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Dallas Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 588

Protecting Those Who Protect Others

1414 %. 9ashin#ton $allas, )A B<204 5!!ice: 72148 =21C14B6 3a4 72148 =2DC60B= 9eb: www."allas!'

January 20, 2014

Honorable Mayor & City Council: I pray you all receive this well. !ter rea"in# the article in the $allas Mornin# %ews this past &atur"ay re#ar"in# the selection o! the new City Mana#er !or the City o! $allas, we have concerns that 'aintainin# the current status (uo woul" be "etri'ental to our 'e'bers. )here!ore, we woul" li*e to ta*e this ti'e to 'a*e our position *nown. )hou#h we have not yet 'et with all o! the can"i"ates we cannot in #oo" conscious support the selection o! .C. +on,ale, as the City Mana#er !or the City o! $allas. )his or#ani,ation "oes not !eel that Mr. +on,ale, has the City e'ployees- best interest at heart. $urin# his ti'e as interi' City Mana#er he has not 'et his obli#ation to city wor*ers an" re!use" to "iscuss serious chan#es to the issues that are 'ost i'portant to City e'ployees. Mr. +on,ale, has !aile" to correct basic issues "urin# his ter' as interi' City Mana#er such as pay, bene!its, an" security at police !acilities. In 2010 "urin# tou#h econo'ic ti'es, .ublic &a!ety /'ployees a#ree" to sacri!ice over 200 o! their pay so that public sa!ety woul" not be re"uce" placin# citi,ens at ris*. In 2011, as hea" o! the tea' representin# the City +on,ale, re!use" to entertain any solutions that woul" reinstate the pay scale they were pro'ise" to so'e o!!icers prior to the' 2oinin# the $allas .olice $epart'ent. )his pay scale re'ains bro*en. 3or e4a'ple, so'e o!!icers with two years are 'a*in# 'ore than so'e si4 year o!!icers. In 5ctober 2011, this Council approve" the city bu"#et which reinstate" o!!icers 'erit steps !ro' 2006. +oin# into the secon" 'onth in 2014, o!!icers who shoul" have receive" there 'erit step pay since that ti'e have not 7bac* pay in salaries8. )he issue o! heath care was also an issue that was not open !or "iscussion. 5ur o!!ice is still #ettin# calls re#ar"in# the proble's e'ployees are havin# with the cities health care provi"er an" the issues that have not been resolve" since the be#innin# o! the year. ""itionally, the security at the "i!!erent .olice stations inclu"in# .olice Hea"(uarters is a #reat concern yet nothin# has been "one or i'ple'ente" to secure the par*in# areas an" access areas. In !act +on,ale, tol" 'y pre"ecessor 7$35. .resi"ent Michael 9alton8 that they "i" not nee" any e4tra security 'easures because o!!icers carry #uns. )hou#h this or#ani,ation un"erstan"s the i'portant an" supports econo'ic #rowth in the City o! $allas, it is the /'ployees that are the bac* bone o! the city. .lease !eel !ree to contact 'e re#ar"in# this or any other issue as it relates to the o!!icers we represent.

Richard Todd
:ichar" )o"", .resi"ent $allas 3raternal 5r"er o! .olice ;o"#e <==

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