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SMK SIMPANG BELURU ENGLISH TEST FORM 2 1 HOUR 30 MINUTES NAME: ____________________________ CLASS: ______________

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all the questions. Write ALL your answers in the answer sheet provided. A. Reading Co !"e#en$ion.

. !he word dusk in the spee"h a#ove re$ers to A. noon %. a$ternoon C. evenin&

,. When so(ethin& -potential./ it is li+ely to A. sell %. hurt C. happen

'. Aedes (osquitoes #reed in A. rivers %. $lowin& water

0. What we should do i$ we see in$e"ted areas1 A. 2isit the( C. Survey the( authorities %. Avoid the( ). 3eport to the

C. sta&nant water ). strea(s *. !he spea+er stresses that larva A. is an inse"t %. #reeds easily

14. !he word fatal (eans A. li+ely %. deadly C. popular

C. "auses illness ). loo+s li+e $at wor( B. G"a a" 11. ________ do you +now I a( Sa(5s #rother1 6

A. Why

%. What

C. 7ow

). Who

16. _________ wind is #lowin& $ro( the west. A. !he %. A C. An ). 8

A. o#edient %. a"tive old

C. ina"tive ).

1*. >apan is a_____ "ountry than the ?hilippines. A. wealthy %. wealthier C. wealthiest

19. ________ #e &oin& out in a (o(ent. A. We5ll %. Well C. Well5ll ). Will

1:. !he e;hi#ition is____:th April. A. in durin& %. on C. at ).

1,. !he soldiers $ou&ht _____and won the #attle. A. "owardly %. #ravely C. "lu(sily

1 . %irds are war(< #looded ______$ish are not. A. and or %. #ut C. so ).

10. Mr. 3a@u and his $a(ily visited us. _____ are very $riendly. A. !heir ). us %. !hey C. We

64. We saw a _______o$ $ish in the la+e. A. shoal %. swar( C. &roup

1'. =ared is an _______ #oy. 7e plays $oot#all and ho"+ey $or the s"hool.

Ah(ad is &oin& to s"hool. 7e __A61B__ to s"hool #y #us. 7e __A66B__ to &o to s"hool. A$ter __A69B___ s"hool/ he __A6:B__ strai&ht to "lass. 7is $riends __A6 B__ Ah(ad very (u"h. Ah(ad always li+es to __A6'B__ his $riends. 61B A. went 66B A. li+es 69B A. rea"hed 6:B A. wal+ed 6 B A. li+es 6'B A. helps %o&a'()a"* C#oo$e +#e 'e$+ an$,e" -o" +#e ,o"d$ 6* #ee A. Ani(als #utter$ly ant %. Inse"ts &rasshopper C. %irds ). 3eptiles %. li+e %. helped %. &oes %. li+in& %. rea"hin& %. wal+in& C. li+in& C. helpin& C. &o C. li+ed C. rea"hes C. wal+s ). wal+ ). li+ed ). help ). &oin& ). li+e ). rea"hed


=o; A. Ani(als


"heetah %. Inse"ts En&lish %. A(#ition

(on+ey C. %irds Musi" C. Su#@e"ts ). 7o##ies ). 3eptiles




A. C""upation 94. !a#le A. tools Choose the $a e 91. ?retty A. D&ly 96. !hou&htless A. "areless 99. Wi"+ed A. evil "hair

#en"h so$a %. stationery C. utensils ). $urniture

eaning $or the words &iven.

%. 7andso(e

C. %eauti$ul

). Ni"e

%. $urious

C. "onsiderate

). polite

%. stin&y

C. worse

). pleased

9:. 3ude A. "orre"t 9 . Mean A. deli&hted Choose the o!!o$i+e 9'. %rave A. "oward 9*. Clean A. hy&iene %. $resh C. tidy ) .$ilthy %. polite C. #etter ). worse %. wron& C. stin&y ). sad %. deli&hted C. #ad<(annered ). #etter

eaning $or the words &iven.

9,. )eli"ious A. (outh<waterin& unappetiEin& 90. Easy A. "o(pli"ated :4. =ier"e A. "al( %. power$ul C. violent ). intense %. "o($orta#le C. rela;ed ). "al( %. s"ru(ptious C. tasty ).

P"e!a"ed '*. 0000000000000 1 Pn.%ani+#a 2

C#e&/ed '*. 00000000000000000000000 1 Pn.3(""a# '+. Mo#a ad2

%e"i-ied '*. 00000000000000000 1Pn.Ro$a)ia# '+. A)i 2

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