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Casteel's Yearbook Syllabus 2016-2017

Bonnie Casteel | Remind 101 @cdyearbook to 81010 |
(580) 864-7849 | @MrsCasteel84
In this Class

Grading System

The goal of this course is to produce a school

yearbook with the involvement of all yearbook
staff members. Using Adobe InDesign &
Photoshop, students will be responsible
for taking and collecting photographs,
organization and layout of the yearbook, sales
and promotions of the yearbook, and writing
captions and articles for the yearbook. In
conjunction with yearbook duties, students
will also produce several videos, including but
not limited to the sports banquet and Senior

Daily work, participation, & quizzes:

will include software practice, writing
assignments, photography assignments,
quizzes, participation, taking pictures at
events and assistance with all picture days.
Other duties/jobs may be assigned and
calculated into this grade.

Mrs. Casteel's Philosophy

Yearbook is not a class for those looking for
and easy A. The production of a yearbook
takes hard-work, cooperation, dedication,
patience, and passion. If you are a hard
worker, have school pride, enjoy extracurricular activities, taking pictures, writing,
design, then youre in the right place. I look
forward to helping you produce a glimpse into
your high school life, and hope you do too!

Regular Absence: It is YOUR responsibility
to obtain assignments from any absence.
You have as many days to complete the
assignment as your were absent.
School Activity Absence: Always check with
me before you miss class for an activity
absence, since you will usually not get extra
time to complete assignments.
***Regardless if you are gone for an activity
absence or regular absence your deadlines
must be met. You will have had plenty
of time to get the work completed. Time
management is key.***
*Syllabus is subject to change

Grades are based on:

50% - daily work, participation, and quizzes
50% - deadlines

Deadlines: Students will be assigned pages

from the ladder, and must meet deadlines
accordingly. There will be two deadlines
per page. The first deadline must be 75%
complete to receive credit. After submitting
the page the first time, I will go over it
and suggest changes, as well as the rest
of the class. For the final deadline grade,
just turning in a completed page does not
guarantee a good grade. Pages should
demonstrate good layout, photography, and
writing skills.
Grading Scale
A: 90 100%
B: 80 90%
C: 70 80%
D: 60 70%
F: 0 60%

Out of class requirements

Most the work will be done in class, but since
you are capturing the year through pictures,
captions, and articles you will be required
to attend extra curricular activities. If you
feel you are not capable of doing this, then
yearbook is not a class for you.

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