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A/N So I said I wouldnt write anything. But I did.

Guess its all Charlies fault that

wee biatch (cheers for being a sashin beta!" So yeah all your fault# ho$e you li%e
your role. &o all yee others re'iew! Now! Clic% that finger! Also than%s to (na for
chatting to e and for re)uesting *se+ in the beach to be in it# I will ne'er reco'er
fro that and fro restraining e fro doing soething li%e trying to write a ,i--ie
fic. ,o'e ya for that.
.isclaier/ I own neither 01 or the songs. Songs stolen and twisted by e for y
own auseent are# in chronological order/
23h what a Beautiful 4orning5
2(i (o5 6 7 &he Se'en .warfs
28ind beneath y 8ings5 6 Bette 4idler
29: windows56 Nada Surf
2Its 1aining 4en5 6 &he 8eathergirls
2&e)uila (it a%e e ha$$y"5 6 &error'ision
2I too Se+y (for y shirt"5 6 1ight Said ;red
<ing ,ouis Song 6 7 &he =ungle Boo%
2I dont %now how to lo'e hi5 6 =esus Christ Su$erstar
2Aint No Sunshine5 6 Bill 8ithers
2Se+ 3n &he Beach5 6 &>S$oon
2,i--ie 4cGuire thee5
2&han% ?ou ;or the 4usic5 6 Abba
2Coe 8hat 4ay5 6 4oulin 1ouge
6 @ 6
(=ohn 8ells# =ac% 3ran and 4ichael Crichton sit in a conference>style roo# with
their ugs of coffee dis$laying the 01 logo# 3ran $roudly wearing his 2I %illed
,uby!5 &>shirt."
8ells/ Aleans forwardB ,oo% =ac%# I not too sure about this.
3ran/ (ow can you not be sureC I tell you# the audience will la$ it u$. ,a$ it u$.
Crichton/ Aso%ing a cigar. Dauses# then breathes outB I agree with =ohnE as ideas go
its $retty far out. 8e let you ha'e *&he ,etter but I really thin% that this is $ushing
it a little.
3ran/ (ow could it go wrongC Con guys for the good of Carby%ind!
8ells/ 0'erythings for the good of Carby%ind with you are you obsessedCC &hey
arent real you %now! &his idea doesnt e'en really ha'e uch to do with Carby# its
Fust a regular day in the 01# in usical forat!
3ran/ DleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaseC A*woo%s at the two en.B 8ells/ I guess
theres no har in letting hi tryG
Crichton/ ($anic%ing" =ohn! ?ou cant let hi! Its too far out# its too strange its#
3ran/ 01 the 4usical.
8ells/ .an straight.
6 @ 6
ASC0N0H > 3$ens u$ in 01# ;ran%# Carter# Abby# Susan and Dratt standing at the
adit des%. (uing and ta$$ing their feet in rhyth. ;ran% is loo%ing $articularly
se+y# Carters tal%ing o'er the radio>thing to an abulance. Dratt wal%s to center
stage (where'er the hell that ay be" and begins to sing# wa'ing his ars around
li%e a bigGgirlB
Dratt/ &here are gurneys and $atients all around you
And you canIt lea'e without a $unch to the eye..........
&here are gurneys and $atients all around you
Carter/ Aste$$ing away fro the radio>thangB and a hot air balloonIs Fust fell fro
the s%y!
Abby/ Agrabbing Carters hand# he twirls her roundB But > oh# what a beautiful
orninI 3h# what a beautiful day
Carter/ I got a beautiful feelinI
0'IrythingIs goinI y way Ahe win%sB
A,u%a wal%s in# loo%ing beused. Susan starts siling wistfully at hi# whilst ;ran%
;ran%/ All the $atients are standinI li%e statues
All the $atients are standinI li%e statues
&hey donIt turn their heads as ,ord ,u%a rides by
But a little blonde ho is catchin his eye Ahe otions to SusanB
Dratt/ But > oh# what a beautiful orninI
3h# what a beautiful day
Carter/ I got a beautiful feelinI
0'IrythingIs goinI y way
Susan/ All the cries of dying $atients are li%e usic
All the cries of dying $atients are li%e usic
&he bree-e is so busy it blew down a tree (Abby begins to giggle"
And olI abby loc%hart is laughing at e
All/ 3h what a beautiful ooooooorningGA <erry wal%s in and loo%s sur$risedB
<erry/ G0& BAC< &3 831<!
;ran%/ but <erry# itIs @usical@
<erry / AndC
Susan/ Are you @totally@ FoylessC
<erry/ No. 3%# Should I Foin inC
8hole roo Aha$$ilyB / ?eah!
<erry/ Adee$ breathB (iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (o# (i (o# its 3;; &3 831< we go# if you dont
o'e your asses# IIll hit you with y glasses# (i (o# (i (o# (i (o (i (o.....
A0'eryone in the roo sighsB
;ran%/Anot singingB .ing dong the witch is bac%.
Carter/ 0&A for that hot air balloon accident is ten inutes.
Susan/ ?eah# well he deser'es e'erything he got.
Abby/ 8hat do you eanC
Susan/ .idnt you see it on the newsC (e was a si+ty>se'en year old ale# riding a
balloon with *get it here ebla-oned on the front in se)uins. If he doesnt deser'e to
get what he got# I dont %now who does.
Carter/ 8ell at least he was acti'e at si+ty>se'en
Susan/ So you wanna be li%e that when youre his ageC
Carter/ Better than being boring andGdead.
Susan/ ?eah dead# which he $robably is now.
Carter/ (in a cheesy $hiloso$hical way" Better to li'e your life and die early# than to
die late and not li'e at all. (Cast groan# Carter loo%s sul%y."
Susan/ ?eah# well thin% of his faily who ha'e to suffer because of hi! I hate it
when dad does thisG
Carter/ ($er%s u$" 8hat was thatC
Susan/ Nothing. But really I cant belie'e you su$$ort this guy!
Carter/ ($issy# as is his wont# a$$arently# seeing as his 2I a Big Boy Now5 anhood
is in )uestion" 8ell what you gonna do about itC
Susan/ (incensed" 8hat a I gonna doC 8hy I gonnaG Ashe hits hi s)uare
across the faceB
Carter/ 3uch!!
;ran%/ (0+cited for the ;irst. &ie. 0'er." I %now how we can resol'e this!
Susan/ (owC
;ran%/ Bo+ing.
Carter/ 8hatC!C
;ran%/ Bo+ing!
Carter/ ?ou want e to %ic% Susans assC
Susan/ (tries to be scared# but %nows what a wea% little an he is" (ey rich boy I
do yoga.
Gallant/ Aste$$ing inB I sorry> I cant watch this ha$$en Susan.
Susan/ J Gallant what the hell are you on aboutC
Gallant/ I cant watch a woan be hurt by a guy.
Abby/ (swooning" (es so noble!
Susan/ So what are you gonna doC
Gallant/ (deterined and 'ery se+y" I gonna ta%e your $lace. I gonna fight
Carter for you.
Susan/ 4y hero!
It ust ha'e been cold there in Dratts shadow#
&o ne'er ha'e a gun $ointed in your face
?ou were content to let hi shine# thatIs your way.
?ou always wal%ed a ste$ behind.
I'e always been the one with all the glory#
But today youll be the one with all the strength.
A beautiful face without a first nae for so long.
A beautiful sile to hide the $ain.
Ao$ens ars wide and turns to face her cha$ionB
.id you e'er %now that youIre y heroC
?oull beat u$ Carter Fust for e
I wish y dad wouldnt fly in hot air balloons
4i%ey be the wind beneath y wings.
Gallant/ It ight ha'e a$$eared to go unnoticed#
But II'e got it all here in y heart.
I want you to %now I %now the truth# of course I %now it.
I wouldnt be able to $ut in stitches without yooooooouuuuuG
Aturns to SusanB
.id you e'er %now that youIre y heroC
?ouIre e'erything I wish I could be.
I want to be a great doctor Fust li%e you#
Dlease ta%e e under your wing.
1oano/ AenteringB 8hy are you two singing about heroesC I %now @I@
e'erything# e'erything you wish you could be. Athe usic# it consues hi# and he
begins to sway# twirling and $ointing at the staffB
3h# and I# I can fly higher than Carter on Kicodin
County is the wind beneath y wings.
Icause you lot are the wind beneath y wings.
All of county inus 1oano/ 3h# the wind beneath your wings.
8e# we# we#we are the wind beneath your wings.
;ly# fly# fly away. 8e let you fly so high.
A1oano sir%sB
8e# we# we#we are the wind beneath your wings.
8e# we# we#we are the wind beneath your wings.
1oano/ ;ly# fly# fly high against the s%y#
So high I alost touch the s%y.
&han% you# than% you#
&han% God for you# the doctors who found y ar.
A(e s$routs wings and a halo# and fliesB
<erry/ 8hat Fust ha$$ened thereC
;ran%/ 8hat do you eanC
<erry/ ;ran% he flew. A I the only one here who finds that in the least a bit
AAbby rolls her eyes far enough into her head for the whole de$artentB
Carter/ H# L# M# N all together now!
All/ <erry its a @usical@!
6 @ 6
ASC0N0 L u$ on the 31 floor# 1oano sits in his office and Shirley entersB
Shirley/ .r 1oano! 8e need you in the 01# LN>year>old boy tried to s)uee-e a giant
-it. .idnt wor% out so good.
1oano/ Shirley I busy here. Cant you see thatC
Shirley/ .r 1oano you'e been *busy for the $ast few days. AShe goes to sit
down beside hiB
1oano/ SoC
Shirley/ 4aybe you should get bac% to the 31 gae.
1oano/ Shirley I busy# $age Corday and Fust lea'e e alone!
Shirley/ I dont thin% I can do that.
1oano/ Dage CordayC I'e always anaged to# it )uite si$le really ShirleyG
Shirley/ No# I..IGI dont thin% I can lea'e you li%e this
1oano/ (sna$s" ,i%e whatC
Shirley/ (concerned" .r 1oano you ha'ent eaten in days# you dont wor%# I
beginning to get worried.
1oano/ .ont be.
Shirley/ 8ell aybe you could tell e whats going on inside your head. AShe $ats
his cute little bald headB
1oano/ Asinging song by Nada surf to you $eo$le who wont recogni-e itB
Clusters of $eo$le tal%ing secretly to each other.
In the 01 you cannot tal% o$enly to anyone you donIt already %now.
N year olds# they ha'e got the right idea/ they Fu$ the line and hit it on the nose.
8hen we sit and we get )uiet# $eo$le coe and try to cheer us u$
Across the way there are 9: trauas I can see
ItIs far fro Christas and the 31 already has a tree
&he 01 tell us what they can already see
If it werent for the Id already be dead.
Id li%e to be a father who always eats with his son.
I li%e the rows of lights because they %ee$ e cal.
I feel far away fro you. So what else is newC
&he oon is closer to the sun than I a to anyone.
Shirley/ 4r cry$tic huhC
1oano/ (suddenly serious" Its Fust# e'eryones so ha$$y# e'eryones Fu$ing
around singing and I try but I cant be ha$$y. I wish I could Fust be ha$$y to be
ali'e# but I not because no atter how uch I fool yself I cant o$erate li%e I
used to. I lost the only thing I was good at Shirley and you want to cheer e u$C
Shirley/ Soeties we ha'e to acce$t our disabilities and wor% with what we ha'e.
1oano/ 4rs Cry$tic huhC
Shirley/ 8ell I try so are you going to hel$ out the Dus>eister or notC
1oano/ I can only try.
Athey wal% o'er to the 31# where the o$eration has started.B
Cora-on/ BD is rising
(eart rates getting low
According to our chart
&his guy wont be good to go
Corday/ CauseI today for the first tie
=ust about half $ast ten
;or the first tie in 31 history
ItIs gonna start rainingG$us
Cora-on and Shirley/ ItIs raining $us
Its all gooey
ItIs raining $us
ItIs raining $us
Its all gooey
ItIs raining $us
0dson/ BDs sto$$ed rising
(eart rates not so low
According to our onitor
&his guy is good to go
.awson/ CauseI today for the first tie
=ust after the first cut inC
;or the first tie in history
ItIs gonna start rainin $us
All/ ItIs raining $us
Its all gooey
ItIs raining $us
1oano/ II not gonna $ull y hood u$
II gonna let yself get
Absolutely soa%ing wet
Corday/ ItIs raining $us
ItIs raining $us
0'ery s$ecien
8hite# yellow# grey and Blue
1ough# tough and so strong too.
Shirley/ God bless .r 1oano
(es a single surgeon too
(e too% o'er the o$eration
And he did what he had to do
(e uc%ed it u$ )uite badly
So uch $us burst out fro each side
So that each and e'ery surgeon
8ould not reain all dry
1oano/ Go get yourself wet nurses
I %now you want to
All/ I feel another e+$losion coing on
About to begin
(ear the $o$$ing
Co'er u$ your head
&his orning you should'e Fust stayed in bed!
ItIs raining $us
Its all gooey
ItIs raining $us
6 @ 6
ASC0N0 M cut bac% to the 01 adit des%# where the cast are hanging around. ,u%a
is $laying with his tie# Susan is watching hi subtly and Abby is $racticing her
Bac%wards 0ye 1oll &wistB
,u%a/ .o you hear soething u$stairsC
Susan/ I thin% it sounds li%e singing.
Abby/ (dubiously" &he 31 in songC
Dratt/ 8hy notC It @is@ a usical!
Susan/ ?eah ha'ent you seen the 8i-ard of 3-C ?ou can do ost @anything@ in a
Abby/ AnythingC
Susan/ ?eah anything.
Abby/ 3%ay thenG
,u%a/ Jh Abby youre not going toGburst into song are youC
Abby/ Athe lights go down and Abby is $laced center stage with soe flashing lights
on her# Carter# u$on selling the ention of alcohol in ad'ance# enters and loo%s at
her in horrorB 3de to =ose the curse of cuer'o#
So hard to say no though it gi'es one the fe'er#
Dretends to be friendly#
&hen itIs all o'er# o'er#
ItIs all o'er# o'er#
Dretends to be fine#
&hen the curse of &0OJI,A#
Carter/ (annoyed" AbbyC Abby $lease shut u$.
Abby/ It a%es e ha$$y#
Cos te)uila it feels fine#
Con te)uila when the doors are o$ened#
And con te)uila when theyIre calling tie
&hatIs the curse of#
Asoe coc%tail sha%ers a$$ear idair and she grabs the and throws the u$ in the
air and catches theB Sierra sunrise and argarhitta#
&heyIll brea% your heart in the desert heat#
&ell you youIre thirsty#
&heyIll tell you youIre sober# sober#
ItIs all o'er# o'er#
&heyIll tell you youIre fine#
&hen the curse of &0OJI,A...
If thereIs a lot on your ind itIs there to hel$ you forget#
&o rela+ and rewind and lea'e behind the regret#
;irst si$ a%es you well before you %now it itIs tie#
And youIre saying to hell with the salt# leon and lie#
Salt# leon and lie# tie te)uila#
&hatIs the curse of te)uila Ashe throws a tray of drin%s at the 01 staff and grins at
the caeraB
Susan/ J Abby arent you su$$osed to be sober and e'erythingC
Abby/ ?our $oint beingG.
Susan/ JhG
Abby/ Susan its a usical. ?ou can do ost anything in a usical! ACarter
continues to loo% uni$ressed# and sto$s off in a Big (uffB
<erry/ 3i wor% you $eo$le! &his 01 isnt going to run itself y%now!
A,u%a stylishly slides o'er to a cheerleader to hel$ her.B
,u%a/ AsolderingB (ow can the great ,u%a hel$ youC
Cheerleader/ I thin% I tore a uscle when I was doing the s$lits.
,u%a/ ?ou %now thats not really that interesting. &he great ,u%a only hel$s
interesting $eo$le or old ladies with lots of oney.
Cheerleader/ 8ait! .ont go! IG.I tore a uscle whilst trying to sa'e y rich
granda fro a fire.
,u%a/ A$er%s u$# sniffing the airB 1ichC (ow richC
Cheerleader/ She has a cou$le hundred thousand tuc%ed awayG
,u%a/ No# thats not good enoughG
Cheerleader/ I ean a cou$le hundred illion!
,u%a/ &he ,u%a can see you now. So how would you li%e e to hel$ youC
Cheerleader/ J# soe $ain edsC
,u%a/ &heres a long )ueue for $ain edsG
Cheerleader/ 3h I sorry# Ill coe bac% later then.
,u%a/ AoffendedB &he chee%! ?ou dont thin% the ,u%a can flirt with a nurse well
enough to get the $ain edsC
Cheerleader/ J# did I say thatC
,u%a/ ?es!! ?ou should ha'e ore faith# you should reali-e thatG
Acatches the singing bug and ado$ts a dee$ 'oiceB
II too se+y for y lo'e too se+y for y lo'e
,o'eIs going to lea'e e
II too se+y for y shirt Astarts to unbutton said shirt to re'eal uscular chestB too
se+y for y nicely $atterned blac% sil% shirt
So se+y it hurts
Awantonly throws shirt# landing it on an old woans head. She faints. Carter# ha'ing
reco'ered fro his huff# enters again# in tie to watch in a i+ture of disgust and
auseent ,u%as fly is undoneB
And II too se+y for Croatia too se+y for 4ilan
Chicago and =a$an
And II too se+y for your $arty
&oo se+y for your $arty
No way II disco dancing
Acoences se+y wal% through chairs# with a twirl at the endB
II a odel you %now what I ean
And I do y little turn on the catwal% Awin%sB
?eah on the catwal% on the catwal% yeah
I do y little turn on the catwal%
Aa few other rando $atients faintB
II too se+y for y car too se+y for y car
&oo se+y by far
And II too se+y for y big $i$ hat
&oo se+y for y hat what do you thin% about that
II a odel you %now what I ean
And I do y little turn on the catwal%
?eah on the catwal% on the catwal% yeah
I sha%e y little touche on the catwal%
II too se+y for y too se+y for y too se+y for y
ICos II a odel you %now what I ean
And I do y little turn on the catwal%
?eah on the catwal% on the catwal% yeah
I sha%e y little touche on the catwal%
II too se+y for y Fob too se+y for y Fob
Door Fob $oor Fobby cat
II too se+y for y lo'e too se+y for y lo'e
,o'eIs going to lea'e e
And II too se+y for this songA1oano entersB
1oano/ <o'ac! &his is getting tiresoe now. ?ou thin% you %now it all! 8ell I'e got
news for youG.. Asings his fa'ourite childhood song# a classic fro &he =ungle Boo%B
8ell# II the %ing of the swingers ohhhhhhhhh# y @elbow@ 1IDG
<erry/ Astoring $ast with her Cane of =usticeB .r 1oano! If you wanna sing# sing
soewhere else. &his is County not the Dirates of Den-ance!
6 @ 6
ASC0N0 N the roof. Abby stands there and Carter enters# but she doesnt see hi
and sings to the thin airB
Abby/ I donIt %now how to lo'e hi.
8hat to do# how to o'e hi.
II'e been changed# yes really changed.
In these $ast few days# when II'e seen yself#
I see li%e soeone else.
I donIt %now how to ta%e this.
I donIt see why he o'es e.
(eIs a an. (eIs Fust a an.
And II'e had so any en before#
In 'ery any ways#
(eIs Fust one ore.
Should I bring hi downC
Should I screa and shoutC
Should I s$ea% of lo'e#
,et y feelings outC
I ne'er thought IId coe to this.
8hatIs it all aboutC
.onIt you thin% itIs rather funny#
I should be in this $osition.
II the one whoIs always been
So cal# so cool# no lo'erIs fool#
1unning e'ery traua
(e scares e so.
I ne'er thought IId coe to this.
8hatIs it all aboutC
?et# if he said he lo'ed e#
IId be lost. IId be frightened.
I couldnIt co$e# Fust couldnIt co$e.
IId turn y head. IId bac% away.
I wouldnIt want to %now.
(e scares e so.
I want hi so.
Carter/ AbbyC
Abby/ (shoc%ed" Carter! I Gdidnt see you there.
Carter/ Asensing his chance to steal *roantic leadB
I ne'er thought IId coe to this.
8hatIs it all aboutC
I telling you that I lo'e you.
;eel lostC ;eel frightenedC
I could hel$ you co$e# I could hel$ you co$e.
.ont turn your head# dont bac% away.
I want to %now.
Abby/ It scares e so
Both/ I want you so.
Ahe wal%s slowly towards her and leans in to %iss her. In houses across the world#
legions of AntiCarbies stic% needles in their eyesB
6 @ 6
ASC0N0 P bac%stage before the fight. Gallant is in his dressing roo tal%ing to
Susan/ Gallant why are you doing this for eC
Gallant/ Because I res$ect you.
Susan/ Is that the only reason whyC
Gallant/ ?es.
Susan/ 3h.
Gallant/ 8ell# actually its not the only reason. &heres this girl that I really want to
Susan/ AblushingB 3hC
Gallant/ Shes talented# beautiful and I really lo'e her.
Susan/ 3h 4i%eyG
Gallant/ Shes called Charlie.
Susan/ 8hatC!C
Gallant/ She bro%e u$ with e Fust before I went to ed school.
Susan/ 3h what a shae.
Gallant/ AinIt no sunshine now sheIs gone.
ItIs not war now sheIs away.
AinIt no sunshine now sheIs gone
And shes been gone too long this tie she went away.
8onder where sheIs gone#
8onder if sheIs gone to stay
AinIt no sunshine now sheIs gone
And I Fust dont feel whole now shes gone away
And I %now# I %now# I %now# I %now# I %now#
I %now# I %now# I %now# I %now# I %now# I %now# I %now#
I %now# I %now# I %now# I %now# I %now# I %now#
I %now# I %now# I %now# I %now# I %now# I %now# I %now# I %now
(ey# I ought to lea'e the young thing alone#
But ainIt no sunshine now sheIs gone# only dar%ness e'eryday.
AinIt no sunshine now sheIs gone#
And I Fust dont feel whole now Charlies gone away
Now Charlies gone away.
Now Charlies gone away.
Now Charlies gone away.
Now Charlies gone away.
Acut to the bo+ing ring.B
Announcer (=erry" / And in the red corner we ha'e the strong# the gorgeous# the
asculine > =ohn Carter! (Cheering as Carter enters the ring# with Abby by his
wonderful gorgeous side" And in the blue corner we ha'eG the cute# the sensiti'e#
the downright sweetest >4ichaaaaaaaaaaaeel GallantG(Cheers as he enters# Susan
by his side. Suddenly fro the crowd Fu$s Charlie who sho'es Susan out the way
and wal%s with 4i%ey who loo%s ecstatic"
A*1oc%y thee $lays as the bo+ing beginsG.. fade outGB
6 @ 6 ASC0N0 Q on the beach. Carter and Abby wal% on the beach.B
Abby/ I cant belie'e you didnt win.
Carter/ 4eh > (e wanted the lo'e of a girl# I ha'e one! I let hi win.
Abby/ 4y hero!
Carter/ Dlease do hold off fro any stunning renditions of *8ind beneath y wings it
was disturbing earlier and I doubt tie will a%e it any less disturbing.
Abby/ I wasnt going to sing.
Carter/ ?ou werentC
Abby/ No# I wasnt I really dont dig the whole usical thing.
Carter/ So why dont we Fust ha'e a nice rela+ing usic>free scene.
Abby/ I wont sing 4oulin 1ouge if you wont!
Carter/ But 0le$hant ,o'e 4edley would go so well here.
Abby/ Are you telling e that were in lo'eC
Carter/ No# Di+ is telling 3ran to tell e to tell you that were in lo'e.
Abby/ Good enough for e.
Carter/ 1eallyC
Abby/ 3h 8eh 3h 8eh 3h > .a Girl &he# .a Girl &he# .a Girl &he (o!
3h 8eh 3h 8eh 3h > Coe 3n &hereIs A Darty &onight
Carter/ Atrys to be *down wit da hoies Soewhere bac%stage# Dratt groans. &his
was his song# and Carters destroying itB
1eal And Crucial Deo$le!
3riginal <ing ,o'er &al%inI J$on &he 4icro$hone
?es 4e Coe ,i%e Al Ca$one
And 4e Sing/
Abby/ I 8anna (a'e Se+ 3n &he Beach Coe 3n 4o'e ?our Body
Se+ 3n &he Beach
I 8anna (a'e Se+ 3n &he Beach
Coe 3n &hereIs A Darty
Se+ 3n &he Beach
Carter/ I Ne'er Gonna ,ea'e ?ou Alone
&he &ide Is (igh And &he Groo'e Is 3n
?ou said your nae was Abby
R8ould ?ou ,i%e A .rin% 3f 4eCR
Bi%ini 3n &he ,eft# .a)uiri 3n &he 1ight
Coe And Gi'e 4e ,o'inI All &hrough &he Night
.o &he 8ild &hing# .ingalingaling
Girl I 8anna (ear ?ou Sing
Abby/ .a Girl &he# .a Girl &he# .a Girl &he (o!
&he All ,i%e &o (a'e ;un Now
.a Girl &he# .a Girl &he# .a Girl &he (ey!
Carter/ A$oints his finger at her and Figgles his buttB Girl I 8anna (ear ?ou Sing
Abby/ I 8anna (a'e Se+ 3n &he Beach
Coe 3n 4o'e ?our Body
Se+ 3n &he Beach
I 8anna (a'e Se+ 3n &he Beach
Coe 3n &hereIs A Darty
Se+ 3n &he Beach
Coe 3n &hereIs A Darty &onight!
Carter/ 3 8eh 3h 8eh 3h > 1eal And County Deo$le!
3 8eh 3h 8eh 3h > Coe 3n &hereIs A Darty &onight
Abby/ I 4et A guy naed ,u%a
(e Cae Straight ;ro Croatia
Now he .oes 0'erything I Say 0h
.ing .ong# A 1ing .ong
Coe Baby Coe# No ?ou CanIt Go 8rong
.o &he 8ild &hing# &a%e A ,ittle Swi
II Gonna 4a%e ?ou Sing
Carter/ .a Girl &he# .a Girl &he# .a Girl &he (o!
&he All ,i%e &o (a'e ;un Now
.a Girl &he# .a Girl &he# .a Girl &he (ey!
Girl II Gonna 4a%e ?ou Sing
Abby/ .a Girl &he# .a Girl &he# .a Girl &he (o!
Both/ I 8anna (a'e Se+ 3n &he Beach
Coe 3n &hereIs A Darty
Se+ 3n &he Beach
Coe 3n &hereIs A Darty &onight
Afade to blac% to %ee$ this away fro an 1 ratingB
6 @ 6
ASC0N0 S finale# e'eryone stands outside county. Its cold. &heres snow.B
.eb/ Aarri'ing for the first tieB/ If you Belie'e
8eI'e got a $icture $erfect $lan
8eI'e got you fooled
CauseI 8e only do the best we can
And soeties we a%e it
Soeties we fa%e it
And we get one ste$ closer each and e'ery day
8hen we figure it out our own waaaaaaaaaaaay.
Dratt/ 8hat did I tell you about watching ,i--ieC It bad for you girl.
.eb/ 8ell you thin% of a better finale song then.
Dratt/ 8ill do. Con guys lets sing!
=erry/ II nothing s$ecial# in fact II a bit of a bore
.eb/ Dratt thats lae. Con girls lets do better.
Athe boys continue their de'astation of ABBA# whilst the girls# who all secretly
wanted to be Nicole <idan when they watched 4oulin 1ouge# sing their own song.B
Abby/ Ne'er %new I could feel li%e this
Carter/ If I tell a Fo%e# youI'e $robably heard it before
<erry/ ($ointedly# still not in the s$irit" ,i%e II'e ne'er seen @wor%@ before
Gallant/ But I ha'e a talent# a wonderful thing
Susan/ I want to 'anish inside your %iss 4i%ey
;ran%/ But e'eryone grubles when I start to singGG..
.eb/ 0'ery day I lo'e Dratt ore and ore
Dratt/ II so grateful and $roud
Chuny/ ,isten to y lines# can you hear e singC
,u%a/ Atrying to drown out the girls# es$ecially Chuny# who is e'en less $retty and
s$ecial than AbbyB All I want is to sing it out loudG
,ydia/ &he doctors tell e to fetch e'erything
=erry/ So I say
(aleh/ Seasons ay change# winter to s$ring
Carter/ &han% you 3ran for the usic# the songs II singing
Abby/ But County will be here until the end of tie
Gallant/ &han%s for all the ratings theyre bringing
Susan/ Coe what ay
;ran%/ 8ho can li'e without us# I as% in all honesty
.eb/ Snow in 4ay
;ran%/ 8hat would life beC
Corday/ I will lo'e 4ar% until y dying day
Dratt/ 8ithout a song or a scal$el what are weC
<erry/ Afinding her 'oiceB Suddenly the world sees such a $erfect $lace
,u%a/ So I say than% you for the storyline
Abby/ Suddenly it o'es with such a $erfect grace
1oano/ AFu$ing in front of ,u%a before he can utter the ne+t lineB ;or gi'ing it to
Susan/ Suddenly y life doesnIt see such a waste
;ran%/ 4other says I was a dancer before I could wal%
.eb/ It all re'ol'es around 01
=erry/ She says I began to sing long before I could tal%
Corday/ ;all off a ountain highC
Carter/ And II'e often wondered# how did County all startC
<erry/ ;all in a ri'er wideC
,u%a/ 8ho figured out to restart a heartC
Shirley/ Sing out this song well be there by your side
1oano/ .o a can>canC
Abby/ Stor clouds ay gather
Carter/ 8ell# whoe'er wrote this I a fan
.eb/ And cars ay collide
=erry/ So I say
Susan/ But I lo'e y Fob until the end of tie
Dratt/ &han% you &D&B for the usic# the songs II singing
<erry/ Coe what ay
,u%a/ &han%s for all the Foy theyIre bringing
Corday/ Bad continuity its S&I,, ayC
Gallant/ 8ho can li'e without e# I as% in all honesty
Abby/ I will lo'e hi until y dying day
=erry/ 8hat would life beC
Susan/ 3h# coe what ay# coe what ay
1oano/ 8ithout carby fu-- what are weC
Ae'eryone stares at hi. (e shrugs. (e is 3rans bitchB
.eb/ I will lo'e you# I will lo'e you
Carter/ So I say than% you for the carby
<erry/ Suddenly the world sees such a $erfect $lace
Dratt/ ;or gi'ing it to e
Carter/ A$ushing hi to one sideB to eeeee
ADratt $ushes bac%. Abby senses her solo.B
Abby/ to eee
ACast $ush in front of the bic%ering threesoeB
All/ So we say
&han% you for the usic# the song were singing
&han%s for all the Foy theyIre bringing
8ho can li'e without us# I as% in all honesty
8hat would life beC
8ithout a song or a dance what are weC
So I say than% you for the usic
;or gi'ing it to us
A$an outB
6 @ 6 3ran/ So guysC &houghtsC ;eelingsC
8ells/ Asha%es headB As an e$isode it doesnt wor%.
Crichton/ 4aybe as a feature length filG
&(0 0N. By .1 .a'e J<

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