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1.1 Introduction
1.2 Problem Statement and Issues
1.3 Objectives and Aims


2.1 Campaign Name
2.2 Campaign Classification
2.3 Campaign Characteristics
2.4 Campaign Range
2.5 Distribution
2.6 Campaign Life Cycle
2.7 The Campaign
2.8 Campaign Image and Implication
2.9 Strength and Weakness
2.10 Advantages and Disadvantages
2.11 Unique Selling Proposition
2.12 Promotional History and Advertising Schedule
2.13 Positioning statement


3.1 The sponsor Profile
3.1.1 Company description
3.1.2 Business description
3.1.3 Key people
3.1.4 Location and subsidiaries
3.2 The NGO Profile
3.1.1 Company description
3.1.2 Business description
3.1.3 Key people
3.1.4 Location and subsidiary

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4.1 Consumer Characteristics
4.1.1 Current Consumers Characteristics
4.1.2 Psychographics
4.2 Stakeholders Characteristics
4.1.1 Primary
4.1.2 Secondary


5.1 The Industry
5.1.1 Definition of the Industry
5.1.2 Shape of the Industry
5.1.3 Development of the Industry
5.2 The Market Place
5.2.1 Current Condition of the Market place
5.2.2 Changes in Market place


6.1 Direct Competitors
6.2 Indirect Competitors





8.1 Proposed Primary Target Audience
8.2 Proposed Secondary Target Audience (if any)

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Marketplace Research
Market Observation



Advertising Strategy
Precedent Studies


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1.1 Introduction
1.2 Problem Statement and Issues
1.3 Objectives and Aims

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1.1 Introduction
1Charity is a non-profit organization committed to mobilizing the community to empower
homeless individuals, families and those in crisis to strive for self-sufficiency. They strive to
increase social awareness, promote the personal and educational benefits of participation and
encourage people to develop life-long social responsibility in the community. The
programmed started in 2011 that was four years ago has grown quite positively until today as
more companies were interested in this joint collaboration that happens twice a week.
Feed the Homeless Programmed with 1Charity happens at Bank Muamalat nearby LRT
Masjid Jamek every Thursday and Friday specifically starting at 9.00pm until 12.30am or
onwards till the food runs out. Furthermore, there are cooperation from various parties such as
Bank Muamalat, Missionary Management of Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan
(JAWI) Kuala Lumpur, Baitulmal Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (MAIWP), KPJ
Healthcare Berhad and etc. Sometimes the crowded it is beyond the expectations. No matter
the race, religion and age.
This programmed will start when all the food is ready to be served. However, while the food
was being prepared and laid out on the table, guests (homeless and poor people) would sit
together, watching the film until they announced that the food was ready. An orderly line
would be formed and one by one the guests were given a plate of food consisting of the menu
of the day and a drink. They would then continue to eat while watching the film just like they
would normally do in a home, with a more relaxed environment and less stressful. The charity
hopes that this would make them happy and forget the sorrows of the world with food in their
tummies. Moreover all the food that was served was home cooked so that it would be hot
during feeding time.

1.2 Problem Statement and Issues

Homelessness is a complicated issue. It is caused by a wide array of problems, many of which
feed into each other. Because people know the issue is so complex they often wonder what the
best way to help homeless people. Many people hesitate to act because they are so unsure of
what to do. Homeless people have been victims of violent hate crimes and a lot pf people feel
that all homeless people are entirely to blame for their own miserable situation. Those same
people tend to believe that under no circumstance could they find themselves without a home
because they feel they are better than "those people" who have lost their homes.
In reality, people from all walks of life can wind up on the street and almost no one is immune
from the possibility. With regards to this issue some people fear and hate those without homes
so much that even if they know them. Other than fear and hate, people look down on
homeless people because they are lower ranked in society and they can be seen as a burden.

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1.3 Objectives and Aims


Change people thinking / attitude towards homeless people.

Match up people with services they need.
Become friends with someone living on the street.
More people need to be exposed to the realities of homelessness.


Begin to repair the lack of a friend and family support structure.

People started to spread empathy, then action will follow
People always make changes for society because homelessness is symptomatic of
problems within our society.
Give what we can, the only way to help homeless people is to get involved and do

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2.1 Campaign Name

2.2 Campaign Classification
2.3 Campaign Characteristics
2.4 Campaign Range
2.5 Distribution
2.6 Campaign Life Cycle
2.7 The Campaign
2.8 Campaign Image and Implication
2.9 Strength and Weakness
2.10 Advantages and Disadvantages
2.11 Unique Selling Proposition
2.12 Promotional History and Advertising Schedule
2.13 Positioning statement

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2.1 Campaign Name

1Charity Street Home

2.2 Campaign Classification


(PSA/Campaign) it's a humanity campaign to increase awareness about homeless issue

in Malaysia.

2.3 Campaign Characteristics


Everybody needs food to eat and a place to sleep. But some people don't have them.
Street Home focus on to attract many people doing charity for homeless , to gain
public knowledge about homeless and way to help them because there are many
homeless people in Kuala Lumpur, including those who have jobs but do not earn
enough to rent a room or house. They sleep on the streets of popular areas in the city.
Moreover from information I get from several charity organization that there are no
accurate figures on the number of homeless people in the city as only a few nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are aware of their existence.

2.4 Campaign Range


Attract more people to do voluntary work

To make people know reasons why certain people become homeless.
Make people know the employment difficulties they face.
Answers to questions about homelessness.
Learn the best ways to help homeless people.
Common stereotypes and misconceptions about homeless people.

2.5 Distribution
Optimize Facebook Page and posts

To promote and deliver message about this campaign I will always upload a new
Facebook cover photo announcing about the campaign to make the visitors know for
sure that somethings going on and always up to date


I will email information about the campaign to family and friends. Even though not
keep in touch with all the people in the email list I will also email them because
sometimes support can come from strangers. Will include the link to the campaign in
the email signature and social media bios to help make the campaign more accessible
to people I interact with.

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Tell a friend to tell a friend


Ask people in my own network to share about my campaign with their friends. Ask
them to post my campaign on their social media. A friend of theirs may just become a
supporter of my campaign.

Post updates about the campaign


Up-to-date content like how many days left from the campaign, what people can do in
the campaign.


I will try to earned media because media is among the top channel to deliver message
and generate attention to many people.

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2.6 Campaign Life Cycle

Street Home campaign will be in the introductory to peak section of the graph.
According to previous researches, it is obvious that past of homeless campaigns have
been stressing on the methods of helping homeless people/hardcore poor people by
giving them food and items for them to use in their daily life such as programmed by
Pertiwi. Although they have good information and different approaches, but they are
too general and not focusing on specific target audience.
The strategy of my campaign is to raise the awareness about homeless issue in
Malaysia. This is because people know the issue is so complex they often wonder
what the best way to help homeless people. My primary target audiences are teenagers
and university student around 18 - 23 years old .Other than that my secondary target
audiences are adult around 24 - 30 years old.
The message of my campaign will be done in the same speaks and understanding of
this age group. The design and context will also be creating according to the interest
and lifestyle of this target audience group.

2.7 The Campaign


The main goal of this campaign is to educate people about humanity and responsibility
as a human being also as a community in Malaysia. Therefore, this campaign its place
to educate and make more people interested in making charitable work as one of their
new hobby. Moreover, this is also one of the examples that can be shown to the today
generations and future generations about the goodness of charity activities. In addition,
we can also show an example to foreign tourists and show a good image to them about
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2.8 Campaign Image and Implication


The campaign is to raise the humanity issue among Malaysia, and create an initiative
for them to make changes in society today. In an often uncaring world it's important
that we reach out to each other. Therefore, this campaign is to make people come out
to help the less fortunate. You can give to the homeless in an indirect way but giving
and caring directly gives them something beyond price that is human contact and

2.9 Strength and Weakness

2.9.1 Strength

Supported by Government.
The campaign includes the strategy of using social media and mobile apps, such as
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, which is lacking in existing campaigns.
Fresh and creative design and totally different look than the old design style.
Has a better identity compared to the generic identities existing campaigns have.

2.9.2 Weakness

People are not willing or not interested to participate in the campaign.

People not to concern about the importance of homeless and hardcore issues.
Some people think homelessness is a small problem and not their problem.
Short-term solutions can make the objective does not work.
Relatively new and inexperience strategy will make the effectiveness of it is not

2.10 Advantages and Disadvantages

2.10.1 Advantages

Will give meaningful exposure to a large number of influential people.

Increased public recognition
Improve community relations
Can increase the number of sponsor
Promotes a positive image of the organization and country
Can boost membership and attendance for the future events
Increasing media promotion
The campaign will have online and interactive media, such as QR code, augmented
reality, website and Facebook page that make audience easy to get engaged and get

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2.10.2 Disadvantages

Lack of event promotion to the public

People may think the environments can be frustrating.
Time commitment
Costs associated with incorporation
A lot people prefer to make money than just become a volunteers on charity event.

2.11 - Unique Selling Proposition


Street homeless people face many complex problems. So, at Street Home campaign
there will have professional teams committed to raise the awareness of homeless issue
and they also will educate people about humanity and responsibility as a human being
also as a community in Malaysia. Moreover, there will be guidance and explanation on
how to help to start helping homeless people. Other than that, there will have big
screen will show life of homeless people to audience and will have an augmented
reality interaction for audience to interact using their smartphone there. From there
maybe people can have an interest to doing charity work.

2.12 - Promotional History and Advertising Schedule

1Charity always ensure that the event is of the direct response variety and focused on a
specific issue. It is because will be much easier for them to develop the right content and
messaging and identifies the specific actions that they want the people to take. For example
when they having an event with a big corporation like Proton Feed the homeless event with
Proton, they use an emotional connection between the issues and the people by providing not
just great content but an experience for people, to make people know and see the reality of
homeless and hardcore poor people life. They make the event memorable by telling stories
that have an emotional resonance for people and people can immediately identify it
themselves. Other than events with big corporation, they also advertise the event around
universities. They use the same method and way to engage people join the event. This was the
university who had been involved in charitable activities are International Islamic University
Malaysia, Multimedia University and more.

2.13 - Positioning statement

Street Home campaign is to increase social awareness, promote the personal and educational
benefits of participation and encourage people to develop life-long social responsibility in the
community. Its also to educate people about humanity and make more people interested in
making charitable work. Specifically targeted to male and female aged 18 - 30 years old who
are have an interest in charity work and homeless issues and charity work that already become
a big issues in our country.

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3.1 The sponsor Profile

3.1.1 Company description
3.1.2 Business description
3.1.3 Key people
3.1.4 Location and subsidiaries

3.2 The NGO Profile

3.1.1 Company description
3.1.2 Business description
3.1.3 Key people
3.1.4 Location and subsidiary

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3.1 The sponsor Profile

Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad


Started its operations on October 1, 1999 with a combined assets and liabilities
brought over from the Islamic banking windows of the then Bank Bumiputra Malaysia
Berhad, Bank of Commerce (M) Berhad and BBMB Kewangan.

3.1.2 Business description


The second full-fledged Islamic bank to be established in Malaysia after Bank Islam
Malaysia Berhad, is poised to play its role in providing Islamic banking products and
services to Malaysians, without regard to race or religious beliefs.

3.1.3 Key people


Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Mohd Munir Abdul Majid

Chairman of Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad (the Bank) and was appointed to
the Board of the Bank on 3 June 2008. He is also the Chairman of Veto

3.1.4 Location and subsidiaries

Head Office

Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad ,

Ibu Pejabat, Menara Bumiputra, 21 Jalan Melaka, 50100 Kuala Lumpur.


Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad ,

Jalan Ipoh, Ground Floor, Wisma TCT, No. 516/1, Batu 3, Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala

Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad ,

Putrajaya , No. 2 & 4, Ground & 1st Floor, Jalan Diplomatik 2, Pusat Komersial
Diplomatik, Precinct 15, 62050 Putrajaya.
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3.1 The sponsor Profile


Malaysia's second largest automobile manufacturer after Proton. The company started
operations in 1994 and the ever so popular Perodua Kancil was introduced to the
Malaysian market in August the same year.

3.1.2 Business description


Perodua mainly produces minicars and superminis and does not have models in the
same market segments as Proton. They do not design or engineer their main
components such as engine and transmission in house. Perodua cars have historically
used Daihatsu component designs.

3.1.3 Key people


Tan Sri Asmat Kamaludin

He is also currently the chairman of Perodua Auto Corp Sdn Bhd, a joint-venture
company between Perodua, Daihatsu Motor Co Ltd and Mitsui & Co.

3.1.4 Location and subsidiaries

Head Office

Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn Bhd

Sungai Choh, Locked Bag 226, 48009 Rawang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.


Perodua Manufacturing Sdn Bhd

Lot 1896, Sungai Choh, Mukim Serendah, Locked Bag No. 226, 48009, Rawang.

Perodua Sales Centre

14 Jalan Juruhebah U1/50 , Shah Alam, Glenmarie

Perodua Sales Sdn. Bhd. (Jalan Cheras)

No.2 & 4 Jalan 4/93A, Warisan Cityview, Batu 2, 56100, Jalan Cheras, WP Kuala
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3.2 The NGO Profile

Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (JAWI)


Initially established in the name of the Council Secretariat (Urusetia Majlis ) with a
view to relieving the Federal Territory Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP). It was
established on February 1, 1974.

3.2.1 NGO Description


A government department that serves as the implementing policies, programs and

projects approved by the Federal Territory Islamic Religious Council of the religious
council in addition to assisting in the development of the country through the
government's five-year plan.

3.2.2 Key people

Director: Haji Paimuzi bin Yahya.

Deputy Director (Management) : Tn. Ahmad Rajiun bin Abu Bakar.
Deputy Director (Operation) : Tn. Che Husain bin Isa.
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3.2.3 Location
Head Office

Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan,

Jalan Perdana, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur


Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (Putrajaya Branch),

Aras 7, Blok E2, Parcel E,Kompleks Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,62502

Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (Labuan Branch),

Tingkat 8, Blok 4, Ujana Kewangan,Peti Surat 82197,87209 Wilayah Persekutuan

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4.1 Consumer Characteristics

4.1.1 Current Consumers Characteristics
4.1.2 Psychographics

4.2 Stakeholders Characteristics

4.1.1 Primary
4.1.2 Secondary

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4.1 Consumers Characteristics

Age : 18 - 30 years old

Gender : Male (M) and Female (F)
Education : University / College level and above
Occupation: Students & Government / Private sector employees
Income range : RM 500 RM 7000
Race & ethnicity : Multi races Malay , Chinese , Indian and others
Geographical location : Sub-urban & Urban

4.1.2 Psychographics

Some people fear and hate those without homes so much that even if they know them.
Start to pay attention towards the issues and the impact for country.
Family members, Friends, Events/Campaign, newspapers, magazines, radio or TV ads
Motivation & needs
People can donate time, connections, knowledge, and skills to homeless people. Also
give them all the resources, and all the opportunities they need.
Attitude & Personality
Matured, loving ,caring ,interested in homeless issue, rational and always plan for
Stable life.
Modern lifestyle and always up to date to the trend and society.

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4.2 Stakeholders Characteristics

4.2.1 Primary

NGOs and international organizations, which have potential to work together.

Shareholders, who want a dividend from profits
Business partners, who want long term & trusted relationship
Consumers, who consume their products and meet their needs

4.2.2 Secondary

Community, who want to improve society and country environment.

Experts, who can provide feedback and participate in charity events.
Media, contribute in promoting the campaign.

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5.1 The Industry

5.1.1 Definition of the Industry
5.1.2 Shape of the Industry
5.1.3 Development of the Industry

5.2 The Market Place

5.2.1 Current Condition of the Market place
5.2.2 Changes in Market place

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5.1 The Industry
5.1.1 Definition of the Industry
A public service announcement is an advertisement that a television or radio station
airs for a cause or a charity. PSA are not paid advertising. A broadcaster donates the
ad time as part of its commitment to serve the public interest. While they aren't
required to donate a fixed percentage of air time per day to PSA's, stations do have to
state in their licensing and renewal applications how much air time they plan to devote
to PSA's. Most stations donate about a third of their commercial spots to noncommercial causes; in other words, if a station has 18 minutes of commercials in a
given hour, six minutes of that will probably be devoted to PSA's.

5.1.2 Shape of the Industry

Effective PSAs campaign should be relevant to the audience, interesting or
entertaining and have leave the audience with a message that can be summarized in a
single declarative sentence. Most importantly, the message should be actionable,
meaning it evokes the desired response from the audience, and there should be a
response required. Furthermore, good PSAs move the audience or viewer along in a
continuum that ultimately results in attitude or behavior change.
Indeed, many very good PSAs are empathetic, meaning that they build trust with the
audience, or a sense of caring about a problem. Many outstanding PSAs are simple in
the execution, mostly photos in a print ad or white type reversed out of a black screen
for TV. No need not be expensive, but they do need a tremendous amount of thought
and research. Good PSAs are executable in all media and use the same theme or
graphic approaches in all media.
Regarding this, charity are also part of PSA campaign , often aims to provoke the
action of giving from someone who has natural empathy for the cause involved but
who needs emotional provocation to turn the empathy into action. Its then less about
the benefits of those particular charity vs another in the same field and more about
creating a donation that would otherwise not have happened.

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5.1.3 Development of the Industry

PSA campaign production is developing a strategic plan to address the entire scope of
campaign development, including research, creative strategy, production, distribution
and evaluation. Moreover, PSAs should be made the same way a commercial product
is made except the job is much harder because instead of trying to sell more products
or increase market share, we are normally trying to affect deeply seated public
attitudes and behavior.
Producing a PSA campaign is a specialized craft, and because the producer will not be
in control of the message timing and placement, there are unique skills required to
develop PSA messages that have impact. In addition, PSA campaign planners need to
learn all they can about two fundamental factors: the problem or behavior that is being
addressed via the campaign and the demographic and psychographic details of the
primary target audience.
Specifically, PSA campaign should have a broad scope. A TV spot is not a campaign,
nor is a print ad, they are executions. To produce a campaign, must target all media
such as TV, radio and print, different medium because each medium has different
strengths and weaknesses in terms of reaching primary audience. Also, by using a
multi-media approach, it increases the chances of reinforcing and delivering message
via different approaches in different media. Choosing a celebrity for your campaign
also has its pros and cons. The good news is that the public typically reacts very
favorably to celebrity spokespersons, but that can be the bad news as well. Research
shows that when using celebrities in PSAs, many people remember the celebrity and
forget the message. Also, if the celebrity is currently airing on a particular TV network
show, competing networks, and their affiliates will normally not use the PSAs, for
obvious reasons. Using a celebrity spokesperson can have ethical or moral negatives.

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5.2 The Market place

5.2.1 Current Condition of the Market place
Homeless Campaign
Homeless campaigns are always organized by NGO like PERTIWI , 1Charity , Reach Out
Malaysia and Kechara Soup Kitchen. All of this NGOs has launch a lot of event that aim to
educate Malaysian about humanity , kindness , life and etc. The government will also launch
campaigns such as "Ops Kasih" to reduce the homeless in Malaysia.
List of some homeless campaigns/programmed in Malaysia :

KL ops by Reach Out Malaysia

Feed the Homeless by 1Charity
Wed KL ops



Market Segmentation of Health campaigns in PSA industry

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5.2.2 Changes in Market place


Promotes a positive image of the organization and country

Will give meaningful exposure to a large number of influential people.
Increased public recognition
Improve community relations
Can increase the number of sponsor
Increasing media promotion


People may think the environments can be frustrating.

Time commitment
Costs associated with incorporation
A lot people prefer to make money than just become a volunteers on charity event.

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6.1 Direct Competitors

6.2 Indirect Competitors

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6.1 Direct Competitors

PeopleGiving's Corporate
PeopleGiving feed the homeless and under-priviledge group in Kuala Lumpur.

Reach Out Malaysia

The organizations volunteers have established their unique vision to deliver this
humanitarian need, incorporating its fundamental core principle that volunteers of all
races and religious partake in assisting those who at this time cannot assist themselves.

Kechara Soup Kitchen

Kechara Buddhist organization is non-profit charitable body that feeds the poor and
homeless of Kuala Lumpur.

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6.2 Indirect Competitors

Muslim Women's Action Society (PERTIWI) is a project-oriented organization
volunteerism, do-devotion to address matters of welfare and needs of women and

Hope Worldwide Malaysia

HOPE worldwide Malaysia is committed to bringing hope to the underprivileged and
disadvantaged communities by offering them free healthcare, empowering them with
new technology and creative skills, and building their confidence to face the world
with pride in their existence and capabilities.

Mercy Mission Malaysia

To support the most vulnerable people of our community. Through a model of
knowledge and action we have pioneered an effort to alleviate poverty of the people
on our doorstep, through our Charity Right program.

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7.1 Strength
7.2 Weakness
7.3 Opportunity
7.4 Threats

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7.1 Strength

Positive relationship between funders and providers

Increased awareness, compassion and actions by public
Good communication
Quick response to urgent situations
Strong continuity of care services
Stronger and better identity compared to the generic identities existing campaigns
Supported by Government
Many committed professional consultant will provide professional advice
Strong focus on prevention

7.2 Weakness

1Charity are not as famous as their competitors and a lack of advertisements.

Homeless is not seen with importance as much as other issues by the people
Campaign eligibility favor successful outcomes
New style and strategy - effectiveness not guaranteed
A lot people prefer to make money than just become a volunteers on charity event
Assumptions about homeless campaign
Lack of media representation

7.3 - Opportunity

Government support awareness campaign.

Public show interest in learning new thing
Increase rates of volunteerism among public
Increased funding via private sponsorships
Connecting aspects of homelessness issues
Able to get new partnerships
Engage youth to join the campaign
New face of the volunteer

7.4 Threats

Lack of awareness of homeless issues

Some people dont like to do charity
Perception of greater community (negative)
Competitors also creating more creative campaigns about homeless
Lack of people coming / interested into these type of campaign

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8.1 Proposed Primary Target Audience

8.2 Proposed Secondary Target Audience (if any)

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8.1 Proposed Primary Target Audience

Age : 18 - 23 years old

Gender : Male (M) and Female (F)
Education : University / College level
Occupation: Students & Workers
Allowance range : RM 500 RM 1000
Race & ethnicity : Multi races Malay , Chinese , Indian and others
Geographical location : Sub-urban & Urban


- Some people fear and hate those without homes so much that even if they know
- Family members, Friends, Events/Campaign, Media such as Facebook/YouTube
Motivation & needs
- People can donate time, connections, knowledge, and skills to homeless people. Also
give them all the resources, and all the opportunities they need.
Attitude & Personality: Caring, kind ,considerate person, desire to gain knowledge,
- Modern lifestyle and always up to date to the trend and society.

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8.2 Proposed Secondary Target Audience


Age : 24 - 30 years old

Gender : Male (M) and Female (F)
Education : University / College and above
Occupation: Government and private sector employees
Income range: RM 1500 RM 7000
Race & ethnicity : Multi races Malay , Chinese , Indian and others
Geographical location : Sub-urban & Urban


- Some people fear and hate those without homes so much that even if they know
them. Start to pay attention towards the issues and the impact for country.
- Family members, Friends, Events/Campaign, newspapers, magazines, radio or TV
Motivation & needs
- People can donate time, connections, knowledge, and skills to homeless people. Also
give them all the resources, and all the opportunities they need.
Attitude & Personality: Matured, loving ,caring ,interested in homeless issue, rational
and always plan for future
- Stable life.
- Modern lifestyle and always up to date to the trend and society.

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Marketplace Research


Market Observation





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9.1 Marketplace Research

Figure 1: Preparation to start the program.

Figure 2: All the food arrived and

volunteers started to divide their work.

Figure 3: Prepare food for homeless.

Figure 4: Menu for that day.

First served session - 150bowl

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Figure 5: Volunteers started to arrange all the

food at food section table.

Figure 6: Volunteers started to arrange all the

drink at drink section table.

Figure 7: Volunteers started to distribute

food for all homeless.

Figure 8: All the homeless would sit

together, watching the movie while enjoy
their food.

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Figure 9: Orderly line would be formed

and one by one was given a plate of food.

Figure 10: Women, elderly and children

will get food first.

Figure 11: One of the homeless takes his

drink from one of the volunteer.

Figure 12: All the homeless would sit

together, watching the movie while enjoy
their food.

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9.2 Market Observation

Figure 1: Volunteers started do their work

diligently even dont get any money from
doing this work.

Figure 2: Free haircut service from

student from several university and
beauty salon.

Figure 3: Food serving section.

Figure 4: All the volunteers do their best

to make the program happen.

38 | S i t u a t i o n A n a l y s i s : 1 C h a r i t y

Figure 5: There are also volunteers bring

their children along.

Figure 6: All the kid tag along and play


Figure 7: Crew and the host Elfira Loy

from Media Prima together with sponsors
from Proton-DRB Hicom & Bank

Figure 8: Free haircut service for


39 | S i t u a t i o n A n a l y s i s : 1 C h a r i t y

9.3 Online Survey

9.1.1 Gender

9.1.2 Ethnicity / Race

9.1.3 Age

40 | S i t u a t i o n A n a l y s i s : 1 C h a r i t y

9.1.4 Understanding what is homeless

9.1.5 How much of a problem do you think homelessness is in Malaysia?

9.1.6 What do you think about homeless people?

9.1.7 Have you ever done any of the following when walking past a homeless person in

41 | S i t u a t i o n A n a l y s i s : 1 C h a r i t y

9.1.8 Have you ever volunteered for a non-profit / charity?

9.1.9 If yes, are you still actively volunteering?

9.1.10 If not, what has prevented you from volunteering?

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9.1.11 If you found a volunteer opportunity to feed homeless , would you join?

9.1.12 How much time would you be willing to commit per month to

9.1.13 If you found a volunteer opportunity you were interested in, would you try
to get a friend to join you?

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9.4 Interview

Here the respond that I got from one of the volunteer that actively participated to help
homeless people at Kuala Lumpur.

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9.5 Others

Facebook Page & Group of 1Charity

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Online research in several organizations that focus on homeless issues.

1. Reach Out Malaysia


2. Kechara Soup Kitchen Society

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TheSun Newspaper

TheStar Newspaper

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10.1 Advertising Strategy

10.2 Precedent Studies

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10.1 Advertising Strategy
10.1.1 Homeless Campaign In Malaysia

KL ops by Reach Out Malaysia.

Pertiwi Soup Kitchen

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Wed KL ops

Makan Kitchen Chefs

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10.1.2 Homeless Print Ads / Poster / Banner

Metro Newspaper: Think For Yourself Homeless

Teen Homeless Shelter: "Window" Print Ad by Serve Marketing

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Print campaign by Irish International BBDO, Dublin, Ireland

Homeless campaign by Serve Marketing, Milwaukee, WI, USA

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Charity Outing with Harian Islam

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10.1.3 Merchandise




Pin badge

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10.1.4 Campaign Website

Homeless Voice

Homeless Project

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Friends First

Help The Homeless

56 | S i t u a t i o n A n a l y s i s : 1 C h a r i t y

10.1.5 TV Commercials
Hutt Street Centre "Help Adelaide's Homeless"

Through the Eyes of Homeless Children

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NY Feeds NY Campaign


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10.2 Precedent Studies

10.2.1 Homeless Print Ads / Poster

Human Rights Poster: Homeless in Los Angeles

This poster aims to call attention to the situation of homeless people in Los Angeles through
the use of everyday materials such as cardboard boxes, newspaper or other materials we can
relate to homeless people with. These items are not worth much to the everyday person but to
a homeless person it is their home, shelter, blanket, warmth, etc.

In America, no child should be homeless, but two million are... Help Change That!
It's no fun being homeless... ask any of the two million children who are! Help change
Some people think homelessness is a small problem... They're right... it is!
59 | S i t u a t i o n A n a l y s i s : 1 C h a r i t y

Battle against homeless people: make people know that this isnt the end & there is help out

H.A.T. is a wonderful charity that gathers up donated shoes and hands them out to the
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YMCA Homeless 365

Do You Give to the Homeless at Christmas?

61 | S i t u a t i o n A n a l y s i s : 1 C h a r i t y

10.2.2 TV Commercials
Heart for the Homeless' #CardboardCity: It's Your Move (Stop-Motion Video)

Its Your Move digital initiative uses 60-second stop-motion video to encourage
household goods donations to charities, using the Heart for the Homeless website.

Shelter: a look at Manchesters homeless


We are actually afraid of homeless people for no reason, or simply because it makes
it easier on our conscience to not actually think about them and let them invade
our mind with their very real problems.

62 | S i t u a t i o n A n a l y s i s : 1 C h a r i t y

STOP homelessness

Stop homelessness the delicious way by training homeless youth in hospitality and
barista, giving them employee skills.


This kind of work moves without preaching. Allow the viewer to form their own

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Homelessness Handbook, eds. Levinson, & Ross. Berkshire: Open University Press.
Pohl, R. (2001). Homelessness in Canada. Calgary: Street Level Counselling and
WE ARE ALL HOMELESS - a heART project 2014 Indiegogo, Inc. All Rights
John Matthys Integrated Creative Director @ cargocollective.
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Leavitt, M. O. (2007). Strategic Action Plan on Homelessness. US Department of
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National Coalition for Homelessness. (2009). Substance Abuse and Homelessness.
Washington, D.C.
UK Ticket Printing2014 Ticket River Limited (UK Corporation)
Design21 Social Design Network 2007-2008 DESIGN 21: Social Design Network.
All rights reserved.
FEANTSA. (2006). Health and homelessness: looking at full picture. Homelessness in
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Marc van Gurp. Osocio (2014) .Some rights reserved 2005-2014 Osocio/Houtlust.
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Malaysia.. National Housing Policy.
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Education. Law into Practice. North Carolina: Greensboro.
Bank Muamalat (2014 - Copyright Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad (6175-W)
Perodua (2014) @ All Rights Reserved
ICPH Copyright 2014 - Institute for Children, Poverty & Homelessness - All Rights
Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan - Hakcipta Terpelihara 2011 @ Jabatan
Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan

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Culhane, D.P., Metreaux, S., & Hadley, T. (2002). Public service reductions
associated with placement of homeless persons with severe mental illness in
supportive housing. Housing Policy Debate, 13(1):107-163.
Eric Joel, Elizabeth Knudsen, Carolyn Barratt, Adelaide How To Help The
Nonprofit Mission Statements 2014 Nonprofit Hub
JOSHUA FOONG -- Copyright 1995-2014 Star Publications (M) Bhd (Co No
Bassuk, E.L., Weinreb, L.F., Buckner, J.C., Browne, A., Salomon, A., and Bassuk,
S.S. ( (1996). The characteristics and needs of sheltered homeless and low-income
housed mothers. Journal of the American Medical Association, 276, 640-646
Shinn, M. and Baumohl, J. (1998). Rethinking the Prevention of Homelessness,
Proceedings of Practical lessons: The 1998 National Symposium on Homelessness
Research, co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC.
Shinn, M., Weitzman, B. C., Stojanovic, D., Knickman, J. R., Jimenez, L., Duchon,
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Health, 88, 1651-1657.

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