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ha.-l plr:.,.iderl, iuclLriing tire idea oi' usins' tfie seconi piece oi paler





'ns:i-uctions I
cr-excliirie l"lirn ii'or:: the acti','ii.,'. NI.'. Si:r'rc,,issa calrniv br-i:
.rir-ies, ire attem;tcd ro ciirecr
fir'nd;. erplaineci ro Hanza tiie neeri to be patient irncl sha'e, ancl tj:ev al1 contii:Licri rvith their
dla-*ing. She or-aise,,i borir c]-rii<llen fbr tireii'cr-eatir.itlr throughor-rr the activitv. IIs. SitnoLrsszi
,.va-s afienrir.e to botl: chiicli:en, at times having to retni:rcl I-{amz:r to ai]or.r' Wallcl ro conil'ibtiie
ancl, arothei tines, enccLuagine Wdid to add io tire piciLrre rvhen ire 1:aC mor.ecl ofito the sicle
tc. rnake loom fbr' llamz:a. \\-ith litile conrpiaining, I-iarnza,:l his brcthet'. Aji three
seemecl to enioy the actli"ity, and giggied and laughecl together as thev cornpleteci it. As tl-re
activiit, ciLer.,' to ar: enci, i-Iarnza hacl ciiihctiitv remainin:i fbcuseci and began bouncing as ire siir
on one oithe coucires in the oihce. NIs. Simoussa dicl not irrr,-)eCiateiv resnonci, brit finished l:ei'
interacrion u,itir Walici beibre ca-lmiv anno,-rncing to l-Iamza it r,r,as time to gei his coal. Hatnza
readil_v complied, JvIs. SimoLrssa denonstratecl her abiiity to eilecti.,'eli. manage both bo;,'s'
beha.iiour', .,r,hiie enslu'ing thev complied witir m'r c'lirections. She ensureci both chilclr-en wel'e
properly dressecl ancl they leit the ollice.

Mohamed Fidjel
Individual history. Mr. Fidjel rvas born December S, 1957, in Tighennifi Algeria. FIe is
tire elclest of c chlldren, 2 sons and + claughters, born to Yamina and l)jelloLii liicljel, DjelioLil
was lepolredi-v liilled in a motor vehicle accident in 1976 at the age r:f *2. N{r. Iilcljel indicatecl
that Yamirra succ,;mbecl to ier.iliemia in 2oo6 at the age of es. FIe recalled that Djelloul haci been
the CEO of an international food compan)i that exported food - mainly oranges - to Europe
zind Yamina ciid not *,orli ontside the home. I-Ie ciescribed DjelioLrl as "tire authority in the
home," ivho made sule evervthing ran ploperly in the hor"rse. Nft-. Ficllel inclicatecl he "got along
rr,e}l" rvith his parents but used to "fear" D.ie1loui, a "serior-rs pelson" u'ho u'as to b,e obeyecl. N4r.
tridjel ciescribecl Yamina as "generoris rvith everyonr.. . r:erI protective" and someone rvho
".,vould give anvthir:g to her cirildlen rvithoLrt hesitation," e\jen conlessing to having clone
son-retiring herself to protect thetl. I-Ie staied that his palents hai'l a "periect" r'elatior"rship ancl
that 1'amina was "al,.vays trying to plotect Lrs" by cooling things if DjeliouJ got angr},.
Mr'. Fid.iel r,vas impr-esseci u'itir Yamina's ability not to pro.,'oke DjelloLrl and manage diflicult
sitrratiorrs ',vlth him. Mr'. Fid.iel plovided an example of a time ,,vhen he r.r,as aboLrt 7 years old
ancl DjeiioLi-l becarle "a little bit angry"..vith the way the lbocl irad been preparecl. lIe repolted
that Yanrina "had the oppoltunity to understand rny dad and linorv u,hat he rvanted * that's
rvhat macle the relationship successfiil." I{e statecl that his parents did not arglre r.ery rnnch ancl,
althoLigh domestic r.iolence is "courmon ainong rmeducated popul:rtions" he ciici not u,itness :iny
physical r,iolence betrveen his parcnts.

NIr. Iridjel fblt DjelloLrl u,as strict "fbr oul best interests" ancl that Yamina rvas lenient.
FIe statecl he "never'" brolie the rules of not stayine or-rt late or rnixing r,vith the \vlorlg cr-o-uvcl
because "if Dacl says that's not good for you, tirat's it." I{e recalied that at the age olabout 1:1,,
ire rvas once in trorible u,ith Djelioul because a neishbour had complainecl. Mr'. Ficl]el staterl
that Djelloui prLnished hirn by tyine his hancis and leaving hirn in the clarh basement fbr abor-rt
iralf an hoLu' belore Yamina r-rntied his hancls and gave hin-r foorl. I{e inclicated thal t}re
experience was "a sood lesson" and that the ptrnishmeirt had been "pletty eflectir.e." FIe rvas
admittedly "l'ery f ightenecl" explaining "l'm a periectionist. I don't lilie to be pLrnishecl becar-rse
that means I'rn doing sornething wl'ong. I lilie to be the one .,r,ithout faLrlt. Il I rvlite a lettet' I
check ancl checli to malte sure it is perfect," I{orvever, Mr. Iricljel denied erper'lencinu any {blnr
fu'anc1 fufiatinsRJ, tUC

Rrgist ered




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fogist <d,a,te didtor/rParentiilg Coo r[in ator

f.mai [ 5i utry@ co uns e {Gtgs o futiansc afgary. com

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