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.rield a Clir:icaiiv Significant rating ln tire ;:-:iter-nalizing Problcms comuosite-scale (.99'r'

pei:centile). In aiiriiticn. he lateci l-iainza in ihe Clinica.:Lv Signiticant range ibr ,\r-,'picalir., itt"'
percerliile). ,lt:-erticn Ploblen'rs ii$l' nercendie!, tc 1'reici a Clinicaij',r Signiiicant ratinE on rhe
Behtrvio,.ral S,r,rnptorns Inder co.mi;csite-scale it)sr'l'nelcentile). FIe ratecl Fiar::za in ihe 1''t
lercen:iie for' -\ctir ities oi Daily I-ii i;ig, r-,,itici'r indicate that l-Iarnza iras c.iiiircult..' perioi'minq
simpiy ciaii-'., tas!:s in a saib alcl eiiicienr manner. N{r. Fidjel also rated Fiamza in t.he At*Risk
r':lnge fbl Depression anC Sociirl Sl-:iils, rvhich ir:clicate l-Iamza has been rvitiicira.,vr:, pessimis;ic.
sad, and has clilIicLrl{r complil-ientir-rg others ancl mahin_a srLgeestions ir-i a tactfiil and sociail',,
acceptabie rnanrer.

In contrast, r-Is. Sirloussa raied I{arnza as able to organise ancl peiform clailv tasl's,
aclapt, commi-rnicate, pror-icle leadership. empioy lealning str-ategies, anci ciemonstr-ate

appropriate socia-l sliills lar better than other chilclren his age.

Teacher report. N{s. }{osolf and N'Is. Flarcos cornpleted the BASC-I Teacher Report
Form. N{s. I\{osolf latecl I{arnza in the At-Risii range ibr Ageression, indicating tirat he is
sotnetimes argumentative, defiant, ancl threatening to others" 'fhere \\,ere no other elerr:rtions in
her leport. By comparison, N{r. Flalcos rateci l-iamza in the At-Risk rang'e for Withdrar.val,
rvhicir sriggests that Flamza has cliflictiiiy making ii'iends ancl is someiirnes r"rnu'ilIing to .ioin
grouir actir.'ities. She rated llarnza in the At-llisk range fbr Aclai>tability suggesting that he has
cliflicLrltv aclaptinr to changing situations and talies longer to recover fiom difiicLrlt situations
than most children his age. She also rated him At-Itisk on Social Siiills. iv{s. I-Iarcos repoltecl
that Flarnza has diiliculty overcoming stress and adr.ersity and has a tendency to react
neeaiiveiy to changes in everyclay activities or routines by placing him in the At-Risii range for'
Negatir.e Emotionality and Resiliency, respectivelv.

Self-Report. The eievatecl validity scale on l-iamza'a self-repolt slrggests Hamza is

psychologically naive and has belou,-averaee insight into his orvn beha.,.iour and feelinp;s.
Alternatively, this eler,ation coLrld be attribirted to diillcLrlties Flamza irad in reacling' ancl
nnclerstanding iterns inclLideC in the instmment. 1n either c:ise, Flamza reported no other

Col]ateral Contacts

Cheryl illosoif, Classroom Teacher, Resource Roorn Teacher, Rosscarrock

Elementary School. The comments Ms. r\Josolf shaled lor Waiicl rvere the same as those
Irrovirlerl [ot- Hamz.a.

Nicole Harcos, Classroom Teacher (Grade a), Wildwood Elementary School. jvls.
Flarcos statecl that, although l"Iarnza has only been at her schooj ancl in her classrooin since the
beeinning of this school year, she iras claily contact u,'ith hlm. She desclibed hin-i as a "strong
student rvho strives to do well academically." She aclinorvleclged that i-Iamza "has challenges
u'itli listening, social sliills, and transitions" ancl is serielally very stLrclioirs. She indicatecl that
i-Iamza has an iI'P basecl otr a speech ilssessrnent conrpletecj rvhen he rvas in ltinclergarten ancl
that lie iras l:een refbrrecl {bl an updated :issessment. Sire ciescribecl l{amza as "not a rnajor
behaviotu'al problem" anci that he seems to be at glade level fol readiirg and x,riting.

ACg is t ere
tPlro ne : (+

!{,tnq fufiatinsS, lvt6

k g k t {, ltte rfia t a r/rt'aren tin11 Co o rdita tor
A- i 23 6 frnai[ thncl@ ;o uns [[ingsofutionsca [g ary. com


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