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Ciess L:ciex Number

Naine :


Founcicd iD 1887

Prelirn in ary Exarn in ation

Secondzry 4-
Thursday Chemistry 5068/2
Paper 2 t h45min

Write your name, class and index number in the spaces at the too of this page and
on any separate answer paper used.

Section A

Answer all questions.

Write your ans,wers in the spaces provided on flre question paDer.

Section B

Answer all three questions; the last q0estion is irithe form of eitherior.

Write your answers on the sepamre writing paper.

At the end of the examination, hand in sections A and B separately.


The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the g,nd of eacn quesiion or part

A copy of the Periocjic Table is printed on page 11.

This question paoer consists of 11 printed pages, excluding the cover.

Tn 6, s P"eLr,. 2oo+ U^p^nLiy gpal+-r >)
Page 1

Section A{50 marks)


Answer all the questions in the spaces provided'

Ai When hydrogen sulphide and chlorine were mixed in a 1:1 volurne ratio
in a glass_tube,thefollowing reaction occured:

HzSlg; + clz(9) + ZHCl(g) + S(s)

a) . Describe whatwould be seen in the glass tube when the

reaction is comPlete- .


ii) Explain Your answer in b i)-

A? a) Glass is a mixture of oxides melted together with siiicon
dioxide. 'Lbad crystal' giass typically contains 22% lead(ll) oxloe.
How much leacj is present in a lead crystal globule vvhich weighs
350 o?

b) Complei.e and balance these equations(include state sysbols).

i) + *
ii) _Ciz(aq) +-HzO(l) -,
Page 2

A3 Use the fcllowing clues to compleie the crossword'

has been fiiled 'or You.

A positively charged'ion:

1 down
2 across A process used tL separate amino acids in urine
3 down Word used to descibe a liquid with low boiling point'
4 down A iype of reaction which an unsafurated hydrocafion
can undergo.
5 down An alkaline gas.
6 across A dark greyirystalline solid that sublimes on heating'

\/-rLM;;.? /]i-l e' l-hnal Chomicw Prmer 2 Pr e liminsrv haminarion 2 004

Page 3

A4 a) Carbamide, (NHz)zCO is a fertilizer' lt dissolves in water to form

a neutralsolution.

ti) Calcutaie the percentqge by mass of nitrogen in


iii) Give two reasons why carbamide is a good fertiliser.

b) Name another compound which is also useci as a niirogenous


t,iernodi-sr Gjri-s' Scnooi. Chentlst-,,Psoev 2 Preiiminart" Exominaiot 2C04

Page 4

,45 For each of the following questions, choose one substance from-Ust A
end one subsiance from List B. Each substance in the lisis may be.
- used once, more than once, or not at all.

Llsi A List B
arnrnonium chloride iolution '. barium chloride solution
calcium carbonate . chlorine
iron(ll) sulphate soluticn hydrogen chloride
ircn(lli) cnloride soluticn silver nftraie soluiion
sccjium bromide solution sodium hydroxide solution

These tvro substances react ioqether to produce a

a) ccloudess sotution. On .ti"nl.ring, a gas is given ofrwhich turns

reC litmus blue.

bi white precipiiate.


c) a yellowish brown solution-

I tl

.\tfe.ti"-oaist Gir;-.s' Scitool C/rcmistr,' Pzoer 2 2-eiiminart l-a27v;.v4l67- 1OQJ

Page 5

A5 a) i) Complete the electronic structure of a sociiurn ion in the

diagiam shown below.

x electron of sociium

ii) State how manY Protons and neutrons are present in a

sodium ion,

Nurnber of protcns

Number of neutrons
b) i) Suggest two laboratory reagents which can be used io
make sodium chloride-

ii) Wriie an ionic equation foi- this reaciion.

c) which is more reaciive, a chlorine aiom oi-a chloricie ion?


C.npnisr-t Pcoey 2 Pr eiirnine,'.' Zxgninc- ct:. 2 0 0 -


Fege 6

A7 The graph shcws ihe energy lerrel diagrarn of a chemical reaction-

y-axis j

a) tl/hat is the quantity represented on the y-axis?

ii) Suggest a unii for: the quantiiy.mentioned in a) i).


bI \ffhat do X, Y and Z represent?.

c) ls the reaction endothermic orexothermic? E:plain-


Page 7

Ag The element oxygen existrs in two forms - as oxygen gas, Oz and

ozone, Os.
a) i) Ozone decomposes vvhen heated to form o:rygen gas.
Construct the equation for this reaction.

ii) Calculate the volume of bxygen gas produced when

50 cim3 of ozone is decomposed. All volumes of gases
are measured at room temperature and pressure.

b) Ozone is a oowerful oxiciising agent. Describe the colour
change(if any) that you would expeci to see when ozone is
bubbleci into
i) aqueous potassium iodide,

ii) acidifieCpotassiurnmanganate|/lt).


Meilrctiist Giris' Schoo: ChenisTrl' Pcper 2 Prelinino,-..'*.cnincrion 240'

?zge 8

A9 Enzyme X coniains a shori prctein molecule. The sirucfure iS

shcwn below.
Ir ?r fril fl Tl frT
lll T
i 3
ll ii H

H- N C- C-N-C- G-r\1--C
A It

lil,l H H-C-H
o it

H c_o


When X is boileciwiih dilute hydrochloric acid, it breaks down to

form arnino acids. An amino acid has the following structure:

H-*" li:,1
1_J-N -H
where represents a group of atoms-
a) Draw the structural formulas of the following:
i) the peptide linkage in the protein molecule,

ii) any two amino acitjs produced when the protein molecule
is broken down-

l'-ltomiea, Pmov 1
Pr e liminan t Ex cm inei on 20 A t
rage v

AS U1 Name a syntheiic polymer which contains'nitrogen'

. t1l
which is
c) Name a condensation polyrner.which'has linkage
different frorn the amide linkage'

ln the cracking of the hydrocarlcon, cgHs, several reactions
C3H6 * C3H6+il2

a) Give the names of the hydrocarbons CgHe and C:Ho'



. mixture oi equal volumes of iwo other hydrocarbons is
Give ihe full siructural formuias oi these iwo hydrocarbons'

Pege I0

Section B
A.nslver all three questions from this section. The last question is in ihe form of
eiiher/or and only one alternaiive should be attempteci:.

811 Excess limestone pieces (calcium carbonate) were added to 160 cm3 of
0.25 mol/dm. hydrochloric acid. The carbon dioxiCe was collecteci in the
syringe as shown in ihe diagram below.

conical flask
ccntaining iimestone
and hydrochloric acid

a) i) Write a balanced equation for the reaction.

ii) Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide produced in the experiment

. at room temperature and pressure.

iii) " The volume of carbon dioxide produced remained constant afier 12
minuies- Calculate the average'speed of the reaction in cm31min.
b) lf the syringe is removed and a ball of cotton is placed over the mouth of
the conical flask instead,

i) sketch a labelled show ihe mass of the flask and its
content over time given that the initial.mass of the fl-ask and its
contents is 42.09.

ii) indicate on the graph, the initial mass of the mixture and its.rnass. at
12 minutes, showing ail necessary wo_ri<ing._ _

iii) explain the shape of the graph- t6l

The actual volume of carbon dioxide collected in the syringe was different
from the volume theoreticaily.expected in the reaction- Suggest a reason
for this. t1I

fuIerhoriXr Girls' School Chemistry Paper 2 P reltminary fuaninoion 20 04

rage 'J t

P.12 -Magnetite is an ore of copper containing'GuCOs-

a) The schematic diagram below shows one rnethod of extracting copPer

ftom magnetite.'
Leaching . ,Electrowinning
CuCQ (s) Cu{s)

0 Wriie an equaiion for the reaction involved in leaching'

-lnElectrowinning, the copper is extracted from the aqueous coppe(ll)
' sulphate through electrolYsis.
:Draw,a labelled diagram of the electrolytic cell used in this proces-s and
explain how the cop=per is formed at one of the eiecirodes. t6l

b) Copper can also be extracied from magnetite by anoiher method as

shown below:

Roasting Rrnoltinn

CuCOg (s) CuOts)

i) Write the equation for the reaction that occurs during roasting.

ii) ln smelting, CuO(s) is heated with ccke

Suggest Jdisadvantage of this methoj cornpared to leaching anfl

iii) ln the final process of .this extraciion rnethod, the copper obiained is
placed in an electrolytic cell as shown below.

I r-'! E__]--5
F.iC--'F-l obtained from smeiting
I ll I


State two reasons for doing this'

Ctsmisi.n, Pwer ) Pr elirnman, Zxomin;i az 2 0 Or'

Page I 2

813 Eiiher Tea leaves contain both carieine and tannins tcgether with traces of
other organic ccmpouncis.

The table below gives scme information on cat'eine, tannins and an

organic solvent, methylene chloride.

Cafeine I anntns Methtrlene chloride I

d L/ctJc a weaK acio

scluble in water but soluble in i
more soluble in methylene chloride
methvlene chlorice

a) An experiment was carried out to calculate the perceniage by mass cf

cafreine in ihe iea leaves. Careine was first extracied in a iume cupboard
using the follcwing method

100 cm3 of waier and 5 g of sodium carbonate were added io 150 g of tea
leaves in a beaker. The mixture was hbated to boiiing poini and ihen
cooled to room temperature and filtered.'20 cm3 of meihylene chloride was
then added'to the frltrate io extraci out the caffeine.

i) What is the purpose of adding sodiurn carbonate ?

ii) Why is it necessary to cool the mixture before adding methylene

chloride ?

iii) Describe how the mixture of cafi'eine and methylene chloride

€f, be separated from ihe'aqueous soluiion ? : 15]

b) The was repeated with.another 40 crn3 of rnethylene chloride

on the aqueous solution. \f,/hy is this necessary ? t1I

c) Anhydrous.sodium sulphate was then.added to'the solution in

rnethylene chloride. The mixture was then lefi in the sun for drying
and the amouni of caffeine erdrac*ed was uteighed.

i) \ /hat is the purpose of adding anhydrous sodium'sulphate ? -

ii) lf 3.15 g of carfeine wefe extracted, calcuiaie the percentage of

caffeine in the tea leaves.

iii) Suggesttwo reasons why this is onty an approximate percentage-


Merhodbr Girls' School Chenk4r PaPer 2 P reiiminary bqninanon 7 004

Page 13

B'i3 Or Tartaric acid is an organic acid that can be found in grapes, iemons
and oranges. lt has the structuralformula shown below,

H-O\ H
,c-c- c-c'.4o

^/l }H
\J Lr
a) Write the empirical formula of tartaric acid. t1l

b) 23.5'cm3 o,f 0.Zmolidm3 sodium hydroxide soiution was used io

neutralise 25.0 cm3 tariaric acid e>irracted from a sample of grapes- Find
the con"entratlon of tartaric acld in mol/dm3' tll
Tartaric acid and iis compounds have many uses-
Rochelle salt, KNaCqH+Os,.is made from sodium cariconate and
'potassium hydrogen tirtarate, KHC+HaO6. Carbon ciioxide and wat=r are
the other products formed in this reaction'

i) Write an eouation forthis reaciion.

ii) what is the ooiassiurn hydrogen tartarate acting as in this

reaction ? izi
d) Citric acid is another organic acid found in giapes, lemons ani oranges'
has the structural formula shown below,

H -C-C-O- Fi

A solution of sociium hycil-oxide was tiirated against tartaric acia and ciirlc
acici separatell'.
What is the i-atio of the voiume of sodium hydroxicie sclution use: in boti'i
tiirations ii the rroiurnes anci concenttaiicns of both acicis used were the
f{ 1
Citemisrry Peoer )
age I-l

AI When acidifred potassium dichromatef,/l) was added to another organic

ccmpound and warmed, citric acid was formed- The acidified potassium
dichromateC/l) turned from orange to green.

i) What iype of rebction has occuned ?

ii) Suggesi the structural ibrmula of ihe unknorlvn organic compound.

iii) \l/hen a botile of wine is lefl opened for too long, the reaciion that
occurs is of the same type as that in (i).
Lxplain the cause of the reaction. 13l

tt Ariifrcial pineapple flavour is an ester macje irorn ethanol and butanoic
Name ihis ester and wriie the ecuation for its formation. Lz-l

futerh o ciis t G i r ls' Sc lza o I Chemisrry Paper 2 Freliminqt haninction 2 004

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