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Qutb-ud-din Aibak (Arabic: , Persian:

; lit. "Axis of the Faith") was a Turkic king of

Northwest n!ia who rule! fro" his ca#ital in $elhi where he built
the %utub &inar an! the %uwwat Al sla" "os'ue.
+e was of
Turkic !escent fro" central Asia, the first ,ultan of $elhi an!
foun!er of the -hula" !.nast. (&a"luk ,ultanate) of n!ia. +e
rule! for onl. four .ears, fro" )/ 0une
)/12 to )/)1 A$. +e !ie!
while #olo in 3ahore.
+e was a lo5er of literature an! art. %utb6u!6!in Aibak rule! for
four .ears until he ha! a fatal acci!ent while chaugan
(#olo). +is horse fell an! he was i"#ale! on the #o""el of his
sa!!le. +is earl. !eath #re5ente! hi" co"#leting his #lans for organi7ing his king!o" an!
establishing a soun! a!"inistration. +e built the %uwwat6ul6sla" "os'ue in $elhi
an! the !hai6
!in6ka60hon#ra "os'ue in A9"er. +e starte! the construction of %utb &inar in $elhi, which is
!e!icate! to a fa"ous ,ufi ,aint of the ti"e, %utbu!!in :akhtiar ;aki. After he !ie!, the "inar was
co"#lete! b. his successor, ltut"ish. +e is also re"e"bere! as lakhbaksh or gi5er of lakhs,
because of his generosit..
Shams-ud-din Iltutmish (reigne!: )/))6)/42) was the foun!er of the $elhi ,ultanate.
,ha"s6u!6!in ltut"ish was the thir! ruler of the ,la5e !.nast.. +e foun!e! the $elhi ,ultanate in
)/)) an! recei5e! the <ali#h=s in5esture in his rule. +e con'uere! &ultan an! :engal fro"
contesting rulers, an! >anatha"bhore an! ,iwalik fro" the +in!is. ,ha"s6u!6!un.a w=al6!in Abu
al6&u77afar Naib A"ir Al"u="inin ltut"ish Alta"ash, ltut"ish, r. )/))?)/42) was the thir!
ruler of the ,la5e !.nast. of Turkic origin. Presu"abl. a !escen!ent of Turkic nobilit. ca#ture! an!
ensla5e!, ltut"ish later rose to #ro"inence in the court of &uha""a! -huri an! later in 3ahore
un!er %utb6u!!in Aibak. +e !ethrone! Aibak=s successor, Ara" ,hah, an! "o5e! the seat of the
,ultan to $elhi. +e ex#an!e! his !o"ain b. !efeating the &usli" rulers of -ha7ni, &ultan an!
:engal, which #re5iousl. annexe! so"e of his territories an! threatene! his !o"ain. +e con'uere!
the latter two territories an! "a!e further con'uests in the +in!u lan!s, con'uering the fort of
>anatha"bhore an! the lan!s of -awalior an! the fort of &an!ur. +e institute! "an. changes to the
,ultanate, reorganising the "onetar. s.ste" an! the nobilit. as well as the !istribution of groun!s
an! fiefs, an! erecte! "an. buil!ings, inclu!ing &os'ues, ;han'as (&onasteries), $argahs
(-ra5es) an! a +au7 (reser5oir) for #ilgri"s.
Raziyya al-Din ()/1@ ? Actober )4, )/81) ), throne na"e Jallat
ud-Dn Raziy, usuall. referre! to in histor. as Razia Sultan,
was born in B:u!aun an! was the ,ultan of $elhi in n!ia fro"
)/42 to &a. )/81. 3ike so"e other &usli" #rincesses of the
ti"e, she was traine! to lea! ar"ies an! a!"inister king!o"s if
()*(dead link*
>a7ia ,ultana was the onl. wo"an ruler of
both the ,ultanate an! the &ughal #erio!, although other wo"en
rule! fro" behin! the scenes.
>a7ia refuse! to be a!!resse! as
,ultana because it "eant "wife or "istress of a sultan". ,he woul!
answer onl. to the title ",ultan". >a7ia ha! all 'ualities of a great
>a7ia (also calle! Radiyya or Raziyya) succee!e! her father ,ha"s6u!6!in ltut"ish to the ,ultanate
of $elhi in )/42. ltut"ish beca"e the first sultan to a##oint a wo"an as his successor when he
!esignate! his !aughter >a7ia as his heir a##arent. >a7ia was the first an! last wo"en ruler of $elhi
,ultnate. (Accor!ing to one source, ltu"ish=s el!est son ha! initiall. been groo"e! as his successor,
but ha! !ie! #re"aturel..) :ut the &usli" nobilit. ha! no intention of acce!ing to ltut"ish=s
a##oint"ent of a wo"an as heir, an! after the sultan !ie! on A#ril /C, )/42, >a7ia=s brother, >ukn
u! !in Firu7, was ele5ate! to the throne instea!.
>uknu!!in=s reign was short. Dith ltut"ish=s wi!ow ,hah Turkaan for all #ractical #ur#oses
running the go5ern"ent, >uknu!!in aban!one! hi"self to the #ursuit of #ersonal #leasure an!
!ebaucher., to the outrage of the citi7enr.. An No5e"ber C, )/42, both >uknu!!in an! his "other
,hah Turkaan were assassinate!
after onl. six "onths in #ower.
Dith reluctance, the nobilit. agree! to allow >a7ia to reign as ,ultan of $elhi. ,he !resse! like a
"an an! sat in o#en !urbar. ,he was an efficient ruler an! #ossesse! all the 'ualities of a &onarch.
As a chil! an! a!olescent, >a7ia ha! little contact with the wo"en of the hare", so she ha! not
learnt the custo"ar. beha5ior of wo"en in the &usli" societ. that she was born into. E5en before
she beca"e ,ultan, she was re#orte!l. #reoccu#ie! with the affairs of state !uring her father=s reign.
As ,ultan, >a7ia #referre! a "an=s tunic an! hea!!ress; an! contrar. to custo", she woul! later
show her face when she ro!e an ele#hant into battle at the hea! of her ar".. A shrew! #olitician,
>a7ia "anage! to kee# the nobles in check, while enlisting the su##ort of the ar". an! the
#o#ulace. +er greatest acco"#lish"ent on the #olitical front was to "ani#ulate rebel factions into
o##osing each other. At that #oint, >a7ia see"e! !estine! to beco"e one of the "ost #owerful rulers
of the $elhi ,ultanate.
Ghiyas ud din Balban (reigne!: )/22?)/FG) (Hr!u: ) was the ninth sultan of
the &a"luk !.nast.. -h.ias u! $in was the 5i7ier an! heir of the last ,ha"si sultan, Nasir u!6!in.
+e re!uce! the #ower of the treacherous nobilit. an! heightene! the stature of the sultan. n s#ite of
ha5ing onl. few "ilitar. achie5e"ents, he was the "ost #owerful ruler of the sultanate between
,ha"s u!6!in ltut"ish an! Alau!!in ;hil9i. A born Turk, :alban 'uickl. rose to #ower un!er
,ha"s u! !in an! his successors, being one of the fort. nobles an! e5entuall. the ,ultan=s 5i7ier.
After the ,ultan Nasir u! !in=s !eath (#ossibl. of :alban=s !esign), he was "a!e ,ultan u!
!in. +e ele5ate! the #osition of the sultan in the ,assani! fashion an! crushe! the #ower of the fort.
nobles so that it coul! not usur# his rule. "a!e se5eral con'uests, so"e as 5i7ier. +e route!
the &ewats that harasse! $elhi an! recon'uere! :engal, all while successfull. facing the &ongol
threat, a struggle that s#ent his son an! heir=s life. ,o it ca"e to #ass that u#on his !eath in )/FG his
gran!son %ai'uba! was no"inate! sultan, un!er"ining the achie5e"ents of his gran!father. n s#ite
of ha5ing onl. a few "ilitar. achie5e"ents, u!6!in "a!e ci5il an! "ilitar. refor"s that
earne! hi" the #osition of the strongest ruler between ,ha"s u!6!in ltut"ish an! the later
Alau!!ing ;hil9i, whose "ilitar. achie5e"ents rest on the or!er establishe! within the sultanate b. u! !in :alban.
Jalaluddin Firuz Khilji (!ie! /1 0ul. )/C2) was the first sultan of the ;hil9i !.nast., who reigne!
fro" )/C1 to )/C2. :orn an! raise! in Afghanistan, 0alalu!!in went to built his ca#ital at ;ilughari,
a few "iles fro" the cit. of $elhi, an! co"#lete! the unfinishe! #alace an! gar!ens of ,ultan
+e rule! "uch of Northern n!ia for six .ears, fro" )/C1 to )/C2. 0alalu!!in ;hal9i
was born as &alik Firu7,
in %alat, Iabul Pro5ince, Afghanistan.
+e was of Turkic ethnic
backgroun! but was treate! in n!ia as an ethnic Afghan.
+e was a##ointe! b. ,ultan %ai'aba! to the fief of :aran an! the co""an! of the ar".. ,oon,
,ultan %ai'aba! suffere! fro" a #aral.tic stroke an! Firu7 "arche! towar!s $elhi. The nobles
#lace! ;a.u"ars, the three6.ear6ol! son of %ai'aba! on the throne. :ut the sons of Firu7 !ashe!
into the cit. an! carrie! awa. the infant ,ultan, !efeating a force sent in #ursuit of the". &ost of the
Turkic nobles now sub"itte! to Firu7. %ai'aba! was #ut to !eath an! his cor#se was thrown into the
Ja"una. An )4 0ul. )/C1 0alal6u!6$in Firu7 was enthrone! in the #alace of ;alughari.+e was "a!e
a sla5e fro" there
Ala-ud-din Khilji (Arabic: KLMNOP QRSOP TUV; !ie! )4)2), born as Juna
Khan Khilji,
was the secon! ruler of the ;hil9i !.nast. in Northern
n!ia, reigning fro" )/C2 to )4)2.
+e was of Turkic ethnicit. but
was born an! raise! in #resent6!a. Afghanistan.
+e is consi!ere!
the "ost #owerful ruler of the !.nast., +is attack on <hittor in )414
<E to ca#ture the 'ueen of <hittor, >ani Pa!"ini, the wife of ;ing
>awal >atan ,ingh an! the subse'uent stor. ha5e been i""ortali7e! in
the e#ic #oe" Pa!"a5at, written b. &alik &uha""a! 0a.asi in the
Awa!hi language in the .ear )@81.

+e was a strategist an! "ilitar.
co""an!er who co""an!e! forces across the n!ian subcontinent.
,ultan Ala6u!6!in ;hil9i is also note! in histor. for being one of the
few rulers in the worl! to ha5e re#eate!l. !efen!e! his e"#ire against
&ongol in5asions. +e !efeate! large &ongol ar"ies an! then launche!
#uniti5e ex#e!itions against the" in <entral Asia, aroun! "o!ern6!a.
Ghiyas ud-Din Tughlu also known as Ghazi !alik !ie! in Februar., )4/@) was the foun!er an!
first ruler of the &usli" Tughlu' !.nast. (of Turkic origin) in n!ia, who reigne! o5er the ,ultanate
of $elhi (,e#, 1F, )4/1 ? Feb, )4/@). +e has been the foun!er of the thir! cit. of $elhi calle!
Tughlu'aba!. -hi.ath al6$in Tughlu', born of a Turk father an! +in!u 0at "other,
was in origin a
#oor %arauna who took ser5ice with a "erchant of ,in!. t is a generall. hel! notion a"ong the
scholars that the na"e =Tughla'= belonge! to a tribe or clan fro" which ca"e the foun!er of the
Tughla' !.nast., -hi.as6u!6!in Tughla'. but others still think that =Tughla'= is the #ersonal na"e of
the sultan which his successors also bear for exa"#le &uha""a!6bin6Tughla' or Firo7 ,hah
Tughla'. -ha7i &alik or -hi.as6u!6!in Tughla' ca"e fro" an obscure tribe =%araunah= the origin
an! !e5elo#"ent of which is a "atter of con9ecture a"ong the historians. Tra5eler bn :atuta
!iscar!s that fact that =%araunah= was a &ongol or a Turkic tribe, although he generall. acce#ts that
the Tughla's originall. belonge! to that tribe. Another tra5eler of international re#ute &arco Polo
ascribes the =%araunah= tribe to a "ixe! bree! which !e5elo#e! exclusi5el. in n!ia. while so"e
other scholars hol! the theor. that he actuall. belonge! to the ,assanian kings of ran which off
course a less unani"ous 5iew.. in fact through the course of ,ultanate #erio! what baffles the
historians is the origins an! backgroun!s of the sultans of the successi5e !.nasties which are
shrou!e! in ".ster. an! obscurit. !ue to #aucit. of e5i!ence. Another engaging !ebate a"ong the
historians is whether the first Tughla' -ha7i &alik was born to a 0at "other or not. t is generall.
assu"e! that sultan -ha7i &alik was born to &alik Tughla' who was a Turkic ,la5e an! a 0at
"other. Although conte"#orar. chronicler Firishta fin!s no sufficient e5i!ence which "ight throw
so"e light on the #arentage of the first tughla', ,o"ehow a general theor. e5ol5e! of tracing his
#arentage to &alik Tughla' an! a 0at "other. which subse'uentl. has also gaine! "uch su##ort an!
#o#ularit.. :ut another e"inent chronicler Afif su##orts this theor. hea5il. that the sultan=s
son &uha""a! bin Tughla' ga5e his brother in "arriage to the !aughter of a 0at noble"an who
howe5er confor"s to this "arriage b. threats. :. gleaning an! thoroughl. scrutini7ing all the
h.#otheses the historian >.< &a9u"!ar rightl. conclu!es that -ha7i &alik was born to a Turkic
sla5e an! a 0at "other.
!uhammd bin Tughlu (Arabic: ) (also "rin#$ Fakhr !alik, Jauna Khan;
!ie! /1 &arch )4@)) was the Turkic ,ultan of $elhi fro" )4/@ to )4@).
+e was the el!est son of
-hi.as6u!6!in Tughla'. +e was born in ;otla Tola. ;han in &ultan. +is wife was the !aughter of
the ra9a of $i#al#ur.
-hi.as6u!6!in Tughla' sent the .oung &uha""a! to the $eccan to ca"#aign
against king Prata#aru!ra of the ;akati.a !.nast. whose ca#ital was at Darangal. &uha""a!
succee!e! to the $elhi throne u#on his father=s !eath in )4/@. Fro" his accession to the throne in
)4/@ until his !eath in )4@), &ua""a! conten!e! with // rebellions, #ursuing his #olicies
consistentl. an! ruthlessl.. As his reign began, &ua""a! atte"#te!, without "uch success, to
enlist the ser5ices of the ula"W , the &usli" !i5ines, an! the XfYs, the ascetic ".stics. Failing to
win the ula"W o5er, he trie! to curtail their #owers, as so"e of his #re!ecessors ha!, b. #lacing
the" on an e'ual footing with other citi7ens. The ,ultan wante! to use the XfYsZ #restigious
#osition to stabili7e his authorit. as ruler. Jet the. ha! alwa.s refuse! an. association with
go5ern"ent an! woul! not acce#t an. grants or offices exce#t un!er !uress. &ua""a! trie! e5er.
"easure, conciliator. or coerci5e, to .oke the" to his #olitical wagon. Although he hu"iliate! the",
he coul! not break their o##osition an! succee!e! onl. in !is#ersing the" fro" the towns of
northern n!ia.The transfer of the ca#ital in )4/G to $eogir (now $aulataba!) was inten!e! to
consoli!ate the con'uests in southern n!ia b. large6scale[in so"e cases force!["igration of the
#eo#le of $elhi to $eogir. As an a!"inistrati5e "easure it faile!, but it ha! far6reaching cultural
effects. The s#rea! of the Hr!u language in the $eccan "a. be trace! to this extensi5e influx of
:etween )4/F an! )4/C the ,ultan increase! the lan! tax in the $oab[the lan! between the -anges
(-anga) an! Ja"una ri5ers[but the tax#a.ers resiste! it, es#eciall. because a se5ere !rought
coinci!e!. &ua""a!Zs last ex#e!ition, against the rebel aghY, en!e! with his !eath at ,on!a in
,in!h in )4@).
Sultan Fir%z Shah Tughlu (Persian: \]^_` ab cMde , +in!i: ; )41C ?
,e#te"ber /1, )4FF) was a Turkic &usli" ruler of the Tughla' $.nast., who reigne! o5er the
,ultanate of $elhi fro" )4@) to )4FF.
+e was the son of a +in!u #rincess of $i#al#ur.
father=s na"e was >a9ab (the .ounger brother of -ha7i &alik) who ha! the title Sipahsalar.
Fero7e ,hah Tughlu' succee!e! his cousin &uha""a! bin Tughlu' following the latter=s !eath
fro" a fatal illness, but !ue to wi!es#rea! unrest ,ultan Fero7e ,hah Tughlu'=s real" was "uch
s"aller than &uha""a!=s. ,ultan Fero7e ,hah Tughlu' was force! b. rebellions to conce!e 5irtual
in!e#en!ence to :engal an! other #ro5inces. ,ultan Firo7 ,hah Tughlu' was the ,ultan of $elhi
fro" )4@) to )4FF. At his succession after the !eath of &uha""a! Tughla', he face! "an.
rebellions, inclu!ing :engal, -u9arat an! Darangal. Nonetheless he worke! to i"#ro5e the
infrastructure of the e"#ire buil!ing canals, rest6houses an! hos#itals, creating an! refurbishing
reser5oirs an! !igging wells. +e foun!e! se5eral cities, inclu!ing 0aun#ur, Firo7#ur an! +issar6
Firo7a. n the "i! )4@1s he !e5elo#e! the cit. near $elhi, calling it Firo7aba!. &ost of that cit. was
!estro.e! as subse'uent rulers !is"antle! its buil!ings an! reuse! the s#olia as buil!ing "aterials,

an! the rest was subsu"e! as New $elhi grew.
The ,a..i! !.nast. rule! $elhi ,ultanate in n!ia fro" )8)8 to )8@). The. succee!e! the Tughla'
!.nast. an! rule! the ,ultanate until the. were !is#lace! b. the 3o!i !.nast..
Khizr Khan ibn !alik Sulaiman (reigne! )8)8?/)) was the foun!er of the ,a..i! !.nast., the
ruling !.nast. of the $elhi sultanate, in northern n!ia soon after the in5asion of Ti"ur an! the fall
of the Tughla' !.nast.. +e was known to be an able a!"inistrator. +e !i! not take u# an. title
fro" fear of A"ir Ti"ur an! conten!e! hi"self with the titles of Rayat-i-Ala (,ubli"e :anners) an!
Masnad-i-Aali or (&ost +igh Post). $uring his reign, coins were struck in the na"e of A"ir Ti"ur
an! after his !eath in the na"e of his successor ,hah >ukh. After his !eath on /1 &a. )8/), he was
succee!e! b. his son &ubarak ;han,
who took the title of Muizz-ud-Din Mubarak Shah.
Shahanshah &asir-ud-Din !uhammad Shah, Abu Al-Fatah
&asir-ud-Din R%shan Akhtar !uhammad Shah ()G8F?)G1/) also
known as R%shan Akhtar, was the &ughal e"#eror between )G)C
an! )G8F.
+e was son of ;hu9ista Akhtar, the fourth son of
:aha!ur ,hah . Ascen!ing the throne at )G with the hel# of the
,a..i! :rothers, he later got ri! of the" with the hel# of Asaf 0ah .
&uha""a! ,hah was a great #atron of the arts, inclu!ing "usical,
cultural an! a!"inistrati5e !e5elo#"ents, his #en6na"e was Sada
Rangila ("e5er 9o.ous").
Bahlul Khan '%di, (Persian: fgMhi jkgO ), (!ie! 0ul. )8FC) was chief of the Afghan 3o!i tribe
foun!er of 3o!i !.nast. of the $elhi ,ultanate
u#on the ab!ication of the last clai"ant fro" the
#re5ious ,a..i! rule.
:ahlul beca"e sultan of the !.nast. on )C A#ril )8@) (F@@ A+). :ahlul=s
gran!father, &alik :ahra", settle! in &ultan !uring the reign of Firu7 ,hah Tughlu' an! took
ser5ice un!er the go5ernor of &ultan, &alik &ar!an $aulat. &alik :ahra" ha! a total of about fi5e
sons. +is el!est son, &alik ,ultan ,hah 3o!i, later ser5e! un!er the ,a..i! !.nast. ruler ;hi7r
;han an! !istinguishe! hi"self b. killing in the battle later=s worst ene". &allu 'bal ;han. +e
was rewar!e! with the title of sla" ;han an! in )8)C a##ointe! the go5ernor of ,irhin!. :ahlul, the
son of &alik ;ala, the .ounger brother of &alik ,ultan was "arrie! to &alik ,ultan=s !aughter.
n his .outh, :ahlul was in5ol5e! in the tra!ing of horses an! once sol! his finel. bre! horses to the
,a..i! !.nast. ,ultan &oha""a! ,hah. As a #a."ent he was grante! a pargana an! raise! to the
status of amir. After the !eath of &alik ,ultan, he beca"e the go5ernor of ,irhin!. +e was allowe!
to a!! 3ahore to his charge. Ance, ,ultan &uha""a! ,hah aske! for his hel# when the &alwa
,ultan &ah"u! ,hah in5a!e! his territor.. :ahlul 9oine! the i"#erial ar". with /1,111 "ounte!
sol!iers. :. his cle5ernees, he was able to #ro9ect hi"self as a 5ictor o5er the ar". of the &alwa
,ultan an! ,ultan &uha""a! ,hah conferre! on hi" the title of Khan-i-Khanan. +e also acce#te!
:ahlul=s occu#ation o5er a large #art of Pun9ab.
Sikandar '%di (!ie! No5e"ber /), )@)G), born &izam Khan, was the ,ultan of $elhi between
)8FC to )@)G. +e beca"e the next ruler of the 3o!i !.nast. after the !eath of his father :ahlul ;han
in 0ul. )8FC.
The secon! an! "ost successful ruler of the 3o!i !.nast. of the $elhi sultanate +e
was also a #oet of the Persian language an! #re#are! a !iwan of C111 5erses.
,ikan!ar was the son of ,ultan :ahlul ;han 3o!i an! :ibi A"bha, the !aughter of a +in!u
gol!s"ith of ,irhin!. ,ikan!ar was of Pashtun origin through his father.
+e beca"e ,ultan u#on the !eath of his father on 0ul. )G, )8FC. +is rise to #ower was troubleso"e,
with his ol!er brother, :arbak ,hah, the 5icero. of 0aun#ur, also staking a clai" to the throne
!es#ite their father=s no"ination of ,ikan!ar. +owe5er, he was able to clai" the throne through
!elegation an! was able to a5oi! "assi5e bloo!she!. n fact, he allowe! his brother to kee#
go5erning 0aun#ur, while also settling !ifferences with an uncle, Ala" ;han, who was also
sus#ecte! of usur#ing the throne.
,ikan!ar #ro5e! to be a ca#able ruler who was kin! to his &usli" sub9ects, but was extre"el. harsh
to his +in!u sub9ects. +e ex#an!e! 3o!i territor. into the regions of -walior an! :ihar. +e "a!e a
treat. with Alau!!in +ussain ,hah an! his king!o" of :engal. +e was able to bring his nati5e
Afghan nobles un!er his control, an! encourage! tra!e across his hol!ings. n )@14, he
co""issione! the buil!ing of the #resent6!a. cit. of Agra.
&uch has been written about his religious intolerance. :o!han 6 a +in!u renunciate (sa!hu), was
burnt ali5e for the following: sla" an! +in!u $har"a are both e'uall. acce#table to -o! if
followe! with sincerit..
Ibrahim '%di (Pashto: jkgO l_mP^iP, +in!i: ;
born n ? A#ril /), )@/2) beca"e the ,ultan of $elhi in )@)G
after the !eath of his father ,ikan!ar. +e was the last ruler of the
3o!i !.nast., reigning for nine .ears between )@)G until being
!efeate! an! kille! at the battle of Pani#at b. :abur=s in5a!ing
ar". in )@/2, gi5ing wa. to the e"ergence of the &ughal
E"#ire in n!ia.
brahi" was an ethnic Pashtun through his father=s si!e. +e
attaine! the throne u#on the !eath of his father, ,ikan!ar, but
was not blesse! with the sa"e ruling ca#abilit.. +e face! a
nu"ber of rebellions. The &ewar ruler >ana ,angra" ,ingh
exten!e! his e"#ire right u# to western Httar Pra!esh an!
threatene! to attack Agra. There was rebellion in the East also.
brahi" 3o!i also !is#lease! the nobilit. when he re#lace! ol!
an! senior co""an!ers b. .ounger ones who were to hi".
+is Afghan nobilit. e5entuall. in5ite! :abur to in5a!e n!ia. n )@/2, the &ughal forces of :abur,
the king of ;abulistan, !efeate! brahi"=s "uch larger ar". in the :attle of Pani#at. brahi" was
kille! !uring the battle. t is esti"ate! that :abur=s forces nu"bere! aroun! /@,111641,111 "en an!
ha! between /1 to /8 #ieces of fiel! artiller.. brahi" 3o!i ha! aroun! 41,111681,111 "en along
with at least )11 war ele#hants.
&uha""a! -hori (!. )/12) ha! exten!e! his state southwar!s at the ex#ense of the -ha7na5i!s as
far as 3ahore an! "uch of >a9asthan an! the Pun9ab an! a##ointe! %utub6u!6!in Aibak as go5ernor
of this #art of his real". A sla5e of <u"an6;i#chak origin, he #roclai"e! in!e#en!ence after the
!eath of his #atron an! rule! fro" $elhi.
+is line is therefore known as the ,la5e (&a"luk)
$.nast. on account of his origin. Aibak began the construction of %utub &inar, which was
co"#lete! b. ltut"ish, his successor an! son6in6law. Aibak=s legiti"ate successor was his son
Ara"shah, but the nobles #referre! ltut"ish, the ,ube!ar of :a!aun. ltut"ish was the "ost able
ruler of the &a"luk ,ultanate. +e treble! the exche'uer !uring his reign. +e was followe! b. >a7ia
,ultana, his !aughter, who was a goo! a!"inistrator an! the first fe"ale so5ereign in n!ia. +er
ru"ore! relationshi# with a ,i!i a!5iser, 0a"al6u!6$in Ja'ut, as he continue! to rise in rank, ga5e
her nobles an excuse to re5olt against her. After Ja'ut was kille! an! >a7ia i"#risone!, she later
"arrie! Altunia (the -o5ernor of :hatin!a), but she was kille! b. her nobles after 4 an! half .ears.
:alban succee!e! her an! rule! until )/F2 <E. A great ,ultan, he was a ,ufi !e5otee an! highl.
regar!e! their ,aints; "an. a ,ufi ".stic settle! in his sultanate, though onl. one of the" rose to
full ascen!anc. o5er hi".
(citation needed*
Face! with re5olts b. con'uere! territories an! ri5al fa"ilies in
the tur"oil for succession after his !eath, the &a"luk !.nast. ca"e to an en! in )/C1.
&ain article: ;hil9i !.nast.
The ;hal9i !.nast. were the secon! &usli" !.nast. to rule the $elhi ,ultanate. The sla5e rulers lai!
a fir" foun!ation to the $elhi ,ultanate. Naturall. &usli"s fro" territories bor!ering to western
northern n!ia "igrate! to 9oin other &usli" settlers.
The first ruler of this !.nast. was 0alal6u!6!in Firo7 ,hah ;hil9i. +e was a weak ruler an! a!o#te! a
lenient #olic. towar!s the &ongols. +e got one of his !aughters "arrie! to tulugh ;han, the &ongol
lea!er.+e was kille! an! succee!e! b. his ne#hew Ali -ursha#, who took the title of Ala6u!6!in. +e
beca"e the ,ultan of $elhi in )/C2 <E. +e brought -u9arat &alwa an! &ewar un!er his rule. +e
was the "ost able ruler in the ;hal9i !.nast.. +e intro!uce! a free "arket #olic. in which he
!ecrease! the #rice of all essential ite"s nee!e! in !ail. life. The custo"s #olicies of Ala6u!6!in
;hal9i hel#e! !ouble the exche'uer. Accor!ing to Iia6u!6!in :arani, a scholar in the sultan=s court
sai! that "no gol!, sil5er, tankas, itals, on an. su#erflous co""o!ities, which are the causes of a
rebellion, are to be foun! in the houses of +in!us." After Ala6u!6!in=s !eath, there was a war of
succession a"ongst his sons. The last ;hil9i ruler was ;husrau &alik. +e was weak ruler an! he
was kille! b. -hiasu!!in Tughla' in A$ )4/1 an! thus, the Tughlu's ca#ture! the throne of $elhi.
&ain article: Tughla' !.nast.
The Tughla' !.nast. laste! for close to a hun!re! .ears. $uring this #erio!, "an. #arts of n!ia,
such as the states in southern n!ia beca"e in!e#en!ent. t #ro!uce! two #owerful ,ultans,
&uha""a! bin Tughla' an! Firo7 ,hah Tughla'. -hi.ath al6$in Tughla' ()4/1?)4/@), an efficient
"ilitar. co""an!er, was the first ruler of the !.nast.. +e was succee!e! b. 0auna ;han, who took
the title of &uha""a! bin Tughla' an! beca"e the "ost able ruler of the Tughlu' !.nast.. +e
beca"e the ,ultan in )4/@ <E. +is e"#ire co5ere! the regions fro" Peshawar in the North to
&a!urai in the ,outh an! fro" ,in!h in the west to Assa" in the East. &uha""a! "a!e atte"#ts at
i"#ro5ing the a!"inistration of his 5ast e"#ire. +e trie! to refor" the currenc.. +e "inte! new
co##er coins. +e or!ere! that co##er coins shoul! be use! in #lace of the gol! an! sil5er coins.
+owe5er, there was no control o5er the "inting of the co##er coins. This create! a lot of confusion
in the transactions. Therefore, &uha""a! "a!e arrange"ents for exchanging gol! an! sil5er coins
against co##er coins. This #ut a tre"en!ous strain on the go5ern"ent treasur.. +e ha! to take back
this sche"e. +e refuse! to acce#t the title of !mperor though he ex#an!e! his rule to the #eninsula.
+e !ouble! the exche'uer an! shifte! his ca#ital in )4/2 fro" $elhi to $aulataba!. +e was a "an of
i!eas, but he lacke! the skill re'uire! for #utting these into #ractice. E5en though his i!eas were
goo!, the. #ro5e! unsuccessful.That is wh. he is known as a confuse! genius. The last few .ears of
his reign witnesse! tur"oil an! rebellions e5er.where. +is e"#ire began to !isintegrate !uring his
own life6ti"e. +e !ie! in )4@) <E an! was succee!e! b. Firo7 ,hah Tughla' ()4@)?)4FF), who
was 5er. successful as a refor"er. A!"inistration was the best un!er the Tughla's. The last ruler of
this !.nast. was &oha""a! Tughla'.
&ain article: ,a..i! !.nast.
The ,a..i! !.nast. rule! $elhi ,ultanate in n!ia fro" )8)8 to )8@). The. succee!e! the Tughla'
!.nast. an! rule! the ,ultanate until the. were !is#lace! b. the 3o!i !.nast..
&ain article: 3o!i !.nast.
The 3o!i $.nast. was a Pashtun !.nast. that was the last $elhi ,ultanate. ,ikan!ar 3o!i who rule!
fro" A$ )8FC6)@)G was one of the better known rulers of this !.nast.. The !.nast. foun!e! b.
:ahlul ;han 3o!i rule! fro" )8@) to )@/2. The last ruler of this !.nast., brahi" 3o!i was !efeate!
an! kille! b. :abur in the first :attle of Pani#at on A#ril /1, )@/2.

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