min-

istry and LWML will be collecting school supplies for Ysleta
Mission. As stores begin advertising “Back to School” spe-
cials, please consider picking up a few extra items to donate!
A basket is available for your donations in the Sunshine

Tuesday Afternoon Group

All older adults are welcome to attend the various activities

and Bible studies of this Older Adult Ministry Group. Our
meetings are on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month. Dur-
ing the summer months we will only meet on the 1st Tues-
day. Come and enjoy the fellowship.

Tuesday, July 7th at 10:00am

It’s summer and time for a picnic and croquet. We will meet
at the church at 9:30am and carpool to the home of Cliff &
Lu Buchholz. Sloppy joes, tableware and drinks will be fur-
nished. Bring a dish to share. Please sign-up for this activity.

continued from page
Dear PWC Family,

The summer is off to a busy start. Early in June, Pastor and I

accompanied sixteen of our youth members and their friends to
Lutheran Valley Retreat for a Catechism Retreat. We began our day
with Matins, closed with Evening Prayer and in between attended
three catechism classes and other activities. We enjoyed hikes,
archery, tomahawk throwing, “bouldering”, the ropes course and
games. Ask Pastor about “Catechism Commando” which was
invented at camp (he won!). It was a good time for learning and
friendship building. Thanks to all who helped with transportation.

VBS was last week and we had an incredible crew of people helping
especially youth members. There were 55 helpers during the week
and 22 were youth members! Thanks – you are all awesome and
willing to give of your time.

We have a few activities planned for this month and two trips– see
below for details. Please keep us in your prayers as we travel to San
Antonio for the Higher Things SOLA Conference (July 7-10) and
when we travel to Brule for the “Invasion of Brule” (July 17 -21).

It is with great joy that I continue to serve as the Youth

Coordinator. We have an exceptional group of young people and
remarkable volunteers to help with activities. It is a blessing to be
able to be a part of the PWC staff and serve this congregation.
Thank you for your support and prayers. May God continue to bless
and keep you all safe this summer!




Yard Work - We continue to help the Brown family with

yard work and enjoy refreshments after! Please sign-up for
when you can help – thanks.

“Invasion of Brule” – plans are going well and we have a

crew signed up! If you would like to attend, sign-up on the
bulletin board and watch for more information. Pastor
Dickmander is compiling a “wish list” of things we can do
besides fishing, swimming and eating! Dates are Friday,
July 17 – Tuesday, July 21 (you are welcome to come for the
weekend). We will leave in the late afternoon on Friday, do
service work on Saturday and Monday, worship and relax on
Sunday and Tuesday – travel, finishing projects and fun!

Hikes - Hikes are scheduled for Wednesday July 1, 9am–

1pm and Monday, July 13 at 9am.

Elitch Gardens - The vote was for Elitch’s this year. There
is a water park with in Elitch’s with 6 rides! Plan on Wed.,
July 29 – cost is $24 which includes your ticket, gas money
(unless your parents drive!) and some snacks. You will need
to bring your lunch and extra money for other snacks! We
need a minimum of 15 people to get the group rate of $20 –
sign up by July 12th as I will need to pre-order tickets. Par-
ents/volunteers are needed to drive and are welcome to at-

Waterskiing, August 1 - The Fosters have invited the

youth members and parents to a waterskiing party at their
home on Sat., Aug. 1 10am - 2pm. Plan to have fun – wear
your swim suit, bring sunscreen, a towel and a side dish to
share! Sign-up!

MISSION: Southern Africa
Three short years ago, June 2006, the Rocky Mountain District,
LCMS, in convention, approved a resolution seeking to raise $500,000 for
the Lutheran Theological Seminary, Tshwane (Pretoria), South Africa; a
human care project in Botswana; and a cattle treatment project in southern
South Africa.

On June 19, it was announced at the 2009 District Conven-

tion that the District has raised $456,000 of the original goal.

Your congregation, Peace With Christ, contributed over

$32,000 of the total amount.

Thank the Good Lord for your generosity and support of the

What have the dollars raised been used for so far? First, the Lu-
theran Theological Seminary has been able to purchase two houses to be
used for student housing and classrooms. With our final payment, a three
story building will be started which will be used for classroom and library
space with some of the space to be used for the housing of visiting faculty
members. In addition, a sizable debt was paid off in full on behalf of the
seminary. More Pastors are now available for the congregations of the
countries in southern Africa.

Second, the Cattle Treatment project, the spreading of the

Gospel through a sprayer, has realized a new location of the treatment, new
corral facilities, breeding stock for the farmers and veterinary services for
the improved health of the cattle…with the mission objective of demon-
strating to the farmers what the Gospel can mean to them.

Finally, the Botswana project has been able to help about 40

people with HIV or AIDS have access to medical assistance in Serowe on
a monthly basis. The Bible Kids have a preschool. Five very poor Otse
families are assisted financially every month. Regular church services are
held in the Kalahari Desert together with Sunday School, baptism and con-
firmation instruction.

Continued from page 10

Where do we go from here? On June 20, the Convention passed

a resolution which states: “Resolved, That the Rocky Mountain District
continue the working partnership with MISSION: Southern Africa by
means of prayer, District oversight, financial support, funding of the
Lutheran Seminary in Tshwane and human care projects. In addition, the
District will continue to work toward completing the original goal.

How, in fact, we at Peace With Christ continue to be involved

will be decided later. You will be informed regarding the opportunities to
participate and be involved. The District projects committee will be
meeting later and will eventually have recommendations for the
congregations in the District.

My personal and very sincere appreciation to each of you for your

support of MISSION: Southern Africa in obedience to our Lord’s
command to go and make disciples of ALL nations.
Harry Krueckeberg

Columbarium Garden – If you haven’t had a

chance to check out the garden, please take a look.
We finished planting on May 29. Thank you to
all those able to help with planting and to those for
your generous support by purchasing plants – over
$900 was donated for plants and other materials.
The pathways will be laid soon and the last step will be to
construct a walk way to the garden from the existing sidewalk.
We hope to be able to complete that project by mid-July.

June Concert - There was beautiful music, delicious refreshments

and generous support of the Missions and Ministry “Emergency
Family Fund” with over $500 raised. Thank you to all who help
by participating, attending, assisting with set-up, clean-up and
to those who made all the delectable desserts!

Good News From Your Missions & Ministry Committee

We again have an opportunity to support the Ysleta Mission in

El Paso. Ron Thaemert will be driving his pick-up truck to
Ysleta at some time in July and we would like to fill the bed of
the truck with items that are needed at the Mission. While our
mission team was at Ysleta last summer we were able to see
some of the programs that are in place in the mission. One of
them, feeding lunch to hungry needy people five days a week
is always in need of groceries. This year, because of the tight
economic times we are experiencing the number of people
being served lunch has grown and it has become difficult to
keep the food pantry supplied. Will you help us supply some
needed items? We have put together the following list of
items that would be helpful.

Canned food in restaurant size cans

(available at Sam’s Club & some grocery stores)
Pinto and black beans, tomato products, fruit, green chilies,
vegetables, shortening, green chili sauce, salsa, mustard and
ketchup. Rice in large bags, powdered milk, oatmeal and dry
cereal, flour, sugar. Cleaning and laundry products, toilet
paper, bar soap and other items that you think would be

The mission is also in need of items for their Thrift Shop. Any
clothing item that is in good condition, shoes, small appliances
(that work), pots and pans, dishes, bedding, and other items
that you think they could sell in the shop.

The LWML will be collecting school supplies and we are sure

that they too will appreciate any donations that you would like
to give. It’s all going in one truck so whatever you are able to
supply will be appreciated.

Independence Day! July 4th

Commemoration of St. Mary Magdalene -- July 22nd

Commemoration of St. James the Elder, Apostle – July 25th

Thank you to all who helped make VBS a success!

Your prayers, donations, volunteering, etc…were all essential.
Thank you for using the gifts God has given you to share the
Good News with our young people.

Accessing Needs & Growing Intentionally Together

Please return survey by Sunday July 12th to Scott & Lori
French’s box

Our New Intern is ALMOST here!

Please keep her in your prayers and the ministries God is
preparing for her here in your prayers as well. Let’s all welcome
her with great joy and with thanks to God for the blessing she
will be among us. Please introduce yourself to her & welcome her
in ESPECIALLY if you have children under confirmation age.

Curious about FED Night?

Now in the “relaxed” summer months is a
good time to think ahead and make
Wednesday nights a family night!

Know your Leadership
Jane Pennington, Education Co-Chair

I am the eldest of six children, raised in the small ranching com-

munity of Elizabeth, CO. My parents were active in helping to
establish a confessional LCMS congregation there. I was raised
Lutheran, but began to question my faith during a rebellious time
in my teen years (most of them). I began looking at other
churches and religions. My exposure to worldly and charismatic
practices helped to reaffirm my faith and the need for adherence
to Christ’s one, true doctrine. After three times through Cate-
chistic instruction, I was finally confirmed at 19. Shortly after,
God blessed me in marriage to my wonderful, God-fearing hus-
band, John. Once married, I moved to Ft. Collins where John was
attending CSU. We spent many years trying several “Lutheran”
churches in search of pure theology and respect for the sacra-
ments. After much discouragement we settled into a routine of
traveling to our home church in Elizabeth to worship.

About four years ago, a great uncle from New Mexico was com-
menting how their pastor had taken a call to a church in our area
and suggested we look him up. We found Pastor Patrick at a
church we hadn’t attended before, and have since come to call
Peace With Christ home.

In 13 years of marriage, I have been blessed with Godly, humble

leadership from my husband. Together we have been given the
gift of four beautiful children. My husband’s hard work and dedi-
cation to family has allowed me the honor of home schooling
Continued on page 15

Continued from page 14

our children. This life experience of parenting and teaching has

brought me to serving on the education board. I don’t really see
my roll as leadership, but rather as stewardship of a precious gift.
The children’s ministries at Peace With Christ strives to teach in
such a way as to bring each child closer to God. I feel privileged
to be a part of that, and hope I might contribute in some small


We were considering the Christian idea ‘putting on Christ’, or
first ‘dressing up’ as a son of God in order that you may finally
become a real son. What I want to make clear is that this is not
one among many jobs a Christian has to do; and it is not a sort of
special exercise for the top class. It is the whole of Christianity.
Christianity offers nothing else at all…
The Christian way is different: harder, and easier. Christ says
‘Give me All. I don’t want so much of your time and so much of
your money and so much of your work: I want You. I have not
come to torment your natural self, but to kill it. No half-measures
are any good. I don’t want to cut off a branch here and a branch
there, I want to have the whole tree down. I don’t want to drill
the tooth, or crown it, or stop it, but to have it out. Hand over the
whole natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as
well as the ones you think wicked - the whole outfit. I will give
you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you Myself: my own
will shall become yours.’ From “Mere Christianity”
C. S. Lewis

Scrip Fundraiser
Parents - please sign-up to help with scrip sales
during the summer months.
If we can have scrip available on the first and
third Sunday that would be a great help -
Thanks! We have many cards for immediate
purchase and you may order any available card and receive it the
following Sunday. Stop by the Youth Table and see what is
available. Thank you for supporting the Youth!

The sermon on June

21st focused on the
question “Why?”—and
the answers that God
has given in His
Word. One of the
young people at PWC
drew these notes on
the scribble pad—
which are quite in-
sightful! In case you
forgot the sermon,
here is a basic outline:

“Why”? The question

Job, and all the Faith-
ful ask. How does
God answer?

1. Because of sin and the work of the devil.

2. In the silence of Good Friday as Jesus died on the cross.
3. As a test of faith that causes us to rely on His grace—2 Cor.
11 and 12.
4. As an opportunity to receive and provide comfort—2 Cor.
5. As a means of displaying the life and death of Christ—2 Cor.
6. So that we might look forward to the heavenly glory that
awaits us—2 Cor. 4:16-18

Reading from the Book of Concord

Read Article XVI from the Apology to the Augsburg Confes-

sion and answer the following questions:

1. Why is it good for Christians to hold public office?

2. What distinction should be made between the spiritual

kingdom and the political kingdom?

3. What does The Gospel do in relation to government?

4. Why are people allowed to hold property? How did this

position affect a reformation in the way land usage and
ownership was viewed?

5. For reflection: What should be the distinction between

Christ’s kingdom and earthly kingdoms? How should the
church maintain the distinction?

Catechism Connection: God The Father

This month please review the Table of Duties found on page

35 of the 1986 edition of the Catechism.


The Board of Education is currently investigating the

possibility and need of an early childhood education
program. A demographic study of Ft. Collins was ap-
proved by the board and is considered to be the first step
in determining the need for such a program. Dr. Jan
Lohmeyer (Director of Curriculum - Lutheran High
North, Houston and Adjunct Professor - Concordia Uni-
versity Texas) will be visiting July 17 - 19 to provide an
initial consultation. Dr. Lohmeyer will be meeting with
the board members to provide an interpretation of the
demographic study and to explore the feasibility of of-
fering this program at Peace With Christ. The Lutheran
Church Extension Fund (LCEF) has also sent a book
that provides tools and services that help congregations,
schools and other entities of LCMS. This information
book is available at the church office. It also gives an
idea of what and how a demographic study is done.

A new committee has been formed and the chairman is

Ryan Behm. If anyone is interested in serving on the
committee please contact Ryan at 222-5678 or Eric
Petago, Education Chair at 581-8705

Bo Giertz
“I just want you to know from the beginning, sir, that I
am a believer,” [the young Pastor Fridfeldt] said [to the
older pastor]…
“So you are a believer, I’m glad to hear that. What do
you believe in?”
Fridfeldt stared dumbfounded at his superior…
“But, sir, I am simply saying that I am a believer.”
“Yes, I hear that, by boy. But what is it that you believe
Fridfeldt was almost speechless.
“But don’t you know, sir, what it means to be a be-
“That is a word which can stand for things that differ
greatly, my boy. I ask only what it is that you believe in.”
“In Jesus, of course,” answered Fridfeldt, raising his
voice. “I mean - I mean that I have given him my
“Do you consider that something to give him?”
By this time, Fridfeldt was almost in tears.
“But sir, if you do not give your heart to Jesus, you can-
not be saved.”
“You are right, my boy. And it is just as true that, if you
think you are saved because you give Jesus your heart,
you will not be saved. You see, my boy,” he continued
reassuringly, as he continued to look at the young pas-
tor’s face, in which uncertainty and resentment were
Continued from page 19

is chief. One does not choose a Redeemer for oneself,

you understand, nor give one’s heart to him. The heart
is a rusty old can on a junk heap. A fine birthday gift, in-
deed! But a wonderful Lord passes by, and has mercy
on the wretched tin can, sticks his walking can through
it, and rescues it from the junk pile and takes it home
with him. That is how it is.”


I have been attending Lutheran Worship services with my wife

for the better part of 33 years. She was born and raised a Mis-
souri Synod Lutheran and we started attending services together
in 1976. Earlier this year I talked to Pastor Patrick about becom-
ing a Lutheran myself, he was very encouraging and was quick to
get me started on readings. I remember well my first conversa-
tion with Pastor when I asked him what I needed to do first and
his answer, which came very quickly, was to read through and
understand the Small Catechism.

Following our first meeting Pastor suggested various other read-

ing material including books on Law and Gospel, the Augsburg
Confessions (and parts of the Apology) plus readings concerning
the Holy Sacraments of Baptism and The Lord’s Supper. Follow-
ing each of the readings Pastor and I would meet and he would
patiently answer my many questions and at the same time provide
much more detail behind the teachings of Martin Luther. Pastor
had a wide variety of reading material available covering every
subject we discussed. The central theme in all of our discussions
was the Gospel.

I was fortunate to be confirmed on June 7th and was able to attend

Holy Communion later in that same service. I would encourage
anyone that is considering joining the Lutheran Church to contact
When was the last time you had a
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When you hear the work checkup, what comes to mind?

Most likely it’s your physical health. But checkups are just
as critical to your financial health—which may be equally

Most financial experts recommend you get a financial

checkup at least once a year. The experienced and knowl-
edgeable financial representatives at Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans can help.

Thrivent Financial offers simple ways to deal with changes

in your life that naturally lead to changes in your financial
needs. For example, if you have a new grandchild, money
you invested in a CD two years ago may now make more
sense in a college savings plan. Or a recent job promotion
may mean it’s finally time to start saving for retirement.

Regular financial checkups are one of the most important

ways you can ensure you’re doing what’s necessary today
to help you achieve your long-term financial goals.

For a financial checkup or to discuss how Thrivent Financial

can help you achieve your financial goals, contact your Fort
Collins Associates today,
Nancy J. Behm, at 970-225-6586,,
Ryan M. Behm, at 970-266-1700,

Larry & Starr Parke July 1, 1978
Arv & Barb Witt July 12,1962
Ralph & Pat Patrick July 14, 1984
Tracy & Anne Foster July 17, 1993
Bill & Tracie Roth July 20, 1985
John & Jane Pennington July 20, 1996
Gary & Dolores Lebeda July 21, 1949
Fred & Pam Kropp July 28, 1990
Ryan & Taneal Behm July 29, 2006
Steve & Allison Inscho July 31, 1999

We apologize if we missed your anniversary. Please notify

the church office to update.

Financial Update
As of May 2009

2009 budget: $359,000.00

Year-to-date total PWC income: $134,753.48

Year-to-date total PWC expenses: $142,002.14

Net Income: -$7,248.66


Fred Kropp 3rd

Daniel Johnson 5th
Trevor Behm 6th
Shirley Poppe 7th
Ann Rodenbeck 7th
Evelyn Scheiwe 7th
Patrick Fox 8th
Jan Hudak 8th
Lauren Roth 11th
Jennifer Mueller 12th
Arline Young 12th
Keller Foster 13th
Alisa Fair 14th
Jack Wolfe 14th
Lynn Brown 15th
Duane Smith 15th
Gary Lebeda 16th
Hank Mowry 16th
Isaac Pennington 17th
Kelley Pichel 18th
Rebecca Lasich 19th
Meghan Patrick 19th
Tracy Foster 20th
Gene Frank 21st
Joanne Kohler 21st
Martha Scheiwe 22nd
Patrice Diem 23rd
David Boehnke 27th
Lu Buchholz 27th
Randy Fiscus 28th
Fred Hulsebus 29th
Joyce Beck 30th

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Fort Collins, Colorado
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Fort Collins, CO 80526


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