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Citation: Chernela, Janet and Eric Leed. 1996.

"Healing and the Body Politic: Shamanic

Journey and !nthro"ological #ra$el." Anthropological Quarterly, S"ecial
Edition, 69%&'1(9)1&&.
J!*E# +. CHE,*EL!
-lorida .nternational /ni$erity, +iami
-lorida .nternational /ni$erity, +iami
#hi "a"er o11er t2o e3"erienced intance o1 the anthro"ologit4
engagement in local curing e5uence a e3am"le o1 the agreement o1 identitie
6et2een anthro"ologit and haman. #hi imilitude o1 culturally di"arate role i
rooted, 2e 6elie$e, in the "o2er generally deri$ed 1rom the 1oreign and a"art. .t
alo come 1rom the nature o1 hamanim a the 2orld4 only uni$eral ""ecialty", a
congery o1 cure, techni5ue, "ac7aged 7no2ledge. 8e conclude that the
identi1ication o1 the anthro"ologit a haman i not necearily a miidenti1ication.
.n their tra$el 6oth de1ine and cro 6oundarie 2ielding a "o2er that i eentially
relational and communicational: deri$ed 1rom a mani"ulation o1 otherne, and 1rom
the ue o1 2ord a thing.
did not 2ant to 6e in S9o :a6riel da Cachoeira 2hen Senhora de Cuelhar
2a "oeed 6y a "irit 2hich caued her to ine3"lica6ly 6urt 1orth 2ith a tream
o1 1oul language, cure and $itu"eration. #he air)1orce "lane on 2hich . tra$eled
to my 1ield)area in the Bra;ilian *orth2et !ma;on had to""ed 1or a night to ta7e
on 1uel and u""lie in thi mall community o1 (<<< mem6er ituated 6elo2 the
con1luence o1 the /au"= 2ith the *egro ri$er. Here it 2a decided that the
"ermiion o1 the Brigadier :eneral o1 the Bra;ilian !ir -orce 2a needed 6e1ore .
could "roceed or return. ! to"o$er turned into a long, em"ty 2ait o1 1orty day
and night.
0uring thi "aue in the >ourney local o"inion 2a em6roiled 2ith the illne
o1 Senhora de Cuelhar, 2hoe ym"tom 2ere all the more enational 6ecaue he
2a a moral 6ul2ar7 o1 the to2n, the 2i1e o1 a minor o11icial and manager o1 the
local "harmacy. Her illne mo6ili;ed the 1action o1 the to2n4 "iritual leaderhi".
Her "eron 6ecame the arena o1 medico)magical com"etition.
?11icial decree had di$ided the 1rontier region o1 the /""er ,io *egro into
"ro$ince o1 Catholic and Protetant miioni;ation. Settlement to the north2et
%2here Bra;il 6order Colom6ia' 2ere aigned to the Catholic Church, and thoe
to the northeat %along the @ene;uelan 6order' aigned to the Protetant. S9o
:a6riel da Cachoeira 2a the neutral territory in 2hich the adminitrati$e
head5uarter o1 6oth minitrie 2ere located.
#he Catholic Church 2a the 1irt miioni;ing in1luence o1 the region.
Jeuit and Carmelite 1irt entered the /""er ,io *egro in the e$enteenth century.
Protetant, 6y contrat, 2ere the more recent arri$al, and a large "ortion o1 their
mem6er tended to 6e 1ormer con$ert 1rom Catholicim. ! ele2here in Latin
!merica, Protetant denomination in S9o :a6riel had e3"erienced a recent gro2th
in num6er o1 1ollo2er. E$en o, the traditional elite continued to 6e "racticing
Catholic and the de Cuelhar 1amily 2a no e3ce"tion to thi "attern.
#he 1irt arrangement made 6y the houehold o1 Cuelhar, there1ore,
2ere made through the Biho" in S9o :a6riel. ! "riet 2a delegated to "er1orm
the acramental
1or the e3orcim o1 e$il "irit. ! room 2a made ready 2ith
cruci1i3, holy 2ater, and ome tatuary. ! rite, e$eral centurie old, 2a
"er1ormed, coniting o1 a erie o1 te3t, including the Litany o1 Saint, recitation o1
the ?ur -ather, e$eral creed and "rayer, reading o1 :o"el "aage, and the
"eci1ic "rayer o1 e3orcim, a Latin te3t 6aed u"on the "re)@atican ..
Rituale Romanum
Sra. de Cuelhar a""eared to 6e calmed 6y the "rocedure and the tem"er o1
the to2n oothed, until, a1ter ome ten day, he uddenly hoc7ed her 1amily 2ith
another intem"erate out6urt. #hi time it 2a the turn o1 the local Protetant
miionary. .n contrat to the "riet, the *e2 #ri6e4 miionary carried no
"ara"hernalia, nor had he "eciali;ed clothing or image. #he only o6>ect attri6uted
2ith "o2er 6y him 2a the Scri"ture. Both "ator agreed )) the one 1ollo2ing
+artin Luther and the other St. !ugutine )) that the "o2er o1 the 8ord alter
moral and "hyical tate. #hi come not 1rom the 1act it i undertood, 6ut 1rom
the 1act that it i 6elie$ed.
#he Protetant miionary "rayed long and earnetly 2ith Sra. de Cuelhar.
#hi, too, a""eared to ha$e it e11ect 1or a 1e2 day until he reumed her out6urt.
#he "olitical delicacy o1 the ituation 2a a""arent to me. #he Catholic
Church controlled all route o1 acce to the *orth2et !ma;on, and could eaily
ha$e "rohi6ited my entry into the indigenou area. *e$erthele the cae tirred me
and 2hen . 2a a7ed to conider it . 1ound myel1 challenged irreita6ly. .
reached 1or my tore o1 e3"lanatory reource. .n my 6aggage . carried The Merck
Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, 2hich "romied in it "re1ace to ma7e the
in1ormed "hyician "mater o1 the ituation", allo2ing e$en the educated lay"eron
to loo7 u" ym"tom, 1ind "diagnoi" and "treatment". .n the anthro"ology
de"artment o1 Colum6ia /ni$erity the manual 2a recommended a indi"ena6le
in 1ield2or7 6oth 1or one4 o2n health care and 1or carrying out minor clinical ta7
1or the .ndian. !ccording to the manual Sra. de Cuelhar4 ym"tom accorded 2ith
the :ille de la #ourette4 yndrome: "-acial 6lin7ing, grimace, ...houting and
6ar7ing ... and a6out hal1 the "atient, co"rolalia." Co"rolalia, it eemed, 2a an
odd et o1 ym"tom decri6ed a "com"uli$e 2earing" %+erc7, 19AA: 1BC('.
!nd there 2a e$en a medication recommended: "#he dramatic re"one to
halo"eridol, a do"amine antagonit, ugget an organic 6ai" %+erc7, ". 1BC('.
#hi eemed to 1it the 6eha$ior o "er1ectly and to 6e uch a clear "romie o1 relie1,
that . mentioned it to my circle o1 1riend in S9o :a6riel. #hey miled, a one doe
2hen a child i 2rong and una2are o1 it.
Anthroolo!i"al Tra#el$ Curin! Se%uen"e& an' Shamani&m
8hen . arri$ed in the Bra;ilian and identi1ied myel1 to the #u7anoan
8anano a an "anthro"ologit" %ho2 did you identi1y yourel1D' they immediately
7ne2 2ho . 2a and 2hat . 2anted. Perha" thi category o1 ocial 6eing had
originally 6een 7etched 6y :ordon +acCreagh or 8illiam +c:o$ern 2ho had
collected arti1act and ritual along the /au"= ,i$er a6o$e the cataract at ."anorE
in the 1irt decade o1 thi century %+acCreagh 19(6F +c:o$ern 19(A'. .t had 6een
more recently 1lehed 6y ,o6in 8right, an anthro"ologit 2ho had tudied
hamanim on the near6y .Gana ,i$er the year 6e1ore. ! . carried a ta"e recorder,
2a a con1eed anthro"ologit, 6ore gi1t and 2etern medicine, it 2a automatic
that . 2a there to collect chant and ditri6ute medicine. #hough . did not intend
to tudy hamanim, thi initial identi1ication made it eay to do o.
#he 8anano ta7e great "ride in their rhetorical 7ill %Chernela 199&'.
!mong them language i the 1undamental 6oundary mar7er o1 clan and nation.
8anano i a mem6er language o1 the Eatern #u7anoan 1amilyF they and "ea7er o1
other language in that 1amily %here called 6y the collecti$e term #u7ano and
#u7anoan' demontrate trong linguitic loyaltie. *orm militate againt code)
2itching or in any other 2ay com6ining element 1rom "other4" language in
e$eryday "eech. #he art1ul ue o1 language i a 7ey to elite tatu among the
#u7ano and they 2ere not ad$ere to "er1orming 6e1ore an intereted, recording
tranger 2ho alo carried 2etern medicine. #hi clearly contri6uted to my $alue
a a $iitor.
+ore im"ortantly, 2etern dieae againt 2hich the 8anano had no
admitted cure too7 the younget and oldet o1 the community in "eriodic e"idemic.
. 2a in$ited to tay in Ha"ima 2ith the "lea: "?ur children die o1 cough, 2e ha$e
no hel"."
#he 2etern medicine . carried made me a $alua6le e3change "artner, and
haman ought me out to "reent chant to me. #he nota6le e3ce"tion 2a
,icardo #ei3eira, aid to 6e the mot "o2er1ul haman in the ri$er 6ain, 2ho
remained aloo1. ?nly a1ter a year, 2hen hi grandaughter 2a 6itten in the 1oot 6y a
cor"ion, did he conult me. !long 2ith the +erc7 . carried a econd health manual
deigned 1or 1ield miionarie. +y +iionary Health +anual told me that the 6ody
2ould a6or6 the to3in i1 gi$en the time, and that neotro"ical cor"ion are 1atal
only in rare cae, thoe cae motly in$ol$ing children.
#he nine)year old 2a a light child, and o, in "oi6le danger. -ollo2ing
the manual4 ad$ice 1or treating cor"ion 6ite 2ith cold, . ought a ection o1 the
ri$er 2here he might com1orta6ly "lace her leg in 1lo2ing 2ater. . at her on a
mooth 6oulder at the edge o1 a mall 2ater1all, under the o$erhang o1 large hade
tree, and >oined her there 2ith my ta"e recorder and ta"e o1 children4 torie et
to muic. #he torie 2ere in Portuguee, a language ,icardo did not "ea7. %. 2a
earching 1or reource at hand that might entertain )) "erha" thi "childih" muic
had a""eal to all children.' #here, a he dangled her leg in the current, 2e "layed
and litened a2ay the hour, 2hile the "ain dramatically receded 1rom her hi", do2n
her leg, into her 1oot and 1inally remanded entirely.
#he 1amily 2a "leaed, and ought a 1orm o1 "re"ayment" 1or er$ice
rendered. ,icardo oon called me to hi home, and e$en into hi inner anctum, a
com"artment 2ithin the larger houe hielded againt neigh6oring 1amily mem6er
6y e$eral 6arrier o1 "alm creening, through 2hich he 2a handed hi 1ood 6y a
1a$orite daughter. #hi e"aration 1rom the grou" i one o1 the "recaution ta7en 6y
haman in the communal home o1 the #u7anoan. ,icardo4 a"artne 2ithin the
grou" 2hoe health 2a hi moral re"oni6ility only much later eemed a 7ey to the
"ro6lematic o1 hi "o2er.
,icardo4 ummon and "u6lic recognition 2a an honor, e"ecially a
2omen 2ere "ercei$ed a "olluting o1 thi encloed, highly)controlled "ace. .t 2a
only a1ter . 6egan recording hi e3teni$e $oca6ulary o1 chant, ong and
techni5ue that . reali;ed that my acce"tance a an "anthro"ologit", 2hich meant a
haman, a "ecialit, and "erha" a ri$al %though not necearily an e5ual' in the
curati$e art, had e11aced "rior ditinction o1 gender. !t ome "oint %2hatD' he had
ceaed to regard me a a 2oman.
?$er the ne3t e$eral month . recorded many o1 ,icardo4 chant until my
ta"e recorder 2a detroyed, 1ued 6y a lightning tri7e. ! thi occurred
immediately a1ter ,icardo had ummoned me to hi "reence and . had re"lied that .
2a 6uy at the moment, the e$ent did not leen hi conidera6le "ride or reduce
hi re"utation a the mot "o2er1ul haman o1 the area.
,icardo4 chant 2ere not in 8anano or in any #u7anoan language .
recogni;ed. . 2ondered i1 the language 2a the ecret, "eciali;ed "here o1
haman. +uch later, 2hen . 2a trancri6ing thee chant 2ith Jonathon Hill, he
noticed that many o1 ,icardo4 chant 2ere in !ra2a7an and imilar to thoe he had
collected among !ra2a7an)"ea7er in @ene;uela. #he chant o1 leer haman
2ere commonly in #u7anoan. Li7e o many o1 the mot "o2er1ul haman, ,icardo
#ei3eira had tra$eled 2idely in hi career, a""renticing among the !ra2a7an)
"ea7ing Bani2a o1 the !iarI ,i$er. Hi "o2er and re"utation among hi o2n
"eo"le reted u"on an enormou re"etoire o1 ong, incantation and charm
accumulated in hi tra$el, many in !ra2a7an language not undertood 6y the
#u7anoan 8anano. #hi eemed to raie, and to imultaneouly an2er, a 5uetion
6aic to language and e11icacy: Ho2 i it that 2ord ha$e "o2er e$en 2hen they are
not undertoodD Particularly, 2hy i it that certain 2ord and "er1ormance eem to
ha$e "o2er because they are 6eyond e$ery day com"rehenion, "1oreign" or e$en
"meaningle" to audience and actor "er1orming themD
The Shamani&ti" Journe( an' Anthroolo!i"al Tra#el&
#he argument here i that the "o2er o1 the haman i eentially relational
and communicational, ariing 1rom the haman4 "er1ormance 2hich o1ten re"reent
and ma7e $ii6le 6oundarie 6et2een domain, e$en a thee are croed.
,eearcher in the /au"= ha$e "ointed out that the haman i the mot im"ortant
"ecialit in #u7anoan culture %,eichel)0olmato11 19A1, 19AC, 19AAF Hugh)Jone
19A9'. ! a mediator 6et2een ocial and u"ernatural 2orld, 6et2een inide and
outide, the 6ody and thoe 1orce 2hich go$ern the tate and condition o1 the 6ody,
he i an ad$ocate on 6ehal1 o1 hi grou", 7inmen and client againt e$il: enemy
orcerer, dieae, male$olent "irit and other threat to the 2ell)6eing o1 thoe in
hi care.
*ot only i hamanim the 2orld4 only "an)human ""ecialty", 6ut it i
de1ined 6y the $ery idea o1 "eciali;ation 2hich im"lie "tur1ing": the creation o1
6oundarie and the com"artmentali;ation o1 7no2ledge, the "roli1eration o1
u6di$iion and eoterica, the "reer$ation o1 7no2ledge in 1ormulae and acred
#he "reent a""roach i grounded in idea "reented in +ary 0ougla4 19A<
eay on "ollution, "o2er and ta6oo: order in general i made 6y the e3aggeration
o1 di11erence and the etting a"art o1 that 2hich i >oined. #he domain o1 the acred
i created and articulated through the ta6oo, the act o1 etting a"art, de1ining,
naming and 6oundarying.
Shamani&m an' the )oun'ar( Art&
#he act o1 1ence)6uilding, e"arating and de1ining i "erha" the "rimal act
creati$e o1 any order, an act 2hich tran1orm a di11erence into an antithei )) one
2hich may 6e 6ridged through hamanic art. #he haman doe no more or le
than create the domain o1 the acred, the a"art, >ut a +oe "er1ormed an act o1
acrali;ation 2hen he 1enced around +ount Sinai and 1or6ade contact 2ith it to all
6ut "riet and the initiated %E3odu 19, 1()(B'. Similarly, the "rocedure o1 the
haman create a "2orld et a"art" and eta6lih the "ro"er and rule)go$erned mean
6y 2hich it i entered, it "o2er engaged and channeled.
+uch o1 the acti$ity o1 the #u7anoan haman i in$ol$ed in creating
encloure or hield 2hich "rotect the $ulnera6le. ! "o2er1ul haman %8anano:
yai' encircle a threatened indi$idual, houe or $illage 2ith a "rotecti$e 2all o1
to6acco mo7e, 2o$en li7e a 1ih 1ence, and made more "o2er1ul 6y 6eing
augmented 2ith "o2er)generating incantation that 1unction to 6loc7 out in$ading
"ell and in1luence.
#he haman not only mar7 thoe 6oundarie 2hich et a"art and eta6lih
the integrity o1 a 6ody, collecti$e or "eronal, he alo et himel1 a"art. #he
"eciali;ed com"artment 2ithin the longhoue e"arated the "rominent haman o1
Ha"ima 1rom the "olluting in1luence o1 coreident and $iitor. #hi "e"aration"
o1 the haman 1rom the grou" he er$e render him acred, "ecial and "o2er1ul.
! a mean o1 etting the haman a"art, it i the ource o1 the >ourney a the
"rominent meta"hor in hamanic ritual.
The Shaman a& Tra#eler
#he haman i trongly identi1ied 2ith tra$el itel1. ! #u7anoan haman
6ridge domain through 6oth thought tra$el %uing a hallucinogen to e3"erience
tra$el' and acti$e tra$el. !""renticehi" to a haman o1 a di11erent tri6e or
language)grou" i one mean 6y 2hich the no$ice "ractitioner o6tain 1oreign ong,
"ell and incantation 2hich are o1ten conidered more "o2er1ul and e11ecti$e than
thoe recited in com"reheni6le tongue.
,icardo #ei3eira, the 2idely)7no2n 8anano haman 1rom /au"= J ,i$er,
a""renticed among the !ra2a7an)"ea7ing Bani2a o1 the !iarK ,i$er. Hi $at
re"etoire o1 ong, "ell, and incantation included many in !ra2a7an 2hich 2ere
not undertood 6y the 8anano. By territorial or imaginary "aage, the haman et
himel1 a"art, ac5uire "o2er1ul 1oreign "ell and drug, and ma7e hi 6ody a
$ehicle and a conduit o1 e3change 6et2een domain. #hrough dream, mo7e,
hallucination and $iion, through the mediation o1 animal "irit, image and
ma7, the 8anano haman "hyically 6ridge domain and attem"t to retore
$iolated integritie.
.n hi tudy o1 #u7anoan hamanim in the Colom6ian /au"=, ,eichel)
0olmato11 1ind that ""rolonged o>ourn in di11erent region are a 1airly common
1eature o1 a""renticehi"" a haman %19AC:AL'. But he attri6ute thi 1re5uency o1
e3change to the "a6ence o1 language 6arrier" %19AC:AL'. ?n the contrary: it i the
presence o1 care1ully maintained language 6arrier 2hich gi$e an added acrality
and "o2er to the magical utterance ac5uired among "ea7er o1 incom"reheni$e
The Value in *eir'ne&&
#he incom"rehenion o1 the uninitiated eta6lihe the 6oundary
ditinguihing the "ecialit "ractitioner 1rom the amateur, and one "ecialit 1rom
another. #he haman i not only "one 2ho 7no2" 6ut one 2ho 7no2 thing not
generally 7no2n. #he le 1amiliar hi intrument the greater their "otency.
#am6iah %196L' note that the ritual 2ord ued in a Pali Sinhalee healing
ceremony are in a $ariety o1 tongue, ome unintelligi6le to the ritual "artici"ant.
#he unintelligi6ility o1 acred, ritual language ugget, #am6iah argue, that the
2ord are ued di11erently than in normal communicationF the magic 2ord are
concei$ed a thing, caue, and act rather than a $ehicle o1 meaning.
.t 2a +alino27i4 o6er$ation that the magical 2ord i an attri6ute o1 the
relation 6et2een man and thing %19&C, $.('. .n thi ene, the uncom"rehended
2ord is an o6>ect, rather than a 2ord, and com"rehenion 6ecome a "er1ormance
that demontrate the e3clui$e a6ilitie o1 the "ecialit. +ot im"ortantly 1or our
"ur"oe here, the "er1ormati$e "o2er o1 the uncom"rehended 2ord lie in it
e3otic or 1oreign 5ualitie. +alino27i ummed u" thee trait and "ointed to their
igni1icance in the conce"t weirdness.
#he conce"tion o1 2ord and 1ormulae as "o2er dictate a di11erent
communicational tructure than 2e 1ind in "lace in the modern 2orld 2here the
$alue o1 omething or ome6ody i directly "ro"ortional to ho2 many 7no2 that
thing or "eron. 8ithin hamanitic culture it i ecrecy rather than "u6licity that
ancti1ie. -redri7 Barth noted thi tructure o1 contained, 6oundaried and
"ac7aged 7no2ledge among the Ba7taman o1 *e2 :uinea 2here "the $alue o1
in1ormation eemed to 6e regarded a in$erely "ro"ortional to ho2 many hared it"
%Barth 19AC:(1A'.
.t i clear that the haman "eciali;e in communicational action ) uttering
2ord, "eeing" the normally uneen, de1ining, naming, e3"laining, inging,
mani"ulating ritual o6>ect, de1ending ) and ta7e a moral re"oni6ility 1or the
"hyical condition o1 the "atient. #he 2ielder o1 the "o2er o1 2ord and ym6ol
a""ear to "caue" the change in condition o1 thoe 2ho u6mit, "hyically, to hi or
her minitration. !nd yet the "caue" o1 the cure i neither in the utterance o1 the
haman nor in the 6ody o1 the "atient, 6ut in the union o1 the t2o, and in the
relation the haman em6odie 6et2een 2orld care1ully 7e"t e"arate.
Po2er i not inherent in thing 1oreign and alien "er e, 6ut in the relation
eta6lihed 6et2een that 2hich i trange and that 2hich i 1amiliar. .t i thu in
order to generate a "articular and "al"a6le "o2er that the haman e"arate himel1
1rom hi 1amiliar and ma7e himel1 a tranger.
#he notion o1 the "o2er in thing 1oreign ha, at time, 6een e3tended to the
1oreigner himel1. %.1 the haman ma7e himel1 trange in order to 6ecome a
mediator, tranger and tra$eler o1 all ort are traditionally regarded a "otential
mediator, a haman, and ca"a6le o1 tran1ormati$e "o2er.' Li7e the
uncom"rehended 2ord, the 1oreigner may 6e "ercei$ed a or er$e a an intrument
o1 "o2er )) tanding 1or and re"reenting 6odie o1 in1ormation un7no2n to the
un"eciali;ed 2itne. #he hitorical 1re5uency 2ith 2hich one 1ind the tranger
acting in the role o1 haman ugget omething o1 the im"ortance o1 the role o1
haman a a natural channel o1 intercultural e3change and in1luence.
.1 hamanim i the art o1 de1ining and 6ridging e"arate 2orld, thi 2ould
e3"lain 2hy, traditionally, anthro"ologitMtranger, and 6oundary)croer in
general, ha$e 6een regarded a "otential haman and ha$e o1ten "er1ormed thi
role. 8here ethnogra"her o"erate a haman the authority deri$e not 1rom
degree or +anual, 6ut rather 1rom the "o2er in "otherne" and in da66ling in the
e3change o1 1oreignim or eoterim.
8e ue the 1irt "eron to relate the e3"erience o1 Chernela, an
anthro"ologit 2ho li$ed the north2et !ma;on 6et2een 19AL and 19LC.
,e"orting o1 the rite o1 e3orcim i 6aed u"on inter$ie2 and reearch
rather than 1irthand o6er$ation.
#he 1ield2or7 on 2hich thi "a"er i 6aed 2a carried out 6y Janet
Chernela 6et2een 19AL and 19LC, and u""orted 6y the -ul6right -oundation o1 the
/.S 0e"t. o1 State and an !d$anced ,eearch :rant, Social Science ,eearch
Council %Joint Committee on Latin !merican Studie o1 the !merican Council 2ith
1und "ro$ided 6y the *ational Endo2ment 1or the Humanitie, the -ord
-oundation, and the !ndre2 8. +ellon -oundation', and the .ntituto *acional de
Pe5uia da !ma;onia, in +anau, Bra;il. #hi "a"er 2a originally "reented at
the 199< !merican !nthro"ological !ociation. #he author 2ih to than7 Je11rey
Ehrenreich 1or hi organi;ation o1 the "anel, "#he !nthro"ologit a Healer."
E3cer"t 1rom thi "a"er ha$e 6een cited in Leed, 199C.
Barth, -redri7. 19AC Ritual and Knowledge among the Baktaman of New uinea.
*e2 Ha$en: Hale /ni$erity Pre.
Chernela, Janet. 199& The !anano "ndians of the Bra#ilian Ama#on$ A %ense of
%pace. !utin: /ni$erity o1 #e3a Pre.
0ougla, +ary. 19A<. &urity and Danger$ An Analysis of 'oncepts of &ollution
and Taboo( London: ,outledge and Negan Paul.
Hugh)Jone, Ste"hen. 19A9. The &alm and the &leiades$ "nitiation and
'osmology in Northwest Ama#onia( Cam6ridge, /N: Cam6ridge
/ni$erity Pre.
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