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Latest-2012 SAP Basis Interview Questions

1. What are you roles and responsibilities in your o!pany" 2. #ow you will do lient opy" $. I% SAP& is not available then how u will do" '. A%ter lient opy is table spa e and database si(es will be in reased or not" ). #ow to do lient opy %ast" *. What are various pro%iles available %or lient opy" +. #ow to do transport,s between Produ tion and -evelop!ent" .. #ow to apply /0S Pat hes" 1. #ow to do lient opy" 10. #ow to do transports %ro! /S level" 11. Where the transport data %iles will be pla ed" 12. #ow to !a2e se urity authori(ation reports" 1$. In whi h table %ailed user lo3in atte!pts will be there" 1'. #ow to see the t able entry values" 1). #ow you will 3ive new authori(ations" 1*. #ave you parti ipated in 4ernel up3radin3 and /0S Pat hes" 1+. #ave you done any up 3radations" 1.. #ow to on%i3ure 56S" 11. What is transport do!ain" 20. What is 0onsolidation route and delivery routes" #ow you will identi%y the!" 21. 5ransport error odes and their des ription" 22. 5he transa tion should not be displayed in 7ser 8asy a ess !enu. #ow to do user auditin3 in sap" What will u audit" 2$. #ow to %ind users used transa tion odes whi h are not authori(ed %or" 2'. #ow to s hedule online and o%%line ba 2up whi h ta2es every day9 every wee2. #ow to !onitor it 2). #ow will u send !ail a%ter o!pletion o% ba 2up" 2*. #ow will u inte3rate e:istin3 e e * environ!ent into solution !ana3er 2+. What are the re3ular a tivities u do in solution !ana3er and how 2.. #ow to update SAP 21. #ow to lo 2 or unlo 2 a transa tion ode usin3 s!01" $0. #ow to setup ;<0 onne tion in e * tells !e steps involved" $1. 5ell !e steps %or support pa 2 installation in e *" $2. I% possible send !e s reenshot do %or installation o% e * $$. S reenshot do u!ent %or solution !ana3er installation. $'. What is the database ba 2up strate3y in your o!pany" $). What is up3rade pro ess" And how u will do that" $*. #ow u will 3ive new authori(ations" $+. #ow to ad=ust user !aster re ords" I% user !aster re ord doesn,t ad=ust what will you do" $.. #ow to he 2 4ernel9 tp versions" $1. Brie%ly e:plain a re ent proble! you %a ed9 whi h u %elt proud by solvin3 that" And how will u solved" '0. #ow you will rate yoursel% in SAP9 /ra le %ro! a s ale 1 > 10" '1. What are o!!on ba 23round =obs that will run in your syste!"

'2. I% a ba 23round =ob runs !ore than the ti!e it should be o!pleted nor!ally then what a tions will u ta2e" '$. #ow to s hedule ba 23round =obs at /S level" ''. #ow to add authori(ations9 how you will !aintain pro%iles" '). What are o!!on transport errors and their odes" '*. 5ransport re?uest types and its synta:" '+. Where will u %ind transport error lo3s" '.. #ow to do transport at /S level" '1. #ow to transport ob=e ts %ro! Produ tion to -evelop!ent" )0. #ow to de%ine instan es and operation !odes" )1. What are #o!o3eneous syste! opy and #etero3eneous syste! opy and )2. #ow you will do that" )$. What is ora le Ar hite ture" )'. At /S level in whi h dire tory ora le alerts are stored" )). I% a lo 2 entry is holdin3 !ore than 2' hours then what will you )*. -o" I% another user wants to share that lo 2 but the user usin3 that )+. Lo 2s haven,t released lo 2 he went %or holiday what will u do" 5his ).. 7ser wants lo 2 ASAP then what will u do" )1. What will you do i% u 3ot 7pdate %ailure" *0. What will you observe in Syste! lo3 @S621A" *1. #ow to in rease tables spa e9 resi(in39 ba 2ups and when will you do" *2. Barious lient opy !ethods and how you will do the!" *$. #ow you will 3et help %ro! /SS notes" *'. What is the need o% havin3 -evelop!ent syste!" *). -i%%eren e between Appli ation server and 0entral Instan e" **. #ow you will he 2 whether database is a tive or not %ro! /S level" *+. #ow to lo 2 a lient" #ow to delete a lient" *.. #ow to lo3in in to SAP %ro! o!!and level" *1. #ow to de%ine Lo3on 3roups" And what is Lo3on load balan in3" +0. #ow to %ind sap transa tion odes" +1. #ow to %ind list all the 5 odes %or a role in sap" +2. #ow to lo 2 or unlo 2 a lient a sap" +$. <ind the ora le alert lo3" +'. #ow an I delete a data %ile that was reated by !ista2e" +). Whi h pools are resi(able" +*. 7ser ould not Lo3on to the syste!" Why" ++. #ow to han3e de%ault lient li2e 111" +.. What is di%%eren e between ora le 1i and ora le 103" +1. What is the di%%eren e between p%ile and sp%ile" .0. #ow to add data%ile usin3 brtools"what are steps" .1. I% brtools is not wor2in3 how you will add data%ile" .2. I% =ob is slow" .$. List o% rC$ user types" .'. #ow to unlo 2 the ob=e t" .). -i%%eren e between SPA- and SPA7" .*. What is SS/" #ow to on%i3ure SS/" .+. #ow to he 2 0P7 usa3e in 8P" ... I% =ava is down how you will do trouble shootin3" .1. #ow to ta2e ba 2 up on 8P" 10. #ow to apply =ob on /S Level" 11. -i%%eren e between syste! re%resh and lient opy"

12. Where you have to see ora le para!eter" 1$. #ow database e:tend" 1'. I% table spa e auto e:tend si(e how to see the si(e" 1). -i%%eren e between ;<0 and 8:port and i!port" 1*. What are steps %or -B ;e%resh" 1+. What are the Pre- re?uisite %or syste! opy" 1.. #ow to %ind i% there are an e:pensive SQL state!ents runnin3 i% yes9 What to do" 11. A transport is i!ported into QAS in 2 !in. ti!e the sa!e transport when i!ported into P;- is ta2in3 !ore than 20 !in. why" What to do" 100. #ow do you solve ora le ar hive stru 2" 101. What are the table spa e na!es that you see in -B02" 102. What are the Para!eters need to be set when onne tin3 8P to rC$ syste! what are they" 10$. 56S 0on%i3uration" 10'. -o you have done Syste! opy" What are the steps" 10). What are the -B-,s -ownload %or i!ple!entation" 10*. -i%%eren e between visual ad!in and on%i3tool" 10+. What is the di%%eren e between S-6 and DSP6" 10.. When support pa 2 is stu 2" What you do" 101. What are the errors you 3ot while applyin3 support pa 2" 110. -i%%eren e between Sap Eote and Support pa 2a3e" 111. #ow you apply pat hes on =ava usin3 DSP6" 112. Proble! in SPA6 ta2in3 lot o% ti!e" Why" 11$. #ow you will de%ine ba 23round =ob" Whi h =ob lass used" 11'. While applyin3 support pat h or i!portin3 --I0 will 3et stu 2 what you do" 11). I% transport is i!ported or not where you will he 2" 11*. 4ernel up3radation pro edure" 11+. While doin3 i!ple!entation do you 3et any issues" 11.. Where the lo3 %iles are stored" 111. #ow !any %iles to download %or 2ernel up3rade" 120. What 2ind o% ABAP du!ps errors you %a ed and how to resolve" 121. -urin3 ba 2up what 2ind o% %iles you ta2e" 122. 8rror in the phase i!portFproper while applyin3 support pa 2a3es" 12$. I% lient opy is stopped in !iddle9 what happens i% you want to start it a3ain" 12'. #ow you will do lient opy i% sap& user is not available at all in your syste! then how you will do lient opy" 12). What is transport layer and do!ain ontroller" In whi h syste! you have reate do!ain ontrol" 12*. #ow you will %ind i% table is over %low in -B" 12+. #ow to apply support pat hes" Pre- re?uisites" 12.. What are the types o% transports" 121. #ow do you troubleshoot transport proble!" 1$0. I% you have a lon3 runnin3 =ob how do you analy(e" 1$1. -i%%eren e between syste! opy and lient opy" 1$2. #ow you onne t 800 to 8P" 1$$. What is redolo3 %ile" Path" 1$'. Where an I 3et a list o% all transa tion odes in SAP" 1$). <or e:G i s heduled one ABAP pro3ra! as a ba 23round =ob but it was runnin3 10 days9 how to analy(e the proble!" 1$*. Applied basis support pa 2 su ess%ully when the syste! whi h is not updated in the syste! status" Why" #ow to resolve"

1$+. Where you !onitor the PI !essa3es" 1$.. What is the se?uen e order o% instan e pro%ile" 1$1. What are the Pre re?uisite %or the SAP Installation" 1'0. #ow do you reate ontrol %ile" What is the o!!and" 1'1. -i%%eren e between syn hronous ;<0 and asyn hronous ;<0" 1'2. What are the a tivities you done in /ra le" 1'$. What is lo3i al syste!" 1''. #ave you done load balan in3" 1'). What is the SAP Bu%%er hit ration" 1'*. What are the para!eter %ile in ora le " What is the use" 1'+. -i%%eren e between init.ora and listener.ora" 1'.. #ave you done any para!eter han3es usin3 on%i3tool and visual ad!in tool" 1'1. What are the a tivities you done in 8P" 1)0. #ow you reate sol!on 2ey" Pro edure" 1)1. -id you on%i3ure auto!ati !ail send and re eive" #ow" 1)2. #ow to 2now the status o% sapos ol in 7EIH" #ow to stop and start" 1)$. #ow to %ind SAP up or not in 7ni:" What is the o!!and" 1)'. #ow you %ind listener up or not in 7EIH" 1)). What is SL- and its usa3e" 1)*. I% =ava server 3ot stru 2ed or stopped" 1)+. Where H6L %ile is 3enerated in solution !ana3er" 1).. #ow to add sap syste!s in solution !ana3er" Steps" 1)1. #ow to %ind %ile syste! with si(e in 7EIH" 1*0. 5o he 2 i% sap wor2 pro esses are runnin3" 1*1. 5o he 2 i% ora le pro esses are runnin3" 1*2. Last step o% 2ernel up3rade in 7EIH ;" 1*$. What is /PSI !e hanis!" 1*'. -atabase related issues" 1*). I% Ba 23round =ob a tive lon3 ti!e " 1**. -i%%eren e between shutdown abort and shutdown i!!ediate" 1*+. -i%%eren e between -B Beri%y and -B 0he 2" 1*.. I% user ad!in password %or3ot" What you do" 1*1. 5ype o% lient opies" 1+0. #ow will you do a lo al lient opy" Dust tell us up to the point where you !onitor the pro3ress. What i% SAP& user is not available at all in your syste! then how u will do lient opy" 1+1. What is the di%%eren e between ;C$ and 800" 1+2. What is the purpose o% table 7S;02" 1+$. #ow an you tell i% a transport is in the pro ess o% bein3 i!ported" 1+'. Will a lient opy trans%er the ba 23round =ob s hedules and all lient dependent data" 1+). #ow do you han3e %ive dialo3 wor2 pro esses into bat h. Where an you do this" 1+*. #ow to !onitor user a essed transa tions @5- odeA on a 3iven day" 1++. #ow do you disable the JI!port AllK button on S56S %or the ?ueues" 1+.. #ow do you reate a password e: eption list" 1+1. When you are Lo 2in3C7nlo 2in3 a ounts what happens behind the s enes" Why is the 3ood to 2now" 1.0. What are the %un tional !odules used in se?uen e in B-0" 1.1. Where are t- ode na!e and pro3ra! values stored" #ow an I %ind a list o% all the t- odes in the SAP syste!" 1.2. What is the purpose o% table 5000"

1.$. #ow would you esti!ate the lient si(e" 1.'. 5ell !e two ways to he 2 2ernel9 tp.e:e version" 1.). 7sers are o!plainin3 that the SAP syste! shows a hour 3lass %or a lon3 ti!e at the ti!e o% lo3on and they aren,t able to lo3 on to the syste! and users lo33ed on are o!plainin3 o% lon3 delays 3oin3 %ro! t- ode to t- ode. #ow an you troubleshoot this proble! i% you an,t 3et to S6)0 or S6** or even lo3on" Why is this" 1.*. #ow would you i!port a transport re?uest at operatin3 syste! Level" 1.+. What is di%%eren e between s!)0 and s!**" 1... What is J#it ;atioK" 1.1. What is B8:" 110. What is your 7EIH e:perien e and the types o% 7EIH syste!s you have wor2ed on. 111. -es ribe your lastC urrent o!pany,s lands ape9 si!ilar to what you would %ind in S56SL5ransport ;outes. 112. What is swap" 11$. Per%or!an e tunin3" 11'. What are the a tivities you do as a basis onsultant in BI" 11). I% you want he 2 =ava sta 2 level" 11*. 0lient e:portC i!port pre-re?uisite" 11+. 0onsider a lient .00 this lient havin3 +) users but 1) users a ount was lo 2ed9 I want to unlo 2 this 1) users a ount at a ti!e how you do" 11.. In ase !y sap syste! was down @users are unable to lo3in to sap syste!A how to analy(e this proble!" 111. What are the a tivities you done in PI" 200. 8WA on%i3uration" 201. /ra le up3radation pro edure"

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