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I. Constantinescu, V. popovici, and A. tefnescu

relea, viru,s, realitate virtual, utilizator. Moreover, if we survey its evolution at the level of spoken technical slang used by engineers and then examine the language of the technical magazines or the language of advertisements, we discover that the rate of foreignisms does not decreael At the same time the linguistic phenomenon of adaptation is at work. often Rom*anian has a certain difficty in iendering the English verbs: thus to click was first rendered by a dalface fun) chck,and afterwards the derivative a clici; for the English to print, Romanian coined the verbal phrases a dalfacelscoate un print which are now competing with the verbal clerivative a printa; for to enter, Romanian coined the phrase a da (un) enter and for to zoont, a dalface (un) zoom.In general the tendency is to prefer the verbal phrase with the verbs a da and a face instead of the verbal derivative which often has a facetious or slangy connotation. I\


Advanced Technt

Electronic, Generql S Icecream, O.K. Doll.

speciflc cultural item: Besides synonymic s.9. r.6) mutations art 'false fi'iends' (see s.9. meanings from their. influence the attitude indeed important in I The jocular Englis

French) which, though inappropriate for naming a computer, is nevertheless frequently used. Also compare miniordinator and minicaliulator in comparison wilh minicomputer. ln children's talk we hear the interjections uau! (piobably ruorr;/ frequent in cartoons) and oh, non! fo:nonl (iocular) (rro* French h, nonty. Young employees use o.-r(, aossl (arongside the hybrid, o.K, qefu'r) andpleonasticandhybridformulassuchas O.K.,s-a.fcut!,O.K.,rr,,rrgri,andthehybrid
totul e o.K. ('everything is oK'). The frequent use of o.K resulted in the jotular derivative noun O.1(.-isl 'a highly conformist person'. English influence may be traced also in the names of companies, restaurants, snack bars, shops, boutiques, sports clubs (e.g. sporting ctui BucureEti, Adrecrt

phenomenon itself is of recent date, its hidden and underground nature hinder the overt spread of drug-related terms, and for the same reason the lexis is difficult to study. noticeable development during the Iast decades has been the parallel influence of-A English and French (sometimes in favour of the former, .rp..iully among the young). A number of doublets (or even triplets) are registered. so, we have cherie (from French) and darlinglbabylhoney; qic and ttp-top; au revoir and, (bye-)bye!; alo! (statting a telephone conversation) and helto (strting a conversati on hic et hoc); imprimant and p-rinter; ordinator, computer, and calculator (probably from

New foreign cultural modeFand visible imports come with their own terminology: from/ast foodto pay TV and vicreo,fro tureshopping to NGo, from h.ot line to business aninistratioz, from body builrting to extt pilt, melting pot, and politic_ ally correct. Romanian society speaks about .integration into "Eirop.un stand_ ards', 'entering European structures', 'Euro-optimism, and .Euro-scepticism,, etc. In this context and linguistic register, the adaptation of Anglicisms is not a priority-it is even avoided by some users. The original form oithe word is seen as a guarantee of conceptual accuracy and as a sign of the internationalization of the Romanian vocabulary. Not all of the unadapted neologisms are felt .strikas ingly foreign'. In many cases the English form is preserved changed because it is considered technically necessary, fashionable, r international. -There is, then, nowadays a readiness of speakers for the tale quale acceptance of Anglicisms. The rejection of newly entered Anglicisms is perceived as amanifestation of selfisolation or of cultural provincialism. Less evident is the situation regarding the jargon of drug addicts. The social

instala[ie, contbinoqie
guage, in journalese

qrin). The noun a.rcr conversation' (Avram

the exaggerated uses

In conclusion. at th cophilia is rivalled by

9.6 Forms of I
The influence of Engl

people who have a cer of the adaptation pror even in the normative stage of unadapted ne

that of totally adapted

not depend solely on

through which it enten



(a) Totally unadapted Quotation words: ro A ,t'tone): is titne, pltt {t ,tzt

rlar, etc.

manifestations of prote

Code-switching: takt t letrtott's a greet tten t.

Nasty (nickname of the accepted both by the ar baby pill. By contrast. Ar pet " pub. and scholurshil

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