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elepircne cilnversation rvith Chet'-..

'l llosoli Resottrce

jloom Te aciier, Il,-,s scat'r'c-c li Elementa;-,' Sc hoci
Telephone interi'ier,v ,'vith Niccie Flarcos, Iiarnza's teacher
1-elephcne cousiiltation r,r'itir Dr. Moi-rarlmeci Sadiq

1S-lio\'-12 l

Page 5 of 28


Psy-choiogical tests adrninistered to NIr. Fidjel and l'Is. Simoussa,

n lvlinnesota Nlriltipliasic Personalit,v inventoiy, znci editicn (MlvfPI-z)
o N{ilion C}inicai \iulua:<;al In:,'entor,r', 3::.1 eriition (r\,lC}.'II-lli)
' Parenting Stress Inrlex (PSI)
r Parent Chilcl Reration-"hip Inl'entor'.r- (PCRI)

Psychological tests and structured activities administered to Harnza Fidjel:

n Behavior Assessment Slrstern lor Children-2 (Parent, Teacher-, and Self Reports)
' Joint directed in-oflice sessions rvlth Haurza and each Llarent
Psvchological tests and structured activities administered to \YaIid Fidjel:
r the Beiravior Assessment System lbr Children-2 (Parent & Teacher Reports)
' Joint directed in-ofIce sessions rvith \\ialid and each palent

Collateral contacts:


yi Nlosolf, Resoulce Roorr teacher at Rosscar rocli Elernentary School

Nicoic'HaLcos, I-{am:ra's teachet'at Wild*'oocl Elementary School

Oumria Simoussa
Individual historyr. Ms. Simoussa was born April 9, 19i5, in Nfascara, AJgeria. She is
the eldest of ; children, S dar-rghters and 2 sons, born to Ghazla Stamboui and liarim Simor.issa.
iv{s. Simoussa reported that her father r'r,as in tire arrny (the equivalent of a local poiice fbrce),
and rvas posteci in various cities in Algeria until he began teaching la'',v eufbrcement in his
furties. AJthoLrgir NIs. Sirrroussa rei::illed that both parents rvet'e invoh,ecl in ralsing itet', it s,as
her mother g,ho rvas "alrvays there." According to lv{s. Simoussa, the fami}y rnoved often rvhile
her father- ."r,as in the army. 1liiey reportedly lived in designated housing in gated commnnities
she described as "gooci, very safb," w,here her lriends were the children of her father''s
cor.r,orkers. She admitted that it u,as hard to leave f iends brit "\\,e $,ere plepalecl, we Iineu,"
about an ttpcoming move.
N'Is. SimoLrssa described hel parents as loving ancl sLrppor-tive and indicated she iras "an
extremely c1ose" relationship u'ith her family. She indicated tirat her fathel iras "sucir a beautifirl

heart", is "nry role moclel", ancl that she has "a lot of respect" for her "vely liind" mother. Ms.
Sirnoussa stated that she rvas raised in the il{r-rs}irn fait}r "since birth" ancl, a1t}rough }rer mother
prefbrs to r,vear traditional dress, NIs. Sirnorrssa \\'as not expected to u,eaL the hijab ol cljalaba (a
Moroccan or,erdless). She explained that the declsion as to rvhether or not her fernale relatives
rvore traclitional garments was ieft Lrp to each farnily.
Ms. Simoussa thought that hel palents rl'ere strict, btil tliat theil rlrles ,,r,ere "extremely
1{an c1 fus fta t ir * fiX,',V Q
Qegis t cre
Qfion e :



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