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MGT 4830





Case Summary
SNI was created in a 1990 merger between a smaller minicomputer manufacturer and a division
of a large multinational corporation. The result was a relatively bureaucratic company with
average performance in a fast-moving industry. A new CEO in 1994, Gerhard Schulmeyer is
brought in and quickly announces a change program to increase customer focus and market
responsiveness through a culture change program (CCP) and change agent program (CAP).
Schulmeyers goals was to to change the behavior of managers and employees to improve the
performance and results, change the work system-culture, emphasize more on customers and
introduce Change Agent Program (CAP), Culture Change Program (CCP), Friday Forum

Q1: Critique the change process initiated and executed by Gerhard Schulmeyer. What do you see
as the strengths and weaknesses of his efforts?
Overall, the program would be successful if it is managed properly in terms of control and
administration between SNI and consulting firms. For instance, the management of the
consulting firm changes. Participants were wondering, is it SNI or the consulting firm was in
control. The change effort begins to lose momentum as participants have lost their focus.
1. The Change Culture Program was effective, deeply affected participants, whom return
with highly motivated and fired up.
2. The creation of the road map was a good move by Schulmeyer.
3. The voice of employees, leaders and partners were heard in the Hannover 1, 2 and 3.
1. Huge amount of stress was detected among the participants of the Change Program due to
too much pressure on the Schulmeyers plan.
2. The participants found that the Change Program did not focus on individual performance.
3. Shulmeyer might have not properly analyze the overall organization .
4. Change reluctant senior managers find it hard to change because of their traits.

Q2: Assume that the head of the information and communication division at Siemens contacts
you after receiving variety of emails and voice mails supporting and questioning the CAP
program. A request is made for you to conduct an evaluation of the CAP program. Based on the
above information, design and justify an evaluation process, including the contratual terms or
essential wants that you think are critical in carrying out the assess-ment, the interview
and/survey question you would ask, and the sampling design you would use.
Quasi-experimental research design
Its a rigorous and controlled as randomized experimental design. It is one of the most powerful
design that could be used to assess changes as it possess two features
1. Longitudinal measurement- it involves measuring results repeatedly over relative long
time periods. Its a method that collects data before the change programs is implemented
and continue for a period of time. Then, we can see the effectiveness and efficiency of the
change agent program.
2. Comparison unit- it is desirable to compare results in the intervention situation with those
in another situation where no such change has taken place. Data collection of participants
before and after the change agent program could be crucial to see the effects of the
program taken place.
By using these two powerful features, we could get accurate results because it is one of the
sophisticated methods combining data collection from the change agent program.

Contracting terms or essential wants

1. Company records that exist before the merger between Siemens AG and Nixdorf
2. The data collection can be retracted from the participants of the CAP and CCP in
Hannover and Germany
3. The participants of the 13- week program at MIT and Stanford
4. Organizational Development practitioners that will conduct the interview and survey
Possible interview questions for the chairman:
1. What type of culture that exists in your organization?
2. What was the reason at the first place for the merger?
3. Is there any rules and regulation within the merger focusing on corporate culture?
Possible interview questions for the employees:

What is your organizations culture?

Do you think it can be improve? If yes, please suggest how.
What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Change Agent Program (CAP) ?
What results can you point from your CAP project?

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