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The editing of the Annabelle trailer

0:02s Fading of happy cheerful music of non-diegetic sound recognised in a sequence of a sound
bridge, which is carried over two of the companys studio identifications of the WB logo and the
0:04s Then fades in to an establishing shot of the house in a neighbour hood the sound bridge is
carried over also with some natural diegetic sounds.
0:05s Jump cut to inside the house the sound bridge is still carried over and a zoom is focused
towards the frame of the door.
0:09s Straight cut to a medium close up of her face (head shot)
0:11s L cut of the female protagonist in a medium shot but her husbands voice (diegetic) overlaps
into her frame almost like a sound bridge okay close your eyes.
Continuity editing

0:13s Straight cut showing her immediate response

0:15s Straight cut to him presenting her with a gift
0:16s Straight cut to a medium shot of her eyes closed
0:18s Straight cut to him opening the gift to show her

0:21s Straight cut to her retrieving the doll from the box
0:23s Straight cut to taking the doll out of the box
0:27s Straight cut to her placing the doll on the shelf. The sound bridge of cheerful music is ended to
display the cut off point of happiness.
0:30s Fade to BLACK OUT, non-diegetic sound of night is overlapped into the scene of black showing
that night is approaching and something is bound to happen.
Moment of disequilibrium

0:32s A tone card of the producers name fades in all capitalised to display significance of being the.
producer of the film.
0:34s A dissolve and jump cut is shown of an establishing shot of the neighbourhood again but at
night with darkened surroundings.
0:36s Jump cut to the protagonist sleeping in their bedroom.

0:39s The use of montage editing is used to show the steady pace of time, the medium shot of the
male and female protagonist sleeping to a medium shot of her arm and the frame of the window.
0:44s Dissolve and straight cut to the window to display the action in the house next door.
0:49s Our attention drawn to focus on something in the distance then our focus is manipulated to be
focused on the protagonist waking up in the shot.
0:52s Straight cut to her looking at back at her husband John, wake up.
0:56s Fade in > to black > then out to the male protagonist. A L cut of the females voice is carried
over to show her persistent worry and concern.
0:57s Then a straight cut to him walking out the door to find out what is happening.
Period of disequilibrium


1:00s Jump cut to the female securing her house hold displaying rapid movement in far of what has
happened to the neighbours next door.
1:12s L cut of a voice saying I like your dolls... in a medium shot of the female protagonist creating a
mystery to the persons voice.
1:14s A shot reverse shot of the threat standing holding a doll daunting sounds placed as a sound
bridge in to both medium shots.
1:18s Shot reverse shot back to the protagonist.
1:26s BLACK OUT to create suspense.
1:27s L cut over the black screen male protagonist voice Mia jump cut to the scene of action.
1:27.5s Black out.
1:28s Action.
1:29s Black out.
1:30s Constant period of flickering black outs to quicken the pace and stimulate anxiety.
1:31s Black out lasting longer and slow to reset the pace.
1:32s Jump cut to the threat laying helplessly against the wall the camera zooms in to fade out to
1:35s Jump cut to a tone card of the film previously made BEFORE THE CONJURING showing the
continuation of their film production taking the plot further.
1:39s Sound Bridge is carried over a new shot of the doll and threat.

1:40s Zooming into the face of the doll the scene cuts to a tone card which says THERE WAS ANNABELLE.
1:42s Non-diegetic sound becomes louder to create suspense.
1:43s A contrast shot is show with a sound bridge of the same cinematic dramatic sound which is
used to foreshadow over the tone card. Then is suddenly muted as a close up of the dolls face is
shown with the blood from the threat penetrating though her eye. This is symbolic of the soul
leaving one body to be restored in another.
1:50s An instant black out is displayed.
New equilibrium

1:51s Annabelles name is displayed on the screen. The letters are made to seem as though they
have been integrated, made to camouflage with design of the wall paper behind it. The effect off a
flash light is used to shine over the letters showing dense long shadows at each angle. From the use
of this editing technique this message conveyed that there is something within; something bulging
out of the surface of the old fashioned wall paper that there is some life existence and relating to the
context of the film behind the face of the old fashioned Annabelle doll is an existing spirt. The flash
light manifests the exposure to finding out the truth about how life was brought into this doll.
1:55s This Black out lasted a little longer up to 6 seconds to reset the mood for a new equilibrium.
2:01s L cut and jump cut to the doll rocking in the rocking chair.
2:11s To a quick black out.
2:12s Film description fades in.
End of trailer

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