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HLA - Lifelong Wellness Application/Reflection Paper

Water Fitness

Serenity Gage
Course ____________________
August 1st
Write a paragraph (at least four sentences) on questions 1 3 (question 4 is optional):
1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this course?

Lifelong wellness can be in the water and it can be things that people
disabilities can do. Most of the people that attend water aerobics are older
in age and it gets them out of the house after retirement. It is easier on your
joints then most of the fitness that is done on land. Working out can also be
fun and not feel like working out.

2. How has learning about and applying lifelong wellness concepts impacted your life (home,
school, work, etc.)?

This class got me out of the house and off of the couch this summer. It made me
work out and do something productive and that is good for me. I realized a
that I am going to be able to as my Muscular Dystrophy advances and that it will
help my nerves stay stronger. It helps you feel better and helps with your overall

3. Discuss specific lifelong wellness concepts learned in this course and how you are going to
implement them in your life?

Stretching should be done before and after you work out. You should always
stretch to help your muscles not be as sore later. Excercising should be done at
stage in your life and not just at your prime. I will continue to do whatever work out I
can do throughout my life.

4. General ideas for improving this course?

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