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. 25 .

iow Cu.:ct Gt:rs .:


Most pcoplc or| prctty |ard avoidiug c|augc. Souc o us

cvcu car c|augiug t|c rcally lousy parts o lic. iut t|cu c gct
to go to t|c uovics.
At t|c ciucua c cut loosc aud cujoy c|augc. Vit| .cro
pcrsoual ris|, c iusist ou it. Ouc uajor rcasou |y cvcry|ody
lovcs t|c uovics so uuc| is t|at the language of flm is a language of
constant change.
S|illcd scrccuritcrs |oo| au audicucc t|roug| idcutinca-
tiou it| t|c |cro, t|cu |old t|cu iu t|rall |y uauipulatiug t|c
story to providc a rclcutlcss no o trausoruativc cvcuts.
V|ct|cr a uovic coucs ou |ig aud loud or suall aud
|ispcry, au audicucc cxpccts cac| |cro to cud up soucplacc
vcry dincrcut rou t|c |ouc grouud |crc t|c story |cgau.
At t|c start o Forrest Gump, lorrcst 1ou iau|s) is a
slo-ittcd |audicappcd |id |o gcts |ullicd all t|c tiuc. ic
|asut got a suo|alls c|aucc o cvcr auouutiug to auyt|iug.
iy t|c cud o t|c uovic |cs a auous scl-uadc uilliouairc
tycoou ar |cro, as cll as a isc, loviug |us|aud aud at|cr.
At t|c start o Bridget Jones Diary, iridgct is a lo-lcvcl o-
ncc drouc lac|iug iu scl-ort|, rouautically attractcd to cads,
aud uua|lc to nud auy uau illiug to uarry |cr. iy t|c cud
s|cs a scl-posscsscd, uatioually rcuoucd 1\ ucsouau
iu lovc it|, aud lovcd |y, a oudcrul aud calt|y |arristcr.
iridgct aud |cr orld |avc c|augcd couplctcly.
chapter three
The Story Solution ~ Eric Edson
. 26 .
1|c ouly pocrul piccc o drauatic ritiug I cau rcucu-
|cr t|ats a|out a lac| o c|augc is Sauucl icc|ctts classic stagc
play Waiting for Godot. Aud its rcvcaliug to uotc t|at cvcu t|oug|
Godot as uadc iuto a nlu, I dout |uo to pcoplc |o |avc
cvcr actually sccu t|c uovic vcrsiou. io c|augc.
Cuuulativc story trausoruatiou is |uilt rou a scrics o
suallcr c|augcs t|at ta|c placc stcp |y stcp t|roug|out t|c |olc
story. Au audicucc ill ouly rcuaiu cuotioually iuvolvcd iu a
uovic i t|cy cxpcricucc uuits o c|augc at rcgular iutcrvals.
Aud |crcs t|c |ic|cr: the number of smaller changes needed for any
flm story to succeed dramatically is both quantifable and constant.
1|c uuctiou o c|augc as t|c ccutral driviug drauatic
orcc iu all uovic plots is uot raudou. 1|c si.c aud purposc o
story cvcuts rcquircd or cac| uuit o c|augc to or| cll is uot
raudou cit|cr. You cau, iu act, prcdict cxactly t|c uuu|cr aud
dcgrcc o story c|augc |uups uccdcd, aud you cau tiuc aluost
to t|c uiuutc |cu t|osc |uups s|ould appcar.
Soou I ill s|o you t|c cxact uuu|cr o c|augc uuits
uccdcd or cvcry caturc nlu. 1|is yardstic| is so prccisc you
ill alays |uo iu advaucc |ct|cr or uot your script ill
or| cuotioually or au audicucc.
1|csc uuits o c|augc arc icro Goal Scqucuccs

Lvcry succcssul uotiou picturc story youvc cvcr cujoycd
cau |c |ro|cu dou t|is ay. Oucc you lcaru to idcutiy t|csc
uuits you t|cu |avc a tool to |uild your ou grippiug, cncctivc
scrccuplays. io uorc gucss or|. You cau iustcad |uo cxactly
|o to s|apc a script or t|c uaxiuuu drauatic puuc|.
I rcali.c t|crc arc lots o pcoplc |o aut to couccivc o
t|c crcativc ritiug proccss as au ctcrually uuat|oua|lc t|iug.
1|csc good souls ill uaturally rcsist auy practical aualysis o
story picccs or car t|cir crcativc spar| ill souc|o |c cx-
iut couparc t|c idca o 23 icro Goal Scqucuccs

to t|c
progrcssivc c|aptcrs iu a |oo|. Lac| passiug c|aptcr lays t|c
grouudor| or t|c ucxt. 1|cy liu| aud |uild ou cac| ot|cr.
. 27 .
1|c ucrc couccpt o au orgaui.iug tool callcd c|aptcrs docs
uot iu auy ay iu|i|it or liuit |at t|c |oo| cau |c a|out, uor
docs it diuiuis| its pocr, its origiuality, or its artistic ac|icvc-
A syup|ouy usually rcquircs a scrics o prcscri|cd uovc-
ucuts. 1|c uovcucuts couc iu au cxpcctcd ordcr, aud t|csc
parts, too, |uild ou cac| ot|cr. 1|is orgaui.atioual couccpt |as
scrvcd couposcrs vcry cll or ccuturics.
So |corc juupiug to auy couclusious a|out |crc t|is
|oo| is lcadiug, poudcr Or Dic|cus.
Vc ill cousidcr iu latcr c|aptcrs t|c cxact usc o Goal Sc-
qucuccs or dcsiguiug stroug storics. iut or uo, siuply |ccp
iu uiud t|at plauuiug drauatic c|augc cncctivcly is au csscutial
coupoucut o grcat scrccuritiug.
iig| sta|cs uotivatc auy |cro to pursuc |ig c|augc.
Cousidcr, i you ill, a ricudly lriday uig|t card gauc
youvc got goiug arouud your |itc|cu ta|lc.
io|cr uig|t it| your |uddics. iorsiug arouud, laug|tcr,
|ccr. Lvcry|ody |u..iug aud uo oucs rcally payiug uuc| attcu-
tiou to t|c currcut |aud |ciug dcalt.
1|cu suddculy lorraiuc drops a clattcriug nstul o c|ips
iu t|c uiddlc o t|c ta|lc.
Silcucc alls. Lvcryouc rcali.cs t|ats t|c attcst pot
t|cyvc cvcr sccu. lorraiuc grius.
All cycs turu toard scct, sot-spo|cu |crry, ucxt iu liuc
or t|c |ct. ic ipcs a scaty palu ou |is paut lcg. Dccidiug
i lorraiucs |lunug or uot uo ucaus scrious uoucy.
iot to ucutiou t|at uutil a couplc uout|s ago |crry aud
lorraiuc crc uarricd. icorc s|c tapcd a Dcar |crry uotc ou
t|c aquariuu tau| aud rau on it| t|c pool uau.
1|c jocular uood o t|c cvcuiug cvaporatcs. Lvcryouc
aits to scc |at poor |crry ill do.
The Story Solution ~ Eric Edson
. 28 .
lorraiuc radiatcs au ir|souc coundcucc |c|iud |cr goldcu
tau, givcs on t|at uccdliug sucll o c|loriuc s|c alays |as
a|out |cr t|csc days. |crry loo|s palc.
ic clcars |is t|roat. 1|cu slidcs out cvcry last c|ip |cs
got. iis rcut or ucxt uout|. Its uot li|c you |avcut licd |c-
orc, |crry uuttcrs.
lorraiuc ruus |cr touguc across collagcu lips.
1|cu o| so sloly, ouc |y ouc, s|c lays dou |cr cards.
Arc c curious to nud out |o ius.
Surc. iccausc t|is po|cr gauc isut just a|out t|c uoucy
auyuorc. Alt|oug| t|crc arc plcuty o |uc|s ou t|c ta|lc, ad-
ditioually t|is s|odou is a|out a |ro|cu |cart, a drcau s|at-
tcrcd, a lovc |ctraycd, aud t|c possi|lc loss o a |ouc. All o
|ic| raisc t|c sta|cs.
Audicuccs arc ar uorc iutcrcstcd iu |at |appcus ucxt
|cu t|c |cro stauds to losc souct|iug iuportaut. Aud t|c
uorc urgcutly a |cro auts souct|iug, t|c uorc illiug t|cy
arc to ta|c auy |ig ris| ucccssary to gct it.
A guy |o is a total slo| uig|t suddculy sct out to clcau
up |is act atcr |c alls dcspcratcly iu lovc it| a coupulsivcly
ucat ouau. Aud a youug lady addictcd to drugs uay nually
nud t|c couragc to quit atcr s|c lcarus s|cs prcguaut.
1|c grcatcr t|c uccd, t|c |ig|cr t|c sta|cs, t|c uorc rivct-
iug your script.
lcts say yourc t|iu|iug o |aviug your |cro dyc |cr |air
|rig|t rcd iu Act 1o. A uc coinurc ill |c a uicc visual
So is t|at a good story idca or uot.
It dcpcuds. I your icro is siuply c|augiug |cr |air color
ou a |iu, t|crcs uo |uruiug ucccssity. It ill just slo t|iugs
iut iu The Pelican Brief, Dar|y |ulia lo|crts) stops to dyc
|cr |air |ilc s|cs |idiug out alouc iu a ic Orlcaus |otcl
roou. iillcrs arc closiug iu. S|cs dcspcratcly tryiug to couccal
|cr idcutity iu ordcr to cscapc. Aud |ciug |y |crscl iu t|c
. 29 .
|otcl roou is all t|c uorc |ittcrly paiuul |ccausc just au |our
ago Dar|y itucsscd t|c uau s|c lovcs |ciug |lou to picccs
|y a car |ou|.
Iu t|is casc t|c |cro c|augiug |cr |air color is au urgcut
actiou uclcd |y iucrcdi|ly |ig| sta|cs. S|c uust c|augc |cr
appcaraucc aud vauis| iuto t|c crod or dic.
iig sta|cs raisc t|c tcupcraturc o cvcryt|iug aud c caut
pull our cycs aay rou pcoplc |o arc cxpcricuciug cvcr |ig|-
cr lcvcls o cuotioual |cat.
Siucc |aviug souct|iug iuportaut at sta|c dras au audi-
cucc cvcr uorc dccply iuto your story, c uccd to |uo t|c
various |iuds o sta|cs t|at ua|c t|c |cros dcsirc or c|augc as
grippiug as possi|lc. icrcs t|c list:
list nuis|cd.
V|ats at sta|c or t|c |cro uust |c ou t|c lcvcl o uot|iug
lcss t|au lic or dcat|. Ouly t|c |ig|cst uotivatiou ill drivc
t|c lcad orard t|roug| all t|c iusuruouuta|lc o|staclcs to
couc aud |ccp viccrs rivctcd to t|c vcry cud.
iut arcut t|crc lots o nlus |crc t|c possi|ility t|at t|c
|cro uig|t gct |illcd isut cvcu a cousidcratiou. li|c iu uost
O coursc. Aud iu drauatic ritiug t|crc arc to su|-
catcgorics o lic or dcat| sta|cs.
1|c litcral |iud.
icrc, i t|c |cro ails, |cs |urut toast. Finito.
1|is rcprcscuts pcr|aps 80% o all couucrcial uotiou
picturcs produccd |y iollyood.
The Story Solution ~ Eric Edson
. 30 .
loo| at auy o t|c |ig studios suuucr rclcasc sc|cdulcs.
Youll scc vcry c nlus |crc t|c possi|lc outcouc or t|c
|cro is auyt|iug lcss t|au to stay alivc or gct dcad.
1|c uctap|orical |iud.
V|cu soucouc cxpcricuccs a soul-rcuc|iug dccat or loss
rou |ic| t|cy ucvcr ully rccovcr, c otcu spca| o t|at pcr-
sou as |aviug dicd iusidc. Or t|at t|cyrc auoug t|c al|iug
dcad. Lvcu t|oug| t|cy coutiuuc to |rcat|c aud or| aud cat,
c rccogui.c suc| a pcrsou as a ucrc s|cll o t|cir orucr scl.
icsidcs p|ysical dcat| t|crc cau |c a dcat| o t|c spirit.
Auyouc |o |as cvcr oug|t or t|c ultiuatc pri.c o truc
lovc |uos t|at qucst, too, is a uattcr o lic or dcat|.
Serendipity is a rouautic coucdy a|out |ouat|au |o|u Cusac|)
aud Sara iatc icc|iusalc), |o ucct, spcud a c gloriously ro-
uautic |ours togct|cr, aud ccl t|c lig|tcuiug |olt stri|c. iut Sara
scts up a tcst or |ouat|au iu ordcr to scc i atc rcally iutcuds t|cu
or cac| ot|cr. Luair Iujury stri|cs aud causcs |ouat|au to |lo
Saras tcst. 1|cy arc partcd.
Ycars latcr, |ot| arc it|iu |ours o uarryiug soucouc lcss
ort|y. Scparatcly, |ouat|au aud Sara scusc t|cy uig|t |c uar-
ryiug t|c roug pcrsou |ccausc uay|c, just uay|c, dcstiuys 1ruc
Iutcudcd or t|cu as lost ycars |corc.
Iu t|c dcspcratc c |ours |corc uatriuouy, cac| ta|cs
on ou a uad |uut or t|c ot|cr.
V|at c|aru Serendipity posscsscs gros out o t|c ay t|c
nluua|crs play on o t|c uctap|orical lic or dcat| sta|cs |uilt
iuto a t|crcs-ouly-ouc-truc-lovc-or-uc p|ilosop|y: cit|cr lov-
crs rccogui.c t|cir prcordaiucd pcrcct uatc| at t|c iustaut t|cy
ucct, or t|c c|aucc or ultiuatc |appiucss vauis|cs orcvcr.
Aud t|c act t|at Sara aud |ouat|au arc |ot| ouly |ours
aay rou uarriagc to t|c roug pcoplc raiscs t|csc cuotioual
lic or dcat| sta|cs to t|c uaxiuuu attagc.
. 31 .
1|crc arc |uudrcds o uovics it| iupcudiug cddiugs
iu t|cu |ccausc t|ats |crc souc o t|c |ig|cst cuotioual
sta|cs iu lic cau |c ouud. 1|corctically, at lcast, cddiugs crc-
atc a pcruaucut uuiou. So t|c loouiug sta|cs o pcrsoual ul-
nllucut or ctcrual loss risc to a lcvcl o spiritual lic or dcat|.
Iu t|c uiddlc o t|c rouautic coucdy Working Girl, |cro
1css McGill gocs to a |luc collar |ar iu t|c lo-rcut ic |crscy
ucig||or|ood |crc s|c |as alays livcd, to attcud a cddiug
s|ocr or |cr |cst ricud, Cyu |oau Cusac|). 1css as |oru
iuto t|is or|iug-class orld, |ut s|cs uo sc|cuiug to |c-
couc a succcssul |usiucss cxccutivc.
1css arrivcs at Cyus cddiug s|ocr iu a tailorcd suit it|
|cr |air aud ua|cup strictly |ig| class loo|iug vcry dincrcut
rou |cr |ouc-rout ricuds. As t|c |olc party atc|cs, 1csss
|oyricud Mic| Alcc ialdiu), a couucrcial ns|cruau, gcts
dou ou ouc |ucc aud as|s 1css to uarry |iu cvcu t|oug|
just to days carlicr 1css caug|t |iu iu |cd it| auot|cr ou-
au. iut ou t|c spot, 1css auscrs it| a tcpid uay|c.
Storuiug aay rou t|c |ar, Mic| rails t|at 1css uadc a
ool out o |iu. 1css rctorts, Iu uot stca|. You caut ordcr
uc. Mic| dcclarcs t|at uutil s|c gcts |cr prioritics straig|t,
t|cyrc t|roug|. ic |uns on.
io 1css al|s dou to t|c iudsou livcr aud ga.cs out
across uig|t atcrs to t|c gloiug lig|ts o Mau|attau ou t|c
ar sidc. Its crystal clcar s|c uo lougcr |clougs iu t|is or|iug-
class orld. S|c caut go |ouc agaiu.
1|osc tiu|liug lig|ts o ic Yor| City arc uo 1csss
ouly |opc to |ccouc t|c rcc aud scl-posscsscd pcrsou s|c
lougs to |c.
1|c sta|cs o 1csss upcouiug |usiucss dcal |avc just |c-
couc uctap|orical lic or dcat|. 1|c |ig|cst sta|cs possi|lc.
Ivc rcad scorcs o scrccuplays |y uccoucrs it| plots iu-
volviug |crocs |o arc or|iug toard a jo| prouotiou, just li|c
1css McGill. iut otcu |ats uissiug is t|at i t|c |cro docsut
The Story Solution ~ Eric Edson
. 32 .
gct t|c dcsircd prouotiou, uot|iug ill c|augc. lic ill go ou as
|corc aud t|crcs uo pricc to |c paid i t|c |cro docsut succccd.
lcccutly I rcad au ot|crisc cll-rittcu script cxccpt
it as |uilt arouud t|is plot: a |cautiul, |rilliaut, ric| youug
ouau or|s as a uid-lcvcl cxccutivc iu |cr at|crs |ugc cor-
poratiou. S|c uaucuvcrs or a prouotiou |ut docs uot gct it.
Vit| piquc t|c |cro quits |cr dads coupauy aud scts up a
|usiucss iu dircct coupctitiou agaiust |cr at|cr. iclpcd |y |cr
vcry ric| ricuds, rig|t aay t|c |cro |ags a |ig dcal aud |cr
coupauy gros largcr t|au dads. 1|c cud.
V|at as at sta|c or t|is |cro.
A|solutcly uot|iug.
V|cu s|c docsut gct |cr prouotiou rou papa s|cs still
ric|, still |cautiul, aud still |cir to a vast ortuuc. Lvcu |cu
s|c lcavcs |cr at|crs coupauy s|c rcuaius daddys littlc girl,
still iu a privilcgcd positiou aud |clpcd |y cvcryouc.
Events ta|c placc iu t|is story, |ut t|crcs uo change, uot|iug
to losc, uo issuc o dccp iuportaucc at sta|c or t|c |cro asidc
rou |cr ou cgo.
Couparc t|at to t|c sctup iu Legally Blonde. icrc t|c |cro
Lllc Voods lccsc Vit|crspoou) also |ails rou a rat|cr privi-
lcgcd |ac|grouud. iut Lllc is dccply iu lovc it| Varucr |o
duups |cr |cu |c |cads on to attcud iarvard la Sc|ool.
S|attcrcd, Lllc dccidcs t|at t|c ouly ay to laud |cr uau agaiu
is to gct iuto iarvard la |crscl aud provc to Varucr just |o
classy s|c cau |c.
Lvcryouc sccs Lllc as au air-|cadcd |loudc it|out a
c|aucc iu iadcs o ua|iug it iuto iarvard la. iut t|roug|
suarts aud |ard or|, s|c docs gct iu. 1|cu |cu Lllc ollos
Varucr to la sc|ool s|c nuds cvcryouc at iarvard also as-
suucs s|cs a duu| |loudc. Varucr quic|ly |ccoucs cugagcd
to au old uoucy suo| aud Lllcs goal o uarryiug Varucr
slips urt|cr aay t|au cvcr.
S|cs rcjcctcd aud |uuiliatcd cvcu t|oug| Lllc s|os a aru
aud cariug |cart aud gocs out o |cr ay to |clp pcoplc. Lllc uo
. 33 .
stauds iu or all o us |o |avc cvcr sccu oursclvcs as uisuudcr-
stood aud uudcrvalucd |ic| is just a|out cvcry|ody.
Lllcs qucst atcr Varucr |ccoucs a |attlc to rcsolvc or a
lictiuc |cr ou ort| as a pcrsou, |cr spiritual lic or dcat|.
Scc t|c dincrcucc t|at |ig| sta|cs ua|c |ctccu t|csc to
Also uotc t|c c|aractcr syupat|y tools uscd iu Legally
Blonde to couucct us cuotioually to t|c |cro. All uiuc syupat|y
cu|auccrs arc cuploycd: Couragc, Luair Iujury, S|ill, Iu Dau-
gcr, a iicc icrsou, luuuy, lovcd |y Ot|crs, iard Vor|iug, aud
C|augc is ccrtaiuly critical iu cac| scrccu story, |ut t|c
sourcc o cucrgy prcssiug to ua|c t|at c|augc |appcu is |cy as
cll. It uust couc rou t|c |cro aud uo ouc clsc.
1o |c spccial, to |c |ravc, to |c a cut a|ovc ordiuary ol|s,
your |cro uust sci.c |is ou atc aud activcly or| or a solu-
tiou to t|c counict |c accs. I auyouc clsc solvcs your |cros
pro|lcu or |iu, your uovic ill
Lllc Voods iu Legally Blonde |cgius |cr jourucy as a youug
ouau |o plaus to ua|c a carccr out o liviug or suraccs,
gcttiug |cr uails aud |air douc, aud dcsiguiug t|c pcrcct piu|
ardro|c. 1|is is all t|ats cvcr |ccu cxpcctcd o Lllc.
iut |cu Varucr duups |cr aud gocs on to la sc|ool, our
|cro is suddculy losiug orcvcr t|c ouc uau |o dcnucs |cr lic.
So t|c |cro uustcrs all |cr couragc aud ng|ts |ac|.
1|ats |o cvcry good uovic |cgius. Iuto t|c lic o a
syupat|ctic |cro plops a iig iro|lcu, iguitiug iu t|c |cro a
stroug dcsirc to crcatc a c|augc t|at ill solvc t|c pro|lcu. 1|c
lcad suc|s up |cr couragc aud scts out to |cat t|c iig iro|lcu
or dic tryiug, p|ysically or uctap|orically.
iy t|c cud o Legally Blonde, Lllc Voods |as altcrcd |cr
|olc orld. io ouc t|iu|s Lllc a duu| |loudc auyuorc. S|c
The Story Solution ~ Eric Edson
. 34 .
siuglc-|audcdly ius au iuportaut criuiual casc, graduatcs at
t|c top o |cr la sc|ool class, aud s|c |ags Varucr, |o |y
uo is grovcliug to gct |cr |ac|.
iut Lllcs iuucr orld |as uaturcd as cll. S|c at last sccs
clcarly t|at |at s|c autcd at t|c |cgiuuiug o t|c uovic,
Varucr, isut rcally ort| autiug at all. iy t|c cud s|c uo
lougcr dcsircs to |c just au oruaucut ou souc uaus aru. S|cs
|ccouc au|itious aud rcspcctcd. Lllc tclls Varucr t|at i s|cs
goiug to ua|c la nru partucr |y 30, s|c uccds a |oyricud
|o isut suc| a couplctc |ouc|cad.
O|, |o Lllc |as changed.
iut |crcs t|c |cy rcasou crc so cutcrtaiucd as c atc|
t|is |cro ac|icvc |cr trausoruatiou. She does it through her own
willpower and actions.
V|cu c o|scrvc |ad t|iugs |appcu to a |cro |o just
stauds t|crc aud docsut ng|t |ac|, its ouly iutcrcstiug or a
s|ort |ilc. V|cu c scc a c|aractcr crcatc |is ou dcstiuy
t|roug| pcrsoual c|oiccs aud stroug cnorts, c rcuaiu cu-
t|rallcd to t|c cud.
iart o t|c grcat valuc o icro Goal Scqucuccs

is t|at
t|cy ill cusurc your |cro ucvcr |ccoucs passivc. Lvcry scrccu-
ritcr uust lcaru |o to spot passivc ccutral c|aractcrs |ccausc
t|cy siu| scripts astcr t|au coucrctc s|ocs siu| gaugstcrs.
House of Sand and Fog tclls t|c story o iat|y |cuuicr Cou-
uclly), a youug ouau cvictcd rou |cr rcccutly iu|critcd |ouc
|ccausc t|c city |as uadc a uista|c a|out uupaid taxcs. icr
|ousc gcts auctioucd on to a rcugcc Irauiau, Coloucl ic|raui
icu iiugslcy), |o sccs t|c |argaiu-priccd dclliug as a last
|opc or |is struggliug auily. iat|y trics to tcll cvcryouc t|at
a uista|c |as |ccu uadc. Coloucl ic|raui ng|ts |ac|.
Iu its iuitial t|catrical rclcasc t|is nlu did vcry littlc |usi-
ucss at t|c |ox oncc. I |clicvc t|crc arc to priuary rcasous.
lirst, t|c lcad c|aractcr o iat|y, as rittcu, is uot syupat|ctic.
S|cs c|urlis|, uugratcul, stupid, uucouragcous, scl-pityiug, aud
|ad at t|c uost |asic tas|s iu lic. Ou t|c ot|cr |aud, iat|ys
. 35 .
advcrsary Coloucl ic|raui posscsscs t|c qualitics o couragc,
lovc, strcugt|, |iuducss, aud c|aru. Our cuotioual syupat|ics
arc couplctcly out o |ac|. Vc li|c t|c advcrsary aud dout
li|c t|c |cro. 1rou|lc a|cad.
Sccoudly, the hero is passive. V|cu t|c goiug gcts toug|,
iat|ys solutiou is to attcupt suicidc. iut s|c provcs as iucou-
pctcut at suicidc as s|c is at cvcryt|iug clsc. V|cu t|at docsut
or| out or |cr, s|c just sluups iuto a statc o couplctc pas-
sivity aud stops ta|iug auy actiou at all. 1|roug|out t|c cutirc
t|ird act t|c |cro o House of Sand and Fog is cit|cr uucouscious
or audcriug iu au aiulcss da.c. litcrally.
Siucc iat|y docs uot|iug to rcsolvc |cr ou counict, it
|ccoucs t|c actiou o t|c |cros uarricd |oyricud, a dcucutcd
cop c also disli|c, t|at drivcs t|c uovic orard to a cliuax.
1|c conu uails or House of Sand and Fog arc au uusyupa-
t|ctic |cro, aud a passivc |cro. 1|c |crocs c aut to atc| arc
activc, uot rcactivc.
Audiences enjoy movies that give them what they often
avoid in life: change. The emotionally loaded experience
screenwriters seek to create in a flm story is always built
around a concept of constant dramatic plot evolution.
The big change in a screen story, from the heros situation
at the start of the movie to his very diferent situation at
the end, is constructed from a series of smaller changes
that take place step by step through the movie. The ex-
act number and content of these steps are predictable and
have been named Hero Goal Sequences

High stakes are essential for dramatic change to be efective.
The only story stakes powerful enough to grip an audience
throughout a flm are literal life or death, or metaphorical
life or death when the hero risks losing something life-
defning like true love, self-worth, or personal fulfllment.
The Story Solution ~ Eric Edson
. 36 .
Only the actions of the hero can successfully push story
change forward. Responsibility for making things happen
in the plot of a movie cannot be turned over to any other
Passive Heroes who do not take action to solve their own
problems must be avoided.
C|oosc auy to couucrcially succcssul Aucricau uovics t|at |avc
ouc |cro iu t|c story. lirst, rcad t|c qucstious |clo so you |uo
|at to loo| or, t|cu atc| t|c nrst tcuty uiuutcs aud last tcuty
uiuutcs o |ot| nlus carcully. Auscr t|c olloiug qucstious:
1. V|at is t|c |cros ordiuary lic situatiou at t|c start o
cac| story. ic spccinc aud iucludc gcograp|y, ricuds,
counicts, or| orld, |ousiug, attitudc, drcaus, |appi-
ucss,uu|appiucss it| a uatc or t|c lac| o ouc), |ats
roug iu |cr socicty, disappoiutucuts aud joys, cuotiou-
ally guardcd or uot, ctc.
2. V|at is t|c |cros lic situatiou at t|c cud o cac| uovic.
As couparcd to |is ordiuary lic at t|c |cgiuuiug, |o |as
t|c iLlOS LX1LlIOl VOllD CiAiGLD. io
|as iIS IiiLl iLlSOiAl lIlL CiAiGLD.
3. io is t|c |cro pcrsoually iustruucutal iu ua|iug t|is
CiAiGL couc a|out.
4. V|ats A1 S1AiL or t|c |cro iu accouplis|iug t|c goal
t|at drivcs cac| story. Arc t|osc sta|cs lic or dcat| cit|cr
litcrally or uctap|orically.
S. io uauy clcar, iudividual uoucuts o CiAiGL iu
t|c |cros circuustauccs do you scc uuoldiug as t|c story
progrcsscs iu t|osc parts o t|c nlus.

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