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Home Reading Report no.

Name: Roxanne V. Canlas

Section: Molave

Title of the selection: A Home For The New Year

selection: D. Paulo Dizon

Author of the

Classification of the story: Short Story

Reference: English III-New Edition

Author of the reference: Josefina

Time: When Mang Estong building their new house two days before new
Place: In the vacant lot where they building their new house.

Mang Estong- the father.

Melkor- the son of Mang Estong.
Victa- daugther of Mang Estong.
The driver- a man with pockmarks on his face who humiliated Mang

Conflict: When Mang Estong was humiliated by the driver of the owner of
the house they occupied. The man was talking to him in bullying, high-flown
Summary: This is the story of Mang Estong and his family who was
humiliated by the driver of the owner of the land that their house occupied.
That is the reason why Mang Estong utter bad words against that man
because he could not believe at first it could happened: that one man could
drive anotner from a shelter. At noon time when Mang Estong was fairly
exhausted, after eating lunch he spread tarpaulin and slept on the ground.
Melkor tasked by his mother to continue to work for the roof. While working,
he felt the burning of his scalp and skin but, he could stand it. Several times
he hit his finger by hammer then, he knows what his father felt. When his
father stood up and he already finish the roof, Melkor utter the same bad
words against the driver. His father now feeling better after siesta said, It is
alright to be angry and to hate but maybe it is better to forgive. Melkors
mother and his sister Victa are now preparing to move their things in the

shack. Little by little they will add something to the house. Then, build a
kitchen, put curtain, and plants.
Most interesting part: When Mang Estong stood up after his siesta, and
Melkor already finished the roof. He was very tired and his hands and skin
are sored. Melkor utter the same bad words that Mang Estong said before.
May the lightning hit them all, May a hundred thunders descend from the
heaven hit them while they are dancing. But, Mang Estong said that it is
alright to be angry and hate but, it is better to forgive.
Value acquired: It is alright to be angry and hate. But, it is better to forgive.
. . For if you forgive others their trespasses your heavenly Father will forgive
you too. Matt. 5:14.

Utter- give audible expression to : say

Drenched- wet thoroughly
Evicted- expel
Mumbled- speak inarticulately
Pock-marked- a pus-filled eruption as in small pox
Shack- a rough cabin
Gnawed- bite or wear away with front teeth
Ego- I, the self
Gnashing- grate or grinding the teeth
Vengeful- seeking revenge
Shanty- rough or flimsy hut or house
Threatened- utter or be a threat(against)

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