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Learning Outcome

At the end of a one-hour period, 75% of the students should exhibit 75%

proficiency in the following skills:

A. Focus Skills

1. Communication Skills

2. Grammar Skills

3. Written Skills

B. Support Skills

1. Comprehension Skills

2. Critical Thinking

3. Creativity

II. Subject Matter


Verb Tenses: Perfect Tenses

III. Learning Procedures

A. Motivation

Introduce the game “Swap Chairs” as class motivation and lesson


“Swap Chairs” is a game where the students have to form their chairs in

circles. They are going to sit in the chair as one student will become the

first speaker for the game. The speaker will say for example “Swap chairs

if you ever have been to a circus” or like “Swap chairs if you are going to
meet your friends later”. This game will not just give fun and motivate the

students in learning but also they practice their communication skills and

their usage of correct verb tenses.

B. Unlocking Vocabulary Difficulties

Introduce the “The Old Man and the Sea” as the selection for the day.

Give time to read and as an activity for unlocking vocabulary difficulties,

ask the students to take down all the words that they had trouble

understanding. The estimated time will be just 5 minutes.

C. Taking Up the Selection/Springboard

After the students have read the selection, the teacher will ask questions

for what they have understood. Here are five questions that is needed to

be asked:

1. What have caused Manolin’s parents to force the boy to leave thw

old man to fish in a more prosperous boat?

2. How did the old man manage to caught marlin?

3. Why is that the sharks is following the old man as he head home?

4. What did the group of fisherman found in the boat the next day?

5. Why did Manolin become worried about the old man upon seeing

the bones of the fish?

Let the students recite their insights and what they have learned in

the selection. Have the students as well share the words that they

taken down.
D. Grammar Lesson

1. Presentation

Using the selection “The Old Man and the Sea”, start introducing

the lesson by presenting five sentences coming from the selection

which reflects the verb tenses most specifically the perfect


Here are the five sentences:

 The boy continues to care for the old man upon his return

each night.

 Santiago takes his skiff into the gulf stream, sets his lines and

by noon, has his bait taken by a big fish that he is sure is a


 Santiago straps the marlin to the side of his skiff and heads


 A group of fisherman gather the next day around the boat

where the fish’s skeleton is still attached.

 The boy, worried about the old man, cries upon finding him

safe asleep and at his injured hands.

Present the prepared PowerPoint presentation for the discussion


2. Generalization
After the discussion, ask the students if they have any questions

or clarifications in the given topic. If they have, explain the lesson

further and if there is none then have 3 students explain 3 kinds

of perfect tenses and have 1 students to summarize everything.

3. Activities/Exercise

1. Write of the verb tense that is being used is past perfect,

present perfect, or future perfect.

 Manny and Bret have wanted to get a cat since they were


 My professor will have earned his doctorate degree in nearby


 My mom had gone to the market to buy our dinner for


 He has eaten vegetable everyday for years now.

 My dog, Max, has slept the entire day in my lap.

2. Explain the difference of past, present, and future perfect

tenses. (5 points)

4. Evaluation

Check the activities given by having the students to recite. Ask

them a follow up questions on how is it past perfect, present

perfect, or future perfect. Ask the students once more if they

have understood the lesson and if there is any clarification.

IV. Assignment

Assignment. Write a 500 word essay about your memorable experience in

your life so far with the perfect tenses on it. Please prepare for a sharing

tomorrow in front of the class.

Prepared by:

Mark T. Pantoja

English Teacher

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