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PHYSIOLAB ACTIVITY 1 a. What was the purpose of tubes #1 and # ! b.

What "an #ou "on"$ude fro% tubes #& and #'! ". What do tubes #'( #) and #* te$$ #ou about a%#$ase a"t+,+t# and pH $e,e$s! -h+nt. what ,ar+ab$e was "han/ed +n the pro"edure!0 d. What +s the opt+%a$ pH for a%#$ase a"t+,+t#! pH *.1 buffer a$$owed the h+/hest a%#$ase a"t+,+t#. e. 2oes a%#$ase wor3 at pH $e,e$s other than the opt+%a$ pH! f. What +s the end4produ"t of star"h d+/est+on! /. In wh+"h tubes d+d #ou dete"t the presen"e of %a$tose at the end of the e5per+%ent! h. Wh# wasn6t %a$tose present +n the other tubes! +. Sa$+,ar# a%#$ase wou$d be /reat$# dea"t+,ated +n the sto%a"h. Su//est a reason wh#( based on what #ou ha,e $earned +n th+s a"t+,+t#. ACTIVITY a. Wh+"h pH ,a$ue a$$owed for %a5+%a$ h#dro$#s+s of BAP7A! b. What effe"t d+d the bo+$+n/ ha,e on en8#%e a"t+,+t#! ". Wh+"h test tubes $ed #ou to th+s "on"$us+on! d. Wou$d free8+n/ ha,e the sa%e effe"t! Wh# or wh# not! e. Wh+"h test tubes were #our 9"ontro$s9! f. What were the# 9"ontro$$+n/9 for! /. What was peps+n6s affe"t on BAP7A! ACITIVITY & a. What d+d tube #1 show! Co%pared to tube ( tube 1 had /reater a"t+,+t# be"ause of the presen"e of b+$e. b. Wh# was tube #1 found to ha,e a pH of *! ". What +s the %a+n d+fferen"e between tubes # and #&! d. What +s the a"t+on of the substan"e +n the tube # that was not +n"$uded +n tube #&! e. Can we deter%+ne +f fat h#dro$#s+s has o""urred +n tube :! ;5p$a+n #our answer. f. What effe"t d+d the other buffers ha,e on the d+/est+,e pro"ess! /. What are the produ"ts of $+pase d+/est+on +n the tube # ! h. In what tubes d+d #ou dete"t the presen"e of fatt# a"+ds!

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