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k.Manjula Assistant Professor, Annamacharya Institute of Technology Tirupati Mo"ile#$%&%'()&(*()+ Mail#manjula.karre''/ Mo"ile#$%&%%(,((&-.+ prof.T.Vasanthi Yogi Vemana University a!apa

1.1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION Semirings abound in the mathematical world around us. Indeed the first mathematical structure we encounter-the set of natural numbers is a semiring. Other semirings arise naturally in such diverse areas of mathematics as combinatorics, functional analysis, topology, graph theory, Euclidean geometry, probability theory, commutative and non-commutative ring theory, optimization theory, discrete event dynamical systems, automata theory, formal language theory and the mathematical modeling of quantum physics and parallel computation systems. he concept of semiring was first introduced by !andiver in "#$%. &owever the developments of the theory in semirings and ordered semirings have been ta'ing place since "#(). he study of rings, which are special semirings shows that the multiplicative structures are quite independent though their additive structures are abelian groups. &owever in semirings it is possible to derive the additive structures from their special multiplicative structures and vice versa. he developments of semirings and ordered semirings in this direction require semigroup techniques. It is well 'nown that if the multiplicative structure of an ordered semiring is a rectangular band then its additive structure is a band. *.&. +arvellas ,-". has proved that if the multiplicative structure of a semiring is a regular semigroup and if the additive structure is an inverse semigroup, then the additive structure is commutative.

he aim of the author in this thesis is to contribute some new results in the theory of /Semirings and Ordered Semirings.

In this chapter, we introduce the concept of Integral 0ultiple property 1I0*2 in semirings. 3e study whether the algebraic structure of 1S, 42 may determine the order structure of 1S, 52 and vice-versa. 3e also study the properties of semirings and ordered semirings with I0*. 3e also prove that in a totally ordered semiring 1S, 5, 42, 1S, 52 is )-6rchimedean if and only if 1S, 42 is )-6rchimedean. In section -, the required preliminaries 1concepts, e7amples and results2 are presented. In section $, properties of semirings with Integral 0ultiple *roperty are discussed. 3e observe that in a semiring with I0* 1S, 52 is cancellative if 1S, 52 is commutative. E7ample is given that the converse of this is not necessarily true. Section % is concerned with ordered semirings with Integral 0ultiple *roperty. 2.2 PRELIMINARIES: In this section, we mention some preliminary definitions and results which will be used in this chapter and later in subsequent chapters. Defini i!n 2.2.1: 6 system 1S, 42, where S is a non-empty set an 849 is an associative binary operation on S is called a semigroup. Defini i!n 2.2.2: 6 semigroup 1S, 42 is said to be partially ordered if there e7ists a binary relation 8:9 on S satisfying the following properties;
1i2 1ii2

<efle7ivity ; a : a, for every a in S, 6ntisymmetry ; a : b, b : a imply a = b for all a,b in S,


1iii2 1iv2

ransitivity ; a : b, b : c imply a : c, for all a,b,c, in S, >ompatibility; a : b implies ac : bc and ca : cb, for all a, b, c in S. *artially ordered semigroup may also be denoted by 1S, 4, :2.

N! e: Some times we write a b for b : a. hat is /? is the dual relation of /:?. Defini i!n 2.2.": 6 partially ordered semigroup 1p. o. s. g2 in which any two elements are comparable is said to be a totally ordered semigroup 1t. o. s. g.2 or fully ordered semigroup 1f. o. s. g.2.

Defini i!n 2.2.#: 6 triple 1S, 5, 42 is said to be a semiring if S is a non - empty set and binary operations on S satisfying that
1i2 1ii2 1iii2

/5, 4? are

1S, 52 is a semigroup 1S, 42 is a semigroup a1b 5 c2 = ab 5 ac and 1b 5 c2a = ba 5 ca, for all a, b, c in S.

E$am%&es !f Semirings 2.2.':


he set of natural numbers under the usual addition and multiplication.


If 10, 52 is a commutative monoid with identity element zero then the set End102 of all endomorphism of 0 is a semiring under the operations of point wise addition and composition of functions.


@et < = <ABC. hen 1<, min, 52 is an additively


idempotent commutative semiring in which addition is the operation of ta'ing minimum and multiplication is ordinary addition. 1iv2 1v2 Every distributive lattice 1@, ( ). 6ny ring 1<, 5, 42.

Defini i!n 2.2.*: 6 semiring 1S, 5, 42 is said to be totally ordered semiring 1t.o.s.r.2 if there e7ists a partially order 8 9 on S such that
1i2 1ii2

1S, 52 is a t. o. s. g. 1S, 42 is a t. o. s. g.

It is usually denoted by 1S, 5, 4, 2. Defini i!n: 2.2.+: 6n element 879 in a semiring 1S, 5, 42 or t. o. s. r. 1totally ordered semiring2 is said to be
1i2 1ii2 1iii2 1iv2

an additive identity if a 5 7 = 7 5 a = a. a multiplicative identity if a7 = 7a = a. an additive zero if a 5 7 = 7 5 a = 7 and a multiplicative zero if a7 = 7a =7, for every 8a9 in S.

N! e:

3hen we say a semiring with zero 1or2 a t.o.s.r. with zero mean multiplicative zero.


879 is said to be left1right2 additive identity if 7 5 a = a 1a 5 7 = a2 for every 8a9 in S.


879 is said to be left 1right2 additive zero if 7 5 a = 7 1a 5 7 = 72 for


every 8a9 in S. Defini i!n 2.2.,: 6 non - empty subset 6 of a semiring 1S, 5, 42 is said to be a subsemiring of S if 16, 5, 42 is a semiring by itself. ,N! e; 6 non-empty t.o.subset 6 of a totally ordered semiring 1S,5, 4, 2 is a totally ordered subsemiring of S, if 16,5, 4, 2 is a totally ordered semiring by itself.. E$am%&es !f ! a&&- !rdered semirings 2.2..:

he set of natural numbers under the usual addition, multiplication and ordering.


>onsider the set S = A),",-,$,D.C with m 5 n = ma7 1m,n2 or min1m.n2, mn = m 5 n. where the addition in the multiplication is the usual addition, for all m, n in S and the order being the usual order relation.

hen 1S, 5, 4,2 is a totally ordered semiring. 1iii2 If 1E, 2 is a totally ordered set and 5 and 4 are min and ma7 operations, then

1E, 5, 4,2 is a t.o.s.r. If S = E AzC and 5, 4 and are e7tended to S by defining s 5 z = z = z 5 s, sFz = z = zFs and s z for all s in S, then 1S, 5, 4,2 is a t.o.s.r. Defini i!n 2.2.1/: In a totally ordered semiring 1S, 5, 4,2

1S,5,2 is positively ordered in the strict sense, if a 5 b a, b for all a, b in S and


1S, 4,2 is positively ordered in the strict sense if ab a, b for all a, b in S.


Defini i!n 2.2.11: 6 totally ordered semiring 1S, 5, 4,2 is said to be a positively ordered in the strict sense if both 1S, 5,2 and 1S, 4,2 are positively ordered in the strict sense. Defini i!n 2.2.12: In a t. o. s. r. 1S, 5, 4,2

1S, 52 is said to be right naturally totally ordered 1r. n. t. o2 if 1S, 52 is positively ordered in the strict sense and if a G b implies b = a 5 c for some c in S, and


1S, 42 is said to be r. n. t. o. if 1S, 42 is positively ordered in the strict sense and if a G b implies b = ac for some c in S.

Defini i!n 2.2.1": 1S, 5, 4,2 is said to be a wea' partially ordered semiring 1w.p.o.s.r.2 if semiring and 89 is a partial order relation on S such that 1S, 5, 42 is a

1S, 5,2 is a p.o.s.r. In case 89

is a total order relation 1full order relation2 the wea' p.o.s.r. is said to be a wea' t.o.s.r. 1or wea' f.o.s.r.2. Defini i!n 2.2.1#: 6 semigroup 1S, 42 with zero 1usually we denote the zero element by the symbol 8)92 is said to have no zero-divisors if 7y = ) implies 7 = ) 1or2 Defini i!n 2.2.1': 6n element 879 in a semigroup 1S, 52 is said to be an additive idempotent if 7 5 7 = 7. N! e: E 152 denotes the set of all additive idempotents in 1S, 52. E 152 denotes the cardinal number of the set E ,5.. Defini i!n 2.2.1*:

y = ) for all 7, y in S.

6n element 7 in a semigroup 1S, 42 is said to be multiplicative idempotent if 7 - = 7. N! e: E 142 denotes the set of all multiplicative idempotents in 1S, 42. E 142 denotes the cardinal number of the set E ,4..

Defini i!n2.2.1+: 1i2 6 semigroup 1S, 42 is said to be a band if every element in S is an idempotent. 1ii2 6 commutative band is called a semilattice. Defini i!n 2.2.1,: 6n element 7 in a p.o.s.g 1S, 4,2 is non-negative 1non-positive2 if Defini i!n 2.2.1.: 6 p.o.s.g 1S, 4,2 is non-negatively 1non-positively2 ordered if every element of S is non-negative 1non-positive2. Defini i!n 2.2.2/: 6n element 7 in a t.o.s.r is minimal 1ma7imal2 if 7 a 17 a2 for every a in S. Defini i!n 2.2.21: In a semigroup 1S, 42, a non-empty subset 6 of S is called
1i2 1ii2 1iii2 1iv2

7- 7 17- 72.

a left ideal, if sa 6, for every s S and for every a 6 a right ideal, if as 6, for every a 6 and for every s S an ideal, if 6 is both a left ideal as well as a right ideal a completely prime ideal, if it is an ideal and if ab 6 for any a, b in S, then either a 6 or b 6 and


>ompletely semiprime, if it is an ideal and if a- 6 for any a


in S, then a 6. Defini i!n 2.2.22: 6 semigroup 1S, 42 with zero is called o-simple if
1i2 1ii2

A)C and S are the only ideals and S- A)C

Defini i!n 2.2.2": 6n element 7 in a semigroup 1S, 42 is said to be

1i2 1ii2 1iii2

left cancellable, if 7a = 7b for any a, b in S implies a = b right cancellable if a7 = b7 for any a, b in S implies a = bJ >ancellable if it is both left as well as right cancellable.

Defini i!n 2.2.2#: 6 semigroup 1S, 42 with all of its elements are left 1right2 cancellable is said to be left 1right2 cancellative semigroup. Defini i!n 2.2.2': 6 semigroup 1S, 42 is wea'ly commutative, if for any 7, y in S, some positive integer 8n9. 17y2 n yS7 for

Defini i!n 2.2.2*: 6n element 8a9 in a t. o. s. r. 1S, 4,2 is said to be

1i2 1ii2 1iii2 1iv2

left positive if a7 7 for every 7 in S right positive if 7a 7 for every 7 in S positive if it is both left as well as right positive left negative if a7 7 for every 7 in S

1v2 1vi2

right negative if 7a 7 for every 7 in S Legative if it is both left as well as right negative.

N! e: 89 is the dual of 89. Defini i!n 2.2.2+: wo distinct elements a, b in a t.o.s.g 1S, 4, 2 are said to form an anomalous pair if a n G bn5" and bn G an5" where a, b are positive 1or2 where a, b are negative. Defini i!n 2.2.2,: 6n element 7 different from the identity in a non-negatively ordered semigroup 1S, 4,2 is said to be o- 6rchimedean if for every y in S there e7ists a natural number 8n9 such that 7n y. a n M bn5" and bn M an5" for all n M )

Defini i!n 2.2.2.: 6 non - negatively ordered semigroup 1S, 4,2 is said to be o-

6rchimedean if every one of its elements different from its identity 1if e7ists2 is o6rchimedean. Defini i!n 2.2."/: 6 t.o.s.g 0S, 4,2 is o-isomorphic to a t.o.s.g 1 , 4, "2 if there e7ists a mapping f; S N such that
1i2 1ii2

f is one-to-one and onto map whenever a b for any a,b in S, then f1a2 " f1b2 1 that is, f preserves the order 2 and


f1ab2 = f1a2 f1b2 1that is, f preserves the multiplication2

Defini i!n 2.2."1: 6 t.o.s.g 0S, 5, 4,2 is o-isomorphic to a t.o.s.r 1 , , ,"2 if there e7ists a mapping f ; S N
1i2 1ii2

such that f is one-to-one and onto map whenever a b for any a,b in S, then f1a2 " f1b2 1that is, f preserves the order 2 and

1iii2 1iv2

f1a 5 b2 = f1a2 f1b2 1that is, f preserves the addition2 and f1ab2 = f1a2 f1b2 1that is, f preserves the multiplication2.

Defini i!n 2.2."2: @et a S. he least element of the set A7 L; 1there e7ists y L2 7a = ya, 7 O yC is

called the inde7 of a and is denoted by m, where L is the set of natural numbers. Defini i!n 2.2."": he least element of the set A7 L; 1m 5 72a = maC is called the period of a and is denoted by r. 2." SEMIRINGS 1IT2 INTEGRAL MULTIPLE PROPERT3: In this section, the structure of semirings in which every element a satisfies a= na, for some positive integer n is studied. Defini i!n 2.".1: 6 semiring is said to satisfy Integral 0ultiple *roperty 1I0*2 if every element a S satisfies a- = na where n is a positive integer that depends on a. Defini i!n 2.".2:


6 semiring 1S, 5,42 is said to be a *ositive <ational Pomain 1*<P2 if and only if 1S, 42 is an abelian group. Defini i!n 2.".": 6 semigroup 1S, 42 is said to satisfy quasi commutative if ab = bma for some integer m = ". Defini i!n 2.".#: 6 semigroup S satisfying the identity 7 = 7y7 is a rectangular band. Defini i!n 2.".': 6 semigroup 1S, 52 is said to be a band if a 5 a = a for all a in S. Defini i!n 2.".*: 6 semigroup S is said to be semisimple if 7 S 7 S 7 S for every 7 S. Defini i!n 2.".+: 6n element 7 in 1S, 52 is a periodic element if n7 = m7 for some natural numbers n and m. S is said to be periodic if every one of its elements is periodic. Defini i!n 2.".,: If 1S, 42 is non-negatively ordered, then an element 7 in S is said to be )-

6richemedean if for every 7 and y in S, there e7ists a natural number m such that 7m Q y. N! e: In a totally ordered semiring contains multiplicative identity, then 1S, 52 is either nonnegatively ordered or non-positively ordered. his is observed in proposition ",$.. he converse of this proposition is not necessarily true. following e7amples.

his is evident from the

E$am%&e 2."..: 1a2. S = A-, %, H DC with usual addition, multiplication and ordering. &ere 1S, 52 is non-negatively ordered. If we ta'e the dual order, then ordered. &ere S does not contain multiplicative identity ". 1b2. S = A"R$, -R$, "C. Set "R$ G -R$ G ". 6ddition and multiplication are given by the following tables. "R$ -R$ " " " -R$ " " " " " " " " " " " 1S, 52 is non-positively

"R$ -R$ -R$ " " 5 "R $ -R $ " " "R$ -R$ " "

1c2 "R% -R% $R% " "


"R% -R% $R% "

-R% $R% " $R% " " 5 " " "

" " "

" " "

"R% -R% $R% " " " " "

"R% $R% $R% " -R% $R% " $R% " " " " " " " "

E$am%&e 2.".1/: E7amples of Semirings with I0* where 859 and 89 are given by uv = u 5 v if u 5 v m 5 t if u5v m 5 r S" m 5 r,

where t G r is given by u 5 v S m t 1mod r2 u v = uvn if uvn m5rS" if uvn m 5 r,



where t G r is given by uvn S m t 1mod r2, where m is the inde7 of the element and r is the period of the element. 5 " $ % ( H I K " $ % ( H I K " $ % ( H I K $ " " $ % ( H I K $ % ( H I K $ % % H K % H K % $ % ( H I K $ % ( $ $ H $ H $ H $ H % ( H I K $ % ( H % % K H % K H % K ( H I K $ % ( H I ( ( % $ K I H ( % H I K $ % ( H I K H H H H H H H H H I K $ % ( H I K $ I I K $ % ( H I K K $ % ( H I K $ % K K % H K % H K %

1b2 m = ", r = H

5 " $ %

" $ % (

$ % ( H

$ % ( H "

% ( H " -

( H " $

H " $ %

( H " $ % ( H

H " " % H % H

" % H % H

$ $ H H H H H H

$ % % % H % H

% ( ( % H % H

( H H H H H H H H

1c2 m = ", r = ( 5 " $ % ( " " $ % ( " " % $ % ( " % $ $ % ( " $ $ " % ( " $ % % $ " ( " $ % ( ( ( (

$ % (

" $ (

" (

$ % (

% (

( ( (


T4e!rem 2.".11: @et 1S, 5,42 be a semiring with I0*. If 1S, 52 is cancellative, then 1S, 52 is commutative. Pr!!f: @et a S. Since S satisfies I0* a- = na S- = S. Low using theorem H,-., 1S, 52 is commutative.

T4e!rem 2.".12: @et 1S, 5,42 be a semiring with additive identity zero and satisfy I0*. If 1S, 52 is a rectangular band, then 1S, 42 is a band. Pr!!f: 7 = 7 5 ) 5 7 = -7 -7 = 7 5 7 = -7 5 7 -7 = $7 7 = $7 >ontinuing li'e this, 7 = n 7 Since S satisfies I0*, n7 = 77 = 7&ence 1S, 42 is a band.

T4e!rem 2.".1": @et 1S, 5, 42 be a semiring with I0* and 1S, 42 is semisimple and commutative, then 1S, 52 is periodic. Pr!!f: 7 = a7b7c 1Since 1S, 42 is semisimple2 = 7-abc 1Since 1S, 42 is commutative2 = n7abc = n7 . 7$ 1ta'ing a = b = c = 72 = n . 7%

= n. 7- . 7= n. n7. n7 = n$ . 7= n$ . n 7 = n% . 7 1S, 52 is periodic.

T4e!rem 2.".1#: @et 1S, 5, 42 be a semiring with I0*. If 1S, 52 is a band, then the following are true. 1i2 1S, 42 is a band 1ii2 If 1S, 5, 42 is a *ositive <ational Pomain 1*<P2, then S reduces to a singleton set. 1iii2 If 1S, 42 is quasi commutative, then 1S, 42 is commutative. Pr!!f: 1i2 Since 1S, 52 is a band, for every a S a= a 5 a = -a = $a = %a = (a DD..= na D for some positive integer n. Tut a- = na a- = a for every a S 1S, 42 is a band. 1ii2 @et 1S, 5, 42 be a *<P hen by the definition of *<P, 1S, 42 is a group Ty 1i2, 1S, 42 is a band i.e., a- = a for every a S Since 1S, 42 is a group, by cancellation a = e. his implies S = "

1iii2Suppose 1S, 42 is quasi commutative i.e., ab = bma for some integer m Q". Tut every element in 1S, 42 is an idempotent, using 1i2 herefore bm = b for some positive integer m Q " &ence ab = ba for every a, b S 1S, 42 is commutative.

T4e!rem 2.".1': @et 1S, 5, 42 be a semiring with I0*. If 1S, 42 is periodic, then 1S, 52 is periodic. Pr!!f: @et 7 S, since S satisfies I0*, 7- = '7 6lso 7n = 7m since 1S, 42 is periodic. 7n--.7- = 7m--.7 7n--.'7 = 7m--.'7 6pplying 7- = '7 repeatly we finally find that l7 = p7 7 is a periodic element 859. 1S, 52 is periodic.

T4e!rem 2.".1*: @et 1S, 5, 42 be a semiring in which 1S, 42 is regular with I0*, then 1S, 52 is periodic. Pr!!f: a = a7a for some 7 S a'ing 7 = a, a = a$ ------ 1"2 Since S satisfies I0* a$ = a-.a = na.a

= n- a = n. na = n-a ------- 1-2 Urom 1"2 V 1-2, a = n-a 1S, 52 is periodic.

2.# ORDERED SEMIRINGS 1IT2 INTEGRAL MULTIPLE PROPERT3: In this section, the structure of ordered semirings in which every element a satisfies a- = na, for some positive integer n is studied.

T4e!rem 2.#.1: @et 1S, 5, 42 be a totally ordered semiring 1t.o.s.r.2 with I0*. hen 1S, 42 is o-6rchimedean if and only if 1S, 52 is Pr!!f: Suppose that 1S, 52 is o-6rchimedean. If possible let there e7ists an element 7 in S such that a n G 7 for every natural number n. Since, a is additively o-6rchimedean there e7ists a positive integer m such that ma Q 7. Low a$ = a.a- = a1ta2 = ta- = t1ta2 = t-a a% = a.a$ = a1t-a2 = a-t- =t-1ta2 = t$a ar5" = tra tma = am5" G 7 ma G tma, which is a contradiction 1S, 2 is o-6rchimedean o-6rchimedean.

>onversely, suppose 1S, 42 is o-6rchimedean @et a S with a G b Suppose ma- G b for every m If m = ", a- G b and a$ = a-.a = ta.a = ta- G b a$ G b >ontinuing in this way, we get an G b for every positive integer n. which contradicts the fact that 1S, 42 is o-6rchimedean. ma- Q b Uor every a and b in S there e7ists a positive integer m such that ma- Q b. Low a- = ta b ma- = m1ta2 = 1mt2a 1S, 52 is o-6rchimedean.

T4e!rem 2.#.2: @et 1S, 5, 42 be a t.o.s.r. with I0*. hen 1S, 52 is negatively 1non-positively2 ordered if and only if 1S, 42 is negatively 1non-positively2 ordered. Pr!!f: Suppose 1S, 52 is non-negatively ordered. hen 7 57 7, 7 S. -7 7 $7 -7 7 and continuing in this way n7 7 n L ------ 1"2 Since S satisfies I0*, 7- = '7, for some ' L. Urom 1"2, 7- 7


1S, 42 is non-negatively ordered. Similarly we can prove that 1S, 42 is non-positively ordered if 1S, 52 is non-positively ordered. >onversely, suppose 1S, 42 is non-negatively ordered. If possible assume that 1S, 52 is not non-negatively ordered. hen there e7ists an element 7 S such that 7 5 7 : 7 -7 : 7 $7 : -7 : 7 >ontinuing in this way, n7 : 7, n L ------------- 1-2 Since S satisfies I0*, 7- = '7. Urom 1-2, 7- : 7, which is a contradiction to the hypothesis that 1S, 42 is non-negatively ordered. 1S, 52 is non-negatively ordered.

T4e!rem 2.#.": @et 1S, 5, 4, :2 be a totally ordered semiring with I0* in which 1S, 42 is left or right cancellative. hen 1S, 42 is non-negatively ordered or non-positively ordered. Pr!!f: Wsing heorem $,$., 1S, 52 is either non-negatively ordered or nonnon-negatively

positively ordered. Wsing heorem -.%.-, 1S, 42 is either ordered or non-positively ordered.

T4e!rem 2.#.#: @et 1S, 5, 42 be a semiring with I0*. hen 1S, 42 is - 6rchimedean and non-negatively ordered if and only if 1S, 52 is

o o

- 6rchimedean and non-negatively ordered. i,e., 1S, 42 is p.t.o. if and only if 1S, 52 is p.t.o. Pr!!f: Wsing *roposition H,"., 1S, 42 is p.t.o. Low using heorems -.%." and -.%.-, 1S, 42 is p.t.o. if and only if p.t.o. 1S, 52 is

T4e!rem 2.#.': @et 1S, 5, 4, :2 be a totally ordered semiring with I0* and 1S, 52 be non-negatively ordered. hen 1S, 42 is p.t.o. in the following cases;
1i2 1ii2

1S, 42 is cancellative 7 7S and 7 S7 for every 7 in S.

Pr!!f: 3e claim that 1S, 42 is non-negatively ordered. Suppose 1S, 42 is not non-negatively ordered. hen an element 7 S such that 7- : 7. Since S satisfies I0*, n7 = 7- : 7, which is a contradiction to the hypothesis that 1S, 52 is non-negatively ordered. herefore 1S, 42 is non-negatively ordered 6ssume 1i2. hen by proposition H,"., the conclusion follows. 6ssume 1ii2. If 7y G 7, then 7y- : 7y. Tut y : y- and so, 7y : 7y-. &ence 7y = 7y- 7yS, which is a contradiction. Similarly 7y G y leads to a contradiction. hus 1S, 42 is positively ordered in strict sense.


". 0. Satyanarayana and >. Srihari Lagore

/Integrally Ordered Semigroups? Semigroup Uorum, !ol."I 1"#I#2, ")"-""".

-. 0. Satyanarayana,

/On the 6dditive Semigroup Structure of Semirings?, Semigroup Uorum, !ol.-$ 1"#K"2, I-"%.

$. 0. Satyanarayana,

/On the 6dditive Semigroup of Ordered Semirings?, Semigroup Uorum !ol.$" 1"#K(2, "#$-"##.

".1 INTRODUCTION In this >hapter, we study some properties of zero - square semirings. 3e prove that if 1S, 5, 42 is a zero - square semiring and 1S, 42 is non-negatively ordered, then 1S, 42 is o-6rchimedean. 3e also prove that in a zero - square semiring 1S, 52 is commutative if 1S, 52 is cancellative.

".2 PRELIMINARIES: In this section we study the concepts 1and results2 which are not mentioned in the earlier chapters and which are needed for the study of main theorems of this chapter. 3e also discuss the properties of Defini i!n ".2.1: 6 semiring 1S, 5, 42 with multiplicative zero is said to be zero - square semiring if 7- = ) for all 7 S. Defini i!n ".2.2: 6n element 7 with zero is said to be nilpotent if 7n = ) for some natural number n. If every element of S is nilpotent, then S is called a nilsemigroup. N! e: Wnless otherwise mentioned S is a semiring with multiplicative zero. zero - square semirings.

Res6& ".2.": 7Pr!%!si i!n 2.10iii)( 28

If a positively ordered semigroup S contains identity ", then " is the minimal element.

Res6& ".2.#: 7Pr!%!si i!n *( 18 If a t.o.s.g. 1S, 4,2 is non-negatively ordered, then it is positively ordered in the strict sense if any of the following conditions is satisfied.
1i2 1ii2 1iii2

1S, 4,2 is o-6rchimedean 1S, 42 is left cancellative semigroup without idempotents 1S, 42 is cancellative.

Res6& ".2.': 7Pr!%!si i!n 1( #8 If a totally ordered semiring 1S, 5, 42 contains ", then 1S, 52 is negatively or non-positively ordered. non-

"." 9ERO : S;UARE SEMIRINGS AND GENERALI9ATIONS: In this section, we study the properties of zero - square semirings.

E$am%&es !f <er! : s=6are semirings ".".1: 1i2. @et 1S, 52 be an infinite cyclic semigroup generated by 7 adXoined by ). Pefine every product to be )J ) 5 ) = ), m7 5 ) = ) 5 m7 = m7. ordered semiring by ordering; 1S, 5, 42 is a totally DD. G $7 G -7 G 7 G ).

1ii2. @et 1S, 52 be a commutative semigroup generated by 7 and y adXoined with ) subXect to the relations $7 = ) 5 ) = 7 5 ) = ) 5 7 = y 5 ) = ) 5 y = ). Pefine the product of every two elements to be ). 1S, 5, 42 is a totally ordered semiring by defining the order; >D.G -y G y G 7 G D.. G ny 5 7 G DDG y 5 7 ? -7 G D.. G ny 5 -7 G DDG y 5 -7 G $7 = )

T4e!rem ".".2: @et 1S, 5, 42 be a zero - square semiring. If S satisfies I0*, then 1S, 52 is nilpotent. Pr!!f: Since S is a zero - square semiring 7- = ), 7 S Since S satisfies I0*, 7- = ) = n7. his implies n7 = ) S is nilpotent with respect to 859.

T4e!rem ".".": @et 1S, 5, 42 be a commutative semiring. hen the set E of all zero square elements is a multiplicative ideal of S. Pr!!f: @et s S and 7 E 17s2- = 7s. 7s = 7- . s= ). s- 1since 7 E2 =) 7s E Similarly s7 E

E is a multiplicative ideal.

T4e!rem ".".#: @et 1S, 5,42 be a zero - square semiring with additive identity zero, then 7y 5 y7 = ), 7y7 = ) and y7y = ) for all 7, y in S. Pr!!f: @et 7, y S. hen 7- = ), y- = ) and 17 5 y2- = ) 17 5 y2 17 5 y2 = ) 7- 5 7y 5 y7 5 y- = ) ) 5 7y 5 y7 5 ) = ) 7y 5 y7 = ) --------1"2 6lso 717y 5 y72 = 7.) 7-y 5 7y7 = ) ) 5 7y7 = ) 7y7 = ) 6lso from 1"2, y17y 5 y72 = y.) y7y 5 y-7 = ) y7y 5 ) = ) y7y = )

T4e!rem ".".': @et 1S, 5,42 be a zero - square semiring and 1S, 52 is cancellative, then 1S, 52 is commutative. Pr!!f: Since 1S, 5,42 is a zero - square semiring i.e., 7- = ), 7S S- = S

Low using theorem H,$., 1S, 52 is commutative. T4e!rem ".".*: @et 1S, 5, 42 be a commutative semiring in which 1S, 42 is a

nilsemigroup. hen the set E of all nilpotent elements is a multiplicative ideal of S. Pr!!f. @et s S and 7 E then 7n = ) 17s2n = 7s.7sDD7s 1n times2 = 7n . sn = ). sn 1since 7 E2 =) 7s E Similarly s7 E E is a multiplicative ideal.

T4e!rem ".".+: @et 1S, 5, 42 be a semiring in which 1S, 42 is nilsemigroup and 1S, 52 is cancellative, then 1S, 52 is commutative. Pr!!f. Since 1S, 42 is a nilsemigroup, 7n = ), 7S where n depends on the element S- = S Low using theorem H ,$., 1S, 52 is commutative.

".# ORDERED 9ERO : S;UARE SEMIRINGS AND GENERALI9ATIONS: In this section, we study the structure of ordered zero - square semirings and its properties.

T4e!rem ".#.1: @et 1S, 5,42 be zero - square semiring. If 1S, 42 is ordered, then 1S, 42 is p.t.o.


Pr!!f: Suppose 7y G 7 7y- 7y 7.) 7y ) 7y -------- 1"2 Since 1S,2 is non-negatively ordered. 7- 7 for all 7 in S -----1-2 ) 7 1since S is a zero - square semiring2 Urom 1"2, 1-2, 7 ) 7y which is a contradiction 7y 7 Suppose 7y G y 7-y 7y ) 7y -------- 1$2 Since 1S,2 is non-negatively ordered y- y ) y -------- 1%2 Urom 1$2 V 1%2, y ) 7y 3hich is a contradiction 7y y 7y 7,y i.e.,1S, 2 is p.t.o.

T4e!rem ".#.2: @et 1S, 5,42 be a zero - square semiring. hen zero is the ma7imum element 1minimum element2 if 1S, 42 is non-negatively Pr!!f: Since S is a zero - square semiring. 7- = ), 7S If 1S, 42 is non-negatively ordered, then 7- 7, 7 S ) 7, 7 S If 1S, 42 is non-positively ordered, then 7- 7, 7 S ) 7, 7 S T4e!rem ".#.": @et 1S, 5,42 be a zero square semiring and 1S, 42 be ordered, then 1S, 42 is o-6rchimedean. Pr!!f: Suppose 1S, 42 is not o-6rchimedean hen there e7ists a non o-6rchimedean element 7 S such that 7n G y, for all natural number n and for some y S. ) G y 1since 7- = ) implies 7n = )2 which is a contradiction to theorem $.%.-. non-negatively 1non-positively2 ordered.

T4e!rem ".#.#: @et 1S, 5, 42 be a semiring in which 1S, 42 is a nilsemigroup. If 1S, 42 is non-negatively 1non-positively2 ordered, then zero is the ma7imum element 1minimum element2. Pr!!f. @et 7S. hen 7n = ), If 1S, 42 is non-negatively ordered, then 7- 7, 7 S 7n 7n-" DD. 7- 7 ) 7, 1since 7n = )2

Similarly we can prove that ) y, yS &ere ) is the ma7imum element Similarly if 1S, 42 is non-positively ordered, ) is the minimum element.

T4e!rem ".#.': @et 1S, 5, 42 be a semiring in which 1S, 42 is a nilsemigroup and 1S, 42 is non-negatively ordered. hen 1S, 42 is Pr!!f. Suppose 1S, 42 is not o-6rchimedean hen there e7ists a non o-6rchimedean element 7 S such that 7 n G y, for all natural number n and for some y S. ) G y 1since 7n = )2, which contradicts theorem $.%.%. o-6rchimedean.


". 0. Satyanarayana and

/Integrally Ordered Semigroups?

>. Srihari Lagore

Semigroup Uorum, !ol."I 1"#I#2, ")"-""".

-. 0. Satyanarayana,

/*ositively Ordered Semigroups? @ecture Lotes in *ure and 6pplied 0athematics, 0arcel Pe''ar Inc., vol %-1"#I#2.

$. 0. Satyanarayana,

/On the 6dditive Semigroup Structure of Semirings?, Semigroup Uorum, !ol.-$ 1"#K"2, I-"%.

%. 0. Satyanarayana,

/On the 6dditive Semigroup of Ordered Semirings?, Semigroup Uorum !ol.$" 1"#K(2, "#$-"##.

#.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, we present the structure of semirings which are *ositive <ational Pomains 1*<Ps2. In section %.$, we prove that in a *<P 1S, 5, 42, 1S, 52 is commutative semigroup if 1S, 52 is cancellative. 3e establish that in a *<P 1S, 5, F2, E 152 = ) if 1S, 52 is cancellative and S ". 3e prove that in a *<P 1S, 5, 42, 1S, 52 is positively ordered in the strict sense 1p.t.o.2 or negatively ordered in the strict sense

1n.t.o.2 if 7 7 5 S and 7 S 5 7 for every 7 S. 3e also prove that in a *<P 1S, 5, 42 in which 1S, 52 is cancellative, 1S, 52 is either p.t.o. or n.t.o. in the strict sense.

#.2 PRELIMINARIES: In this section we study the structure of semirings which are *ositive <ational Pomains.

Defini i!n #.2.1: 6 semiring 1S, 5, 42 is said to be a *ositive <ational Pomain 1*<P2 if and only if 1S, 42 is an abelian group.

Defini i!n #.2.2: 6n ideal 6 of a semigroup S is said to be completely prime if ab 6 for some a and b in S, then a 6 or b 6.

#." STRUCTURE O5 POSITI@E RATIONAL DOMAINS0PRDs): In this section, the author e7plores some properties of positive rational domains.

T4e!rem #.".1: @et 1S, 5, 42 be a *<P. If E ,5. O , then 1S,52 is a band. Pr!!f: @et 7 E ,5. and y be an arbitrary element in S, then 7 5 7 = 7 7." 5 7." = 7." 7.1"5"2 = 7."

"5"=" y.1"5"2 = y.", y S y5y=y 1S, 52 is a band.

T4e!rem #.".2: If E ,5. multiplicative ideal. Pr!!f: @et 7 E ,5. and y S 7 E,5. 7 = 7 5 7 7y = 17 5 72y 7y = 7y 5 7y 7y E,5. Similiarly, y7 E,5. E,5. is multiplicative ideal.

in a *<P 1S, 5, 42, then E ,5. is completely prime

o show that E ,5. is completely prime ideal. @et 7y E ,5.. 7y = 7y 5 7y = 17 5 72 y 7 = 7 5 7, since 1S, 42 is a group 7 E,5. 6lso 7y = 7y 5 7y = 7 1y 5 y2 y = y 5 y 1using left cancellation law2 y = y 5 y y E,5. &ence E,5. is a completely prime ideal.

T4e!rem #.".": @et 1S, 5, 42 be a *<P. If 1S, 52 is cancellative, then commutative. Pr!!f: Since 1S, 5, 42 is a *<P, S contains multiplicative identity. Low 7 5 y 5 7 5 y = 7." 5 y." 5 7." 5 y." = 17 5 y2." 5 17 5 y2." = 17 5 y21" 5 "2 =7575y5y Since 1S, 52 is cancellative y 5 7 = 7 5 y. 1S, 52 is commutative.

1S, 52 is

T4e!rem #.".#: @et 1S, 5, 42 be a *<P and 7 Y, where Y is the zeroid of 1S, 5, 42. hen the multiplicative identity " is a zeroid. Pr!!f: Suppose 7 Y. Since Y is a zeroid of 1S, 52, y S such that = y. Suppose 7 5 y = y 7-"17 5 y2 = 7-"y 7-"7 5 7-"y = 7-"y " 5 7-"y = 7-"y i.e., " 5 s = s where s = 7-"y S Suppose y 5 7 = y 7-"1y 5 72 = 7-"y 7-"y 5 7-"7 = 7-"y 7 5 y = y or y 5 7

7-"y 5" = 7-"y i.e., p 5 " = p where p = 7-"y S In both cases " is a zeroid

T4e!rem #.".': @et 1S, 5, 42 be a *<P semiring satisfying ab =a5b 5 ab for all a,bS. If 1S, 52 is right cancellative, then 1S, 52 is commutative. Pr!!f: Ty hypothesis ab = a 5 b 5 ab ba = b 5 a 5 ba Since 1S, 42 is commutative, ab = ba. herefore, a 5 b 5 ab = b 5 a 5 ba = b 5 a 5 ab a 5 b = b 5 a since 1S, 52 is right cancellative 1S, 52 is commutative

T4e!rem #.".*: If 1S, 5, 42 is a *<P semiring and 1S, 42 is rectangular band, then S reduces to a singleton set. Pr!!f: Suppose 1S, 42 is a rectangular band 7= 71727 7 = 7$ i.e 7- = 7% 6lso 7 = 717-27 7 = 7% herefore 7 = 7- i.e., 1S, 42 is a band.

Since 1S, 5, 42 is a *<P, 1S, 42 is a group and therefore the identity is the only multiplicative idempotent in S. &ence S reduces to a singleton set.

#.# STRUCTURE O5 ORDERED POSITI@E RATONAL DOMAINS0PRDs): In this section, properties of totally ordered positive rational domain semirings are studied.

T4e!rem #.#.1: @et 1S, 5, 42 be a totally ordered *<P. 6ssume that the following are true. 1"2 S=

S M ". hen



= AeC, where 1 ", 42 is a non-negatively ordered semigroup,

1 -, 42 is a non-positively ordered semigroup and e is the multiplicative identity. 1-2 1 ", 42 1 -, 42 1$2 S is an infinite setJ


are infinite subsets of S.

1%2 Uor any two elements 7, y S, 1i2 7y 7 17y y2 if and only if y172 is non-negatively ordered. 1ii2 7y : 7 17y : y2 if and only if y172 is non-positively ordered.

Pr!!f: 1"2 @et @et 7,y



= A7S; 7-7C,

= A7S; 7- :7C

. hen 7- 7 and y- y

17y2- = 17y217y2 = 7-y- 7y 1 1S, 42 is commutative2 So 7y


1 ", 42 is a semigroup. Similarly we can prove that 1 -, 42 is a semigroup. @et 7 ". hen 7- 7 7-"7- 7-"7 7 e If y -. hen y- : y y-"y- : y-"y y : e. 1-2 1 ", 42 1 -, 42 by the map ; 7N7-" 7 1$2 1%2

Since there is no finite *<P of order M ", the proof follows. 1i2 Suppose y is non-negatively ordered i.e, y- y Low 7y-y-" 7yy-" 7y 7

1ii2 his is e7actly the dual of 1i2.

T4e!rem #.#.2: @et 1S, 5, 42 be a t.o. *<P. hen 1S, 52 is ordered or non-positively ordered. Pr!!f: Since 1S, 5, 42 is a *<P, it contains multiplicative identity. Low using proposition ",$., 1S, 52 is either non-negatively ordered positively ordered.


or non-

T4e!rem #.#.": If 1S, 5, 42 is a t.o. *<P in which 1S, 52 is cancellative and E152 = , then one of the following is true. 1i2. 1S, 52 is positively ordered in the strict sense. 1ii2. 1S, 52 is negatively ordered in the strict sense. Pr!!f: If E 152 = , then 757 G 7 for every 7 or 757 M 7 for every 7 in S using theorem "",-.. hen by proposition H,"., 1i2 and 1ii2 are the two possibilities.

T4e!rem #.#.#: @et 1S, 5, 42 be a *<P. hen 1S, 52 is p.t.o. or n.t.o. in the following cases;
1i2 1S,52 is cancellative 1ii2 7 75S and 7 S57 for every 7S.

Pr!!f: 1i2 In a *<P, 1S, 52 is non-negatively ordered or non-positively ordered using heorem %.%.-. Suppose 1S, 52 is non-negatively ordered. Low using proposition H,"., 1S, 52 is p.t.o. 6ssume 1ii2. If 7 5 y G 7 , then 7 5 -y : 7 5 y. Tut y : -y and so 7 5 y : 7 5 -y. &ence 7 5 y = 7 5 -y 7 5 y 5 S, which is a contradiction. Similarly 7 5 y G y leads to a contradictory statement 7 5 y S 5 7 5 y. hus 1S, 52 is p.t.o. Similarly we can prove that 1S, 52 is n.t.o. if 1S, 52 is non-positively ordered.


". 0. Satyanarayana and >. Srihari Lagore

/Integrally Ordered Semigroups? Semigroup Uorum, !ol."I 1"#I#2, ")"-""".

-. 0. Satyanarayana,

/On the 6dditive Semigroup Structure of Semirings?, Semigroup Uorum, !ol.-$ 1"#K"2, I-"%.

$. 0. Satyanarayana,

/On the 6dditive Semigroup of

Ordered Semirings?, Semigroup Uorum !ol.$" 1"#K(2, "#$-"##.

'.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, properties of semirings with ab = a 5 b 5 ab are studied. In section (.%, we discussed the properties of semi-invertible semirings.

'.2 PRELIMINARIES his section deals with some definitions, properties of semirings with ab = a 5 b 5 ab and results that are needed in this chapter.

Defini i!n '.2.1: @et S be a semiring in which 1S, 52 is commutative and contain the multiplicative identity. 6n element a S is said to be left1right2 e7ists ri 1si2 S such that " 5 r"a = r-a invertible if it is both left semi-invertible in S if there

1"5as" = as-2 and 8a9 is said to be semi-

semi-invertible and right semi-invertible in S. If every

element of a semiring S is semi-invertible, then S is said to be semi-invertible semiring. Defini i!n '.2.2: 6 semiring S is said to be a divided semiring if 1S, 42 is a group. Res6& '.2.": 7T4e!rem 2.1( 18 If a S", " 5 r"a = r-a and "5 as" = as- holds for suitable ri and Si S, then there e7ists r, s S such that " 5 ra = sa and " 5 ar = as hold.

'." PROPERTIES O5 SEMIRINGS 1IT2 aA B a C A C aA In this section, we study the properties of semirings with a 5 b 5 ab, for all a, b in S. ab =

T4e!rem '.".1: @et 1S, 5, 42 be a semiring. If S contains multiplicative identity which is also additive identity, then a 5 b 5 ab = ab for all a, b in S. Pr!!f: a 5 b 5 ab = a 5 ".b 5 ab = a 5 1" 5 a2 b = a 5 ab = a." 5 ab = a1" 5 b2 = ab a 5 b 5 ab = ab for all a, b in S.

T4e!rem '.".2: @et 1S, 5, 42 be a semiring satisfying the condition

a 5 b 5 ab =

ab for all a, b in S. If S contains the multiplicative identity which is also an absorbing element, then a 5 b = ab 1mono semiring2 for all a, b in <. Pr!!f: a 5 b 5 ab = ab for all a, b in S a 5 ".b 5 ab = ab for all a, b in S a 5 1" 5 a2 b = ab for all a, b in S a 5".b = ab for all a, b in S. a 5 b = ab

T4e!rem '.".": @et 1S, 5, 42 be a totally ordered semiring and satisfy ab = a 5 b 5 ab for all a, b in S. If 1S, 52 is p.t.o, then 1S, 42 is p.t.o. Pr!!f: a 5 b 5 ab = ab a and b 1Since, 1S, 52 is p.t.o.2 ab a and b 1S, 42 is p.t.o.

'.# SEMI:IN@ERTIDLE SEMIRINGS In this section, we discuss the properties of semi-invertible semirings.

E$am%&e !f semi:inEer iA&e semirings '.#.1:

If L is the set of all natural numbers, then 1L, 5, 42 is a semiring with " as identity under compositions 85, 49 defined by a 5 b = ma7Aa, bC and multiplication in L, since " 5 a = a holds for all a in L. a 4 b = usual

T4e!rem '.#.2: @et S be a semiring with multiplicative identity. If then for every invertible element a in S, there e7ist

1S, 52 is p.t.o.,

s i, ri in S such that sia Q ria,

where si, ri arise from the definition of semi-invertibility of S. Pr!!f: Since a is an invertible element, " 5 ria = sia for some ri, si S. Since 1S, 52 is p.t.o., sia = " 5 ria Q ria sia Q ria

T4e!rem '.#.": @et 8a9 be a semi-invertible semiring in a semiring S and 1S, 52 be cancellative, then ra 5 as = sa 5 ar, where r, s S. Pr!!f: Since 8a9 is a semi-invertible semiring Wsing theorem -.","., " 5 ra = sa and " 5 ar = as for some r, s S " 5 ra 5 as = sa 5 " 5 ar " 5 ra 5 as = " 5 sa 5 ar 1using definition of semiring2 ra 5 as = sa 5 ar 1 1S, 52 is cancellative2.

T4e!rem '.#.#: If a and b are semi-invertible elements in a semiring S and 1S, 52 is cancellative, then r"a 5 p-b = r-a 5 p"b and for some r", r-, p", p-, s", s-, q", q- S. as " 5 bq- = as- 5 bq",

Pr!!f: Since a and b are semi-invertible elements " 5 r"a = r-a = " 5 r-a 5 p"b p"b 1 1S, 52 is cancellative2 bq" = bq" 5 p"b = p-b, where r", r-, p", p- S. " 5 r"a " 5 r"a 5 p-b r"a 5 p-b = r-a 5 " 5 as" = as" 5 as" 5 bq- = " 5 as- 5 bq" as" 5 bq- = as- 5 bq" 1 1S, 52 is cancellative2. T4e!rem '.#.': Every divided semiring is semi-invertible. Pr!!f: " 5 r"a = a-"a5 r"a = 1a-" 5 r"2a = r-a, where r- = a-" 5 r" S " 5 as" = a a-" 5 as" = a1a-" 5 s"2 = as-, S is semi-invertible where s- = a-" 5 s" S "5 " 5 as" 5 bq- = as- 5 " 5 bq" 5 p-b = r-a 5 " 5 p"b

T4e!rem '.#.*: @et S be a semi-invertible semiring. negatively ordered or non-positively ordered.

hen 1S, 52 is either non-

Pr!!f: Wsing proposition ",%., 1S, 52 is either non-negatively ordered or nonpositively ordered since semi-invertible semiring contains multiplicative identity.

T4e!rem '.#.+: If 1S, 5, 42 is a totally ordered semi-invertible semiring in which 1S, 52 is cancellative, then one of the following is true. 1"2 1S, 52 is positively ordered in strict sense 1-2 1S, 52 is negatively ordered in strict sense. Pr!!f 01): Wsing theorem (.%.H, 1S, 52 is either non-negatively ordered or nonpositively ordered.

Low using proposition H,-., 1S, 52 is p.t.o. 1or2 n.t.o. T4e!rem '.#.,: @et S be a semiring with multiplicative identity. If an element a S is semi-invertible and 1S, 42 is p.t.o., then " 5 ra Q a, that " 5 ra = sa and " 5 ar = as Low " 5 ra = sa Q a 11S, 42 is p.t.o.2 6lso " 5 ar = as Q a. " 5 ar Q a. r, s S such Pr!!f: Since S is semi-invertible, using theorem -.","., there e7ist

RE5ERENCES: ". 0.<.6dhi'ari and 0.+.Sen /Semirings of Uormal *ower Series? Southeast 6sian Tulletin of 0athematics 1-)))2 -%; "I$-"K". -. 0. Satyanarayana and >. Srihari Lagore /Integrally Ordered Semigroups? Semigroup Uorum, !ol."I 1"#I#2, ")"-""". $. 0. Satyanarayana, /On the 6dditive Semigroup Structure of Semirings?, Semigroup Uorum, !ol.-$ 1"#K"2, I-"%. %. 0. Satyanarayana, /On the 6dditive Semigroup of Ordered Semirings?, Semigroup Uorum !ol.$" 1"#K(2, "#$-"##.

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