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MS3 3.



T"#t"#$rif A "#$ G"ffre inol

General Certificate of E !cation

Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced

Uwch Gyfrannol/Uwch




INTRODUCTION The marking schemes which follow were those used by the WJEC for the Summer 2005 examination in CE !iology" They were finalised after detailed discussion at examiners# conferences by all the examiners in$ol$ed in the assessment" The conferences were held shortly after the %a%ers were taken so that reference could be made to the full range of candidates# res%onses& with %hotoco%ied scri%ts forming the basis of discussion" The aim of the conferences was to ensure that the marking schemes were inter%reted and a%%lied in the same way by all examiners" 't is ho%ed that this information will be of assistance to centres but it is recognised at the same time that& without the benefit of %artici%ation in the examiners# conferences& teachers may ha$e different $iews on certain matters of detail or inter%retation" The WJEC regrets that it cannot enter into any discussion or corres%ondence about these marking schemes"

BIOLOGY ASSESSMENT UNIT BI& '!e#tion (" An#(er)E*+lanator" Note# )ibosome mark scheme *i+ ( mark for decent diagram showing 2 clear subunits ( mark for any label large subunit small subunit groo$e which /),- fits into t),- binding site ),-.)ibosomal ),/rotein *not0 amino acids.nucleic acid+ *rough+ endo%lasmic reticulum %rotein.%oly%e%tide synthesis nucleolus.nucleolus and cyto%lasm *not0 nucleus.cyto%lasm+ Mar,# A-aila.le

2 ( ( ( ( ( Total 0 /ar,#


*iii+ *i$+ *$+

'!e#tion 2" 1i%id mark scheme *i+

An#(er)E*+lanator" Note#

Mar,# A-aila.le

Tri$l"ceri e Structural difference ( Structural difference 2 2 fatty acids

12o#+2oli+i 2 fatty acids

* lycerol head only+

lycerol 3 %hos%hate head *not0 %hos%horus+ Cell.%lasma /e/.rane#

Where com%ound is found in organisms

4nder skin.subcutaneous. blubber -round body organs 5ur.feathers ,er$e cells Smooth E).golgi.$esicles seeds chloro%lasts

*not0 hydro%hilic.hydro%hobic.%olar.non6%olar.fat un7ualified+ One /ar, +er ro( 3 4 *ii+ Stearic.Saturated has more 8 or con$erse" Stearic has no double bonds *in 2" rocar.on c2ain.double C-C bonds+ or con$erse" Stearic acid is a straight hydrocarbon chain.not kinked.bent or con$erse" ( *iii+ Stearic acid.saturated *fatty acid+" ( Total 5 /ar,#

'!e#tion 2"

An#(er)E*+lanator" Note# enetic finger%rinting 9 mark scheme *a+ *i+ *ii+ *iii+ *i$+ enetic.:,- finger%rinting.:,- %rofiling" blood.sali$ any 2 *not0 finger%rints.body fluids.urine.sweat+ sus%ect 2 it is the only one which has the banding %attern which exactly matches the one at the scene of the crime" *allow0 sam%les are the same+ 4sed to cut the :,- *into sections"+ *not0 genes+ Se%aration of :,- fragments"

Mar,# A-aila.le ( ( ( (


*i+ *ii+

( ( ( Total 0 /ar,#


/aternity suits.e7

'!e#tion ;"

An#(er)E*+lanator" Note# Cell di$ision mark scheme *a+ Correct ': of 1S root <one of cell di$ision" *not0 cross in $ascular bundle.across all diagram+ Correct ': of TS anther <one of cell di$ision" *allow0 to to% of root ca% but not in root ca%+ )oot labelled ='T>S'S *correct s%elling only+" -nther labelled =E'>S'S *correct s%elling only+" *b+ Correct drawings as below" *number must be consistent+

Mar,# A-aila.le

2 2

>n e7uator

-s bi$alent& labelled" deleted+

*-llow0 at right angles if %oles


Correct label for centriole& drawn" Centromere !i$alent >ne mark each 2 Total &6 /ar,# ;

'!e#tion 5"

An#(er)E*+lanator" Note# !eetroot 9 mark scheme *i+ ?$ery little increase.06@ unitsA u% to ?;0BC.first ; tem%eraturesC ra%id rise at 50BC.rise from @ to D0 at 50BCC small rise from D0 to (00 units from 50 to @0BC" higher tem%erature& darker solution.higher reading *ii+ =embrane *%roteins+ are stable between (0 and ; low tem%eraturesC *-%%earance of the red %igment means that+ the *tono%last and+ cell membrane has been damaged between ;0 and 50BC. at high tem%eraturesC *meaning+ %igment has leaked out of $acuole. change in membrane %ermeability.damaged membraneC %roteins change sha%e.denature and come out of bilayerC %hos%holi%ids bilayer has become too fluid.cannot retain %roteins" *iii+ :issol$es %hos%holi%ids.destroys cell membrane structureC *So+ %igment leaks out" *not0 ref" to higher or lower readings+

Mar,# A-aila.le

( Total 7 /ar,#

'!e#tion E"

An#(er)E*+lanator" Note# :,- 9 mark scheme *a+ *i+ *ii+ *iii+ *i$+ *$+ - :,! ),)ibose *not0 %entose+ ,ucleus.nucleolus.mitochondria.chloro%lasts 8ydrogen ),-.! is a short molecule& :,-.- is a long moleculeC /entose in :,- contains one less oxygen" ),-.! is much shorter than :,-.-C - is helix& ! is straight molecule.not helix" 4racil re%laces thymine in ),-.!" *not0 :,- has deoxyribose and ),- has ribose+ *b+ *i+ *ii+ - bond.base %airs with T and C with " -ny suitable figure from table indicating - a%%rox F T.C a%%rox F *data and s%ecies+ /urines"

Mar,# A-aila.le

( ( ( (

( ( ( ( Total 8 /ar,#


'!e#tion @"

An#(er)E*+lanator" Note# 'mmobilised en<yme mark scheme *a+ *i+ 2*mm+ *because+ it gi$es the highest %ercentage of %roduct *not0 con$erse+ smaller beads gi$e a larger total area *ex%osed to the milk.substrate+C *not0 smaller beads ha$e large surface area+ or smaller beads will %ack more closely *so there is more en<yme0subtrate+C the milk will ha$e longer contact.flow more slowly around small& close %acked beadsC or gi$es more time for the en<yme and subtrate to come into contact" *iii+ /ercentage %roduct would increase.get more %roductC =ore time for en<yme6substrate com%lexes to occur. for reaction" *i$+ *b+ *c+ tem%erature.milk ty%e.source *not0 %8+

Mar,# A-aila.le


( ( (

glucose and galactose Can tolerate.more stable condition.tem%s.%8 7ualifiedC in a wider range of

/roduct not contaminated with en<yme.%ure %roduct.easily reused 7ualifiedC Se$eral en<ymes *re7uiring different conditions+ may be used togetherC En<ymes easily added.remo$ed F more control" *allow0 ref" to continuous %roduction 7ualified& not0 ref" to cost+ 2 Total 8 /ar,#

'!e#tion D"

An#(er)E*+lanator" Note# Cystic fibrosis mark scheme *a+ nucleic acid.:,-.),*b+ *c+ gene thera%y 4se of li%osomesC Transfer of non C5 gene *into %lasmid+C Coated in *s%heres of+ *bilayer+C !reathed into lung $ia aerosol.inhaler" *d+ ets into nucleusC 'nsertion into genome.chromosomeC Transcri%tion.e7C *in context+ Translation.e7" *in context+ *e+ -cti$ation of oncogenesC 4nex%ected disease caused.leukaemiaC -llergic res%onse" *not0 side effects un7ualified+

Mar,# A-aila.le

2 (

( Total 9 /ar,#

'!e#tion G" *a+

An#(er)E*+lanator" Note# En<yme essay mark scheme a b c d e f 1H g h i Te/+ H k l )ate of reaction increases with increasing tem%erature !ecause of increased number of collisions of acti$e site and substrate En<ymes are denatured by higher tem%eratures abo$e ;5C >%timum for most *mammalian+ en<ymes a%%rox 2@C -t low tem%eratures en<ymes are inacti$e.e7 En<ymes ha$e a narrow o%timum %8 range 1arge de$iations from this o%timum may result in denaturation.sha%e change Small %8 changes cause re$ersible changes *which may inacti$ate the en<yme+ !iological catalysts.s%eed u% a chemical reaction *not0 catalyst un7ualified+ !y lowering acti$ation energy.labelled diagram lobular %rotein.labelled diagram.tertiary structure or e7" With acti$e site.s%ecific sha%e 'nto which substrate*s+ fits and is con$erted to %roduct*s+ Correct reference to lock and key.induced fit or suitably labelled diagrams

Mar,# A-aila.le

In2i.itor# n % 7 :escri%tion of the 2 ty%es of inhibitors com%etiti$e ,on6com%etiti$e.labelled diagrams Correct egs cyanide for non6com%& malonic acid for com% Must mention pH, temp and inhibitors to get 10 marks. If one or more missing Max. 9 marks.

'!e#tion G" *b+

An#(er)E*+lanator" Note# :,- re%lication.transcri%tion essay mark scheme DNA re+lication a b c d e f g h :,- re%lication has to occur %rior to cell di$ision.during inter%hase */arental+ :,- helix unwinds *has to be clear that this is all the :,-& not Hust a section+ Com%lementary strands se%arate due to breaking of *weak+ 86bonds (could be given in transcription !ase %airing *-T& C + occurs between the bases of the both tem%late strands and free nucleotides :,- %olymerase se%arates the 2 :,- strands.Hoining of :,- nucleotides /roduces %air of identical helices.strands Semi6conser$ati$e new chain& one original =ention of =eselson and Stahl ex%t.correct details of ex%eriment

Mar,# A-aila.le

Tran#cri+tion i H k l c m n >ccurs during %rotein synthesis !ase se7uence of a *cistron+ gene is con$erted to /RNA *not0 :,- is con$erted+ ene *only+.short section *e7+ unwinds ),- %olymerase nucleotides attaches to the :,-.Hoins ),-

:,- un<i%s.c from replication if not alread! given >ne strand acts as a tem%late 5ree ),- nucleotides align themsel$es o%%osite the com%lementary base.mention of uracil instead of thymine& uracil %airs with adenine Com%lete m),- %eels off and exits *nucleus+ through a nuclear %ore.:,- <i%s back u% Total &6 /ar,#


ASSESSMENT UNIT BI : '!e#tion (" *a+ *b+ *c+ *d+ *e+ dia%hragmC diffusionC em%hysemaC asthmaC tidalC An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note# Mar,# A-aila.le ( ( ( ( ( ;5< 2" *a+ (0(C 0"@50(.20;.(0("2C *b+ ratio of surface area to $olume largeC diffusion sufficient to meet re7uirements.shorter diffusion %athC oxygen for res%iration.remo$al of carbon dioxideC as cells.organisms become larger& surface area to $olume ratio smallerC diffusion can#t su%%ly oxygen.nutrients.remo$e carbon dioxideC *com%arison needed+ ;5< 2 max 2


'!e#tion 2" *a+ *i+

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note# 2(0E0 x (00C (&@00&000 ("2;*I+C reflectedC %asses straight through the leaf.transmission through leaf *not0 transmission un7ualified+ misses %hotosynthetic %arts.lea$esC wrong wa$elengthC absorbed by waterC not %resent because of seasonC

Mar,# A-aila.le


2 max


*i+ *ii+

;C energy at last.;th tro%hic le$el only 2( unitsC insufficient to %ass another le$elC death.decayC excretion.urineC faeces.egestionC bacteriaC %roducer floats out.remo$ed from& migration 7ualifiedC

( 2


2 max 2 ( ;&4<

*d+ *e+


'!e#tion ;" *a+

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note# nutrient content .three named nutrients decreasesC named exam%le %lus figures from tableC lack of lea$es.trees to decom%oseC less nutrients released into soilC increased leachingC no trees to hold soil.reduce run off of waterC

Mar,# A-aila.le

2 max


*-ny figures 7uoted re7uire units+ increased daytime soil tem%erature *after clearing+C rate of res%iration.en<yme acti$ity of decom%osers increasesC 2 ;5<


'!e#tion 5" *a+

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note# arteries ha$e thicker wallsC arteries ha$e more muscle in wallsC *not0 $eins ha$e no muscle+ more elastic in wallsC $eins ha$e $al$esC

Mar,# A-aila.le

2 max arteries ha$e smaller lumenC *acce%t re$erse %oints+ *b+ *i+ *ii+ *iii+ *i$+ *$+ arteryC 5 0"5k/aC contraction of $entricle.$entricular systoleC $entricle relaxes.diastoleC further away from heartC friction.more resistanceC increased cross sectional area of $esselsC *c+ *i+ se%arate systemic.bodyC and %ulmonary.lungs systemsC blood %asses through heart twice during one com%lete circuit *ii+ blood contained in $esselsC 2 max ( ;&:; 2 max ( ( ( (


'!e#tion E" *a+ *i+

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note# stomata o%en earlier.close later.o%en longer& on a sunny dayC lighter earlier.later.longerC stomata o%en wider.a%erture increases on a sunny dayC more.higher light intensityC rate of o%ening.closing greater on a sunny dayC higher light intensity.more lightC *ii+ excessi$e trans%iration.too much water lost.%lant tries to conser$e water.%re$ents wiltingC

Mar,# A-aila.le

; max

( (


*i+ *ii+

xero%hytesC feature explanation long rootC large surface area for absor%tion.reaches down to water de%ositsC *not0 ref" to anchorage+ few.small lea$es.foliage close to groundC less trans%iration.reduce water lossC

feature explanation *iii+

thick cuticleC sunken stomataC rolled lea$esC hairs on lea$esC *not0 hairs un7ualified+ lea$es reduced to s%inesC water storage organs

2 max ;&:<


'!e#tion @" *a+ *i+ *ii+ *b+ EC C6:C decreasesC

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note#

Mar,# A-aila.le ( (

blood enters.forced into aortaC *forced+ out of $entricleC *c+ *i+ *ii+ %oint where the two lines di$ergeC %ressure falls in $entricleC below that in aortaC blood tries to flow backC forces $al$es to closeC *d+ sino atrial nodeC *not0 S-,+ 2 max ( ;8< 2 max (


'!e#tion D" *a+ *i+ ! C : E 5

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note# loading of sucroseC into sie$e tube source by acti$e trans%ort.-T/.energy de%endentC sucrose lowers water %otential *of sie$e tube cell+C water mo$es down water %otential gradientC by osmosisC *high+ hydrostatic %ressure generatedC 8 ' J J 1 sucrose unloaded.remo$ed at sinks.rootsC used for$erted to starchC water %asses out of sie$e tube cellC low hydrostatic %ressure at sink.rootC %ressure gradient from source to sink.along sie$e tubeC

Mar,# A-aila.le

= water %lus dissol$ed substances.sucrose.assimilates flow down gradientC *ii+ , > / 9 ref to bidirectional flowC ref to no a%%arent role for sie$e cellsC ref to different rates of mo$ementC cyto%lasmic streaming obser$edC

D max

2 max ;&6<

*'ncorrect use of #glucose# %enalised once+


'!e#tion *b+ ! C : E 5

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note# birth rate and death rateC %o%ulation grows if birth rate higherC *>)-+ immigration and emigrationC %o%ulation grows if immigration exceeds emigrationC *>)-+ increased %redation decreases %o%ulationC disease will reduce si<e of a %o%ulationC effect of weather.tem%erature 7ualifiedC 8 ' J J 1 a$ailability of food 7ualifiedC a$ailability of li$ing s%ace 7ualifiedC human in$ol$ement.inter$entionC s%ecific exam%le of human in$ol$ementC ref" density de%endent. factorsC

Mar,# A-aila.le

= ref" to carrying ca%acityC , > labelled diagram.descri%tion of a growth cur$e *2 of ; %hases needed+C ref" to some factors can cause a %o%ulation to crashC (0


ASSESSMENT UNIT BI = '!e#tion (" *a+ *i+ *ii+ *iii+ *i$+ *b+ *i+ chloro%lasts dehydrogenases lacteal inflammation endemic %resent but a low.constant le$el in %o%ulation. area& e%idemic s%reading to larger number in %o%ulation.same area *ii+ bacteriostatic sto%s bacteria bactericidal kills bacteria ( ;7< 2" *a+ *i+ *ii+ *iii+ to %re$ent o$erheating . remo$e heat generated by %rocess to maintain o%timum . constant %8 to %re$ent contamination with unwanted microbes *not0 %urifying air+ contains nitrogenC microbe needs nitrogen to synthesise %roteins.nucleic acids *c+ /enicilliun %roduces %enicillin during stationary %hase )esources become scarce during o$ercrowding *in stationary %hase+ . ref" to com%etition.secondary metabolite ( ( ( An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note# Mar,# A-aila.le ( ( ( ( (


( ( ( (



'!e#tion 2" *a+ *b+ *i+ *ii+ *c+

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note# ! circled on drawing Tem%erature *ke%t at 2@BC+ . %8 *2+ . le$el of acidity no microbes . sterile . denature %roteases or en<ymes in beef in stomach churning . mechanical digestion . se%arates fibres %resents large surface area *for en<yme to act u%on+ . more ES com%lexes continuous en<yme %roduction *not0 ref" to 8Cl+

Mar,# A-aila.le ( ( ( ( (



(" 2"

try%sin*ogen+ . chymoK *not0 %e%tidases+ %ancreas

( ( ( (


gut wall . organs made of %rotein . secreting cells acti$e en<yme would digest wall . organ . cells . %re$ents autolysis *not0 cell wall+


remo$al of amino grou%.excess cannot be stored . ref" to urea so that remainder of molecule may be stored . utilised . con$erted to carbohydrate"

( ( ;&:<


'!e#tion ;" *a+ *i+ C : *ii+ / 9 ) S *iii+ *b+ *i+ glycolysis

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note#

Mar,# A-aila.le ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ;&5<

Jrebs . citric acid cycle electron transfer . res%iratory chain *not0 ETC. TC- . electron transfer+ carbon dioxide ethanol . alcohol oxygen water

,-: . nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide . ,-:82 use energy from the electrons to %um% %rotons into intermembrane s%ace . across membrane

*ii+ *ii+ *i$+

) S *allow0 >xygen to water+ it takes u% . remo$es hydrogen . %rotons . forms water %rotons flow down gradient . diffusionC through *a channel in+ -T/ synthetase . -T/ase . stalked %articlesC the energy is used to make -T/ *from -:/+"


'!e#tion 5" *a+ *i+ *ii+ *iii+ *b+ *i+ oxygen

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note#

Mar,# A-aila.le ( ( 2 ( (

2@ mm . 2"@ cm *allow0 conse7uential error+ ;0"EG mm2 L no units ( mark only *allow0 ;0"5 to ;0"@+ D("2 to D("5 collect bubbles of gas *o$er a fixed time %eriod+ *use syringe to mo$e bubble+ and measure its length . $olumeC insert coloured filters *between lam% and %ondweed+ and re%eat *not0 different colours+ ste%s to a$oid stray light . tem%erature changeC max 2



*at low light intensities+ increasing light intensity increases rate . $olume of gas %roducedC at higher light intensities . 7uoting $alues increasing light intensity does not affect rate" *not0 ref" to time.le$els off+

( (

*ii+ *iii+ *i$+

0"G to 0";m the tem%erature . carbon dioxide le$el . $olume ,a8C>2 when a %rocess is affected by more than one factor or descri%tion the o$erall rate is limited by that factor which is closet to its minimum $alue" *not0 factor in least su%%ly+ *i"e" within not between factors+

( ( ( (



'!e#tion E" *a+ *i+ *ii+ *b+ *i+

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note# s%herical . round coccus *cell wall+ contains %e%tidoglycan . murein . glyco%rotein do not ha$e outer layers with . ha$e little li%o%rotein . li%o%olysaccharide *ii+ *iii+ cell wall . cross links in the wall don#t ha$e *cell+ wall *not0 no metabolic %athways+ -& : and 5 *must get all 2+ which are methicillins E co$er skin lesions . sores with *clean& dry+ dressings don#t share towels . bed linen with family . friends %re$ent direct %hysical contact . stay in 7uarantine wash hands before touching obHects others might use tell others to wash hands after touching you . your dressings . obHects you might ha$e contaminatedC -ny 2 *not0 stay away from infected %erson . multi%les of same suggestion+

Mar,# A-aila.le ( ( ( ( ( (


*i+ *ii+ *iii+

( ( ( ( ( (




'!e#tion @" *a+ -

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note# energy source is *a %hoton+ of light& %igments . chloro%hyll absorb light energy . light energy changed to chemical energy %igments include chloro%hyll a and b& carotene and xantho%hylls to absorb different wa$elengths . %arts of s%ectrum reference to antennae com%lex . %hotosystems *embedded in *thylakoid+ membranes+ energy transferred between %igment molecules and to reaction centre *chloro%hyll+ emission of electrons by reaction centre *chloro%hyll+ . /@00 . %hotosystems electron acce%tors 8 ' J J 1 electron transfer chain *between /S'' and /S'+ reference to %roton %um%s -T/ase . chemiosmosis electrons *emitted from /S ''+ re%laced from water L %hotolysis . correct descri%tion of %hotolysis %hotolysis takes %lace inside thylakoid s%ace . mo%%ing u% of %rotons in stroma by ,-:/ therefore contributes to electrochemical gradient

Mar,# A-aila.le (

! C : E 5

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ;&6<

= ,-:/ is reduced . ,-:/82 end %roduct or final electron acce%tor , > reference to cyclic %hos%horylation Energy is stored in the form of -T/

Ma*i/!/ &6 /ar,# fro/ a-aila.le &5>



An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note#

Mar,# A-aila.le ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (



! C : E 5

humoral res%onse in$ol$es %roduction of %roteins *globulins+ called antibodies they are s%ecific to the antigen antibodies are M sha%ed . formed from ; %oly%e%tide chains the antibody antigen com%lex inacti$ates the antigen an exam%le of how . identifying for %hagocytosis . agglutination . lysis . immobilisation . neutralisation humoral res%onse in$ol$es *lym%hoid tissue to form+ ! lym%hocytes . ! cells each ! cell *or T cell+ has rece%tors for its s%ecific antigen

8 '

antigen stimulates %roliferation of %lasma cells and memory cells memory cells remain ready to di$ide if same antigen is encountered again *i"e" increase number rather than out%ut+ cell mediated res%onse in$ol$es T lym%hocytes . T cells T cells de$elo% . mature in thymus gland there are 2 ty%es of T cell.ref" To killer cells& hel%er cells and memory or su%%ressor cells

J J 1

( ( ( ( (

= function of killer cells& directly kill %athogen. bacterium cell infected by $irus , > function of hel%er cells& stimulate %hagocytosis . make T or ! cells com%etent . assist killer cells role for su%%ressor cells 6 su%%ress ! cells . lym%hocyte action after infection . switch off immune system when antigen not %resent

Ma*i/!/ &6 /ar,# fro/ a-aila.le &5>


-ll %oints may be awarded for a suitably annotate diagram& but marking %oints must be ex%licit"


ASSESSMENT UNIT BI 5 SECTION A '!e#tion (" *a+ *b+ An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note# 2& 5& ;& @& E& (& 2 /rotoctistaC 5ungiC N;O -nimaliaC /lantaeC *c+ Cell Wall of murein . not celluloseC *not0 chitin+ ,o nuclear membrane.nucleusC Circular :,-C :,- not associated with histonesC
,o membrane bound cell organelles .mitochondria. chloro%lasts etc"C

Mar,# A-aila.le N(O

N=ax 2O

Small ribosomes.@0S ribosomes *not0 large+ ,o meiosisC /lasmids *d+ >ffs%ring infertile N(O


'!e#tion 2" *a+ *i+ *ii+ *iii+

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note# !oth alleles ex%ress themsel$es" 5orm of a gene.ref" to same locus /arental genoty%es0 C C amete C 11C 1C

Mar,# A-aila.le N(O N(O

5( genoty%es0 all C 1 5( %henoty%es0 all Che$ron with %ale %atchC *5( genoty%es and %henoty%es ( mark+ ametes0 C 1 C1 C C1 1C 11 N(O N(O

52 genoty%es0 CC

52 %henoty%es che$ron che$ron with %ale %atch %ale %atchC *52 %henoty%es and genoty%es ( mark+ )atio ( 0 2 0 ( -cce%t other symbols if key gi$en" -cce%t gametes if on /unnett s7uare" *b+ *i+ *ii+ *iii+ Continuous Tall Tt x Tt /arental genoty%e ametesC TT Tt Tt tt enoty%e offs%ring )atioC *allow0 @5I& 25I+


2 tall l0( :warf *!oth for ( mark+ *c+ *i+ *ii+ *d+ G02020( (0(0(0( ,amed characteristicC ,amed en$ironmental factor" *not0 exam%les of selection+



'!e#tion 2" *a+

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note# - F glomerulus.mal%ighian cor%uscleC ! F !owman#s ca%suleC C F %roximal.first con$oluted.coiled tubule -" /CTC : F 1oo% of 8enle& -" descending limbC E F collecting ductC

Mar,# A-aila.le




The longer the loo% of 8enle the lower the water %otential of the urine.more concentrated urine.solute %otential higher" Sodium *ions+ %um%ed outC of ascending limbC creates a region of low water %otential around collecting ductsC water mo$es out of collecting duct.descending limbC by >smosisC ref" counter current"


N=ax 2O N2O N(O N(O N(O


*i+ *ii+ *iii+ *i$+

8y%othalmus *(+C brain *(+C osmorece%tors" -ny 2" *%osterior+ %ituitaryC first.%roximal con$oluted tubuleC *distal con$oluted tubule+ collecting ducts"


'!e#tion ;" *a+ *i+ *ii+ =utationC

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note#

Mar,# A-aila.le N(O

Selecti$e ad$antage *if Warfarin being used+C *not0 Hust ref" to natural selection and sur$i$al of the fittest+ more resistant rats sur$i$edC formed breeding %o%ulationC %assed on beneficial allele to offs%ring.more resistant alleles in gene %ool" =ax" 2


*Sexual+ re%roduction.interbreedingC N2O migration"


'f Warfarin not used there is no selecti$e ad$antage. descri%tionC :isad$antage rats with allele need large amounts of $itamin JC therefore selected against.die out" 2 from 2 *not0 more rats sur$i$e therefore greater selection %ressure+



'!e#tion 5" *a+ -" !"

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note#

Mar,# A-aila.le

5ibre& =yofibril" Sarcolemma& sarco%lasm& large numbers mitochondria& S)" T tubules& multinucleate& nuclei" " from. Sarcomere 7ual" Tin -ctin.Thick =yosin )ef" P line" Correct %osition" )ef" - band" =yosin )ef ' band actin only" )ef" 8 <one" )ef" = line"

C" :" E" 5" " 8" '" Max. 5 J" J" 1" =" ," >

Sliding" e$idence for sliding" Cross bridges" =yosin head binds to actin" :etails of ratchet mechanism" 5unction of -T/" !reaks bond between actin and myosin" )ef" S)" )ole of Calcium" Change of sha%e of tro%omyosin ex%osing binding site

/ Max. 5


'!e#tion *b+ -" !" C" :" E" 5" " 8" '" J" J" 1" =" ," > /"

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note#

Mar,# A-aila.le

/ollen tube growth controlled by tube nucleus" *- :iag+ enerati$e nucleus" =itosis" 2 male gametes.nuclei" Embryo sac - ref" D nuclei" =icro%yle& ref" %ollen tube entry" :ouble fertilisation" >ne male gamete fuses with egg cell nucleus" To %roduce a <ygote" >ne male gamete fuses with %olar nuclei" To %roduce %rimary endos%erm nucleus.tri%loid cell" :e$elo%s into endos%erm 'nteguments become testa" Pygote becomes embryo" *cotyledons+ %lumule and radicle" >$ule becomes seed"


'!e#tion E" *a+ *b+ *c+ *i+ *ii+

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note# enetically identicalC from small grou%s of cells. meristems.ex%lants.indi$idual cellsC artificial medium.agar ,o nucleus.mitosis cannot take %lace.differentiated cells" enetically identicalC grow at same rateC look sameC same si<eC same fla$ourC %reser$es fa$oured alleles or con$erse" enetically same *if not abo$e+C no resistance because no $ariationC no $ariation to sur$i$e climate change owtteC reduction in gene %oolC high cost or difficulties in %roduction" *not0 cost un7ualified+ Chromosome" !reak down of s%indle fibres& during mitosis.non6 disHunction.increased :,- re%lication.chromatids don#t se%arate" /airing of homologous chromosome cannot take %laceC no meiosisC no gametes.ha%loid cells %roduced )e$ersion of $irus to disease causing formC Qirus could be changed into different formC !acteria.$irus could be toxic to humans or insectsC Qirus.bacterium could transfer to another s%eciesC -cce%t ref" ethical reasons 7ualified e"g" Why change colour of lea$es when there is no nutritional $alueR -cce%t ref" increase cost of %lants %utting financial burden on farmersC -cce%t other $alid %oints e"g" unknown future side effects" *not0 %laying od.genes esca%ing+

Mar,# A-aila.le N2O N(O N=ax 2O

N=ax 2O N(O N=ax (O


*i+ *ii+

*iii+ *e+

N=ax 2O

N=ax" 2O


'!e#tion @" *a+

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note# E"g" of intracellular& described e"g" named res%iratory *allow0 digesti$e if stated as lysosomal+ E"g" of extracellular& described e"g" named digesti$e

Mar,# A-aila.le N(O N(O


:,-& code for %rimary structure.amino acid se7uence" )ibosomes& translation.Hoining a" acids of %rotein synthesis" olgi body& assembly and %ackaging.modify %roteins" 1ysosomes& contain *%roteolytic+ en<ymesC Exocytosis& membrane" release.ex%ort of en<ymes across cell N5O



Com%etiti$e *similar sha%e to substrate+& binds to acti$e siteC ,on6com%etiti$e binds to en<yme but not at acti$e siteC *not0 ref" to non6re$$ersible+



Com%etiti$e& *re$ersible+ inhibitorC binds to acti$e sites in en<ymeC %re$ents ethylene glycol enteringC slows %roduction of oxalic acid.less acid %roducedC can lea$e acti$e site" En<ymes work at o%timum %8.s%ecific %8C Changes secondary.tertiary structure of en<ymeC -ffects 8 bonds.ionic bonds.disul%hide bridgesC -cti$e sites destroyed.distortedC Sha%e of en<yme changes.configurationC Slight %8 change causes inacti$ation.extreme causes denaturation"

N=ax" ;O


N=ax" ;O


'!e#tion *d+

An#(er#)E*+lanator" Note# En<ymes always %roteins.hormones %roteins or steroidsC 8ormones %roduced by endocrine glands.ductless glandsC 8ormones trans%orted in blood to site of actionC En<ymes often work inside cell in which %roduced& hormones target cellsC En<ymes more lower acti$ation energyC )ef" s%eed of actionC En<ymes more susce%tible to %8.tem% changes *not0 ref" acti$e site.hormones homeostatic and en<ymes catalysts+ *com%arati$e statements not necessary+

Mar,# A-aila.le

N=ax" 2O

CE !iology =arkscheme *June 2005+.8J


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