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Youth Ministry News

JAM Jr. High Afterschool Program meets every
Thursday from 2:45 5:00pm. Information and
Permission Forms are available at and in
the youth room.
Each week following the JAM program is a free
Fellowship Meal for all students (from 5-6pm), followed by
Jr. High Boys and Jr. High Girls Bible Studies (from 67:30pm).
Sports Ministry meets on Sundays 5:30 6:30pm:
Join with other boys and girls for a time of sports and
recreation. Games that will be played include dodgeball,
basketball, soccer, ultimate Frisbee, and kickball. Open to
all 6th 12th grade students.
Youth Praise Band meets Sunday, from 5:30 6:30pm in
the youth room.
Youth Worship meets every Sunday evening. Youth
will be gathering to fellowship, worship, and participate in
biblical teachings from 7:00 8:30pm every Sunday night.
Sr. High Bible Study meets every Monday Night from
6:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. This is a bible study for Sr. High
students (9th-12th grade) who are looking to get deeper
into their faith, and grow stronger as a disciple of Christ.
We will have girls and guys combined bible study for three
weeks, followed by girls and guys separate discussions on
the fourth week of every month.
OKs ( Older Adults) Information Session
The OKs will meet on Wednesday, May 13th at 10:30 a.m.
(note time change) for coffee and cake, followed by an
information Session designed to give provide information
on variety topics that Seniors may find useful. We will begin
with a speaker at 11:00 am, another speaker at 11:30 a.m.,
followed by lunch; hoagie-type sandwich and beverages will
be served. (Please bring something simple to share. We
will be using paper and plastic, so please dont bring
anything that requires dishes). After lunch there will be two

more speakers at 1:00 and 1:30 p.m. and the day should
end by 2:30 p.m. You MUST register for this event. For
more information or to register, call Erma Powell at 570421-1422.

New Member Class
Pastor Todd and Lay Leader Mike Ragonese will be hosting
a one day New Member's Class for all those wishing to
become members of East Stroudsburg UMC. Those
contemplating joining who would like more information are
also welcome to attend. The class will be on Saturday, May
2, 9:00 am to Noon. Child care can be provided upon
request. This one class will cover all necessary information
to become a member. Please email Pastor Todd if you have
any questions:


There will be no Workshop Rotation classes this upcoming

Sunday, April 19th due to the presentation of the Cantata.
Classes will resume on April 26th when we introduce our
final Workshop Rotation for the school year. We will be
learning about the 23rd Psalm. Looking forward to seeing
you on April 26th!
Blood Drive sponsored by the American Red Cross is
scheduled for Tuseday, May 5th from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
in Fellowship Hall. Please visit or
call 1-800 RED-CROSS to schedule an appointment.

may be placed in the Name Tag Return baskets. If you

take your name tag home, please remember to wear it
each Sunday! If you would like a name tag and have not
received one, please sign the sheet on the name tag table
in Oberholtzer Hall.

Cards and Notes are always appreciated by members of
the church family who are no longer able to attend services.
Gladys McKay, Grace Park, 1170 West Main St.,
Stroudsburg, Pa. 18360 would enjoy hearing from you!
Stephen Ministry
The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He
cares for those who trust in him. Nahum 1:7
Men and women alike have times when they are
lonely, grieving, hurt, or in need of care. In his second
letter to the Corinthians , Paul tells us that such troubles
can bring spiritual growth to the sufferer. But when we who
are in Christ suffer, we also find comfort through Christ, and
one of the ways we find this comfort is through others who
have found Christs care and comfort in their sufferings.
Our Stephen Ministers offer this Christ-like care to those in
For more information about Stephen Ministry, contact
Peggy Strack at the church office, 570-421-3280, ext. 1023.
Health Care Equipment
Walkers, crutches, canes, adult potty chairs, shower seats,
raised toilet seats, Depends, wheelchairs and more are
available to anyone in need. Contact Peggy Strack, 570421-3280, ext. 1023.
Are You Getting to Know Each Others Names?
As we continue to wear our lanyard ESUMC name tags, we
are putting names with the faces of our congregation!
Please continue to wear your name tag whenever you
attend a church event. When you leave church, name tags

College Care Packages: It's time for our springtime
college care package ministry. In the spring, ESUMC sends
out encouraging notes and gift cards to our college
students just prior to finals week. If you're like me, maybe
you have some gift cards hanging around the house that
you could donate to the cause. There will be collection
boxes for gift cards in Oberholtzer Hall and the church
office starting in April. We are looking for small
denomination gift cards ($5-10) from places like Dunkin
Donuts, Starbucks, fast food establishments, etc. The
stressed out college kids will thank you! Any questions,
contact Sue Randall 570-460-7052.
Fundraiser for ESUMC Pocono Fight Relay for Life
Many of our members and friends are involved in the
American Cancer Society's Relay for Life which will be held
the weekend of June 13-14. In the meantime, our team is
fundraising, and the next fundraiser is a night of dining at
Texas Roadhouse near the mall. On the evenings of April
28th and April 30th, from 4:00 9:00 p.m., anyone
bringing the Relay for Life flyer will have 10% of their
dinner purchase donated to the Relay. You must have the
flyer for the donation to be made, and the flyers are
available in Oberholtzer Hall, the Narthex, and from team
members who will hand them out the next few Sundays.
Thanks in advance for your support.
MS Walk Pray Pledge - Sunday, May 3nd at 12:20
MS Walk Sign Ups are in Fellowship Hall for the next two

Sundays in April. We will walk from the church to and

through the ESU Campus and return to the church in one
hour. Your prayer support is critical for the success of this
endeavor. Please join Toms Trekies and get a Team T shirt
to wear on the walk. Pledge checks should be made out to
NMSS and given to Tom or Kathy Hinkey (570.426.1623)

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