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Strong Heroes

Cards in your hand: Drill Ground Siward the Scout Osmund The stacks contain the following cards: Event cards: Feud Fraternal Feuds Gift for the Prince Retreat of the Barbarians Action cards: Archer Arsonist Brigands astellan !"#$ ontest of the %eroes &endicants &erchant &erchant ara'an !"#$ &ichael the &aster Builder Reiner the %erald Sebastian the (tinerant Preacher Traitor )o*age of Plunder Region expansions: Gold ache

Settlement/city expansions: Heroes: Baroc the Barbarian arl Forkbeard Gottfried the (ntriguer %einrich the Sentinel &arie the Shieldmaiden Olaf the &erchant Shi+ a+tain ,olfgang the Street Performer Buildings: -ookout Tower Pilgrimage Site Toll Bridge City expansions: Bailiwick astle Fairgrounds %edge Ta'ern Secret Brotherhood Tithe Barn

How to play the deck: De+ending on what *our o++onent is building. *ou should first build the Drill Ground or Osmund/ (f. for e#am+le. *our o++onent starts with a Drill Ground and his hand still includes cards whose backs indicate that the* belong to the Basic Set. it would make sense for *ou to first build Osmund 0 after all. *our o++onent might also start with this same deck/ (n that case. it wouldn1t be +ossible for *ou to build the Drill Ground or Siward. but *our o++onent wouldn1t be able to obtain the strength ad'antage either/ Of course. if it isn1t *our luck* da*. *our o++onent might ha'e other heroes in his deck/ (f *our o++onent does not start with a Drill Ground or *ou are the starting +la*er. *ou should first build the Drill Ground/ Afterwards. *ou ha'e to decide whether *ou absolutel* want to ha'e the strength ad'antage 0 in which case *ou should build Osmund

0 or want to wait and see which e'ents will come u+ ne#t/ (n the latter case. *ou should +a* 2 grain to build Siward and afterwards 'iew the e'ent card stack to see if Riots are im+ending/ 3ou could also be bold enough to build both Siward and Osmund/ Then *ou also can 'iew the e'ent cards. but *ou will ha'e s+ent the gold that might +rotect *ou against Riots/ (n this case. it would actuall* be better to 'iew the 4 to+ cards of a draw stack 0 then *ou ha'e the o+tion to choose this stack when re+lenishing *our hand/ 3our ne#t ste+s de+end on *our o++onent1s actions/ (f he didn1t build an* heroes. *ou first should e#+and/ 3ou should build a total of 5 settlements. to later u+grade them to 5 cities and thus 0 together with the cit* e#+ansions and the strength ad'antage 0 reach 26 'ictor* +oints/ (f *our o++onent has also built heroes though. a struggle for the strength ad'antage might ensue/ Therefore. *ou should first focus on building more heroes/ (n that case. it is also ad'isable that *ou 7uickl* build the Pilgrimage Site. so that *ou can immediatel* draw new cards if Fraternal Feuds occur/ %owe'er. it ma* also make sense for *ou to use Olaf. the Pilgrimage Site. and the Toll Bridge to secure 0 at least tem+oraril* 0 the trade ad'antage/ The 4 trade +oints might not be enough to stand u+ against a trade deck though/ But then at least *ou can use the &endicants/ (n the following list. all cards included in the stacks are sorted b* sets/ Since the cards in the stacks ha'e different backs. *ou can use this list as a guide/ The names a++ear in the color of the te#t bo#es on the res+ecti'e cards/ Basic cards: erchant Caravan !"#$ Toll Bridge !he Era o" !urmoil: Archer Arsonist Brigands arl Forkbeard Fairgrounds %edge Ta'ern %einrich the Sentinel -ookout Tower Se#astian the $tinerant %reacher Tithe Barn !raitor &oyage o" %lunder !he Era o" 'old: Gold ache erchant Reiner the Herald !he Era o" $ntrigue: Gottfried the (ntriguer ichael the aster Builder Pilgrimage Site !he Era o" erchant %rinces: endicants Olaf the &erchant Shi+ a+tain

!he Era o" Bar#arians: Baroc the Barbarian Bailiwick Castellan !"#$ astle Contest o" the Heroes &arie the Shieldmaiden Secret Brotherhood ,olfgang the Street Performer

Variations: Since the Ri'als include man* more heroes. *ou ha'e the +ossibilit* to e#change some heroes without changing the nature of the deck/ (f *ou like it a bit more risk*. *ou ma* do without %einrich and the -ookout Tower/ %owe'er. if *ou don1t like risks. then *ou should add Fire Brigades/ (nstead of the astle and the two astellans. *ou can also add a Bath %ouse and the two Doctors to *our deck. the ad'antage of the a Bath %ouse being that *ou are less threatened b* +lagues Plagues/ Or *ou add both ha+els to *our deck and thus are secure from Riots/ 3ou can also gear *our deck towards fighting the barbarians/ (f *ou do so. *ou should re+lace 4 e'ent cards with the Barbarian Attack cards and also add a Trium+h ard and Arnd as well as Siegfried to *our deck/ (n an* case. after *ou ha'e +la*ed some games *ou should ada+t the deck to *our own wa* of +la*ing 8 also to a'oid that *ou and *our o++onent sometimes ha++en to use e#actl* the same deck/

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