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City College Norwich A2 Media Studies Name: Victoria Casey

Music Video Proposal

Band & Track Name: Karliene For The Man I Loved

Running Time: 3:43
General style of music video:
My music video will be following a lot of codes and conventions of theorist Andrew
Goodwin. For example, I plan to use a lot of close ups of the artist, and there is a strong
relationship between the music and visuals (although not the visuals and lyrics). Goodwin
highlighted that particular genres have their own music video style and iconography. The
genre of song used in my music video is indie/singer-songwriter, which is why I chose to film
at a beach. Indie music videos are frequently filmed in large outside spaces, such as fields,
woods or beaches. Performance is also very common in indie music videos, which is why I
will include shots of the subject singing.

Briefly describe what will happen in your music video, highlighting camera angles and effects used:
My music video will show a woman on a beach and heath, with shots of her walking and
singing edited with shots of the scenery. It will be more conceptual than narrative as
although there is a story in the song, there will not be in the video. Because the song I am
using is quite emotional I will include a lot of close up shots of the subjects face. The tone of
the song is rather mournful and sombre, so in post-production I plan on adding a black and
white filter to the video.

How have your test shoots gone? What worked? What will you need to change? Do you need to
shoot more test footage?

What resources will you need?
Props, styling, location, recording and lighting equipment:
Transportation to location
Video camera
Fig rig
No props
Simple styling Long dress, loose hair, minimal makeup

Who will you need to organise for your music video shoot? (Are they reliable?)
I will need to organise someone with a car to drive us to the location, and one subject for my
music video. Both people are reliable.

When do you plan to shoot your music video?
I plan to shoot my music video during the October half term at Dunwich Heath, Suffolk.
If I cannot get transportation to the location I will shoot at Tyrrels Woods, Norfolk.

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