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Mohamed Dabaja

Chapter 12

1. Describe the military and the some of the generals on the eve of the War of 1812. (p. 233)
They where strong and where smart and had good tactics.
2. Why was Canada considered an important battleground in the War? What mistake did the offensive
make in
attacking Canada? (p. 233)
It was important because it was hard to attack Canada espescially with United states help.
3. What fort did the Canadians and British capture early in the conflict? Who led the mainly defensive
of the British? (p 234)
They captured Fort Ticonderoga And the officer was really smart and had lots of defensive
4. Did the American navy or army perform better in the War of 1812? What advantage did the American
have over the British Navy? What advantage did the Constitution have? (p. 234)
The American navy where better and the advantage was that they knew the tactics of the British.
5. Who was the naval officer who won important battles on Lake Erie? What was his famous quote? What
affect did his victories have on the American military? (p. 234)
The Naval officer was Thomas Macdongan , He would never give up.
6. Describe the war in 1814. What developments in Europe had an impact on the war in America? (p. 234)
The diversionary of power was the biggest impact on the war.
7. What battle was fought on September 11, 1814? Who led the Americans? What result did this
victory have and what plan did it thwart? (p. 234)
Fought at Plattsburgh and was led by Thomas Macdonough .
8. Who landed in the Chesapeake in August of 1814? What happened to Washington D.C.? What city held
firm while Washington was attacked? What famous song was written during the attack on Fort

(p. 235)
Four Thousand ships from the British landed . The Star spangled Banner.
9. What was the third offensive that the British launched in 1814? Who led the American forces? Describe
soldiers. (p. 235-236)
7,000 sailors and pirates attacked New Orleans and where free black volunteers.
10. What mistake did the British make in the Battle of New Orleans on January 15, 1815? What was the
casualty result? (p. 236)
They made a mistake by sending a frontal assault. Losing two thousand soldiers.
11. What result did the victory have on Andrew Jacksons popularity? What was ironic about the victory in
terms of the peace treaty? (p. 236)
Andrew Jackson just finished a war with the Indians and now hes in a war with the Britain.
13. What did the Royal Navy do in response to the loss at New Orleans? What effect did this have on the
United States? (p. 236)
They threw a blockade. The economy went down badly.
14. Who represented the Americans at the Treaty of Ghent? What did the British demand? What was the
Americans response? (p. 237)
Tsar Alexander I . British wanted to ally U.s but they did not accept it .
15. What changed the British stance at Ghent? (p. 237)
They wanted to have war again.
16. When was the Treaty of Ghent signed and what did both sides gain? What was not mentioned in the
(p. 237)
1814.No mention was made of those grievances for which America had ostensibly fought.

20. What did the Hartford Conventions final report demand? (p. 238)
They demanded to nominate a presidential delegate.
22. In what sense can the War of 1812 be called the Second War for American Independence? In scope,
did the War of 1812 compare to the Napoleonic Wars? (p. 239)
Napoleon invaded Russia with about 500,000, Madison tried to invade Canada with 5,000 men.

24. What affect did the war have on manufacturing? How did the Canadians feel about the Treaty of
What was the Rush-Bagot agreement? (p. 239)
The war made the manufacturing slow because people were worried on other things like there
husbands or sons going to war.
25. What was the most beneficial by-product of the War of 1812? How is this reflected in Literature and the
Arts? (p. 240)
School textbooks which were given to students and explained by teachers.

27. What did British manufacturing do after the war that threatened the burgeoning American industries?
(p. 241)
Made them less dependant on European workshops.
28. What did the tariff of 1816 do and what was its goal? (p. 241)
Used for protection not revenue.
29. Who championed the American System and what were the three main goals of the American System?
Pariotic Americans they began to recover loss land and clean up .
32. Who won the election of 1816? What were the results in the Electoral College? What is significant
this election in regard to the Federalist Party? (p. 242)
ames Monroe was nominated for presidency in 1816 by the Republicans; they undertook to
continue the so-called Virginia dynasty of Washington, Jefferson, and Madison; the fading Federalists ran a
candidate fro the last time in their history and he was crushed by 183 electoral votes to 34left the field
to the triumphant Republicans and one-party rule
34. In what ways was the concept of Era of Good Feeling a misnomer? In what ways was the presidency
Monroe a troubled one? (p. 242)
A Boston newspaper was so far carried away as to announce that an Era of Good Feelings had
been ushered interm used to describe the administrations of Monroe

35. What happened in 1819 that shook the nations confidence? What was the major cause of the
crisis? (p. 243)
Much of the goodness went out of the good feelings in 1819, when a paralyzing economic panic
descended; it rough deflation, depression, bankruptcies, bank failures, unemployment, soup kitchens, and
overcrowded pesthouses known as debtors prisons
36. What area of the country was especially hit hard by the Panic of 1819? What class was hurt the most?
Many factors contributed to the catastrophe of 1819, but looming large was overspeculation in
frontier lands; the Bank of United States, through its western branches, had become deeply involved in this
popular type of outdoor gambling
37. How many states joined the union from 1791-1819? How did they preserve the North-South balance?
The onward march of the West continued; nine frontier states had joined the original thirteen
between 1791 and 1819; with an eye to preserving the North-South sectional balance, most of these
commonwealths had been admitted alternately, free of slave
39. What did the Land Act of 1820 stipulate? What were some things the West demanded? (p. 246)
The West demanded cheap acreage and partially achieved its goal in the Land Act of 1820, which
authorized a buyer to purchase 80 acres at a minimum of $1.25 an acre
40. What was the Tallmadge amendment and how did it show sectional rivalries over slavery? (p. 246)
Sectional tensions, involving rivalry between the slave South and the free North over control of the
virgin West, were stunningly revealed in 1819 concerning Missouri
41. Why did the North have an advantage in the House of Representatives? How did the South mitigate
advantage? (p. 246)
Southerners saw in the Tallmadge amendment, which they eventually managed to defeat in the
Senate, an ominous threat to sectional balance; with every passing decade, the North was becoming
wealthier and also more thickly settledan advantage reflected in an increasing northern majority in the
House of Representatives

44. What negative affect did the Missouri Compromise have? (p. 247)
The future of the slave system caused southerners profound concern; Missouri was the first state
entirely west of the Mississippi River to be carved out of the Louisiana Purchases, and the Missouri
emancipation amendment set a damaging precedent
45. Who won the election of 1820 and what was the electoral vote? Why do some historians find this
shocking? (p. 248)
Henry Clay of Kentucky, gifted conciliator, played a leading role; Congress, despite abolitionist
please, agreed to admit Missouri as a slave state but at the same time, free-soil Main, which until then had
been part of Massachusetts, was also admitted
47. Who was Daniel Webster? Was he for or against Marshalls rulings? (p. 250)
Perhaps Marshalls most remembered decision, the college had been granted a charter by King
George III in 1769, but the democratic New Hampshire state legislature had seen fit to change it;
Dartmouth appealed the case under alumnus Daniel Webster
48. How are Marshalls rulings still felt today? (p. 250)
Marshall put the states firmly in their place when he ruled that the original charter must stand; it
was a contractand the Constitution protected contracts against state encroachments; the Dartmouth
decision had the fortunate effect of safeguarding business enterprise from domination by states
government (escape public control)
49. Who was the Secretary of State under Monroes administration? What did the Treaty of 1818 state?
The two men dovetailed strikingly with each other; Websters classic speeches in the Senate,
challenging states rights and nullification, was largely repetitious of the arguments that he had earlier
presented before a sympathetic Supreme Court
50. What affect did the Latin American revolutions have on Spanish Florida? Under what pretext did
Jackson gain the right to enter and fight in Florida? Did Jackson abide to the instructions given to him
his foray into Florida? (p. 251-252)

To the south lay semitropical Spanish Florida, which many Americans believed geography and
providence had destined to become part of the United States
51. What were the details of the Florida Purchase of 1819?
In the mislabeled Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819, Spain ceded Florida, as well as shadowy Spanish
claims to Oregon, in exchange for Americas abandonment of equally murky claims to Texas, soon to
become part of independent Mexico (western boundary)

53. How did the Tsar of Russia further increase fears of monarchy in 1821? (p. 252)
After the Napoleonic nightmare, the rethroned autocrats of Europe banded together in a kind of
monarchical protective association and undertook to stamp out the democratic tendencies that had
sprouted from soil they considered richly manured by the ideals of the French Revolutionthe world must
be made safe from democracy
54. What did the British foreign secretary George Canning propose to the Americans in 1823? (p. 252)
With complete ruthlessness they smothered the embers of rebellion in Italy (1821) and in Spain
(1823); it was rumored that they were gazing across the Atlantic

56. Why did Adams consider the alliance with Britain unnecessary? (p. 253)
A self-denying alliance with Britain would not only hamper American expansion, concluded Adams,
but it was unnecessaryhe suspected that the European powers had not hatched any definite plans for
invading the Americas and in any event the British navy would prevent the approach of hostile fleets
because of the South American markets
57. When was the Monroe Doctrine issued and what was its basic message? (p. 253)
The Monroe Doctrine was born late in 1823, when the nationalistic Adams won the nationalistic
Monroe over to his way of thinking and the president in his annual message to Congress on December 2,
1823, incorporated a stern warning to the European powers
59. What did the Russo-American Treaty of 1824 state? (p. 254)
Even before Monroes stiff message, the tsar had decided to retreat; this he formally did in the
Russo-American Treaty of 1824, which fixed his southern-most limits at the line of 54 40the present
southern tip of the Alaska panhandle
60. Why could the Monroe Doctrine also be called the Self-Defense Doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine might more accurately have been called the Self-defense Doctrine; President
Monroe was concerned basically with the security of his own country
61. The Monroe Doctrine was basically a statement from Monroe. Future presidents agreed and
sometimes no.
But how does the textbook describe its lasting importance and legacy? (p. 254)
The Monroe Doctrine has had a long career of ups and downs; it was never lawdomestic or
international and it was not a pledge or an agreement but rather merely a simple, personalized statement
of the policy of President Monroe

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