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NID February, 2014 Workshop LAD 2

sem. Esther Brinkmann


Bag - Handbag pouch evening bag clutch - shopping bag rucksack
knapsack - kitbag - backpack tool bag wallet travelling bag - shoulder bag
vanity bag -

From functional to fashionable, the bag not only assembles divers objects to carry
and protects them, it also has the ability to protect the person who carries it !
The bag is one of the permanent instruments of the self-construction. It is
experienced as an extension of the self.
A bag represents a personal space, it mirrors the intimacy of a person (what does
she/he carry with her/him every day ? How are these things organized in the bag?).
A bag often indicates the social status of a person (social distinction).
In the urban contemporary world we observe that the more a woman is emancipated,
the bigger her bag.
It is also a functional accessory that allows people to distinguish themselves from
Functions :
Contain Carry - transport
protect arrange set - hide

Who carries a bag ? WHY ? WHEN ? WHERE ?

Chose 1 type of bag and describe:
a) the essential functions.
b) the qualities it should have.
c) who will use it.
d) in what kind of situations.
e) the best material(s) to realize it in our case the kind of leather.
f) the emotions that should be vehicled by this bag.
g) study the proprtions body-bag

Essential status symbol

Image EB Hermes Bag, image from the internet
Design and realize a leather bag and a collection of 3-5 different items to complete a
described contexte. Create a family of objects.

A) Define in words and/or images a contexte in which your pieces would fit.
B) Define in words and/or images the emotional, visual and practical qualities that
you will give your objects.
C) Make a list of possible accessories.
D) make scetches and paper models.
Understanding of the architecture of your bag, definition of the right size.
E) Realize mock ups in canvas.
Understanding the different parts of your bag and your accessories.
F) Realize one of the pieces.
G) Document the process.
H) Realize a booklet, a poster or a card to advertize your products.

Time Frame, flexible, except the deliverables for Friday 28.02.2014
Thursday, 13.02.2014 Introduction, discussion
Friday, 14. 02.2014 - Research and realize different models
Wednesday 19.02. Dfinition of the functional aspects, bag and accessories
Thursday 20. 02. Afternoon, visit the leather shops in Ahmedabad
Friday 21. 02.
Saturday 22.Thursday 27. Realize one final pice
Friday 28. Final presentation of part1 and end of the workshop
with Esther .
Deliverables :
Scetches, paper models and canvas mock up.
One final piece.
Presentation :
Each student has 15 min. to prsent her/his work
Exhibition of the work and the documents.
Oral presentation.

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