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Chap 20 - viruses and bacteria

- retrovirus (penting)
- life cycle : lysogenic cycle and lytic cycle (penting gak)
- autotrophic bacteria (chemoautotrophs)
- Methanogen
-Differences between
Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes
Chap 24&31 plant tissue - terbahagi kepada tiga - vascular(xylem and
phloem), ground(parenchyma(tekankan),lagi dua tu baca sikit2 je), epidermal..
Animal tissue - detailkan epithelial tissue
-connective tissue(Bone(osteon))
-nervous tissue (type and fuction of neuroglia)
- nerve and muscle tissue
Chap 5
-Mosaic model
-Process diffusion take place
-Function of protein
-Junction between cells
Chap 19
- phylogenetic tree
- Three domain System :
Differences between Eukarya,
Archea and Bacteria (Characteristics/Features)

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