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The unit is for children of nine years old.

This unit will be Developed of very

active and interiorize the concepts with games. The unit will be developed in
nine lessons of fouty minutes.


1.To Review the previous knowlwdge, the previous vocabulary that they have
2 . To understand conversations talking and talking, listening and
comprehension of instructions, explanations and oral messages short in order
to obtain global information or to perform specific tasks in the classroom.
3. To read and write , reading texts of every learner increasingly elaborate and
playful with a communicative purpose.
4. writing development.
5. To develop language skills, to ask their own information about other people
and identify, name and age of family members.
6. Interest to know general information about people and cultures of other
7. Understanding talking and talking, listening and comprehension of
instructions, explanations and oral messages short in order to obtain global
information or to perform specific tasks in the classroom.
8.To read and write, reading texts of every learner increasingly elaborate and
playful with a communicative purpose.
9. writing development.
10. Language skills to ask their own information about other people and identify,
name and age of family members.
11. To be ableinterest to know general information about people and cultures of
other countries.


-To encourage children to do ask.

-Participate in vocabulary games and activities.

- Execution of activities and games using vocabulary

-Unit canada,
• Vocabulary: Cold, Otawa, Atlantic, Montreal. Warm, west, north, pacific,
Toronto,kangaroo,bears, camel, Niagara, hocchey, iceskating, curling,
surfing, rugby, american football. Luggage, trunk, handbag, suitcase. a
few, plane, lanscape, wildlife, lakes, exchange, flag.animals, Duck,
Rabbit, Deer,Fox, Horse, Whale, Swan, Cow, Bear,Squirrel, Buffalo,
Polar bear.
- Evaluate group work.
- Enthusiasm by the use of word already known

- Active participation in class activities.


Unit:Exchange program whith Canada!

Lesson 1 Airport and travel. Monday 01 march 1,5h
Lesson 2 Welcome to Canada Wednesday 03 march 1h
Lesson 3 school and NHL Monday 08 march 1,5h
Lesson 4 Visit a lake Wednesday 10 march 1h
Lesson 5 School, Canadian culture. Monday 15 march 1,5h
Lesson 6 Visit a Niaraga Whatherfalls Wednesday 17 march 1h
Lesson 7 End Canada & Back to Spain Monday 22 march 1,5h
Lesson 8 I relate the week (lesson review) Wednesday 24 march 1h
Sesion 9 (UNIT EVALUATION) Wednesday 08 april 1h
Lesson 8 I relate the week (lesson review) Wednesday 24 march
Time Objective: I want to How to divide the Subject to give content How do I: KTAV / Possible questions
achieve class resources
Consolidate knowledge Mental warming, video Asked about the video
5’ already acquired in the individual
previous class
Read and complete, We give them a sheet One sheet per student
5’ vocabulary worked in other with exercise and
sessions. should fill in the
blank fields
10’ video We correct the exercise all
To relate the vocabulary of We place a video and together, and put emphasis on
the class today with must remember that pronunciation
Canadian culture animals have been
10’ Associate vocabulary I give different stimuli, eyes
Working in teams, Video, flash card closed, no flash card trick
groups are randomly
10´ Close Oral presentation KAV
Able to expose what they Estructura Tomo- Once the group has understood the
have seen colleagues presto concepts to prepare a small display
throughout the unit of 3 'will have to tell his
companions (may be through a

Student’s notebook


Warming up. Open your notebook while you sing Canada’s anthem by the

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,

The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

1.Fill gaps with vocabulary that you have learnt in unit.

You are in a exchange program. Today it’s Monday, and you go to airport
with your parents by taxi. Well, you arrive to soon, you take the _______
from the _____ and you go to the terminal.

Dad - Take your _______. I take the ________ to the detector. It’s a heavy

You - Thank you dad.

Dad - You are welcome my son.

The flight to Canada is about 10 hours.

You read a Harry Potter’s book. You listen mp3 music and you sleep _____
at _____.

In the sky you see Canada’s ________. It’s so beautiful. There are a lot of
______ with flora and ______. The _____ are everywhere.

At the airport your exchange family recives you whith a Spanish ____.
Student’s notebook

2.Did you remember what you saw by plane? Pay attention and look

What ________ have you seen?

1___________ 2___________ 3___________

4___________ 5___________ 6___________

7___________ 8___________ 9___________

10___________ 11___________ 12___________

3.Your exchange family tell you about Canada culture. Listen, think,
choose and run.

4. My trip to Canada on a fellow my experience in Canada which is

what I liked most, talk about feelings, tastes, and notes on paper
and up to 3 companions. After one at q will go to the board and tell
us the experience of each

The education will be active, through the action and experimentation, living time
to that the children participate and are protagonists in their own learning.
We will have obtain a good motivation, the children must feel attracted for a
learning, and we will hep of the game.

- Their attention is: very good, good or regular.

- Their participation: very good, good or regular.

- Their understanding: very good, good or regular.

- Their English use: very good, good or regular.


Student’s CARDS
Student’s CARDS
Student’s CARDS
Student’s CARDS
Student’s CARDS
Student’s CARDS
Student’s CARDS

Propuesats de mejora

Propuestas de mejora
• Poner fecha en la pizarra
• Sentido y significado.
• Se puede hacer algún drill.
• Meter gramática en las correcciones.
• Instrucciones para ser coherentes hay que modelar (poner dibujos en
pizarra si no se enteiende, etc…
• Listening trabajar 3 veces al menos.
• GRAMATICA meter explicación
• Enlace de animales para formar grupos de la siguiente actividad.
• .

1. Rally robin Ejemeplo: leemos en 2 minutos una pagina. Paramos.

Leemos al cmpañero y anotamos en el otro idioma.
2. Round robin, lo mismo pero con 4 personas.
3. Cabezas numeradas formo grupos al azar y hacemos una serie
de preguntas. Se deja un tiempo para que el grupo la conteste y
consensue, se le pregunta al alumno más flojo, que se siente seguro por
haver recibido el apoyo de grupo.
4. Folio giratorio, listening y dibujar cada uno una parte. Empezar
con una historia y que cada uno haga una historia diferente.
5. Estructura carrusel. Consiste en poner alrededor de la clase X
trozos de papel continuo )no más de 5,6) en cada papel, un concepto que
hay que repasar. En cada papel en el fondo se pone un concepto y tienen
que asociarlo a algo. Ejemplo: peso-elefante. Se consensúa y se les da un
tiempo para poner en cada papel los conceptos. Trabajo final, el profesor
corrige, corrección grupal.
6. Quiz quiz trade. Se va por la clase y se hace una pregunta, si se
responde ok, perfecto, si no, se le da una pista.
7. Look for someone who… folios de 3 o 4 preguntas de X
contenidos. No sé pregunta quien lo ha hecho mal, pero cada uno se da
cuenta de quien ha sido.
8. Tomo-presto. Se da una clase, actividad de cierre.
Student’s CARDS

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