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AFPC Drilling Operations Manual

Chapter 12 - Appendices
Chapter 12 - Evaluation

Topic See Page
Appendix A - Tool Codes iii
Appendix B - Cables and Weak Links v
Appendix C - Radio Silence Checklist vii
Appendix D - Detailed Shipping Requireents ix
Appendix ! - "ud Logging Requireents xii
Appendix # - $uestionnaire %or Daaged !quipent xvi
Appendix & - R#T Saple Draining Data xviii

Revision 0
June 1! i
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
"his page le#t intentionall$ %lan&

Revision 0
June 1! ii
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
Appendi' A
"ool Codes
Revision 0
June 1! iii
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
"ool Codes
Tool SLB Code AWS
Dual Laterolog Resistivit' DLL DLL
Dual (nduction Resistivit' )( D(#L
"icro Laterolog "S#L "LL
Litho Densit' LDT *DL
+eutron C+T C+L
&aa Ra' &R &R
Dipeter ,DT D()
Stratigraphic Dipeter S,DT S,DT
Well Seisic -S) or CSS -S) or css
Long Spacing Accoustic LSS LS-AC
Regular Accoustic B,C AC
Ceent Bond CBL.-DL CBL.-DL
Side/all Coring SWS SWC
#oration Tester R#T0 "DT #"T
Borehole &eoetr' 1CAL 1CAL
+atural &aa-Ra'
+&T SL
Ceent Bond Tool CBL CBL
Cased ,ole R#T C,R#T C,#T
Theral Deca' Tie TDT )D2
Borehole (ager 3B( CB(L
Casing (nspection (ager 3S( CB(L
Revision 0
June 1! iv
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
Appendi' (
Ca%les and )ea& *in&s
Revision 0
June 1! v
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
Ca%les and )ea& *in&s
+i,e -in. "$pe )eight
+trength -l%s.
2 conductor 3 t$pe
0044! ! 450
0022 -5060. single conductor 00011 1 12!
Multicore Conductor Cable
Breaking Tension
Weak-point Tension Limit
(!" Breaking Tension#lb)
Blue $%% - &%% !%'!
(reen !)!% - $*%% )%+,!
-ello. )+%% - !)%% &$%%
Standard S/ooting Bridle 0se .it/ Multiconductor Cable (Cable '-'& 1T-2L)
Weak-point Cable Strands
Breaking Tension (5ange lbs)
#& 6%+%
+#& 6'6!
*#& 6&!%
Standard S/ooting Bridle 0sed .it/ Multiconductor Cable (Cable L-)' WB)
Weak-point Cable Strands
Breaking Tension (5ange lbs)
!#& &&!%
$#& )%$%
#& )$%%
+#& !6%%
Revision 0
June 1! vi
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
Appendi' C
Radio +ilence Chec&list
Revision 0
June 1! vii
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
RAD7O +7*E8CE C9EC: *7+"
7AT89 54(9 W8LL9
Are all radio transitters turned o%% 4 5.+
(s radioroo locked and ke' held b' Drilling Supervisor 4 5.+
Are all hand held transitters o%% and locked a/a' 4 5.+
Are all vehicle radios o%% and doors locked 4 5.+
Are there an' large coercial transitters nearb' 4 5.+
Are all electric /elding achines electric isolated 4 5.+
Are all personnel a/are o% 6no /elding7 4 5.+
(s logging unit grounded to /ellhead 4 5.+
,as potential di%%erence bet/een rig and logging unit been checked 4 5.+
,ave road signs been installed 89: %ro location /arning o% radio silence in progress 4 5.+
,ave signs been installed around the /ork area /arning o% ha;ardous operation4 5.+
Are all non essential personnel instructed to keep clear o% explosives 4 5.+
(s /eather suitable ie<0 no electric . dust stors 4 5.+
,as a sa%et' eeting been held 4
,ave other locations been advised o% ipending radio silence and its duration 4 5.+
(% per%orating under dra/do/n0 is all production equipent tested and operational 4
(% ,=S is expected0 have all precautions been taken 4 5.+
(% kill %luid available and read' %or puping 4
(s %ire%ighitng equipent read' 4 5.+
(s the aring ke' held b' the Logging !ngineer 4
,as a hot /ork perit been copleted and are all precautions adhered to 4 5.+
(s %ork li%t truck out o% use 4

7rilling Super:isor Logging 8ngineer Contractor Toolpus/er
Revision 0
June 1! viii
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
Appendi' D
Detailed +hipping Re;uire<ents
Revision 0
June 1! i'
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
E'ploration / Develop<ent )ells

Cores Cores should be sent to Adra /arehouse %or teporar' storage prior to the core

Shipping Manifest
The botto t/o copies should be returned to the logging unit<
A cop' o% the ani%est should be sent to>
Al #urat )etroleu Copan'
c.o T))
cc T)&

Side Wall
Side /all saples should be sent to ?ar0 Cove ,ouse<
Shipping Manifest
A cop' o% the ani%est should be sent to>
Al #urat )etroleu Copan'
+< 2hatab @#ield &eolog' SupervisorA
?ar Base

Revision 0
June 1! '
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
Develop<ent )ells
Cores Cores should be sent to Adra /arehouse %or teporar' storage prior to the core
Shipping Manifest
The botto t/o copies should be returned to the logging unit<
A cop' o% the ani%est should be sent to>
Al #urat )etroleu Copan'
c.o 5< Abbas
cc A< Addas

Side Wall
Side /all saples should be sent on bus via the Tha''e roo to>
S'ria Shell )etroleu Developent
Cha )alace

Shipping Manifest
A cop' o% the ani%est should be sent to>
Al #urat )etroleu Copan'
c.o 5< Abbas
cc A< Addas

Revision 0
June 1! 'i
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
Appendi' E
Mud *ogging Re;uire<ents
Revision 0
June 1! 'ii
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
Mud *ogging Re;uire<ents 1 - E'ploration / Appraisal )ells
Wet Large
Three saples are required0 boxes and saples should be arked Set BAC0 Set BBC
and Set BCC<
Set BAC to be sent to Adra /arehouse
Set BBC to be sent to Tha''e construction 'ard on regular basis<
Set BCC to be kept at the /ellsite until TD0 then to be sent to Tha''e construction

unless advised other/ise<

Shipping Manifest
Separate ani%ests are required %or set BAC and BBC< Should set BBC and BCC be sent
together0 then onl' one ani%est is required %or those t/o< A separate ani%est is still
required %or set BAC<
The botto t/o copies o% the ani%est should be returned to

the logging unit<
?ne cop' o% the ani%est %or BAC0
BC and BCC should be sent to>
Al #urat )etroleu Copan'
c.o 5< Abbas
"eridien ,otel

Continued on next page
Revision 0
June 1! 'iii
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
Mud *ogging Re;uire<ents 1 - E'ploration / Appraisal )ells=

Small Was/ed
7ry Sample
Three saples are required0 boxes and saples should be arked Set BAC0 Set BBC
and Set BCC<
Set BAC and BBC to be sent on a regular basis 0 via Tha''e roo0 b' bus
Al #urat )etroleu Copan'
c.o 5< Abbas
"eridien ,otel
Set BCC to be kept at the /ellsite until TD0 then sent to Daascus as above<

Shipping Manifest
?ne ani%est %or each consignent o% saples should be sent irrespective o%
?ne cop' o% the ani%est %or BAC B BC and BCC should be sent to>
Al #urat )etroleu Copan'
c.o 5< Abbas
"eridien ,otel

T/o saples are required and to be kept at the /ellsitr until TD and then sent to>
Al #urat )etroleu Copan'
c.o 5< Abbas
"eridien ,otel

As per sall /ashed dr' saple<

Revision 0
June 1! 'iv
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
Mud *ogging Re;uire<ents 2 - Develop<ent )ells

Wet Large
T/o saples are required0 boxes and saples should be arked Set BAD7

and Set
Set BAC should be sent to Tha''e construction 'ard or regular basis<
Set BBC should be kept at the /ellsite until TD0 and then sent to Tha''e
construction 'ard0 unless advised other/ise<

Shipping Manifest
"ani%ests are required %or Set BAC and BBC<
A cop' o% the ani%ests should be sent to>
Al #urat )etroleu Copan'
c.o 5< Abbas
"eridien ,otel

Small Was/ed
7ry Sample
Three saples are required0 boxes and saples should be arked Set BAC0 Set BBC
and Set BCC<
All sets should be sent on a regular basis to Tha''e0 construction 'ard0 unless
advised other/ise<

Shipping Manifest
"ani%ests are required %or Set BAC0 BBC and BCC< A cop' o% the ani%ests should be
sent to>
Al #urat )etroleu Copan'
c.o 5< Abbas
"eridien ,otel
Revision 0
June 1! 'v
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
Appendi' F
>uestionnaire #or Da<aged E;uip<ent
Revision 0
June 1! 'vi
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
8;ample 5<T Sample 7raining 7ata
Well> Date>
#ield> !ngineer>
Client Rep> "ud T'pe>
Chaber Si;e> Chaber Si;e>
Saple Depth @A
#oration )ressure @psiaA
#oration Teperature @
Draining Location @Base.W<SiteA
Chaber )ress< E Sur%ace @psiaA
&as -olue @%t
Total #luid -olue @lA
-olue ?il @lA GG
-olue Water @lA GG
Water Resistivit' @A
Water Teperature @
#luid Densit' @%ro WS)!A
Saple Destination @SLB.A#)CA
GG (% easil' distinguishable @i% there is an oil 6%il70 please put a rearkA
Revision 0
June 1! 'vii
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
Appendi' ?
RF" +a<ple Draining Data
Revision 0
June 1! 'viii
AFPC Drilling Operations Manual
Chapter 12 - Appendices
8;ample =uestionnaire >or 7amaged 8?uipment
Well> Date o% incident> ?pen or Cased ,ole>
,ole.Casing.Tubing Si;e> !quipent Si;e and +uber>
,ole Condition @deviation0 dogleg severit'0 /ashout0 undergauge0 %ish in hole0 etc<A>

Description o% daage>

3t/er Wellsite 4n>ormation
Was the TD . ,3D tagged 4 +o 5es E bd%
An' obstruction observed during logging 4 +o 5es E bd%
,o/ /as tool response @overpull etc<A during logging 4 anoal' E
An' debris observed be%ore in this /ell 4
An' previous probles in this /ell 4
An' other coents>
SLB !ngineer> A#)C Rep>
Signature> Signature>
3>>ice Comments
Asset or !xpense ite 4
Cost estiate >
Date o% anu%acture @%or Assets onl'A>
Revision 0
June 1! 'i'

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