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HLAC - Lifelong Wellness Application Paper

Name_________WILLIAM EICH____________________________ Course ________HLAC

Write a paragraph (at least four sentences) on Questions 1 3 (Question 4 is optional):
1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this class?
Golf is an activity that can be performed by both young and old. It can be played well into
retirement years. Golf is a physically and mentally challenging game. It is definitely part of a healthy

2. How has learning about and applying lifelong wellness concepts impacted your life (home,
school, work, etc)?
Learning about lifelong wellness concepts has impacted my life in a positive manner. Golf has been a
part of that active lifestyle for the past 8 weeks. I plan to continue golf lessons in the future. I believe
golf has a positive impact on the quality of my life.

3. What is your intention to continue to exercise in your life and why?
It is my intention to continue exercising throughout the course of my time at slcc, and beyond. Exercise
plays an important part in a balanced lifestyle. Regular exercise is key in living a long and happy life. I
intend to continue with golf classes at slcc.

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