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The society and culture of Pakistan (Urdu: Sakafat -ePkistn) comprises numerous ethnic groups: the Punjabis, Kashmiris, Sindhis in east, Muhajirs,Makrani in the south; a!och and Pashtun in the "est; and the ancient #ardic, $akhi, a!tistani and urusho communities in the north% The cu!ture o& these Pakistani ethnic groups ha'e been great!y in&!uenced by many o& its neighbors, such as the Turkic peop!es,Persians, (rabs, and other South (sians, as "e!! as the peop!es o& )entra! (sia and the Midd!e *ast% The region has &ormed a distinct unit "ithin the main geographica! comp!e+ o& South (sia, the Midd!e *ast and )entra! (sia &rom the ear!iest times, and is ana!ogous to Turkey,s position in *urasia%-./There are di&&erences among the ethnic groups in cu!tura! aspects such as dress, &ood, and re!igion, especia!!y "here pre01s!amic customs di&&er &rom 1s!amic practices% Their cu!tura! origins a!so re'ea! in&!uences &rom &ar a&ie!d, inc!uding )hina,2epa!, 1ndia, and eastern (&ghanistan% (!! groups, ho"e'er, sho" 'arying degrees o& in&!uence &rom Persia, Turkestan and 3e!!enistic 4reece% Pakistan "as the &irst region o& South (sia to be &u!!y impacted by 1s!am and has thus de'e!oped a distinct 1s!amic identity, historica!!y di&&erent &rom areas &urther east%-./ Ramadan 5amadan, the ho!iest month o& the 1s!amic ca!endar is a month o& &asting &rom sunrise to sunset and se!&0 discip!ine% 1t is "ide!y obser'ed by Pakistan,s Mus!im majority% Mus!ims during this month "i!! &ast, attend mos6ues "ith increased &re6uency, and recite 7ur,an% Specia! &oods are cooked in greater 6uantities, parties are he!d, and specia! accommodation is made by "orkp!aces and educationa! institutes% Eid celebrations The t"o *ids, *id u!08itr and *id u!0(dha, commemorate the passing o& the month o& &asting, 5amadan, and the "i!!ingness o& 1brahimto sacri&ice his son 1shmae! &or (!!ah% 9n these days, there are nationa! ho!idays and many &esti'a! e'ents that take p!ace to ce!ebrate *id% (s Pakistan is a Mus!im state, there are three days o&& &or a!! businesses and go'ernment o&&ices% 9n the night be&ore *id, peop!e search &or the ne" moon to mark the end o& 5amadan and arri'a! o& *id u!08itr% The day starts "ith morning prayers, then returning home &or a !arge break&ast "ith &ami!y members% The day is spent 'isiting re!ati'es and &riends and sharing gi&ts and s"eets "ith e'eryone% #uring the e'ening, Pakistanis o&ten party, 'isit restaurants, or re!a+ in city parks% 9n *id u!08itr, money is gi'en &or charity and as gi&ts to young chi!dren% 9n *id u!0(dha, peop!e may a!so distribute meat to re!ati'es and neighbors and donate &ood &or charity%

ndependence Day Main article: Independence Day (Pakistan) 9n .: (ugust, the peop!e o& Pakistan ce!ebrate the day "hen Pakistan gained its independence &rom ritish 1ndia, and &ormed an independent state &or Mus!ims% There are many ce!ebrations a!! o'er the country, "ith peop!e singing and dancing in the streets% )oncerts are he!d "ith many pop and c!assica! singers% Parades are he!d in the capita! city (1s!amabad)% Many peop!e decorate their houses and &!y the &!ag o& Pakistan% (t night, &ire"orks are used in many cities% Many peop!e pray &or the country

and re&!ect on their pride in the country o& Pakistan% Defense Day Parade Main article: Defence Day September ; is another patriotic day, "hen the (rmy o& Pakistan disp!ays Pakistani "eaponry to the genera! pub!ic% (!! go'ernment o&&icia!s attend the ceremony and recognitions are a"arded to specia! peop!e &or their "ork% 1n March <==>, the Pakistan (ir 8orce(P(8) disp!ayed the ne" joint!y manu&actured )hinese0Pakistani aircra&t ca!!ed the ?80.> Thunder% Christmas )hristmas is usua!!y ce!ebrated by Pakistani )hristians "ho account more than @ percent o& Pakistan and most!y reside in the Punjab region o& Pakistan% 9ther Pakistanis a!so commemorate this e'ent to promote inter0communa! harmony%

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