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We have had such a busy term—we can’t believe that it is nearly over!

We St Marks CE
hope you have enjoyed it as much as we have! Have a very restful Easter Junior School
By Sahiba And Callum
Rahman Mountain Newsletter 23

On Monday 15th March, we were divided into groups to go to different

classes. I went with Jay but he wasn’t
here so I was all by myself but I didn’t
mind! I went to Miss Blightman’s class.
We all gathered and put our vegetables
down on the chair. Our activity was look-
ing at lots of different vegetables. I
studied the red dragon fruit. It will grow
in Mexico. It is actually the fruit of a
cactus with no shell or hard spikes. In
Mexico, they use it for juice. It’s meant to taste like a cross between a kiwi
and a pear! Dates for your diary:
In the afternoon, we made instruments out *Friday 26th March—
of fruit and vegetables. It was hard to play Reports out
some of the instruments though! *Monday 29th and
During Science week, we also did lots of Tuesday 30th
learning about sounds and how they travel March—Parent Consul-
when people speak. We also did the Mexi- tation Evening
can Wave to show how sounds travel! I also *Wednesday 31st
had to go into Mr Keens class to do some March 3pm –End of
writing about fruit and vegetables and how they grow. We worked in part- term (INSET 1st
ners because the job was really hard and tricky but it was fun! April)
*Monday 19th April –
The rest of the week was great. Year 3 had a
School resumes
visit from Dr Glaze from Tauntons College
*Friday 30th April -
who let us do an experiment to investigate
Peter Pan Day
the best solution to out on plants. It was fun
to see the liquids changing colours! Dr Glaze
also brought in a massive stick insect which
felt really tickly when it crawled on our arms,
and made Miss Blightman go really funny!!
Year 3 Egyptian Day
Yesterday, Year 3 had a special Egyptian Day. We
made Egyptian bread at 9.30am. We all dressed as
Pharaohs, slaves, peasants and workers. I dressed up Our Museum!
Some fantastic costumes! as a slave. A slave is when you have to do all of the
work for the Pharaohs. In Mr Hawkes class, we made models of shadufs, and in Mrs Bevan’s class we
made cuffs. Here are the instructions: 1. Get a piece of card. 2. Get some tin foil and wrap it around
the card. 3. Get a craft knife and carve a pattern in the foil. 4. Paint over your pattern using ink 5.
Put it somewhere safe in the classroom. In the afternoon, we showed off our projects and things
we had made. At 2.45pm Mr Hawkes did a show all about Egyptians, it was
really funny! Finally, it was time to go home, everyone was cheering be-
cause it had been more than enough excitement for one day!
By Zubair Asghar

Homemade Flatbread

Peter Pan Day Painting Overalls Shop

Another reminder that Friday 30th April Please ensure you have Thank you to all those people
is Peter Pan Day– please an old painting shirt at who brought in packets and
get your costumes at the school with your name bottles for our role play shop
ready! Please see Miss on— some children have during Science Week. The
Blightman if you have any been going home looking children had great fun and en-
questions—or if you’d like rather mucky! hanced their practical Maths
to join in the fun too! Thank you. skills- we think it will be a
permanent fixture!

Fabulous find of the fortnight— Waterstone's Children's Book Prize 2010 winner announced!
The winner of the Waterstone's Children's Book Prize 2010 is The Great
Hamster Massacre by author Katie Davies.
Nine year old Anna tells how she and her younger brother Tom win the
battle to be allowed to own a hamster each, survive the ups and downs of
ownership and then, when the great hamster massacre takes places, set
about finding the culprit! Anna’s view of her world will amuse all.
The following titles were also shortlisted for The Waterstone’s Children’s
Book Award 2010 – Crowfield Curse, Desperate Measures, Flyaway, The
Girl who could Fly, Love Aubrey, Meteorite Strike, Seven Sorcerers
and The Toymaker. Please let Miss Blightman know if you read any of
these books over Easter, and would like to review them for the newsletter!

PE and Games Reminders: Have a great couple of

Year 3 Games: Tuesday afternoon, Year 3 PE: Wednesday mornings weeks!

Year 4 Games: Thursday afternoon, Year 4 PE: Tuesday mornings Miss Blightman
and the Year 3/4 team
Targets: Children should be bringing home their end of term reports
on Friday. Please read these through with your child and discuss
their targets with them. If possible, it would be ideal if they could
accompany you to Parent Consultation evening so that children under-
stand exactly what they need to do. Thank you!
Inside Story Headline
This story can fit 150-200 words. You can also research ter, convert it to a
One benefit of using your newslet- articles or find ―filler‖ Web site and post it.
ter as a promotional tool is that you articles by accessing
can reuse content from other mar- the World Wide Web.
keting materials, such as press re- You can write about a
leases, market studies, and reports. variety of topics but
try to keep your arti-
While your main goal of distributing
cles short.
a newsletter might be to sell your
product or service, the key to a suc- Much of the content
cessful newsletter is making it use- you put in your news-
ful to your readers. letter can also be used
for your Web site. Mi- Caption describing picture or
A great way to add useful content to graphic.
crosoft Publisher of-
your newsletter is to develop and
fers a simple way to
write your own articles, or include a
convert your newslet-
calendar of upcoming events or a
ter to a Web publication. So, when
special offer that promotes a new
you’re finished writing your newslet-

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 100-150 words. ternally, you might comment upon dors.
The subject matter that appears in new procedures or improvements to
newsletters is virtually endless. You the business. Sales figures or earn- ―To catch the
can include stories that focus on ings will show how your business is reader's
current technologies or innovations growing. attention,
in your field. Some newsletters include a column place an
that is updated every issue, for in- interesting
You may also want to note business
stance, an advice column, a book re- sentence or
or economic trends, or make predic-
view, a letter from the president, or quote from the
tions for your customers or clients.
an editorial. You can also profile new story here.‖
If the newsletter is distributed in-
employees or top customers or ven-

Inside Story Headline

This story can fit 75-125 words. sands of clip art images image near the image.
Selecting pictures or graphics is an from which you can
important part of adding content to choose and import into
your newsletter. your newsletter. There
are also several tools
Think about your article and ask
you can use to draw
yourself if the picture supports or
shapes and symbols.
enhances the message you’re trying
to convey. Avoid selecting images Once you have chosen an
Caption describing picture
that appear to be out of context. image, place it close to
or graphic.
the article. Be sure to
Microsoft Publisher includes thou-
place the caption of the

Newsletter 23 Page 3
St Marks CE Junior School

Primary Business Address

Your Address Line 2 This would be a good place to insert a short para-
Your Address Line 3
graph about your organization. It might include the
Your Address Line 4
purpose of the organization, its mission, founding
Phone: 555-555-5555
date, and a brief history. You could also include a
Fax: 555-555-5555
brief list of the types of products, services, or pro-
grams your organization offers, the geographic area
covered (for example, western U.S. or European
Your business tag line here.
markets), and a profile of the types of customers or
members served.
It would also be useful to include a contact name for
on the We
b! readers who want more information about the or-


Back Page Story Headline

This story can fit 175-225 words. If you have any prices place to insert a clip
If your newsletter is folded and of standard products art image or some
mailed, this story will appear on the or services, you can other graphic.
back. So, it’s a good idea to make it include a listing of
easy to read at a glance. those here. You may
want to refer your
A question and answer session is a
readers to any other
good way to quickly capture the at-
forms of communica-
tention of readers. You can either
tion that you’ve cre-
compile questions that you’ve re-
ated for your organi-
ceived since the last edition or you
can summarize some generic ques-
tions that are frequently asked You can also use this
about your organization. space to remind read- Caption describing picture or
ers to mark their cal- graphic.
A listing of names and titles of man-
endars for a regular
agers in your organization is a good
event, such as a
way to give your newsletter a per-
breakfast meeting for vendors every
sonal touch. If your organization is
third Tuesday of the month, or a
small, you may want to list the names
biannual charity auction.
of all employees.
If space is available, this is a good

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