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!"#$$% Nouein Biitish Liteiatuie

'()*+,-% Pie-ieauing Activities foi "Bi. }ekyll anu Ni. Byue"

.+/+" 0% Pictuie Walk
!"#$ &' &$( Piioi to ieauing any of the novel, stuuents will be given pictuies that
uepict elements of the novel. Stuuents will be askeu to make pieuictions as to
what each pictuie is showing - what is happening.
!") *'+ $"&' '$,#$+-)( This will seive as a pie-ieauing activity in that they aie
making infeiences as to what the texts will be about. It woiks well foi
stuuents in level 1 because it gives them visual aius to piompt anu scaffolu
theii thinking.
./#012+ #112&3#$&456
Stuuents will be given a sheet with 4 pictuies fiom a piouuction (movie,
uiawings, paintings etc.) of "Bi. }ekyll anu Ni. Byue."
0nuei each pictuie they will be askeu to wiite a caption foi the pictuie
FAST NAP caption - a summaiy of the action shown in the pictuie.
Reminu stuuents that this is a way to make pieuictions
FAST NAP pieuictions - using what you know fiom youi peisonal
expeiiences anu the infoimation you aie given to make a guess as
to what will happenwhat the ieauing will be about

.+/+" 1% Shaieu Reauing anu TIPS
!"#$ &' &$( Shaieu ieauing is when the text (that will be ieau) is uisplayeu foi the
whole class to see, usually on a piojectoi anu the teachei ieaus alouu as the
stuuents follow along.
TIPS is an acionym foi Think-Ink-Paii-Shaie. This is when stuuents
think about theii answei to a question, wiite it uown anu then shaie with
theii paitnei.
!") *'+ $"&' '$,#$+-)6 It pioviues English Language Leaineis with a mouel of a
fluent ieauei, anu if they aie uifficult woius in the passage, it is the teacheis
job to stop anu explainscaffolu theii unueistanuing.
./#012+ 7112&3#$&456
Post the synopsis (the bluib on the back of the book) of "Bi. }ekyll anu Ni.
Byue" on the piojectoi so all stuuents can ieau it.
The teachei ieaus alouu the synopsis anu stops to explain any uifficult
woius, if applicable.
TIPS - have stuuents think foi a minute about what pieuictions they have.
FAST NAP pieuictions - using what you know fiom youi peisonal
expeiiences anu the infoimation you aie given to make a guess as
to what will happenwhat the ieauing will be about.
Wiite uown theii pieuictions foi thiee minutes. Then finu theii table paitnei
anu shaie theii pieuictions.

.+/+" 2% Anticipation uuiue
!"#$ &' &$6 An anticipation guiue is a list of tiue-false statements about a text
that stuuents will ieau. Theie is a "you" column in which stuuents will
inuicate theii own opinion as to whethei the statement is tiue oi false. Theie
is also a column entitleu "post-ieauing" in which stuuents will apply the
knowleuge they gaineu fiom the ieauing in ueteimining whethei the same
statements aie tiue oi false. Theie can also be a column next to "post-
ieauing" entitleu "page numbeis" in which stuuents will maik pages that
suppoit oi iefute the statement.
!") *'+ &$6 This stiategy woiks to activate stuuents' piioi knowleuge whethei
that be theii own expeiiences oi pievious knowleuge gaineu fiom othei
classes. It will then help ELLs make connections between theii piioi
knowleuge anu the new topic at hanu.
./#012+ #112&3#$&456
Pass out an anticipation guiue ielateu to "Bi. }ekyll anu Ni. Byue." This
anticipation guiue will have statements ielateu to human behavioi anu

.+/+" 3% Stoiy Nap
!"#$ &' &$6 A stoiy map is a giaphic oiganizei that teaches stuuents to iuentify
the elements of a stoiy such as: setting, chaiacteis, pioblem, iesolution anu
!") *'+ &$6 This stiategy woiks to scaffolu stuuents thinking ielateu to a text
while letting the stuuents piactice theii knowleuge anu language capabilities.
./#012+ 7112&3#$&456
Woulu pioviue stuuents with a template of a stoiy map titleu "Pieuictions foi
"Ni. }ekyll anu Ni.Byue" that they will complete.
In oiuei to be useu as a pie-ieauing activity, I woulu have stuuents
pieuict the elements of the naiiative baseu off of a synopsis of the
! This incoipoiates theii piioi knowleuge of inteiacting with
a text; woulu activate theii knowleuge on the uiffeient
elements anu woulu open up the flooi foi a
uiscussionlesson on the elements (if neeueu).
Bave stuuents holu onto theii pieuiction stoiy map because aftei we finish
the novel they will be expecteu to fill out a stoiy map baseu on the ieauing -
it will be useful to compaie theii answeis.
Woulu open up foi uiscussion on the impoitancesignificance of a
synopsis oi summaiy.
Content StrategIes:
Enylsh Lcnyucye Arts
|s. Kalmes
Pre-readIng strategIes
Focused on IntroducIng:
"0r. JekyII and hr. Hyde"
by Fobert LouIs Stevenson
n a |odern 8rItIsh LIterature course, students
are between grades 1012
LearnIng Target
Students wIll practIce makIng predIctIons
about a text through prereadIng actIvItIes
In relatIon to the novella (short novel or long
short story) "The Strange Case of 0r. Jekyll
and |r. Hyde"
Pre-readIng "0r. JekyII and hr. Hyde"
Shared FeadIng synopsIs
T What predIctIons can you make about the
WrIte down your predIctIons
P FInd your table partner
S Share your predIctIons!
SynopsIs (short summary)
"The Strange Case of 0r. Jekyll and |r. Hyde"
dealIstIc young henry Jekyll struggles to unlock the secrets of the soul.
TestIng chemIcals In hIs lab, he drInks a mIxture he hopes wIll Isolate and
elImInate human evIl. nstead It unleashes the dark forces wIthIn hIm,
transformIng hIm Into the hIdeous and murderous |r. Hyde.
"The Strange Case of 0r Jekyll and |r Hyde" dramatIcally brIngs to lIfe a
scIencefIctIon case study of the nature of good and evIl and the dualIty (two
pcrts) whIch can exIst wIthIn one person.
TIPS (ThInk, Ink, PaIr, Share)
LeveI 1: PIcture WaIk
|ake predIctIons based off Images wrIte
LeveI 2 - Shared PeadIng; TIPS
Fead synopsIs (back of the book) as a class
CIve students tIme to thInk of theIr
predIctIons for what the novel Is
about/what wIll happen.
WrIte It down
Share wIth theIr partner.
LeveI 3 - AntIcIpatIon CuIde
|ake connectIons to T/F statements related to a future
LeveI 4 - Story hap
PredIct the elements of the narratIve
based off synopsIs
dealIstIc young henry Jekyll struggles to unlock the
secrets of the soul. TestIng chemIcals In hIs lab, he
drInks a mIxture he hopes wIll Isolate and elImInate
human evIl. nstead It unleashes the dark forces wIthIn
hIm, transformIng hIm Into the hIdeous and murderous
|r. Hyde.
"The Strange Case of 0r Jekyll and |r Hyde"
dramatIcally brIngs to lIfe a scIencefIctIon case study of
the nature of good and evIl and the dualIty (two pcrts)
whIch can exIst wIthIn one person.

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