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Our Malaysia Courtesy by SMV Keningau INTRODUCTION G: Look up to the sky, its a bird, its a plane. No, no.

. Were the choral speakers. Good

Morning everybody. PART 1 G: In education,

More opportunities offered. For both the specially gifted and the handicapped students. In some years to come. G1: G2: G3: G: G: We really, truly, surely, certainly Will come to a stage

Where we do not need to go overseas To have our higher education S: S: S: Oh really? No more Cambridge? No more Oxford?

G: S: PART 2 G:

Yes, other nationalities will come to Malaysia To graduate! (yell excitedly, raising one hand, G applaud)

One may claim that life now is stressful and hectic.

Compared to the slow and relaxed past (shoulder move to the right and left, smiling). G: We do not deny the ill effects of pollution

(coughing). delay G2+G3: And the consumption of KFC, (G1 fatty) Pizza Hut (G1 salty), MacDonalds (G1 sugary) G: However, in this present day lifestyle

We have a lot more to the technological advancement M: F: G: S: S: PART 3 G: Malaysia, stands tall as a garden nation. To combat the effects, To keep the impurities away, We have, to name a few, air purifiers (G ahh.. fresh! ) water purifies (G ahh.. refreshing!)

Ready to be propelled into Vision 2020! By citizens of great calibre (folding arms) and moral fibre (a hand to the heart). We will stand united as todays youth (holding each others hands). And tomorrows leaders (raise hands up). delay G1: G2: G3: PART 4 G: G1: G2: G3: G: To send messages and news Our parents and grandparents and great grandparents And great-great grandparents To bring hope (palms close together). peace (peace sign). and prosperity (making love shape by using fingers).

Used the cumbersome snail-mail S: S: G: (Sighing) I need to get a stamp (Sighing) I need to go to the post office So.. much.. trouble (shaking the head) delay S: Now, we have e-mail! (yell excitedly)

S: G: G:

No, its Facebook! (looking at the person) Like! (Thumbs up) To send our greetings to the world

In just a few seconds G: S: We can even have a group chat to talk to our family. My friend, I really miss talking to my

children overseas. S: G: F: M: S: G: PART 5 G: simple. S: You remember playing batu seremban, ketinting, Games played in the past were often fun and For goodness sake, we have skype! ringing tone Hi daddy! Whats up dad?! Oh my GOD! I am talking to them! Well, modern communication! (shrug)

and congkak? delay G: Ahh.. you must be some modern kids!


Today, the in games are more intellectual and

sophisticated. It is a case of E.Q. (smile) versus I.Q. (pointing head) Though more home based and individually. G: However, to maintain goodwill and neighbourliness

We still have our long-lasting social games of netball, volleyball, football.. S: S: S: S: G: Manchester United, yeah! Barcelona, yeah! Harimau Malaysia, rawr! (G rawr, clawing) But those are for the adults! Yes, but for us

The energetic kids of Malaysia S: We go for blading, skate-boarding, street

basketball, S: G: G: G: Bungee jumping ooo nooo.. (S echoing) See for yourselves, What a great healthy kids we are! (biceps curl) And a great healthy body means a healthy mind.

PART 6 G: F: M: G: Come! To the dynamic beat of Negaraku 1 vision (tilting the head) 1 nation (tilting the head) 1Malaysia (tilting the head, point a finger) Were Malaysians! United we stand, divided we fall.. Ask not what your country can do for you, But what you can do for your country. Come citizens march with us.

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