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'or:rposite-scale lAtteniion Ploblerns and Lealning Pi'oL-'1ems). Tiris sLiggests that sire pet'ceii-es
,!'alici's behar-ii-,rirs ale like1.,, ro interfere rvith his leai'niirg. The At-Rjsi. eier,;riions s}:e
lepolteC for'At;,picaiitv, \\:it]icira'rai, anC I3eiravicLrrai Incle;i cotnlosite-scales indicale that she
has observeri Waiid to engiige in sirange cr od,l behaviolrrs, tirat ire has diificuity making
fi'iends, and niat', ai tirite-s, be ,.i:rrviliing io.iu-in gl'ollri activities. *LIis. l)arve rate.i Walici in tne
;\t-Risii rarlge on ACaptabiiity. -(ocial Skilis, Leacier-sirip, StLrdv Skiiis, FLirictiona"l
Conmunication anci the A:iaptlve Skiiis comDosire-scale. -fhese scores sriggest tirat \Aialiri h:rs
dilliculty adapting to changing situation-. and from recor.ering fronr cliflcLilt situations, has
difliculiv in socla] siruatlons, iras pool organi.sation and stud3'- sliills, ald clenlonstrated poor
exples.sir.e and receptive communication skiljs. I,{rs. Das,e lLrrthel inriic:ateci that Walicl has
diiliculty seeliing out and finding informatior: on his on'n. NIrs. Dau,e inciicatecl that s}-re iras
not observed \Valid to demonstrate the aciaptive sliili-* and resiliency identlfleci by N,{s. N{osoli.
Botl-r teachers identifieci signi{icant problems t}rat .',r,ill interfere u,it}r his academic
achl.evement, rvhiie thev rate his adaptive behaviours. thai rvili help him at horle ancl schooi,
u,ith peers, and in tire commrinity, as genei-a1lv pocr. Tire teachers reportecl that \Valid's
biggest chalienges are adjusting to change, r'eco.,'ering fi'orn clilficLLlt siiuations, ancl dil}lcLrlt
social situations. Gir,en tirat lvIs. Mosolf l-ras reportedly linorvn Walid since 2oo9 and he has
oniy been in his neu' school and in NIrs. I)arve's classloom since September 2019, it is
tmclelstandable that iv{rs. Darve sees Walid stlr-rggling ',,vit}r a broadel i'ange of di{iicLrlties and
shorvs less ability to aclapt.

N{r. fidjel identifled Walid u'ith several problems sirnilar to those described by the
teachers. In contrast, h'{s. Simoussa's ratings *,ele radica}iy diflelent i}om ai1 of t}re other
latings, indicating that she perceives him as an average chiid.
CollateraI Contact

Cheryl Mosolf, Teacher, Grade 2 & Resource Room, Rosscarrock Elementary

School. lvls. lvlosolf'reportecl tirat she has lino.,vn \\ralid since 2009 and participatecl in a
conf'erence r.vith the pre-scirool provicler. She statecl that sLrpports for Walid u,ere iclentifiecl and
an Inriiviciual Program Plan (iPP) rvas creirted for him. ivfs. N{osolf reporteci that, in acldition to
the resolu'ces available throush the Calgary Board of Edrication, rvhich included occr-rpational
therap1,, si;eech ancl langirage sLU)pot'l, In Schoo] Rehaviour S.T.O.P, anci Progranr Unit
Iruncling (PUF), lValid recei.,'ecl adclitional support throtrgl'r Commr-rnity OLrtreach Pediatrics
ancl Education ( She indicatecl that Walid "ap1;eared to have met u,ith successes and
fivas] happy at schoo1."

Hamza Fidje1
Clinical Description
Llamza presentecl as a f iendly boy r.vho appealed his statecl age. In iny initial meetinss
u,itir him, u,hich toolt place cluring home visits, he rl,as interestecl in ur,v plrrpose o{'my visits. At
his mother's home lte u,as interested in shr.rr.r,ing me ;iround, particularly his beciloom y,here he
pointecl out his br-rnk becls, desli, ancl compi:ter. FIe rvas r"eselved at his father"s home, and
recluirecl prompting to shou, me the clou'nstairs. l{e referred to Ms. Simor-rssa as iris rnotirer', br-it
referred to lvlr. Ficijel by his first name, ivioharned,


rny oflice, l'Iamza agleecl to chat u'ith me and sat quietlv, politely responding to
Nanry QgfratiwRl, NC
Re g i: t ered rPq c fio [ogis


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ntitg Co o rfina t or
fhqsofiLtion s ca [gary. corn


gi-atr c1@ cowrse

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