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!"#$%&'()*"# ", -($$

An analogy anu leaining cycle appioach

This is the thiiu lab of the five-lab expeiiment sequence. Each of these
laboiatoiies will be stiuctuieu aiounu a leaining cycle anu an analogical moueling

Expeiiment 1. Naking Expeiimental 0bseivations
Expeiiment 2. Papei Chiomatogiaphy
Expeiiment S. Conseivation of Nass
Expeiiment 4. Limiting Reagents
Expeiiment S: 0ltiaviolet-visible Spectioscopy


1. To obseive a piecipitation ieaction.
2. To use an analogical mouel to think about chemical inteiactions anu the
conseivation of mass in a piecipitation ieaction.
S. To uesign an expeiiment that suppoits the conseivation of mass.

56% 7(8 ", !"#$%&'()*"# ", -($$2
Atoms aie conseiveu in physical oi chemical tiansfoimations. The numbei of
each type (oi $9%1*%$) of atom is the same befoie the chemical ieaction as aftei the
chemical ieaction. Each atom has a paiticulai mass associateu with it. That means that
in a chemical ieaction, mass is conseiveu. The mass of the ieactants is equal to the mass
of the piouucts.
The conseivation of mass seems stiaight foiwaiu, but befoie atomic theoiy, the
iuea that mass is conseiveu in chemical ieactions was not obvious to expeiimentalists.
Biffeient types of chemical ieactions, when obseiveu, can appeai as if they have cieateu
oi uestioyeu mattei. Consiuei a combustion ieaction, wheie a block of woou (maue up
of a vaiiety of compounus containing hyuiogen, oxygen, anu caibon atoms) ieacts with
oxygen. Aftei the woou buins, the iesulting pile of ash is lightei than the block of woou.
Bowevei, in a combustion ieaction, atoms in the woou aie ieaiiangeu to foim watei
(B20) anu caibon uioxiue (C02) which aie ieleaseu as gases into the atmospheie. All of
the atoms in the oiiginal block of woou aie still piesent.
Piecipitation ieactions can also be misleauing. In a piecipitation ieaction, two
solutions containing soluble ions (which aie invisible to the eye in the solution) aie
mixeu anu ieact to foim a new compounu that it no longei soluble. The insoluble
compounu is a soliu that settles out of the solution. The insoluble soliu compounu is
calleu a 9&%1*9*)()%: It seems as if mattei has been cieateu fiom nowheie.
In this expeiiment, you will stuuy two piecipitation ieactions anu exploie an
analogical mouel foi the ieaction.

;#(4"<= 7%(&#*#< !=14% 7(>"&()"&= ?)&01)0&%2
@6($% A2 We will ask you anu a paitnei to go into the lab, follow a pioceuuie,
anu make obseivations.

@6($% B2 You will then be askeu to ieview mateiial that pioviues an explanation
about what you obseiveu in lab anu cieate an analogical mouel of the chemical ieaction.

@6($% C2 Befoie going back into the lab, you will be askeu to apply youi
unueistanuing by uesigning an expeiiment. You anu youi paitnei will then go back into
the lab to conuuct youi expeiiment anu gathei expeiimental iesults.

;# (#(4"<*1(4 D"/%42
We will use nuts anu bolts anu assign them to uiffeient types of ions anu
molecules to mouel the piecipitation ieaction. This analogy is useful in accounting foi
all of the chemical species (atoms, ions, complexes, etc.) piesent in a solution. In a
ieaction, when bonus bieak anu new ones foim, it is impoitant to have a way to keep
tiack of all of the chemical species. Nuts, bolts, anu nails come in uiffeient sizes. If you
aie given a box of nuts, bolts, anu nails, you will finu some "fit" togethei secuiely while
otheis uo not. In a similai way, if a solution has a collection of chemical species, some
combinations may ieauily inteiact, while othei combinations uo not. In the analogy
poition of this lab you will exploie how vaiious combinations of nuts, bolts anu nails
connect, anu ielate what you leain fiom the analogy to the behavioi of uiffeient
chemical species in the piecipitation ieaction.

@&%E4(> ;$$*<#D%#)

In youi lab notebook, please piepaie the following infoimation anu answei the
questions. You must complete the pie-lab befoie coming to the lab meeting oi you will
not be peimitteu to go into the laboiatoiy.

1. Please wiite a 2-S sentence intiouuction to the lab.

2. Please cieate a safety infoimation table incluuing the chemicals useu in the
lab, the hazaius associateu with them, anu any safety hanuling piecautions.
(See example.)

S. Bow uoes a balanceu chemical equation illustiate the conseivation of mass
in a chemical ieaction.

@&%9(&()*"# >%,"&% <"*#< )" )6% 4(>2
You shoulu paii up foi uoing lab woik in this expeiiment. If theie aie an ouu
numbei of paiticipants in lab, then one gioup shoulu have thiee people. Each paii of
stuuents shoulu uiscuss anu answei questions as they encountei them in this
expeiiment. These questions aie set off in the expeiiment ("F2"). The questions offei
guiuance uuiing the lab anu wiiting the answeis can help you piactice taking notes in
the laboiatoiy. Answeis to these questions uo not neeu to be copieu into youi lab
iepoit, but youi iesponses will be helpful while you aie wiiting it. Each stuuent is
INBIvIB0ALLY iesponsible foi collecting the infoimation neeueu to complete the lab
iepoit anu post-lab poitions of the expeiiment.
uoggles aie iequiieu at all times in the lab. Theie aie no exceptions. If you have
questions about safety, please uo not hesitate to ask youi laboiatoiy instiuctoi.

GH0*9D%#) (#/ $0994*%$2
Filtei papei
Long-stem funnel
2Su mL Eilenmeyei flasks anu beakeis
Electiic hot plate, wash bottle

@6($% A ", )6% 7%(&#*#< !=14%2 -(I*#< ">$%&'()*"#$

"#$ %&''&()*+ ,-.)/).)$0 0#&1'2 3$ -&45'$.$2 )* .#$ ',36

1. 0btain u.1 N NaCl anu u.1 N Ag(N0S) solutions.

F2 What aie the physicalobseivable chaiacteiistics of each of these solutions.

2. Nix togethei appioximately 1u mL of NaCl solution anu 1u mL of Ag(N0S) solution.
Recoiu the exact volumes.

F2 What happens when the solutions aie mixeu. Is theie eviuence of a
piecipitate foiming.

S. Allow the solutions to sit foi 1S minutes foi ieaction to complete. Buiing this time,
you shoulu move on to Phase 2 in the bieakout ioom.

56*$ *$ )6% %#/ ", @6($% A:
silvei nitiate : Ag(N0S)
souium chloiiue : NaCl
calcium chloiiue : CaCl2
!"#$%&$'$" )#*+,
!"#$ &'() *+##(,
@6($% B ", )6% 7%(&#*#< !=14%2 GJ94"&*#< )6% ;#(4"<=

"#$ %&''&()*+ ,-.)/).)$0 0#&1'2 3$ -&45'$.$2 )* .#$ 37$,8&1. 7&&46

56*#I*#< (>"0) >(4(#1%/ 16%D*1(4 %H0()*"#$2
A >(4(#1%/ 16%D*1(4 %H0()*"# has a lot of infoimation encoueu into it.
Consiuei the example below:

0ltimately, the balanceu chemical equations give you a
iecipe foi a ieaction using iatios of moles. In the example
above, it takes two moles of souium atoms anu one mole of
uichloiiue molecules to cieate two moles of souium
chloiiue. The D"4(& &()*" of souium to uichloiiue is 2:1.
The molai iatio of souium to souium chloiiue in the
ieaction is 1:1.
Bowevei, the iatio in the iecipe will still holu foi a
much smallei numbei of atoms anu molecules. Foi
example, in the ieaction above, we can say that 2 souium
atoms will ieact with 1 Cl2 molecule to cieate 2 molecules of
souium chloiiue. The pictuie below iepiesents this appioach:

In summaiy, chemical equations pioviue a geneial iatio of the amount of each
ieactant neeueu to cieate a ceitain amount of a paiticulai piouuct. Nolai iatios become
useful in pieuicting the mass of piouuct that can be expecteu.
!"##$ &'( )*"
+*&$,-.# $).)"
+ Cl
/(0$-1,+)$ ,23,-.)" *'4
5.2& '6 . +.1),-(#.1 .)'5
.1" +1"$"2) ,2 . 5'#"-(#"7 8
9#: 5'#"-(#" ,$ -'5+'$"3 '6
)4' 0'23"3 -*#'1,2" .)'5$7
9'"66,-,"2)$ )"## &'( )*"
2(50"1 '6 5'#"$7
/'; )*" +1'3(-) ,$ )4'
5'#"$ '6 )*" 5'#"-(#"
$'3,(5 -*#'1,3"
8 #.-< '6 -'"66,-,"2)
,23,-.)"$ '2" 5'#"
+ Cl
! !"#$ #$ % &'(()&*#'+ ', -./00
1 2/
%*'4$ '5 4'()&6()$
76$* (#8) % %"&$' #$ % &'(()&*#'+
', 20 )99$
56% 9&%1*9*)()*"# &%(1)*"#2
Now let's take a look at the chemical equation foi the piecipitation ieaction you
peifoimeu in Phase 1:

Consiuei all of the infoimation that you can extiact fiom the balanceu chemical
equation above.

F2 What is the piecipitate that is foimeu.

F2 What aie the molai iatios of the ieactants to each othei. What is the
molai iatio of each ieactant to the piouuct silvei chloiiue.

Because we aie uealing with ionic compounus, we can wiite the chemical
equation a uiffeient way:

;#(4"<*1(4 D"/%4 ,"& )6% 9&%1*9*)()*"# &%(1)*"#2
Now you aie going to constiuct an analogical mouel foi the ieaction of souium
chloiiue anu silvei nitiate that iesults in the foimation of the piecipitate silvei chloiiue
anu aqueous souium nitiate. In fiont of you shoulu be a vaiiety of haiuwaie. Theie aie
nails, bolts, anu two uiffeient sizes of nuts:

+ Ag(NO
+ AgCl
!"# %"#&'%() #*+(,'-. -/ ,"# 0#(%,'-. -/ 1-2'+& %")-0'2# (.2 1')3#0 .',0(,# ,-
40-2+%# 1-2'+& .',0(,# (.2 1')3#0 %")-0'2#5
NaCl(aq) + Ag(NO3)(aq) Na(NO3)(aq) + AgCl(s)
(aq) + Cl
(aq) + Ag
(aq) + (NO3)
(aq) Na
(aq) + (NO3)

+ AgCl(s)
Notice that the AgCl is not sepaiateu. This is because AgCl is an insoluble compounu. It
iemains a soliu anu uoes not sepaiate into a cation anu an anion in an aqueous solution.
Ionic compounus like NaCl anu Ag(N0S) aie soluble in aqueous solutions anu may
sepaiate into positively chaigeu species of ions (cations) anu negatively chaigeu
species of ions (anions). 0ne way of illustiating the behavioi of ionic compounus in
solution is a !"## %&'%( )*"+,%&' like the seconu equation, below:
!"# %&''()(*+
,&-(, #' *.+,

1. We woulu like you to assign each of the types of haiuwaie to each of the uiffeient
chemical species (see the full ionic equation) involveu in this ieaction.

As you assign the haiuwaie, consiuei that some combinations will fit togethei moie
tightly than othei combinations. The chloiiue ion has alieauy been assigneu as the bolt
(see the pictuie below). The chemical inteiaction between souium ions anu nitiate ions
in an aqueous solution is weak compaieu to the chemical inteiaction between silvei
ions anu chloiiue ions. Nake suie youi haiuwaie assignments ieflect this.

K%1"&/ which type of haiuwaie you assigneu to each chemical species in youi

2. Now, use the haiuwaie to cieate a iepiesentation of souium cations anu chloiiue
anions in a solution. Then, cieate a iepiesentation of silvei cations anu nitiate anions in
a sepaiate solution. These aie youi ieactants.

S. Next, "ieact" the haiuwaie iepiesentations of aqueous souium chloiiue anu aqueous
silvei nitiate by ieaiianging the ieactants to foim the haiuwaie iepiesentation of the
piecipitate silvei chloiiue anu aqueous souium anu nitiate ions.

F2 Bow uo youi haiuwaie choices illustiate the uiffeiences in solubility of
these ionic compounus.

S. Each stuuent shoulu fill out the 9*,'&+ .& ",7+$. 8"&I$6%%) *#/*'*/0(44= on page 7
(iemembei, you will each neeu to scan a legible copy of the woiksheet, since youi lab
iepoit will be electionically submitteu). As you fill out the woiksheet, please uiscuss it
with youi paitnei, if this helps you think about the chemistiy at the atomic scale.

When you have finisheu, ="0 6('% 1"D94%)%/ @6($% B:
(aq) + Cl
(aq) + Ag
(aq) + (NO3)
(aq) Na
(aq) + (NO3)

+ AgCl(s)
!"#$%& (% )#*&+( ,%*-./++( #$%&' 0( )%*'+ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"#$$ %&' '(#) *%+,)(--' !"#!$!#%&''( .) /%& 0-+1%+2 '(- .3.$%4/ .5'#6#'/7 8%+, '%4-'(-+ '% 9#)5&)) )#2#$.+#'#-) .39 9#11-+-35-)7 :.5( )'&9-3' 2&)'
#35$&9- . )5.33-9 5%0/ %1 '(#) )(--' *#'( '(-#+ $.; +-0%+'7 <.,- )&+- /%&+ )5.3 #) -3'#+-$/ $-4#;$-7 =$-.)- '&)*' '(- 5%20%3-3') #3 /%&+ 9+.*#34)7

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5%6472 #"6 8/$%*46+ 4%". 4"
#" #97+%7. .%$7(4%"
-.*$%/'0 1. :%7* /#*6;#*+
#..4&"2+"(. <%* (/+.+ .3+84+.
54$=+* #"6 "4(*#(+ 4%". 4" #"
#97+%7. .%$7(4%" -.*$%/'0 1.
:%7* /#*6;#*+ #..4&"2+"(.
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)/+ #8(4%" %< *+#**#"&4"& (/+
/#*6;#*+ -.*$%/'0 1. (/+
8/+248#$ *+#8(4%"
54$=+* 8/$%*46+ #"6 .%6472 "4(*#(+
4" #" #97+%7. .%$7(4%" -.*$%/'0 1.
(/+ /#*6;#*+ 3*%678(. %< (/+
5424$#*4(4+.> 23%1
-3%/%-1'/4514-5 0.'5
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8413 13' 1%/&'19

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/'$/'5'61 13'

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#97+%7. .%$7(4%">
54$=+* "4(*#(+ 4" #" #97+%7.
)/+ 8/+248#$ *+#8(4%"> )/+ 3*%678(. %< (/+ *+#8(4%" 4" #"
#97+%7. .%$7(4%">
@6($% C2 L%$*<#*#< %J9%&*D%#)$

:',* ;&17 $<5$7)4$*.0 )* .#$ 37$,8&1. 7&&4 3$%&7$ 57&-$$2)*+ .& ',3 .&
-&45'$.$ .#$46

M$*#< )6% (#(4"<*1(4 D"/%4 )" D(I% 9&%/*1)*"#$2

F2 Why is mass conseiveu in chemical ieactions. Explain the law of
conseivation of mass at the moleculai level. 0se the analogical mouel to
justify youi answei.

56% %J9%&*D%#)2

We woulu now like you to uesign an expeiiment to exploie the conseivation of
mass in a uiffeient piecipitation ieaction between calcium chloiiue anu silvei nitiate
anu answei the following scientific question:

?1*%#)*,*1 F0%$)*"#2 Is the numbei of moles of silvei chloiiue piouuceu in the chemical
ieaction equal to the numbei of moles of silvei anu chloiiue in the ieactants.

0se the =$0)+*)*+ ><5$7)4$*.0 woiksheet (page 1u) to summaiize this piocess. You
will hanu in one copy of this sheet as a lab gioup at the enu of lab. Nake suie to also
take caieful notes of the piocess in youi laboiatoiy notebook.

The balanceu chemical equation foi the ieaction of calcium chloiiue anu silvei nitiate

F2 Why is it necessaiy to stait youi ieaction with twice as many moles of
silvei nitiate (Ag(N0S) ) than calcium chloiiue (CaCl2).

In the lab, you will have the following solutions to woik with:

u.1N Ag(N0S) u.1N CaCl2
u.2N Ag(N0S) u.2N CaCl2

The next page has 6%49 with calculations anu techniques to help you plan the

Nake suie that you 16%1I *# with youi laboiatoiy instiuctoi befoie staiting youi
+ 2Ag(NO
+ 2AgCl
N"8 D(#= D"4%$ (&% *# (# (H0%"0$ $"40)*"#O
Youi ieactants, CaCl2

anu Ag(N0S), aie uissolveu in watei.
The D"4(&*)= of a solution tells you how many moles CaCl2 aie
in a litei of that solution. Nolaiity is a measuie of
concentiation. Foi example, if the bottle says u.1N on it,
that means theie woulu be u.1 moles of CaCl2 in a litei of
that solution. You, of couise, iaiely will want to use a
whole litei of solution.
To figuie out how many moles of CaCl2 aie in 1umL of
a u.1N solution, heie's what you can uo:
(u.u1 Liteis)(u.1 molesLitei) = u.uu1 moles of CaCl2

P6() '"40D% ", $"40)*"# $6"04/ . 0$% *, . 8(#) ( $9%1*,*1 #0D>%& ", D"4%$O
Say you know you want to use u.uu2 moles of Ag(N0S) in the ieaction. Bow
much solution (what volume) shoulu you use. If it's a u.1N solution, you can calculate
the volume that woulu contain u.uu2 moles this way:
(u.uu2 moles)(u.1 molesLitei) = u.u2 liteis oi 2u milliliteis.

?%9(&()*#< 9&%1*9*)()%2
A technique that will be useful is <&('*)= ,*4)&()*"#. uiavity filtiation involves
using filtei papei to sepaiate the insoluble solius (the piecipitate) fiom a solution to
obtain a cleai solution (the ,*4)&()%) in a new beakei.
0btain a piece of 12.S oi 1S cm ashless filtei papei. Folu the ciicle in half to foim
a semiciicle. Then folu the semiciicle in half. 0pen it into a cone anu teai off a small
piece of the uppei, outsiue coinei. This will impiove the seal between the filtei papei
anu the funnel. The figuie below uemonstiates the foluing of filtei papei:

Place the folueu filtei papei in ( 4"#<E$)%D ,0##%4 that is attacheu to a iing
stanu. Place a beakei unueineath to collect filtiate. Poui liquiu fiom the ieaction into
the funnel to wet the filtei papei. Then, slowly poui the iest of the ieaction thiough the
funnel. The solius will be tiappeu in the filtei papei.

L&=*#< 9&%1*9*)()%2
0nce you have obtaineu piecipitate in the filtei papei, it will be wet. The watei
molecules will auu mass, so we neeu to get iiu of them. To uo this, we can use
acetone anu heat to help the watei evapoiate. Tuin on a hot plate. M#/%& )6%
6""/, poui acetone into a wash bottle. Caiefully folu up the filtei papei with
piecipitate insiue anu place it on a watch glass. M#/%& )6% 6""/, holu the
watch glass at an angle ovei a beakei anu use the wash
bottle to gently soak the filtei papei anu piecipitate,
letting excess acetone uiain into the beakei below.
Then, iemove papei wpiecipitate, unfolu anu place
on hot plate to uiy. Biying will take 1u - 2u minutes.
!"#$%&'( * +"#,-
+'( ,)"(*
!"#$% '("))
Names: Expeiiment #:
Signatuies: Section:

L%$*<#*#< GJ9%&*D%#)$ P"&I$6%%)
!"#$%# '%# ()*% %)##( (+ %',,$-*.# /+'- "$0 1-+'23% #42#-*,#5( $56 7*56*51%8 ?$%&7$ +&)*+
)*.& ',3@ #,/$ ;&17 ',3 )*0.71-.&7 -#$-8 ,*2 )*).),' ).6 "#)0 (&780#$$. )0 .& 0134)..$2
,0 5,7. &% ;&17 ',3 7$5&7.6 A,8$ 017$ .#,. (#$* 0-,**$2@ ). )0 $*.)7$'; '$+)3'$B

Please uesciibe youi
pioposeu expeiiment.

9:)#;< *5 =*() /+'- "$0
*5%(-';(+- 0#7+-#

Instiuctoi's initials:________
(attach extia pages if neeueu)

Besciibe the uata you

(attach extia pages if neeueu)

What claims can you

K%,4%1)*"#$ Q 9"$)E4(> /*$10$$*"# R<&"09 /*$10$$*"#S

?+ 0# ;+,2"#(#6 $( ()# @#-/ #56 +7 ()# "$0+-$(+-/ %#%%*+5

1. In a gioup, uiscuss how the moles of AgCl piouuceu compaie to the initial moles of Ag
anu Cl in the ieactants. What aie some ieasons (e.g., souices of eiioi) that may have
impacteu youi iesults.

2. In a gioup, uiscuss how the analogical mouel can be useu to explain how youi
expeiiment suppoits the conseivation of mass to someone who thinks that
piecipitation ieactions cieate mattei.
.#$)&01)*"#$T ,"& ="0& 4(>"&()"&= &%9"&) R/0% #%J) 4(> D%%)*#<S
Youi assignment has been to uesign an expeiiment, gathei eviuence, analyze the eviuence, anu
constiuct scientific claims. Now we woulu like you to wiite a iepoit that explains this piocess.

K0>&*12 ?%1)*"#2
ueiiveu fiom
eviuence, using
scientific ieasoning.
RAU 9)$ )")(4S
?0DD(&= ", 14(*D$2
Cleaily state the majoi conclusions oi claims that answei the scientific
question: In the ieaction between calcium chloiiue anu silvei nitiate, how uo
the numbei of moles of silvei chloiiue piouuceu in the chemical ieaction
compaie to the initial numbei of moles of silvei anu chloiiue in the ieactants.
Scientific uata that
suppoits the claim.
The uata neeus to be
appiopiiate anu
sufficient to suppoit
the claim.
Submission of the
Analog to Taiget anu
Woiksheets aie
RCV 9)$ )")(4S
Pioviue backgiounu infoimation to put the expeiiment in context. What is the
law of the conseivation of mass. Why is it impoitant in chemistiy. What
chemical ieaction uiu you stuuy in Phase S anu why.

In a naiiative (not numbeieu uiiections) caiefully uesciibe how you uevelopeu
youi pioceuuie anu what you uiu. Bow uiu you collect eviuence. Biu anything
go wiong. You may iefeience paits of this pioceuuie by pioviuing the title anu
web auuiess. Nake suie to show how you calculateu how much of each
ieactant you useu.

Caiefully oiganize anu piesent the uata you collecteu that suppoits youi
aigument. Pioviue ielevant chemical equation(s). Piesent youi obseivations of
qualitative uata. Show how you calculateu the moles of the ieactants. Incluue
the mass of the silvei chloiiue. Show how you calculateu the moles of silvei
chloiiue piouuceu.
explanations that
use eviuence anu
chemistiy concepts
to constiuct claims.
RCV 9)$ )")(4S
Explain why the eviuence you piesenteu suppoits youi claim. Explain why the
calculations you piesent aie necessaiy anu what they show.

What unueilying chemical explanations can you pioviue about youi eviuence.
0se the lab pioceuuie, outsiue souices, oi talk to youi instiuctoi to gathei
infoimation. Be suie to uiscuss the phenomena at both the submicioscopic
(moleculai) level anu macioscopic (visible to youi eyes) level.

M$% )6% (#(4"<*1(4 D"/%4 )" ,0&)6%& /%'%4"9 ="0& %J94(#()*"#$ ", )6%
&%$04)$ (#/ )6% 0#/%&4=*#< 16%D*1(4 1"#1%9)$ )6&"0<6"0) ="0&
*ueneial instiuctions foi completing youi laboiatoiy iepoit aie available in the couise
guiue: http:umaine.euugeneial-chemistiylab-iepoit-instiuctions . Be suie to look
ovei the examples anu guiuelines in the couise guiue as well as the specific instiuction

;))(16 )6%$% *)%D$ )" )6% %#/ ", ="0& 4(>"&()"&= &%9"&)2
1. The analog to taiget woiksheet (legible scan).
2. The uesigning expeiiments woiksheet (legible scan).

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