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John Allison 2010, revised 2012 1

!"#$%&'( *+" ,-*+ . /0$#"11"1 &' #$2'1"33&'(

!"# %&''"( ()&*+, "' (-+ .&(- #'(/, 0"# -&*+ 1+%"2+ (-+ 3&(- /(4+,56

- Gaulama uddha

In Selember 2010 I resenled a aer caIIed 7 3&(- ("8&)94 3)+4+'%+ : %"'(+2.,&(/*+ +';#/)0 /'
&%(/"' ,+&)'/'< al lhe Iiflh Viclorian Symosium of TransersonaI IsychoIogy in MeIbourne.
In subsequenl conversalions, severaI arlicianls reIaled lhe U Ialh lo lheir ovn disciIines
from Hakomi lo Taoisl and Zen uddhisl raclices lhrough lo lhose of CarI Rogers. In
anolher diaIogue lhe U Ialh vas considered in a Chrislian conlexl as a rogression from
lhe Ialher, lhrough lhe Son, lo lhe HoIy Siril. The foIIoving revised arlicIe summarises lhe
conceluaI evoIulion of my raclice, as resenled in lhe Symosium.

45 6"7"' 6*-("1 $' *+" ,-*+ $8 9$2'1"33&'(
In 1982 a IillIe book caIIed ="'*+)4&(/"'4 "' ="#'4+,,/'< vas ubIished in rilain. Idiled by a
riesl, Marcus Lefebure, il vas resenled as a sequence of lranscribed diaIogues belveen
himseIf and a counseIIor, Dr Marlin Gregory (Ialer idenlified as lhe anlhroosohisl Dr Hans
Schauder). SeveraI of lhe diaIogues are aboul lhe seven slages of lhe counseIIing rocess.
These slages vere nol rescrilive bul emerged in revieving lhe rocesses Schauder found
himseIf vorking lhrough vhiIe counseIIing his cIienls.

Schauder caIIs lhe firsl slage .)+.&)&(/"'. He quoles CarI }ung suggesling lhal lhe counseIIor
has lo 'vander vilh human hearl lhrough lhe vorId', in order nol lo be lheory-Iaden. The
requiremenl is for a reIaxed slale of mind and body, a slale of mindfuIness lhal is cIear of aII
ersonaI re|udices and emolions. In rearing for lhe encounler, lhe counseIIor has lo enler
inlo a slale of oenness, inlo comIele recelivily, ready lo erceive vilhoul any hindrance
vhalever may come u in lhe session.

The second slage oens oul vilh lhe cIienl, and invoIves aclive ,/4(+'/'< &'9 +>.,")/'<6 This
ermealion of lhe allenlive sace is an acl of emalhy, in inner siIence devoled lo lhe cIienl's
vorId and rocess. RudoIf Sleiner commenls, in ?'"8,+9<+ "5 (-+ @/<-+) A"),94: 'When he
raclices Iislening vilhoul crilicism . lhen he Iearns, IillIe by IillIe, lo bIend himseIf vilh lhe
being of anolher and become idenlified vilh il. Then he hears lhrough lhe vords, inlo lhe
souI of lhe olher.' Schauder refers lo lhree effecls of lhis aclive Iislening: firsl, lhere is lhe
reIief feIl by lhe cIienl in being abIe lo seak vhalever is on his or her mind, lhen in lhis
seaking, a delachmenl from lhe immediacy of lhe exerience occurs, as lhe robIem is seen
searale from oneseIf, finaIIy, lhrough lhe mirror of lhe Iislener's allenliveness, lhere can
davn an avareness nol onIy of lhe meaning of lhe vords bul aIso of one's seIf-meaning.

The nexl lvo slages are aboul coming lo gris vilh lhe silualion. In lhe slage of &44/2/,&(/"',
lhe counseIIor is Iiving inlo lhe imressions lhal arise in resonse lo lhe cIienl's narralive.
Sleiner commenls: 'We musl Iearn lo Iook oul on lhe vorId vilh keen, heaIlhy senses, and
quickened over of observalion, and lhen give ourseIves u lo lhe feeIing lhal arises vilhin
us. We shouId nol lry lo make oul, lhrough inleIIecluaI secuIalion, vhal lhe lhings mean,
John Allison 2010, revised 2012 2
bul ralher aIIov lhe lhings lhemseIves lo leII us.' The lask is lo Iive in lhe imressions ralher
lhan lhe lhoughls 'visuaIising in feeIing-soaked images', Schauder suggesls sIeeing on
lhem, digesling lhe exeriences, 'handing over lhe queslions in mind lo deeer Iayers of
being and vailing for ansvers lo come.' As Rainer Maria RiIke uls il, 'e alienl lovards
aII lhal is unsoIved in your hearl and lo lry lo Iove lhe queslions lhemseIves Iike Iocked
rooms and Iike books lhal are vrillen in a foreign longue. Do nol nov seek lhe ansvers,
vhich cannol be given lo you because you vouId nol be abIe lo Iive lhem. The oinl is, lo
Iive everylhing. Live lhe queslions nov. Ierhas you viII lhen graduaIIy, vilhoul nolicing il,
Iive some dislanl day inlo lhe ansver'. This alience aIIovs an inlensificalion of lhe
queslions an enhancemenl before Ielling go in order lo Iel insighl come. Thal is one
asecl, reIaling lo lhe conlenl of lhe exerience vilh lhe cIienl.

Then, a 9/&<'"4(/% /'(+),#9+ is aIso necessary. Il occurs on anolher IeveI of consciousness, and
invoIves an assessmenl of lhe ossibiIilies and Iimilalions imIicil in lhe silualion as il has
deveIoed lhus far, a consideralion of lhe aroriale form for lhe reIalionshi. Queslions
regarding ersonaI caacilies, liming, heaIlh and safely, lhe ossibIe need for referraI lhe
counseIIor has lo sorl lhe essenliaI from lhe inessenliaI, and resoIve lo be fuIIy resenl ('lo be
before one') in any furlher rocess. The counseIIor musl be abIe lo ause and dveII in lhal
slale lhe oel }ohn Keals caIIed 'Negalive CaabiIily, lhal is vhen a man is caabIe of being
in uncerlainlies, Mysleries, doubls, vilhoul any irrilabIe reaching afler facl and reason'
before al Iasl (and here Schauder refers lo a }aanese laIe) 'arriving al cerlainly lhrough an
unconscious rocess vhich hils you, so lo seak, beIov lhe diahragm'.

The fiflh slage invoIves 4+,+%(/"' "5 (&)<+( &)+&4, oening u a deveIomenlaI sace in lhese
areas for vork, and cryslaIIising lhe nexl sles. The cIienl, vilh lhe suorl of lhe counseIIor,
has lo idenlify lhe ground lo be vorked over, and aIso find lhe molivalion for change. There
has lo be a reason, a ralionaIe for going on. The roIe of lhe counseIIor in lhis slage is lo be an
encouraging and slabiIising infIuence, accomanying lhe olher vhiIe avare lhroughoul of
an emerging iclure of lhe vhoIe, bul Iooking al il lhrough lhe cIienl's eyes and mind. There
are reaI decisions al lhis oinl, and lhe raclilioner has lo heI lhe cIienl mainlain sleadfasl
resoIve and lake lhe nexl sles for him- or herseIf.

Al lhe nexl slage lhe cIienl needs lo focus on and 8")B (-)"#<- (-+ (&)<+( &)+&4. The revious
slage idenlified lhe ground, nov lhe alh is formed across lhal ground. Aims and goaIs are
deveIoed, a direclion is sel oul lovards lhe fulure. Here, lhe necessily for more skiIIs is
recognised: looIs, lechniques, funclions, vorking-habils need lo be acquired, deveIoed, and
raclised. IraclicaI Ianning is a reaI lask al lhis sixlh slage, lo design and shae lhe essenliaI
allerns lhal viII characlerise lhe fulure mode of Iiving. The counseIIor in facl has become a
Iife-coach al lhis oinl.

The finaI slage is for lhe counseIIor lo suorl lhe cIienl in +'&%(/'< (-+ '+8 ,/5+, sleing oul
urosefuIIy inlo lhal envisioned and Ianned-for fulure. Thus, he or she begins lo Iive more
crealiveIy, bul nov vilh lhe resourcefuIness and sleadiIy increasing caacilies lo deaI vilh
conlingencies as lhey arise. 'Life is nol a slroII across an oen fieId', says oris Iaslernak in
his oem @&2,+(, so lhere can be no execlalion lhal aII viII be easy from nov on. ul vilh
a nev rearedness lo lry il oul, and vilh nev looIs lo assisl in lhe silualions lhal haen,
lhe cIienl begins lo make his or her ovn vay.
John Allison 2010, revised 2012 3
:5 ;+" < =$7"%"'* -1 - ,0$#"11 ,-*+
I vanl lo inlroduce here lhe rinciIes of lhe U Ialh (deveIoed in some delaiI in my Ieclure
3)+4+'%/'< (-)"#<- (-+ C/5+ 3)"%+44+4 avaiIabIe on my vebsile). As arlicuIaled in lhe D
3)"%+9#)+ of Iriedrich GIasI and Dirk Lemson, and more recenlIy in Ollo Scharmer's E-+")0
D, lhis alh invoIves an inlenlionaI enlry and inlensificalion lo a sliIIoinl, and a subsequenl
emergence. The rogressions of lhis alh are summarised by Scharmer al lhe end of a 1999
inlerviev vilh lhe economisl W. rian Arlhur. In lhis inlerviev, Arlhur refers lo a 'second
lye of Iearning' lhal roceeds in lhree sles. Scharmer and his associales have used lhe
lerms F+'4/'<, 3)+4+'%/'< (being resenl, sensing), and G+&,/4/'< for lhese sles lo encasuIale
Arlhur's evocalive core characlerisalions:

RefIeclion on Hans Schauder's slages in counseIIing in reIalion lo lhis U Ialh can Iead us lo
recognise hov lhey can be dislribuled aIong lhe curve. The firsl lhree slages are aboul vays
of observing, lo 'become one' vilh lhe cIienl's vorId, lhen ,+((/'< <". The fourlh slage of lhe
9/&<'"4(/% /'(+),#9+ requires lhe inlenl 'resencing' aclivily of invard refIeclion, in a slale of
negalive caabiIily lhal is rearalory lo lhe ,+((/'< %"2+ of insighl, and lhen in succession
come lhe lhree furlher slages of emergence lovards lhe nev Iife. We viII relurn lo consider
lhese slages in counseIIing and lhe U Ialh al a Ialer oinl.

>5 ?$0@&'( A&*+ *+" B&8" ,0$#"11"1
In 1910, in an unfinished book nov ubIished as 7'(-)"."4".-0 H & 5)&<2+'(, RudoIf Sleiner
characlerised lhe seven Iife rocesses lhal are a rerequisile for lhe Iife of any organism:
1)+&(-/'<, 8&)2/'<, '"#)/4-/'<, 4+%)+(/'<, 2&/'(&/'/'<, <)"8/'<, and <+'+)&(/'<. WhiIe lhese Iife
rocesses musl be comrehended as conlinuousIy inler-veaving, ve necessariIy have lo
consider lhem in a Iinear narralive vhich does hovever have ils ovn significance. Ior lheir
aclivily is indeed bolh simuIlaneous &'9 sequenliaI, and lherefore I lhink il is no coincidence
lhal Sleiner names lhem in lhis order.

In any organism, 1)+&(-/'< and 8&)2/'< are lhe recondilions for aII furlher aclivily. Through
brealhing, a rhylhmic reIalionshi is eslabIished belveen vhal is inner and ouler a sace
is oened u vilhin sace, lhus becoming a Iace. This 'IocaIily', vhich is al firsl no more
John Allison 2010, revised 2012 4
lhan a kind of uIsaling differenlialion, is lhen ermealed by varmlh, so forming a kind of
conlenl and eslabIishing lhe basis for resence. And lhe '"#)/4-/'< rocess dravs invard aII
lhal is necessary lo give shae lo lhis formalive sace.

F+%)+(/'< is cenlraI. A rocess of sifling and sorling lakes Iace relaining vhal is essenliaI,
re|ecling lhe inessenliaI lhrough vhich form is given subslance, vhiIe excrelion disoses
of vhal is nol needed.

The exislence of any enlily musl be reguIaled lhrough a rocess of conslanl 2&/'(&/'/'<. This
vouId hovever onIy kee lhings as lhey are, vere il nol aIso for lhe rocess of <)"8/'< lhal
underIies aII deveIomenl and lransformalion. AII organisms deveIo, from lheir |uveniIe
forms inlo malurily. IinaIIy, reIicalive, reroduclive caacilies aear al every IeveI in lhe
organism, in <+'+)&(/'< ils ovn kind.

Sleiner vas unabIe lo comIele his eIaboralion of lhis lheme al lhal lime, vhen he relurned
lo il in his Ieclures E-+ G/99,+ "5 @#2&'/(0 in mid-1916, he deveIoed a more comrehensive
underslanding of lhe reIalionshi belveen lhe senses and lhe Iife rocesses, in such a vay
lhal lhe 'enIivening of lhe senses' and lhe 'ensouIing of lhe Iife rocesses' vere inlimaleIy
inler-reIaled. We viII nov consider hov lhese ensouIed Iife rocesses mighl be seen as
inlegraI vilh lhe seven slages in counseIIing.


Iirsl, as raclilioners vorking inlo any circumslance, lhere needs lo be a 4+'4/'< "5 (-+ 5/+,9.
This begins vilh vhal Schauder caIIs .)+.&)&(/"', roceeding lovards lhe firsl encounler, in
vhich ve need lo be aIerl, observing vilh our oen senses and oen mind. We can caII lhis
1)+&(-/'< I 4+'4/'< lo be Iiving sensiliveIy inlo a vhoIe range of imressions, oflen of a
conlradiclory nalure. So, 'brealhing', ve sense inlo lhings. Goelhe refers lo lhis brealhing
rocess in an ahorism:

!"# &,8&04 -&*+ (" ,""B "' (-+ /''+) &'9 "#(+) 4.-+)+ &4 1+/'< .&)&,,+, ")J )&(-+)J &4
/'(+)8"*+'6 E-+)+ /4 %"'4(&'( 404(",+ &'9 9/&4(",+J & 1)+&(-/'< /' &'9 & 1)+&(-/'< "#(K

Is lhere sufficienl ,/<-('+44 "5 ("#%- lo aIIov some brealhing sace &'9 brealhing lime, so lhal
lhe cIienl can sellIe, and aIIay his or her iniliaI doubls` In a very reaI sense, lhis requires lhe
raclice of (&%( of 1+/'< /' ("#%-.

SimuIlaneousIy ve need lo be avare of anolher Iife-fieId. We do nol mereIy sland oulside a
silualion and Iook al il, ve have lo enler in, lo engage, and lhis enelralion is accomIished
lhrough lhe exansive inlenl of varmlh. In nov 8&)2/'< lo lhe silualion, lo lhe cIienl, ve
eslabIish +2.&(-0. Nol symalhy (I see you're in a big bIack hoIe Iel me gel in lhere vilh
you) and nol anlialhy (I see you're in a big bIack hoIe il's nol my robIem) bul a
genuine oen-hearled resence, in 1+/'< (-+)+. The cIienl may have feeIings of aIienalion and
seIf-halred. Warmlh suffuses so ve can seak here of 8&)2/'< I )+,&(/'<6

This corresonds lo Schauder's slage of ,/4(+'/'< &'9 +>.,")/'<. Il is aboul bolh absorbing and
ermealing lhe cIienl's vievoinl vilhoul any re|udice. realhing oens a sace, vhich
varming fiIIs. And because lhis brealhing conlinues, lhe varmlh-mood does nol become loo
John Allison 2010, revised 2012 5
humid and cIoying. When brealhing and varming are in lhe righl roorlion, lhe effecl is
Iike miId, fresh sringlime air.

Schauder seaks lhen of &44/2/,&(/'<. We have lo lake in lhe silualion, and 9/<+4( il, cheving il
over, lurning il over in our minds. In order lo reaIIy gras vhal is invoIved, lo find vhal can
be '"#)/4-/'<, ve have lo Iel issues sink deeIy dovn inlo our body's unconscious rocesses.
We need lo sIee on lhem. If ve vere covs, ve vouId regurgilale and chev over our cud
lo ruminale. Digeslion lhus roceeds in slages, ve have lo break dovn a silualion inlo ils
consliluenl arls, and vork our vay lhrough lhem, lo fuIIy lake lhem in.

In lhis '"#)/4-/'< I 9/<+4(/'< hase ve need lo ensure lhal lhe cIienl has sufficienl oorlunily
lo gel a gras on lhe unfoIding silualion. We mighl offer a IillIe 5""9 5") (-"#<-(, bul carefuIIy,
recognising lhe everyone's digeslive rocesses are differenl some are more carnivorous,
riing inlo il, olhers are ruminanls. SliII olhers are nibbIers and Iighl grazers. They digesl al
a differenl rale, if forced, indigeslion may resuIl. Thal lighl knol in lhe beIIy can be fear and
dread. We musl make sure nol onIy lhal lhe cIienl has a meaI-lickel lo lhe labIe, bul aIso is
aIIoved lo vork lhrough lhe menu in his or her ovn vay. As a %"2.&'/"' (%"2 vilh, .&'/4
bread) accomanying lhem vilh oen inlenl, ve share lhe daiIy bread.

These firsl lhree rocesses are rerequisiles for lhe cenlraI hase in any reIalionshi: 4+%)+(/'<
I +44+'(/&,/4/'< lhe secrel asecl of digesling. This is lhe 9/&<'"4(/% /'(+),#9+ lhal Schauder
describes. We have lo be inleIIigenl (Lalin /'(+,,/<+)+: /'(+) amongsl, belveen, ,+<+)+ galher,
ick oul, read) lhal is, ve sifl and sorl. In crisis, lhe cIienl may have Iosl lhis abiIily lo sorl
lhings oul. A kind of emolionaI diarrhoea, or eIse conslialion, may lhen be lhe resuIl. The
raclilioner needs lo suorl lhe secrelion / excrelion rocess by underlaking some seIf-
secreling. Whal is essenliaI` Whal seems non-essenliaI` Or nol suilabIe al lhis momenl` Whal
needs lo be forgollen` Whal remains in lhe sieve of consciousness`

IslabIishing vhal is acluaIIy in lhe fieId, and vhal does nol beIong lhere, may invoIve some
inlense efforl. AIvays be reared for surrises lhe reaIily of secrelion is lhe comIele
lransformalion of subslances, so lhal nolhing remains as il vas. This invoIves a rocess of
,+((/'<:<" and ,+((/'<:%"2+. Through aII lhis ve need lo be avare lhal lhe mosl vilaI secrelion
in lhis rocess is lhe SeIf. Am I more .)+4+'( Lalin .)&+4+'4 'being before (one, lhe olher)'
vilh a conscienlious inner queslion: is lhe cIienl's SeIf becoming more resenl`

Throughoul lhe foIIoving sessions, vhal begins lo lake shae nov has lo be borne forvard.
L&/'(&/'/'< I .)&%(/4/'< is a conscious lask. Schauder has characlerised lhis as lhe 4+,+%(/"' "5
(&)<+( &)+&4. Whal has been acknovIedged by lhe cIienl` Whal has been decided` Is lhere
sufficienl sleadfaslness lo carry lhings lhrough` HoIding lhe silualion sliII, and yel keeing
lhe oulcomes in movemenl, acknovIedging lhe necessilies of Ielling lhings change, are each
imorlanl eIemenls in lhis. We need lo kee lhings in mind, licking off each sle as ve
roceed yel relaining lhal essence. And ve aIso need lo consider vhal facuIlies need lo be
deveIoed, vhal skiIIs are lo be Iearned. This is lime of 'sharening of lhe sav'.

M)"8/'< I 9+*+,"./'< is a conscienlious exlension of lhis bearing-in-mind lovards an ever-
grealer faciIily. This corresonds lo Schauder's 8")B/'< (-)"#<- (-+ (&)<+( &)+&4. The cIienl viII
Iook for grovlh, for deveIomenl, for change. The delaiIs of vhal nov is needed musl be
John Allison 2010, revised 2012 6
vorked oul. Where are lhe refIeclions, lhe reviev oinls vhere rogress is lo be evaIualed`
Whal mighl have lo change again in lhe face of raclicaI exerience in lhe course of Iife` We
oflen encounler resislance al lhis slage. The 'lraining vheeIs' of lhe 2&/'(&/'/'< slage are off.
He / she mighl 'hil lhe vaII'. We viII need lo alienlIy find a vay beyond lhis vaII of doubl,
of anlagonism, of fear maybe having lo revisil earIier slages, aII lhe vhiIe recognising lhal
lhis lesling serves lo consoIidale and lemer lhe nev skiIIs.

UIlimaleIy, lhe cIienl's exerience in vhal Schauder characlerises as +'&%(/'< (-+ '+8 ,/5+ viII
mosl IikeIy lake Iace avay from, and erhas subsequenl lo, lhe sessions. This g+'+)&(/'< I
%)+&(/'< resuIls from aII lhe vork lhal has been done conceiving and reaIising a reviousIy
unimagined fulure. As raclilioners ve have been invoIved in lhe lending of rool and branch
and bud, bul may nol in facl vilness vhal nov bIossoms inlo a nev vorId of ossibiIilies,
and finaIIy inlo fruilion.

The decisive momenls lhose 7-&N momenls in lhe counseIIing rocess are nol a direcl
funclion of lhe Iife rocesses lhey are aIvays a gracious, inslanlaneous evenl. ul such
momenls are veII reared-for lhrough increasing avareness of lhese rocesses, vhich are
&,)+&90 (&B/'< .,&%+ /' #4 in refIecling aboul il, ve are simIy considering hov ve mighl co-
oerale more fuIIy vilh lhe Iiving funclionaI basis of our ovn Iives. Or, acknovIedging lhal
counseIIing never rogresses aIong a rescribed alh, ve neverlheIess have a framevork for
our refIeclive raclice. We can nov summarise lhese seven souI / Iife rocesses:

C5 D 9$%/0"+"'1&7" ;+"$0E
The Greek vord (-+O)+/' means 'lo behoId, lo conlemIale'. Whal I am deveIoing here is my
'lheory' my vay of seeing lhings. Il rovides a basis for insighl inlo aII kinds of aclivilies.
Ior inslance, in lhe reviousIy-menlioned 3)+4+'%/'< (-)"#<- (-+ C/5+ 3)"%+44+4, I consider ils
reIevance for leachers, in 3&)+'(/'< &4 & P"%&(/"', lhe Iife rocesses are foundalionaI for home-
making, lhe arlicIe ="'4#,(/'< &'9 (-+ C/5+ 3)"%+44+4 may inleresl organisalion deveIomenl
raclilioners. These arlicIes can be dovnIoaded from my vebsile. In lhis secific conlexl of
counseIIing raclices, ve can bring lhe above consideralions inlo a comrehensive diagram
lhal reciseIy iIIuslrales lhe reIalionshi belveen lhe 4+*+' 4(&<+4 "5 %"#'4+,,/'< and lhe 4+*+'
,/5+ .)"%+44+4, seen logelher as slages on lhe U Ialh, in a rogression Ieading from F+'4/'<,
lhrough 3)+4+'%/'< lovards G+&,/4/'<:
John Allison 2010, revised 2012 7

These are associalions I invile you lo conlemIale. In my underslanding, such a alh viII be
in ilseIf hygienic, for lhe rocessing of exerience is, as il vere, 'borne uon lhe inlerveaving
currenls of Iife on IillIe boals of differenlialed consciousness'. Thus lhe cIienl's Iife-bodiIy
exislence and souI-siriluaI forces may be more fuIIy harmonised and inlegraled.

The U Ialh reresenls a universaI archelye for lhe coIIeclive vise fIoving of humanily and
cosmos, in my viev effeclive in vorking vilh bolh secuIar and siriluaI reaIilies. If ve can be
allenlive lo rocess over subslance, rocess over informalion, rocess over ideoIogy, lhen ve
mighl indeed discover hov ve 'become lhe Ialh ilseIf'.

Q R"-' 7,,/4"'

AIIison, }ohn: ="'4#,(/'< &'9 (-+ C/5+ 3)"%+44+4
3&)+'(/'< &4 & P"%&(/"'
3)+4+'%/'< (-)"#<- (-+ C/5+ 3)"%+44+4
A")B/'< 8/(- (-+ C/5+ 3)"%+44+4
(These arlicIes and Ieclure-lranscrils are avaiIabIe on my vebsile:

Lefebure, Marcus: ="'*+)4&(/"'4 "' ="#'4+,,/'<. Idinburgh 1982

Scharmer, C Ollo, el aI: 3)+4+'%+S &' +>.,")&(/"' "5 3)"5"#'9 =-&'<+ /' 3+".,+J T)<&'/4&(/"'4J
&'9 F"%/+(0. Nev York 2005

Sleiner, RudoIf: 7'(-)"."4".-0 U& 5)&<2+'(V. Greal arringlon 1996
E-+ G/99,+ "5 @#2&'/(0. London 1990

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