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The ,Soci:rl Desirabilitv inciicator sl"lggesis that N{s. Sirnor-rssa's responses were s:r-on{lr,
,rfluenceci bi, a iesir-e to pr:--selr tire parent-chlicl relarionsi:ip in an irnreaiis:ica-li:, positi','e
ligiLt. i{one of sub-scales leil belorv the SO'i'perceniile and most t'ei:e above the 65'i'percent:je.
lvhich would other'+ ise be sLrggesiive of a healthy pareniilrg relationshil.

Orientation to Parenting/Parenting Plan

NIs. Sirnoussa basecl hel palenting p).an on maintaining pi'iman' palenting

responsibiliries for both chilCren. Sl-re asser-ts thai, witir the excepticn of the le..r. months thzrt
she worlied .*hen LIamza was an infant, she has been the rrin:ary caregir.,er {br both chilcL"en.
She leportecl that, since separating fi-om N{r-. Fidjei, she has coniinlred io Lrpgrade her eclucation
and has completed brisiness colu:ses rvith the goais cf completing a Diploma in Business
Adrninistration, anci el-entr"rally a bachelor's degree in brrsiness ,,vithin the next 3 years. She
aclinorvledges the challenges of juggling the care of her children rvith her educational
obiigations but believes she has good sLrpports in place for herself and her children.
NIs. SimoLrssa indicatetl tirat she has follor,,'ed the recommendations inclucled in the
iearning assessments of both children, and has rvorited wiih speech pathologists, occlrpational
therapists, resollrce room teachers, and classroom teachers to ensure the children's educational
needs are met. She has reportediy spent regular time volr-rnteering in the classrooms of both
chilclren at their pre...ior-rs school, and is ji,rst r,vaitingfor irer police check so she can contintre to
vollinteer in their nerv school.

Ms. Simolrssa stated thai hel initial intention had been to register the chilch'en in the
Westgate School French Immersion program rvhen Flamza in Grade 1. I{orvever, dlre to
the recommendations fi-om a speech pathologist r,vho "strongly suggested that l-Iamza should
not be iearning a ne\\r language before Gracle 4,," she changed hel decision. She reg;istered them
in Rosscan'ocli Elementary School ''.vhere both chilclren have attended since 2009. Ms. Simor-rssa
inclicaterl that she decided to change schools lor the 20t2-2o13 school yeal becanse
"Rosscarrock is not as strongly academic as Wildrvood school" and "based on my voLunteeling
experiences" thoLrght it rvor-rlcl be better for both children ii they attended a school u,here there
were tbr.,'er children rvith behavioural issues r,r;ho take up a good portion ol teacher's time. Si'ie
admittecl that she would eventually like to send both childlen to Arabic schoois.
Ms. Simoussa asser-ts that Mr. Fidiel does not r,rnderstand the chllcllen's special iearning
needs and has made no eflolt to do so. She stated that the children "r,r,i11 lealn to l:e negative,
hurtfirl and aggressive to othet's... [and] won'tlearn horv to solve problems efiiciently" if they
are placecl in the care of Nfr. Ficijel. Sire explessecl concern that Walicl continues to har.e
toileting issues in that he often r,vets the bed rvhen he has spent tin-re rvith Mr. tridie1. She
beiieves this beiravioLrr indicates horv stressfirl the chilclren fir-rd Mr. tricliel's parenting time.
Ms. Sitnoussa asserts that, rvhile she iras attempted to pror,ide consistency and routine {br the
children and keep them out of the on-goinglitigation, lvlr. Fidjel Lrses his time r.r,ith the children
to aslt inappropriate and unnecessal'y questicins about her.

Ms. Sinoussa described het'self as "a happy and confident rnom" ,,vho has piit
considerable effort into cleating a peaceful home rvhere her cliildren can thrive. She has
repoltedly provided adequate chiidcar"e u'hen needed for the cirilclren and ha-* also accessecl
community slrpports, such as tramily Stippoi't lbr Children rvitfr Disabilities (FSCD) to help
ureet their needsNanq



togist {, 9,1 ediato r/Sarenting Coorditato r

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