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Shaun of the Dead (recreation)

Kyle Saunders and Dan Field

Scene starts with a shot of Shauns
feet walking through a doorway.
Resembling the slow, stumbling
waddle of a zombie, this
accompanied by the groaning
sound completes the illusion.Slow
camera pan up to Shauns face to
reveal him yawning and
stretching, having just woken up.

Shaun walks into the living room where
Ed is playing on the PlayStation. Shaun
sits down to join the game but is
reminded that he has to go to work, and
soon exits the game to get ready. The
camera work in this scene consists of a
slow zoom, and a slight pan as Shaun
walks across the room.

The next scene that follows
consists of a montage of short
zooming shots of Shaun getting
ready for work, including
brushing his teeth and putting
his name badge on.

Our recreation ends with the
part of the scene where
Shaun is straightening his tie
in the mirror. He then closes
the door on the bathroom
cabinet, bringing Pete into
the scene. This is where our
recreation ends, at 42

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